This document outlines the organization of the Reia project codebase.
Main Godot project directory containing all game-related files.
├── /addons # Godot plugins and extensions
├── /scenes # Game scenes
│ ├── /ui # UI scenes (menus, HUD, etc.)
│ ├── /levels # Game levels and maps
│ ├── /characters # Character scenes
│ ├── /cutscenes # Cutscene sequences
│ └── /menus # Menu scenes
├── /src # GDScript source files
│ ├── /ai # AI and behavior systems
│ ├── /combat # Combat-related scripts
│ ├── /dialogue # Dialogue system
│ ├── /globals # Global scripts and autoload
│ ├── /inventory # Inventory system
│ ├── /item # Item definitions
│ ├── /mob # NPC and enemy scripts
│ ├── /networking # Multiplayer and network code
│ ├── /player # Player-related systems
│ ├── /quests # Quest system
│ ├── /utils # Utility functions
│ └── /world # World management and generation
└── /rsc # Resources
├── /interface # UI elements and interfaces
├── /sprites # 2D sprites and textures
│ ├── /characters # Character sprites
│ ├── /items # Item sprites
│ └── /effects # Effect sprites
├── /environment # Environment assets
│ ├── /textures # Environment textures
│ ├── /props # Props and decorations
│ └── /materials # Material definitions
├── /characters # Character models and animations
│ ├── /models # Character 3D models
│ ├── /animations # Animation files
│ └── /rigs # Character rigs
├── /ui # UI assets and themes
│ ├── /icons # UI icons
│ ├── /themes # UI themes
│ └── /elements # Reusable UI elements
├── /effects # Visual effects
│ ├── /particles # Particle effects
│ ├── /shaders # Effect shaders
│ └── /animations # Effect animations
├── /audio # Sound effects and music
│ ├── /music # Background music
│ ├── /sfx # Sound effects
│ └── /ambient # Ambient sounds
├── /fonts # Font files
└── /shaders # Shader files
Rust integration with Godot using gdext.
├── /src
│ ├── # Main library file
│ ├── /auth # Authentication system
│ │ └── /supabase # Supabase authentication implementation
│ ├── /db # Database implementations
│ │ ├── /turso # Turso database integration
│ │ ├── /steam # Steam integration
│ │ └── /analytics # Analytics system
│ ├── /game # Game logic
│ │ ├── /state # Game state management
│ │ ├── /systems # Game systems
│ │ └── /events # Event handling
│ └── /network # Networking code
│ ├── /protocols # Network protocols
│ ├── /sync # State synchronization
│ └── /security # Network security
└── Cargo.toml # Rust dependencies and configuration
- User authentication and authorization
- Session management
- User profiles and roles
- OAuth integrations
- Primary game data storage
- Structured SQL database for:
- Player data
- Game state
- Inventory
- Quests
- Achievements
- Settings
- Steam integration for platform-specific features
- Analytics for game metrics and player behavior
- Future database integrations can be added under /db
- Use snake_case for GDScript files and directories
- Use PascalCase for scene files (.tscn)
- Use snake_case for resource files
- Prefix interface files with "I" (e.g., IInteractable)
- Suffix manager/controller files with "Manager" or "Controller"
- Each major game feature should have its own scene
- Break down complex scenes into smaller, reusable scenes
- Use scene inheritance when appropriate
- Keep UI scenes separate from gameplay scenes
- Use resource preloading for frequently accessed assets
- Organize resources by type and feature
- Use consistent naming patterns for all resources
- Keep resource paths relative when possible
- One script per node when possible
- Use autoload sparingly and only for truly global functionality
- Keep scripts focused and single-purpose
- Implement interfaces for common behaviors
- Use signals for loose coupling between systems
- Use prepared statements for all SQL queries
- Implement proper error handling and retries
- Cache frequently accessed data
- Use transactions for related operations
- Implement proper migration strategies