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50 lines (44 loc) · 2.27 KB

File metadata and controls

50 lines (44 loc) · 2.27 KB


NOTE: This is the first iteration of this file. You're welcome to pull request changes


Making issues

When creating issues, whether to track a bug or suggest a feature, please try to follow this set of rules:

  1. When filing a bug report issue, please attach a log file ( Located in R2Northstar/logs/ ).
  2. Short, consise. No-one wants to read an essay on why x should be added.
  3. When applicable attach a short video / screen shots to better convey what the issue is about.

Making pull requests

When creating a pull request please follow this set of rules:

  1. 1 Fix/Feature should equal to 1 Pull Request. The more you do in 1 PR the longer it'll take to merge.
  2. Mark your Pull Request as draft if it isnt finished just yet.
  3. Properly format your code. As we currently don't have a formatter we're very lax on this. That doesn't mean you don't have to try to format your code.
  4. Mention how to test your changes / add a test mod to make it easier to test

Formatting code

A basic set of rules you should follow when creating a Pull Request

Comment your code

  • If you're adding a new file you should add a doc comment noting what the file does and its origin
    /// Origin: Northstar
    /// Purpose: handles server-side rui
    Alternative to Origin: Northstar would be Origin: Respawn
  • Each function should have a header doc comment
    /// Sends a string message to player
    /// Returns true if it succeeded
    bool function NSSendInfoMessageToPlayer( entity player, string text )


  • Functions should have spaces in the parentheses
    bool function NSSendInfoMessageToPlayer( entity player, string text )
  • If a function need to be threaded off using thread it should have a _Threaded suffix


  • Files should use tabs for indentation