The front-end application consists of a home page displaying products and a cart page for selected items. Users can browse and select products on the home page, with options to add them to their cart. The cart page shows the selected items, allowing users to view and manage their choices. When users click on the "Buy" button, the selected items are removed from the home page, indicating that they are no longer available for purchase. The buying process involves collecting user information and completing the purchase transaction. Upon successful purchase, users may receive a confirmation message or be redirected to a confirmation page.
The home page of your application displays various products available for purchase. It could include product images, names, descriptions, and possibly prices. Users can browse through the products and select the ones they are interested in purchasing. Typically, this involves some kind of user interaction, such as clicking on an "Add to Cart" button or a checkbox next to each product.
The cart page is where users can view the items they have selected for purchase. It displays a list of the selected items, including their details (such as product name, image, price, quantity, etc.). Users may have options to adjust quantities, remove items, or update other information related to the selected items in their cart.
Once the user has reviewed the items in the cart and is ready to proceed with the purchase, they can click on a "Buy" button on the cart page. Clicking on the "Buy" button triggers the purchasing process, which typically involves gathering user information, such as shipping address and payment details. After successfully completing the purchase, the selected items are considered sold and are removed from the home page or marked as unavailable. This ensures that other users cannot select the same items again. Depending on your application's functionality, the user may receive a confirmation message or be redirected to a confirmation page, indicating that the purchase was successful.
- Run command : npm install on projct directory.
- Run the command : npm start
After that browser will open and the project run on local server.