While you are at Pitt you have access to two excellent resources:
- https://learning.oreilly.com/home/ - This is an extremely comprehensive online digital library of technology books. Also has a great mobile app! Use this link to access through your Pitt credentials: https://go.oreilly.com/university-of-pittsburgh
- https://www.linkedin.com/learning - Formally Lynda.com, this is a huge library of videos and tutorials about technology topics. Use this URL to access with your Pitt credentials: https://linkedinlearning.pitt.edu/
Here are some resources from both of those digital libraries and the open web related to the topics we covered in Data Basics.
- Python For Everybody is a great introduction to Python oriented towards doing stuff with data.
- Whirlwind Tour of Python and GitHub repository with notebooks is a great resource for folks who know how to program in other languages or need a quick Python refresher.
- Here is a good comprehensive Python Cheatsheet
- For general resources on Python programming, check out the Become a Python Developer learning path on LinkedIn Learning
- For getting started with the command line, I really like this beautifully illustrated Really Friendly Command Line Intro.
- There is a LinkedIn Learning tutorial on Learning Linux Command Line.
- There is a book Data Science on the Command Line that is a bit more advanced and shows how do so some of the things we do with Pandas but on the command line. Available from O'Reilly via ULS.
- Python Data Science Handbook is a GREAT book that introduces data manipulation with pandas, visualization with matplotlib, and machine learning with scikit-learn.
- Python Data Analysis 2nd Edition this book isn’t Open Access, but is available via the University Library System
- Chris Albon’s, author of Machine Learning with Python Cookbook, has a great website of Python and Pandas tricks. The ML Cookbook is also available from ULS.
- LinkedIn Learning tutorials on Python for Data Science
- The SQL Cookbook from O'Reilly is helpful for getting stuff done with SQL. [Available from ULS online].(https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/sql-cookbook/0596009763/)
- Using SQLite O’Reilly book. Not Open Access but is available from O'Reilly via ULS.
- There is also a free, online SQLite tutorial that is pretty comprehensive.
- LinkedIn Learning tutorials on Advanced SQL for Data Scientists