Alex Reppel 07 February 2022
The Kano model is a theory and accompanying methodology to evaluate how consumers perceive the quality of product or service attributes. Results are typically visualised in what is often referred to as a “Kano graph”. The aim of this project is to generate such a graph in R.
Below is an example of a Kano graph, which helps to distinguish different product or service attribute alongside two dimensions, namely their potential to satisfy consumers or to lead to dissatisfaction.
Specific objectives for this project were:
- To demonstrate a flexible way of creating Kano graphs in
- To minimise the use of external
packages - To document the process for reproducibility
This project is organised as follows. Section 1 introduces Kano’s theory of attractive quality and the methodology associated with it. Section 2 details the process of loading and cleaning survey data, and outlines the requirements you have to follow if you want to use your own data. Section 3 describes the calculations required to transform survey data so that it can be visualised in a Kano graph. Section 4 describes the process of producing a Kano graph.
This documents concludes with a brief summary of future improvements.
Before describing the Kano model in more detail, I would like to begin with a short example.
This is, in fact, the example that, when it was told to me now more than twenty years ago, convinced me that the Kano model1 is both a useful and practical way of incorporating the view of users into the product development process.
(Photo by
Haws on
The example I would like to tell you about is from the car industry. Specifically, it is the noise a car door makes when we close it. These days, most car doors close almost silently of course, but those who ever sat in a car from the late 1970s or early 1980s, that is the time the Kano model was first developed, will appreciate that, back then, car doors typically did not close silently. The opposite in fact. They would make all sorts of noises.
(Photo by
Spiske on
Because it was common for a car door not to close silently, this did not surprise users. It’s what they expected. In other words, it constituted the status-quo at the time. Nowadays, of course, many of us would probably not be pleased (or even worried) when the doors of our cars make all sorts of noticeable noises.
Seen through the lens of the Kano model, a car door that closes silently would have had the potential to satisfy customers, while the absence of it, that is, a car door that does not close silently, would not have caused dissatisfaction because it was what most consumers would expect.
This example illustrates an important observation on which the Kano model is based, namely that “satisfaction” and “dissatisfaction” are not necessarily opposites along a continuum. Instead, satisfaction is a multidimensional concept where the opposite of a customer being satisfied is for them not to be satisfied rather than being dissatisfied (and vice versa).
The observation that customer “satisfaction” and customer “dissatisfaction” are not necessarily opposites led Noriaki Kano and colleagues to develop a theory of customer satisfaction (Kano et al. 1984; Berger et al. 1993), or rather a Theory of Attractive Quality.
What is now commonly referred to as the Kano model is a theory and accompanying methodology to operationalise it (Löfgren and Witell 2008, 59). Here, multidimensionality refers to the distinction between satisfaction and dissatisfaction caused by product or service attributes on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the degree with which these attributes were implemented. This makes it possible to distinguish different quality categories for product or service attributes (Löfgren and Witell 2008; Kano et al. 1984), such as:
- Attractive quality attributes that cause mainly satisfaction, but do not necessarily result in dissatisfaction when not implemented
- One-dimensional quality attributes that cause either satisfaction or dissatisfaction depending on how well they are implemented
- Must-be quality attributes that cause predominantly dissatisfaction, but may not necessarily result in satisfaction when implemented
- Indifferent quality attributes that cause neither meaningful satisfaction nor dissatisfaction
This is commonly illustrated with a Kano diagram with dimension 1 being customer satisfaction and dimension 2 the degree with which an attribute was implemented or, alternatively, “the level of Functionality” (Zacarias 2020) it provides (see, e.g, Berger et al. 1993, 9; Löfgren and Witell 2008, 62; Witell and Löfgren 2007, 56; Lee and Newcomb 1997, 97).
While Kano diagrams can vary, newer versions tend to refer to “needs” instead of “quality attributes”. This is because, first, it emphasises a consumer perspective; and, second, because it recognises that consumers change their evaluation of product or service attributes over time. Going back once again to the initial example of a car door that closes without making a noise, this product feature, while perhaps exiting four decades ago, is now what most consumers would expect from their car.
This dynamic is further illustrated in the following interpretation of a Kano diagram taken from Wikimedia Commons. Here, the two big red arrows illustrate how customer expectations increase over time. What was previously considered attractive quality with the potential to delight customers becomes, over time, a must-be (or “essential”) requirement to satisfy what has since developed into a basic need.2
(Description of how attributes values change over time in the Kano
model. (Source:
The terminology used in this illustration is an example of taking the perspective of consumers rather than developers:
- Attractive quality attributes become delighters
- One-dimensional quality attributes fulfil performance needs
- Must-be quality attributes fulfil basic needs
It was said earlier that the Kano model is both a theory and a methodology to operationalise that theory (Löfgren and Witell 2008). An important element of that methodology is the assumption that the way consumers feel about a particular product or service attribute can be measured (Zacarias 2020). If that were not possible, it would obviously be quite difficult to operationalise this theory.
But how are consumer sentiments measured in a Kano study?
This is done through a Kano questionnaire, which uses a standardised format to measure each product or service attribute with a question pair:3
- The functional (or positive) question measures how respondents feel if an attribute is present
- The dysfunctional (or negative) question measures how respondents feel if the attribute is not present
(Example of a question pair
measuring a single attribute. (Source: Berger et al. 1993, 6.))
Beside question pairs, Kano questionnaires also use standard answer options. In early studies, these were often the English translation of Kano et al. (1984)’s original Japanese answer options (see Berger et al. 1993). However, in their wide-ranging (and very instructive) discussion of both theoretical and practical considerations when designing Kano questionnaires, Berger et al. (1993) discuss a number of different answer sets (pp. 25-7), three of which are shown below.
(Different answer
sets used in Kano questionnaires. (Source: Adapted from Berger et al.
1993, 25–27.))
They conclude that the choice of answer sets matters, which means that results may change depending on how answer options are worded. For example, Nilsson‐Witell and Fundin (2005) compared two different answer sets and report that the percentage of results indicating that respondents may not have fully understood a question pair, vary between 2% and 6%. These results underline the importance of sticking to one set of answer options, which nowadays very often means using the one shown on the right in the table above.
Results from a Kano questionnaire are then analysed using what is known as the Kano evaluation table (e.g., Berger et al. 1993, 6). In this table, answers from each respondent to a single question pair, that is to the functional (positive) and dysfunctional (negative) question, are compared to classify the corresponding attribute or feature for that respondent.
Attributes are thus classified following the quality categories we’ve seen before:
- Attractive (
) - One-dimensional (
) - Must-be (
) - Indifferent (
In addition to these four categories, attributes may also be classified
as either reverse (R
) or questionable (Q
). Reverse (R
quality attributes are those that cause dissatisfaction when fully
implemented and satisfaction when not, and questionable (Q
) category
indicates that respondents may have found it difficult to classify an
attribute (Nilsson‐Witell and Fundin 2005, 161) and/or may have
misunderstood the questions (Löfgren and Witell 2008, 62).
(Example of a Kano
evaluation table. (Source: Berger et al. 1993, 6.))
In the traditional evaluation table, only the two extreme positions are
coded as questionable (Q
). A modified evaluation table is described by
Fred Pouliot in Berger et al. (1993, 33), who argues that a response
should always be classified as questionable (Q
) when the same answer
is given to both parts of a question pair, except, of course, when a
respondent is “neutral” either way. Pouliot’s suggestion makes sense as
it is difficult to see how a respondent can state that they “expect” an
attribute to be simultaneously present and absent, although I am
personally less confident that it also applies to the answer option
where respondents can “tolerate” an attribute to be simultaneously
present and absent.
This is an area that does require agreement by the development team, although not necessarily at the start of a Kano study as the way results are analysed can be adjusted even after data has been collected.
A particular appeal of the Kano model, especially for beginners, is the clear visual presentation of theoretical assumptions and methodology shown in the Kano diagram, the Kano questionnaire, and the evaluation table. In fact, it is quite common to illustrate the methodology as a three-step process that you see here, ranging from questionnaire to evaluation table to the tabulation of results (e.g., Berger et al. 1993, 6; Witell and Löfgren 2007, 59; Löfgren and Witell 2008, 61):
(Kano methodology: Example of
the steps involved in classifying data from a Kano questionnaire.
(Source: Berger et al. 1993, 6.))
Another appeal of the Kano model is the so-called Kano graph, which is often used to communicate and discuss results from a Kano study with members of the development team, but also with external stakeholders.
This leaves us with the question of how tabulated results are converted
into such a graph? For this, we position each product or service
attribute (what I tend to call a “feature”) alongside the two dimensions
of a Kano graph: The level of satisfaction (ranging from 0
) and level of dissatisfaction (ranging from 0
to -1
Traditionally, this is done by calculating what is now commonly referred
to as the “satisfaction coefficient” and “dissatisfaction coefficient”
in the form of
For example, dividing the sum of all responses that classify an
attribute as either attractive (A
) or one-dimensional (O
) over
the sum of all responses (excluding reverse and questionable
responses) results in the satisfaction coefficient. Because the
satisfaction coefficient for an attribute ranges from 0
to 1
, it
can thus be plotted on the y-axis. Similarly, the dissatisfaction
coefficient determines an attribute’s location on the x-axis.
Applied to all attributes across a data set results in a graph such as this.
Analysing and visualising data from a Kano questionnaire can be achieved in a number of ways, such as with a spreadsheet for example. Personally, I prefer using R instead, which I find both flexible and easy to adjust if necessary. For the remainder of this document, I will walk you through the steps I take to analyse and visualise data from a Kano questionnaire.
First, we need a dataset that adheres to the requirements of a Kano questionnaire. As we will see further below, this script makes a couple of assumptions on how the data is formatted. Let’s begin with some preparatory steps.
Beside collecting question pairs, it is now common to also include a question about perceived importance into a Kano questionnaire. The two most important preparatory steps are to convert the answers to question pairs and those for importance into a format that can be used for further processing. In other words, we have to convert text answers into numerical values.
The importance of product or service attributes has to be recorded in a
specific way: a 9-point Likert
scale. For the script to
process that data, it is necessary that answer options in the survey
exactly match those given the list IMPORTANCE
, which are then
converted into numerical values ranging from 1
to the length of the
list (9
"1 - Not at all important",
"3 - Somewhat important",
"5 - Important",
"7 - Very important",
"9 - Extremely important")
It was stated earlier that Kano questionnaires differ in the standard answer option they offer.
For this script to process them, it is necessary that answer options
that are used in a survey match exactly those the script can understand.
In other words, they have to match the permitted answer options listed
in the variable ANSWERS
Each list in ANSWERS
contains options for one of the five standardised
answers choices. Over the years, authors have experimented with a number
of different answer options (e.g., Nilsson‐Witell and Fundin 2005) and
this script currently recognises the four sets of standardised answer
choices discussed in Berger et al. (1993, 25–26).
ANSWERS <- list(
A = c("I like it that way",
"I enjoy it that way",
"This would be very helpful to me",
"I like it"),
B = c("I must be that way",
"It is a basic necessity or I expect it that way",
"This is a basic requirement for me",
"I expect it"),
C = c("I am neutral",
"I am neutral",
"This would not affect me",
"I’m neutral"),
D = c("I can live with it that way",
"I dislike it, but I can live with it that way",
"This would be a minor inconvenience",
"I can tolerate it"),
E = c("I dislike it that way",
"I dislike it, and I can’t accept it",
"This would be a major problem for me",
"I dislike it")
Kano questionnaires follow a particular structure, which means that it is won’t be possible to produce a graph from any arbitrary survey data.
While basic versions of the questionnaire state only two questions per
attribute (the standard pairs consisting of functional
questions), it is assumed here that the data set
includes responses to a third question, which is the importance
of an
Moreover, to simplify the structure of the survey, attributes are
distinguished by an ID
number instead of a name or label. Because
using ID
s would not make for an informative graph, additional
information for each attribute has to be collected in a separate file
(called features.csv
, see below).
If you wish to use your own data to create a Kano graph, it is
therefore necessary to prepare at least two
CSV files and
store them where the script can find them (it is assumed that they are
stored in a sub-directory with the path assets/data/
- A
file with descriptions of each attribute (features). At a minimum, this file consists of three columns:- The feature
in the format ofF#_
stating the number of that feature (e.g.,F1_
) - The feature
- The
this feature is part of
- The feature
- At least one CSV file ending on
with responses from participants. At a minimum, this file consists of anID
column (storing the unique ID of each response) and three columns for each attribute (feature):- The
for each feature (e.g.,F1_Importance
for the first feature). - Results for the
question for a feature (e.g.,F1_Functional
for the first feature). - Results for the
question for a feature (e.g.,F1_Dysfunctional
for the first feature).
- The
In the script, information from both files are linked using a feature’s
unique ID
from the features.csv
file. For example, in a Kano
graph, the Label
for feature ID
“F1_” (in
) will be used as the label for plotting that feature in
the graph.
We begin by locating all the files stored in the data directory that
match our criteria. For this demonstration, I have stored a number of
CSV files in the assets/data/
directory. The following command
collects all file names in that directory ending in -clean
and stores
them in a variable called files
files <- Sys.glob("assets/data/*-clean.csv")
(I limit file names to those ending in -clean.csv
to ensure that I do
not accidentally read the original survey files, but those that have
been “cleaned” of any possible personal information.)
The content of the first file in the list is used to initialise a data
frame called SURVEY_RESULTS
. If more than one file was stored in the
directory, their content is merged into the
data frame.
It is important to note that this only works reliably if the various
files either contain responses from different participants or responses
to different questions by the same participants (which are then merged
by the value of the ID
column). (A limitation of the current approach
is that it does not work if files contain responses to the same
questions from the same respondents, but at different times.)
last_file <- tail(files, n = 1)
SURVEY_RESULTS <- read.csv(last_file, header = TRUE)
A few more steps are required before the SURVEY_RESULTS
data frame can
be processed further. Our data frame holds information on each features,
but not all of it is necessary to create a KANO graph. The information
that we do need for each feature is the importance
score and answers
to the functional
(positive) and dysfunctional
(negative) KANO
While we can ignore the additional data stored in SURVEY_RESULTS
, the
data we need is not yet accessible in the right format. This means that
the data has to be cleaned.
First, we classify all empty cells as NA
to let R
know that no data
available in this particular instance.
We then adjust values for the importance each respondent has assigned to
each of the features. Earlier, we created a list called IMPORTANCE
that contains the possible values:
- “1 - Not at all important”
- “2”
- “3”
- “4”
- “5”
- “6”
- “7”
- “8”
- “9 - Extremely Important”
If we want to calculate the average importance across all respondents,
we have to replace each answer with a numeric value. This is easily done
by looping over the elements in the list IMPORTANCE
and replace each
occurrence in the SURVEY_RESULTS
data frame with the corresponding
numeric value (which, conveniently enough, corresponds with the position
each element has in the list).
for (counter in 1:length(IMPORTANCE)) {
We also need answers to the functional
and dysfunctional
questions as numeric values. These can be converted in the same way as
Earlier, a list called ANSWERS
was initialised that contains list of
answer options. Each list in ANSWERS
contains answer options for one
of the five standardised answers choices.
for (counter in 1:length(ANSWERS)) {
for (answer in ANSWERS[[counter]]) {
At one point, we want to give each feature a name and assign it to a category.
Descriptions for each feature are stored in a separate file, which we
read into a data frame called features
We can have a quick look into these descriptions and see that we have a
and a Category
assigned to each feature ID
## ID Label Category
## 6 F6_ Anonymous transfers Transfers
## 7 F7_ Convenient transfers Transfers
## 8 F8_ Reliable transfers Transfers
## 9 F9_ Responsive transfers Transfers
## 10 F10_ Secure transfers Transfers
## 11 F11_ Transparent transfers Transfers
## Question
## 6 If you can transfer funds without having to link that transaction to your name, how do you feel?
## 7 If it is easy to transfer funds, how do you feel?
## 8 If you can transfer your funds wherever and whenever you want, how do you feel?
## 9 If funds are transferred almost instantaneous, how do you feel?
## 10 If it is guaranteed that no one else can manipulate transfers you have initiated, how do you feel?
## 11 If relevant information on how to make transfers is always easy to find, how do you feel?
These attributes will later be used to give each feature a proper label
and assign it to a category. ID
, Label
, and Category
for a given feature
are extracted from the features
data frame using
the get_feature_info
helper function. .
get_feature_info <- function(category) {
FEATURES <- read.csv("assets/data/features.csv")
if (category == "labels") {
l <- FEATURES$Label
if (category == "categories") {
l <- FEATURES$Category
names(l) <- FEATURES$ID
We can confirm that these data cleaning steps were successful by looking
at a couple of rows in our SURVEY_RESULTS
data frame.
## ID Income_us Gender Age Employment
## 353 ALL1-358 15000_to_24999 female 34 employed_full_time
## 354 ALL1-359 150000_to_249999 male 32 employed_full_time
## 355 ALL1-360 less_than_15 female 21 self_employed
## 356 ALL1-361 50000_to_74999 female 35 homemaker
## 357 ALL1-362 prefer_not_to_answer male 21 student_full_time
## 358 ALL1-363 prefer_not_to_answer male 19 student_full_time
## Education F6_importance F7_importance F8_importance
## 353 college_diploma 7 5 5
## 354 university_undergraduate_degree 5 7 6
## 355 high_school_or_equivalent 3 3 7
## 356 high_school_or_equivalent 6 7 7
## 357 high_school_or_equivalent 5 7 8
## 358 some_high_school_or_less 7 9 9
## F9_importance F10_importance F11_importance F6_functional F6_dysfunctional
## 353 5 5 7 1 5
## 354 4 7 6 1 5
## 355 7 9 7 3 3
## 356 9 9 7 2 3
## 357 8 8 8 3 2
## 358 5 9 5 1 2
## F7_functional F7_dysfunctional F8_functional F8_dysfunctional F9_functional
## 353 1 5 1 4 1
## 354 2 4 1 4 1
## 355 3 3 3 3 3
## 356 1 5 1 5 1
## 357 1 5 1 5 1
## 358 2 4 1 2 1
## F9_dysfunctional F10_dysfunctional F10_functional F11_functional
## 353 4 5 1 1
## 354 5 5 1 2
## 355 3 3 3 3
## 356 5 5 1 1
## 357 4 5 1 1
## 358 2 5 2 1
## F11_dysfunctional
## 353 4
## 354 3
## 355 3
## 356 5
## 357 5
## 358 2
We now have a clean dataset of our survey data and can begin the necessary calculations to prepare our data to be plotted into a Kano graph.
While the calculations required by the Kano method are not complicated, they do require a couple of steps that, when expressed in code, may look more complicated than they actually are.
First, we initiate a further data frame called KANO
to store the
results of our calculations. Data stored in the KANO
data frame will
subsequently be used to generate the Kano graph.
For each attribute (feature), the KANO
data frame stores the following
- The
of the feature - The
it belongs to - The
score across all respondents - The number of responses for each of the six KANO categories (
, andQ
) - The
number of responses for this feature - The overall KANO
(based on the values for the six categories above) - The average
initialise_Kano_df <- function() {
Label = character(),
Category = character(),
Importance = integer(),
A = integer(),
O = integer(),
M = integer(),
I = integer(),
R = integer(),
Q = integer(),
Total = integer(),
Classification = character(),
Satisfaction = integer(),
Dissatisfaction = integer()
It is the next step that may make the Kano method look more
complicated than it actually is. We will use the following helper
functions to complete the necessary calculations, and to subsequently
store results in the KANO
data frame.
The four helper functions are:
The KANO_evaluation
function returns the KANO category (A
, O
, M
, R
, or Q
) for a single response. The function takes as input two
values from each respondent (i.e., each row in SURVEY_RESULTS
) and
applies the modified version of the Kano evaluation table described by
Pouliot in Berger et al. (1993, 33).
Evaluated are question pairs: The first part is the answer to the
question and the second part is the answer the same
respondent gave to the dysfunctional
KANO_evalution <- function(f, d) {
if ( | {
if (f == 1 && d == 1){
return("Q") # Questionable result
if (f == 1 && d %in% c(2,3,4)){
return("A") # Attractive
if (f == 1 && d == 5){
return("O") # One-dimensional
if (f %in% c(2,3,4,5) && d == 1){
return("R") # Reversed
if (f == 2 && d == 2){
return("Q") # Questionable result
if (f %in% c(3,4) && d %in% c(2,3)){
return("I") # Indifferent
if (f %in% c(2,3) && d %in% c(3,4)){
return("I") # Indifferent
if (f == 4 && d == 4){
return("Q") # Questionable result
if (f %in% c(2,3,4) && d == 5){
return("M") # Must-be
if (f == 5 && d %in% c(1,2,3,4)){
return("R") # Reversed
if (f == 5 && d == 5){
return("Q") # Questionable result
The KANO_classification
function returns the overall classification
, O
, M
, I
, R
, or Q
) for a feature across all responses.
The function takes as input a table with the sum of how often an
attribute (feature) has been classified by respondents as either A
, M
, I
, R
, or Q
. In the table, classifications are used as
labels with values being the number of times a feature was classified as
one of those categories by respondents.
Note that this function uses what Zacarias (2020) refers to as the (traditional) “discreet” approach of analysing results from a Kano questionnaire, in contrast to their preferred “continuous” analysis, an approach described by William DuMouchel in Berger et al. (1993, 20–23).
KANO_classification <- function(t) {
if ("A" %in% names(t)) {
a <- t["A"]
} else {
a <- 0
if ("O" %in% names(t)) {
o <- t["O"]
} else {
o <- 0
if ("M" %in% names(t)) {
m <- t["M"]
} else {
m <- 0
if ("I" %in% names(t)) {
i <- t["I"]
} else {
i <- 0
if ("R" %in% names(t)) {
r <- t["R"]
} else {
r <- 0
if ("Q" %in% names(t)) {
q <- t["Q"]
} else {
q <- 0
oam <- c(o, a, m)
irq <- c(i, r, q)
if (sum(oam) > sum(irq)) {
max <- max(oam)
if (max == m) {
if (max == o) {
if (max == a) {
} else {
max <- max(irq)
if (max == i) {
if (max == r) {
if (max == q) {
The KANO_satisfaction
function returns what is now commonly referred
to as the satisfaction coefficient, which is calculated as
, O
, M
, R
, or Q
The function takes as input a table with the categories A
, O
, M
, R
, or Q
as labels with values being the number of times a
feature was classified as one of those categories.
KANO_satisfaction <- function(t) {
a <- t["A"]
if ( { a <- 0}
o <- t["O"]
if ( { o <- 0}
m <- t["M"]
if ( { m <- 0}
i <- t["I"]
if ( { i <- 0}
r <- t["R"]
if ( { r <- 0}
q <- t["Q"]
if ( { q <- 0}
return((a + o) / (a + o + m + i))
The KANO_dissatisfaction
function returns what is now commonly
referred to as the dissatisfaction coefficient, which is calculated as
, O
, I
, R
, or Q
The function takes as input a table with the categories A
, O
, M
, R
, or Q
as labels with values being the number of times a
feature was classified as one of those categories.
KANO_dissatisfaction <- function(t) {
a <- t["A"]
if ( { a <- 0}
o <- t["O"]
if ( { o <- 0}
m <- t["M"]
if ( { m <- 0}
i <- t["I"]
if ( { i <- 0}
r <- t["R"]
if ( { r <- 0}
q <- t["Q"]
if ( { q <- 0}
return(-(o + m) / (a + o + m + i))
With the help of these functions, we can now begin to populate the
data frame created earlier.
Well, not quite …
There is one more step to complete before we can populate the KANO
data frame.
This last step is to add columns to the original SURVEY_RESULTS
frame where we can store the result from those calculations that will
later be used to populate the KANO
data frame.
The “evaluation table” function is called for each
feature (or row
in the listing below). Results are stored in the
data frame as a new column.
get_all_features <- function(df){
all_features <- list()
for (i in 1:length(df)) {
feature <- sprintf('F%s_', i)
if (length(colnames(df[grepl(
feature, colnames(df))]))) {
all_features <- append(all_features, feature)
populate_survey_df <- function(df) {
for (i in 1:length(df)) {
feature <- sprintf('F%s_', i)
if (length(colnames(df[grepl(
feature, colnames(df))]))) {
functional <- sprintf('%sfunctional', feature)
dysfunctional <- sprintf('%sdysfunctional', feature)
evaluation <- sprintf('%sevaluation', feature)
t <- c()
for (row in 1:nrow(df)) {
t <- append(t, KANO_evalution(
df[functional][row, 1],
df[dysfunctional][row, 1]))
df[evaluation] <- t
SURVEY_RESULTS <- populate_survey_df(SURVEY_RESULTS)
Now we have everything we need to populate the KANO
data frame!
The following code loops through the list of attributes (features),
makes the necessary calculations, and adds results to the KANO
frame created earlier.
populate_Kano_df <- function(df){
features <- get_all_features(df)
Kano <- initialise_Kano_df()
for (i in 1:length(features)) {
feature_number <- features[[i]]
feature_labels <- get_feature_info("labels")
feature <- feature_labels[feature_number]
category_labels <- get_feature_info("categories")
category <- as.character(category_labels[feature_number])
importance_label <- sprintf('%simportance', feature_number)
importance <- mean(as.numeric(df[[importance_label]]), na.rm = TRUE)
column_label <- sprintf('%sevaluation', feature_number)
t <- table(df[column_label])
classification <- KANO_classification(t)
dissatisfaction <- KANO_dissatisfaction(t)
satisfaction <- KANO_satisfaction(t)
a <- t["A"]
if ( { a <- 0}
o <- t["O"]
if ( { o <- 0}
m <- t["M"]
if ( { m <- 0}
i <- t["I"]
if ( { i <- 0}
r <- t["R"]
if ( { r <- 0}
q <- t["Q"]
if ( { q <- 0}
total <- nrow(na.omit(df[column_label]))
Kano[nrow(Kano) + 1,] <- list(
a, o, m, i, r, q,
We can confirm this by looking at an excerpt of the KANO
data frame.
## Label Category Importance A O M I R Q Total
## 1 Anonymous transfers Transfers 5.089385 91 19 9 160 49 30 358
## 2 Convenient transfers Transfers 6.804469 70 121 59 77 9 22 358
## 3 Reliable transfers Transfers 7.125698 78 122 66 62 7 23 358
## 4 Responsive transfers Transfers 6.664804 145 76 25 78 12 22 358
## 5 Secure transfers Transfers 7.729050 18 174 90 42 7 27 358
## 6 Transparent transfers Transfers 6.865922 88 90 32 105 15 28 358
## Classification Satisfaction Dissatisfaction
## 1 I 0.3942652 -0.1003584
## 2 O 0.5840979 -0.5504587
## 3 O 0.6097561 -0.5731707
## 4 A 0.6820988 -0.3117284
## 5 O 0.5925926 -0.8148148
## 6 O 0.5650794 -0.3873016
This is looking very good and we can proceed to plot the KANO graph.
Visualising responses in a Kano graph is perhaps the most intriguing
part of this project. We begin by plotting the Satisfaction
scores that were calculated earlier for each
plot(x = KANO$Dissatisfaction,
y = KANO$Satisfaction,
xlab = "Dissatisfaction",
ylab = "Satisfaction",
xlim = c(0,-1),
ylim = c(0,1)
While this is a start, it doesn’t look particularly nice. Let’s move
swiftly on and use the power of what is perhaps one of the most widely
used R packages available: ggplot2
(Wickham 2016).
In fact, to meaningfully enhance the basic graph above, we have to
install two external R
packages. The first is ggplot2
, which makes
it possible to create visualisations that tend to look better than base
R. Although we won’t take advantage of most
of ggplot2
’s functionality, the package makes the process of
customising visualisations very easy, which is why it has become my
default option of creating graphs in R.
In addition to ggplot2
, we also have to install the ggrepel
(Slowikowski 2021). This helps us avoid overlapping labels, which is
especially useful for projects assessing more than a handful of product
or service attributes (features).
# Arranging graphs
Creating a graph with ggplot2
is very easy. All that is required is to
specify the data frame and the columns where it can find the data to
draw the x and y-axis respectively.
In our case, the Dissatisfaction
score for each feature will be shown
on the x-axis and the Satisfaction
score shown on the y-axis.
plot <- ggplot(
aes(Dissatisfaction, # x-axis
Satisfaction)) # y-axis
Looking at the output, we see … nothing!
This is not surprising, because we haven’t told ggplot2
which data to
plot onto the graph. In ggplot2
, a graph consists of layers drawn on
top of each other. So far, we have only specified the what may be
thought of as the “base” graph (i.e., the x and y-axis), but not the
data we want to visualise.
Before we do that, it is useful to adjust the graph’s appearance. This
is easily done using ggplot2
–all it takes is to adjust the values for
a couple of variables from the theme()
function, such as the aspect
ration (which we want to be set to 1
so that both axis have the same
length), or the background colour (which we want to set to white
plot <- plot +
theme(aspect.ratio = 1,
panel.background = element_rect(
fill = "white",
colour = "black",
size = 1),
plot.margin = margin(
25, 25, 25, 25),
axis.title = element_text(
size = 18),
axis.text = element_text(
size = 18),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
axis.ticks = element_blank(),
legend.position = "none" # "right"
We already saw that dissatisfaction scores can only take values
between -1
and 0
and we can limit the x-axis accordingly.
Satisfaction scores vary between 0
and 1
, which means that we can
limit the y-axis to that range.
It is also common to draw a horizontal and a vertical line to
distinguish the four “extreme” feature categories attractive
, indifferent
, and must-be
plot <- plot +
xlim = c(0, -1),
ylim = c(0, 1)) +
expand = c(0, 0),
breaks = c(0, -1)) +
expand = c(0, 0),
breaks = c(0, 1))
plot <- plot +
yintercept = 0.5, colour = "black", alpha = 0.25) +
xintercept = -0.5, colour = "black", alpha = 0.25)
Using ggplot2
’s geom_text()
function, we can add a layer for each of
the main categories we’ll use to distinguish attributes, namely
, one-dimensional
, indifferent
, and must-be
plot <- plot +
aes(-0.025, 0.025, label="Indifferent"),
size = 10, vjust = "inward", hjust = "inward") +
aes(-0.025, 0.975, label="Attractive"),
size = 10, vjust = "inward", hjust = "inward") +
aes(-0.975, 0.025, label="Must-be"),
size = 10, vjust = "inward", hjust = "inward") +
aes(-0.975, 0.975, label="One-dimensional"),
size = 10, vjust = "inward", hjust = "inward")
The output looks a lot more like a typical Kano graph, albeit still without any data plotted on it!
This is done using the geom_point()
function. Each product or service
attribute (feature) will be represented by a circle (point
), with the
two aesthetic attributes size
and colour
representing it’s
and Category
plot <- plot +
aes(size = Importance,
colour = Category)
Finally, we have a graph showing each attribute from our survey represented as circles!
Although this is progress, we still don’t know which feature each circle represents. While it is easy enough to add labels to the graph, this can get messy quite quickly once we try to display more than a handful of features, or when circles representing them fall in close proximity to each other.
The ggrepel
package helps to avoid overlapping labels. This does not
work all the time, but for most intents and purposes, the package does a
very decent job.
plot <- plot +
aes(label = Label),
color = "black",
size = 6,
alpha = 0.75,
segment.color = "black",
segment.alpha = 0.5,
point.padding = 0.5,
min.segment.length = 0,
box.padding = 1
Sure enough, the final output looks quite good. Success!
In reality, I would recommend using geom_text_repel()
so that points are placed above labels. As ggplot2
elements in layers, the line connecting points with the label text is
currently drawn above points, which isn’t always ideal, especially with
larger circles.
As such, a graph looks better when the layer containing labels is added before the one containing points.
In this project, I have walked you through one way of generating a Kano graph in R. This graph is perhaps the most common form of communicating results from a study based on the Kano model, which is a theory and accompanying methodology to evaluate how consumers perceive the quality of product or service attributes.
Three objectives were formulated for this project: (a) to demonstrate a
flexible way of creating Kano graphs in R
, (b) to minimise the use of
external R
packages, and (c) to document the process for
reproducibility. I hope you agree with me that using
R is a flexible way of creating Kano
graphs. Moreover, the project does rely on two external packages,
although for very good reason: It makes creating graphs a lot easier
compared to using base R. Finally, I have
tried to be as detailed as possible in documenting my process, but also
to provide some rationale for why I took certain steps.
While it is already possible to process data from any (standard) Kano questionnaire, there are a number of improvements that I have thought about while putting this document together, some of which I wasn’t able to include in this first version.
Most of these improvements are either additional customisations or extensions to the underlying logic of the methodology, and should be considered in a future version.
- It may make the Kano graph easier to read when the axis labels and
numbering are removed, or at least if the option to remove them
exists. Whether or not this is a good idea probably depends on the
audience for which the graph is generated. While some may wish to
see axis labels (e.g.,
) and associated numbers (e.g.,0
), others may be more interested in investigation the position of each attribute. What matters most to those audiences is perhaps whether an attribute is clearly positioned in a corner, thus suggesting considerable agreement exists amongst respondents, or located much more closely to the centre of the graph, thus suggesting that respondents don’t quite agree on how to classify this attribute.
In Berger et al. (1993, 20–23), William DuMouchel describes a number of interesting additions to the way data from a Kano questionnaire is analysed and visualised. (See Zacarias (2020) for a demonstration of some of DuMouchel’s suggestions.) In its current form, this project only considers one of those suggestions (the inclusion of average importance per attribute), but several others should be considered in future versions:
The current implementation uses what may be considered the traditional calculations of satisfaction and dissatisfaction coefficients. Zacarias (2020) discusses some of the problems associated with this approach and uses an alternative described by William DuMouchel in Berger et al. (1993, 20–23).
DuMouchel described another useful addition to the standard Kano graph, that of error bars to visualise the standard deviation of results for each attribute (also used in Zacarias (2020)).
Finally, DuMouchel suggests to differentiate classifications for the same attribute from different groups of respondents (based on demographic data for example). This is useful to make comparison between results. Beyond demographic data, this could show whether different answer sets lead to different results, or visualise whether results from the same group of respondents (e.g., employees) vary over time (longitudinal study). While results from different cohorts can be distinguished by colour (as suggested by DuMouchel), an alternative is a small multiple that is easy to create using
(see, e.g., Healy 2019, 76–77).
Berger, Charles, Robert Blauth, David Boger, Christopher Bolster, Gary Burchill, William DuMouchel, Fred Pouliot, et al. 1993. “Kano’s Method for Understanding Customer-Defined Quality.” Center for Quality of Management Journal 2 (4): 1–37.
Healy, Kieran. 2019. “Data Visualization: A Practical Introduction.” In. Woodstock: Princeton University Press.
Kano, Noriaki, Nobuhiko Seraku, Fumio Takahashi, and Shin-ichi Tsuji. 1984. “魅力的品質と当り前品質 (Attractive Quality and Must-Be Quality).” 品質 (Journal of the Japanese Society for Quality Control) 14 (2): 147–56.
Lee, Mark C., and John F. Newcomb. 1997. “Applying the Kano Methodology to Meet Customer Requirements: NASA’s Microgravity Science Program.” Quality Management Journal 4 (3): 95–106.
Löfgren, Martin, and Lars Witell. 2008. “Two Decades of Using Kano’s Theory of Attractive Quality: A Literature Review.” Quality Management Journal 15 (1): 59–75.
Nilsson‐Witell, Lars, and Anders Fundin. 2005. “Dynamics of Service Attributes: A Test of Kano’s Theory of Attractive Quality.” International Journal of Service Industry Management 16 (2): 152–68.
Slowikowski, Kamil. 2021. “ggrepel R Package: Wonderfully Repulsive Labels.” 2021.
Wickham, Hadley. 2016. Ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. Berlin: Springer.
Witell, Lars, and Martin Löfgren. 2007. “Classification of Quality Attributes.” Managing Service Quality: An International Journal 17 (1): 54–73.
Zacarias, Daniel. 2020. “The Complete Guide to the Kano Model.” 2020.
One of the most accessible introductions to the Kano model is offered by Zacarias (2020), which includes a number of useful illustrations. ↩
Following Nilsson‐Witell and Fundin (2005, 157), the typical pattern of what Zacarias (2020) calls “The Natural Decay of Delight” flows from indifference (often the starting point for newly introduced product or services features) –> attractive (delighting customers once they experience its benefits) –> one-dimensional (“the-more-the-better element” according to Lee and Newcomb 1997, 97) –> to must-be features required to fulfil what has by now developed into a basic need. ↩
In addition to these questions pairs, it is common to also ask respondents to rate how important each attribute it to them personally. ↩