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Web servers are software or hardware (or both together) that stores and delivers content to a web browser at a basic level. The servers communicate with browsers using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Web servers can also support SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) and FTP (File Transfer Protocol). Web servers are also used for hosting websites and data for web applications. They can host single websites and multiple websites using virtualization.

to sum up, a web server is software that sits and listens on a port for a request via a transport protocol and then sends a response containing the resources


  • IIS

installing lighttpd

sudo apt install lighttpd

after the installation you need you allow th port 80 (default port for http connection)

1-sudo ufw allow http
2-sudo ufw allow 80


A database is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system. A database is usually controlled by a database management system (DBMS). Together, the data and the DBMS, along with the applications that are associated with them, are referred to as a database system, often shortened to just database.

Best Database Management Software

  • MongoDB Atlas
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Oracle
  • MariaDB

installing mariadb

sudo apt install mariadb-server

Start interactive script to remove insecure default settings via

sudo mysql_secure_installation
Enter current password for root (enter for none): #Just press Enter (do not confuse database root with system root)
Set root password? [Y/n] n
Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] Y
Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] Y
Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] Y
Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] Y

Log in to the MariaDB console

sudo mariadb

Create new database

MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE <database-name>;

Create new database user and grant them full privileges on the newly-created database

MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL ON <database-name>.* TO '<username-2>'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<password-2>' WITH GRANT OPTION;

Flush the privileges


Exit the MariaDB shell

MariaDB [(none)]> exit

Verify whether database user was successfully created by logging in to the MariaDB console

mariadb -u <username-2> -p
Enter password: <password-2>
MariaDB [(none)]>

Confirm whether database user has access to the database

MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW DATABASES;
| Database           |
| <database-name>    |
| information_schema |

Exit the MariaDB shell

MariaDB [(none)]> exit

installing php

installing php-cgi && php-mysql

sudo apt install php-cgi php-mysql

Downloading && Configuring WordPress

Download WordPress to /var/www/html

sudo wget -P /var/www/html

Extract downloaded content

sudo tar -xzvf /var/www/html/latest.tar.gz

Remove tarball

sudo rm /var/www/html/latest.tar.gz

Copy content of /var/www/html/wordpress to /var/www/html

sudo cp -r /var/www/html/wordpress/* /var/www/html

Remove /var/www/html/wordpress

sudo rm -rf /var/www/html/wordpress

Create WordPress configuration file from its sample

sudo cp /var/www/html/wp-config-sample.php /var/www/html/wp-config.php

Configure WordPress to reference previously-created MariaDB database & user via

sudo vi /var/www/html/wp-config.php

Replace the below

23 define( 'DB_NAME', 'database_name_here' );^M
26 define( 'DB_USER', 'username_here' );^M
29 define( 'DB_PASSWORD', 'password_here' );^M


23 define( 'DB_NAME', '<database-name>' );^M
26 define( 'DB_USER', '<username-2>' );^M
29 define( 'DB_PASSWORD', '<password-2>' );^M

Configuring Lighttpd

Enable below modules via sudo lighty-enable-mod fastcgi; sudo lighty-enable-mod fastcgi-php; sudo service lighttpd force-reload.

 sudo lighty-enable-mod fastcgi
 sudo lighty-enable-mod fastcgi-php
 sudo service lighttpd force-reload

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

Installing & Configuring FTP

Install FTP via sudo apt install vsftpd.

sudo apt install vsftpd

Allow incoming connections using Port 21 via sudo ufw allow 21.

sudo ufw allow 21

Configure vsftpd via sudo vi /etc/vsftpd.conf.

sudo vi /etc/vsftpd.conf

To enable any form of FTP write command, uncomment below line:

31 #write_enable=YES

To set root folder for FTP-connected user to /home//ftp, add below lines:

sudo mkdir /home/<username>/ftp
sudo mkdir /home/<username>/ftp/files
sudo chown nobody:nogroup /home/<username>/ftp
sudo chmod a-w /home/<username>/ftp

To prevent user from accessing files or using commands outside the directory tree, uncomment below line:

114 #chroot_local_user=YES

To whitelist FTP, add below lines:

 sudo vi /etc/vsftpd.userlist
 echo <username> | sudo tee -a /etc/vsftpd.userlist

Connecting to Server via FTP

FTP into your virtual machine via ftp .

ftp <ip-address>

Terminate FTP session at any time: