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Caleb James DeLisle edited this page Oct 28, 2015 · 2 revisions

There are several ways to contribute to RISCOSS project

  1. Give us your feedback
  2. Testing
  3. Documentation
  4. Contribute Code
  5. Contribute Models

#Give us your feedback

Use the feedback option in the public deployment or send us a an email to


Test new RISCOSS versions and report bugs opening issues in the corresponding GitHub repository. It is important to report bugs correctly


If you think that something can be improved, open a issue in the corresponding GitHub repository.

If you consider that something is missing, you can also add new pages following the instructions from the corresponding repository. All the repositories contains a How to contribute tutorial.

#Contribute Code In order to separate the contributions from the different developers groups (see RISCOSS Ecosystem above), there are several repositories in the GitHub where RISCOSS developers can contribute.

All the repositories contains a How to contribute tutorial with specific instructions.

#Contribute Models Risk and goal modelers can contribute to the RISCOSS knowlegde base adding new risk and goal models to RISCOSS/riscoss-risk-modeling

riscoss-risk-modeling repository contains a How to contribute tutorial with specific instructions.