Welcome to my writeup where I am gonna be pwning the GitHappens from TryHackMe. This challenge has 1 flag. Let’s get started!
To access the challenge, click on the link given below: https://tryhackme.com/r/room/githappens
This writeup documents the steps that successfully led to pwnage of the machine. It does not include the dead-end steps encountered during the process (which were numerous). This is just my take on pwning the machine and you are welcome to choose a different path.
I started of by performing an nmap aggressive scan to find open ports and services running on the machine.
The scan revealed port 80 to be up and running. It also found a directory /.git
on the website. I visited the website from my browser.
To find more directories, I performed a web fuzzing using ffuf
The fuzz scan revealed another page dashboard.html
. I then navigated to /.git
and found contents of a git repository.
In order to make working with it more convinient, I used gittools.
It contains a script called gitdumper. This tool can be used to download as much as possible from the found .git
repository from webservers which do not have directory listing enabled. I used it to copy the contents from the site to my local machine.
I viewed the status of the repo using git status
and found a lot of files had been deleted.
I then viewed logs to find information about the commits that were made using git log
The commit with Made the login page, boss!
comment looked interesting. So I viewed the information that was sent in that commit using git show
Here I found the hardcoded credentials for the login page.
I entered these credentials and tried logging in but I didn't get any response from the website. So I revisited the commit to look for more information.
I found another message that I had skipped previously. The flag was the password used to log in. So I submitted the password on tryhackme and solved the challenge.
Thats it from side :) Until next time