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A through Z Example |
This series of example code snippets walks you through a
pipeline for eiCompare
from start to finish. Feel free to
use this as a guide to start your own work flow.
# Import the voter file (as ram_vf)
# Drop duplicated Records #
ram_vf <- ram_vf[!duplicated(ram_vf$Voter_ID),]
ram_vf <- run_geocoder(voter_file= ram_vf,
geocoder = "census",
parallel = TRUE,
voter_id = "VOTER_ID",
street = "Address",
city = "precinct_name",
state = "state",
zipcode = NULL,
country = NULL,
census_return = NULL,
census_benchmark = "Public_AR_Current",
census_vintage = 4,
census_output = "single",
census_class = "sf",
opencage_key = NULL)
# Import census data
base_path <- "~/shared/east_ramapo/data/"
census_shape_path <- file.path(base_path, "tl_2014_36_tabblock10.shp")
# Census shape file
census_shape <- read_sf(census_shape_path)
# Census racial demographic data
# Merge voter file with Census shape file
ramapo_w_census <- eiCompare::merge_voter_file_to_shape(
voter_file = ram_vf,
shape_file = census_shape,
coords = c("lon", "lat"),
voter_id = "Voter_ID"
# Filter out voters that didn't match on the block
ramapo_w_census <- dplyr::filter(
# Apply BISG to the voter file to get race predictions
ramapo_bisg <- eiCompare::wru_predict_race_wrapper(
voter_file =,
census_data = rockland_census,
voter_id = "Voter_ID",
surname = "Last_Name",
state = "NY",
county = "COUNTYFP10",
tract = "TRACTCE10",
block = "BLOCKCE10",
census_geo = "block",
use_surname = TRUE,
surname_only = FALSE,
surname_year = 2010,
use_age = FALSE,
use_sex = FALSE,
return_surname_flag = TRUE,
return_geocode_flag = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE
# Aggregate BISG race predictions to precinct level
bisg_agg <- precinct_agg_combine(
voter_file = ramapo_bisg,
group_col = c("precinct","precinct_name"),
race_cols = c("pred.whi", "pred.bla", "pred.his", "pred.asi", "pred.oth"),
include_total = FALSE
# Standardize columns to be lower case
bisg_agg$precinct_name <- tolower(bisg_agg$precinct_name)
# Import election data
election_results <- read.csv(paste(base_path, "elec_results.csv", sep=""), header=TRUE)
# Remove CVAP race data
election_results <- election_results %>% select(-c(name,cvap,pct_latino,pct_black,pct_white))
# Standardize variable names
names(election_results) <- tolower(names(election_results))
# Remove periods from variable anmes
names(election_results) <- gsub("\\.","",names(election_results))
# Merge election results and bisg race predictions
east_ramapo <- merge(election_results, bisg_agg, by = c('precinct','precinct'))
# Standardize race variables
names(east_ramapo) <- gsub("pred.", "pct_",names(east_ramapo))
names(east_ramapo) <- gsub("_prop", "", names(east_ramapo))
# Combine minority groups
east_ramapo$pct_minority <- rowSums(east_ramapo[,c('pct_bla','pct_his','pct_asi','pct_oth')])
# Set up for ei functions
races <- c('pct_whi','pct_minority')
# There are three contests for this year, separate them
cands1 <- c('charlespierre','lefowitz','jones','write')
cands2 <- c('rothman', 'morales', 'write2')
cands3 <- c('white', 'eisenbach', 'ramirez', 'write3')
# Separate out contests
contest1 <- east_ramapo[,c('precinct','precinct_name',
races, 'tot_1', cands1)]
contest2 <- east_ramapo[,c('precinct','precinct_name',
races, 'tot_2', cands2)]
contest3 <- east_ramapo[,c('precinct','precinct_name',
races, 'tot_3', cands3)]
## We'll focus on contest 1 from here
# Drop missing values
contest1 <- resolve_missing_vals(
data = contest1,
cand_cols = cands1,
race_cols = races,
totals_col = 'tot_1',
na_action = "DROP"
# Dedpulicate precincts
contest1 <- dedupe_precincts(
data = contest1,
id_cols = 'precinct'
# Standardize candidates and make them proportions
contest1[,cands1] <- contest1[,cands1] / rowSums(contest1[,cands1])
# Make candidate columns with pct_ prefix
contest1 <- contest1 %>%
rename_at(vars(all_of(cands1)), ~paste0('pct_',.))
cands1 <- paste0('pct_',cands1)
# Plot candidate against race proportions
data = contest1,
cand_cols = cands1,
race_cols = races
# Get correlation coefficients
data = contest1,
cand_cols = cands1,
race_cols = races
# Run ei and save out plots to designated path
ei_contest1 <- ei_iter(
data = contest1,
cand_cols = cands1,
race_cols = races,
totals_col = 'tot_1',
verbose= TRUE,
plots = TRUE,
plot_path = "/home/jovyan/shared/east_ramapo/output/plots",
name = "Iter"
# Tune RxC parameters (Set plot path so you can look at the diagnostic plots)
rxc_diag <- ei_rxc(
contest1, cands1, races, 'tot_1',
diagnostic = TRUE, par_compute = TRUE, verbose = TRUE,
plot_path = "/home/jovyan/shared/east_ramapo/output/plots"
# You can change some of the RxC parmeters after taking a look at the plot outputs for the diagnostic
# Run RxC
# In this example we've increased the total draws after our diagnostic
rxc_contest1 <- ei_rxc(
contest1, cands1, races, 'tot_1',
totaldraws = 20000,
verbose = TRUE, name = "RxC")
# Compare iterative EI and RxC results
plot(ei_contest1, rxc_contest1)