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Schema: XSD
Current Version: 2023.07.1
First Publication Date: 10.06.2022
Autors: Marcel Stepien, Andre Vonthron
Licence: MIT (Java-Sources), CC-BY-4.0 (XSD Schema)

0. Preface

The scheme was presented at the EC-ICE 2023 workshop/conference. The paper published in this context considers references to further prototypical implementations. These would be:

1. Description

Based on the idea of graph-based programming, the OpenBimRL format describes a rule language for the formal and functional verification of building models. The format defines a dynamically extendable interface on the basis of which building blocks for a graph-based verification process can be constructed and linked. During the development, emphasis was placed on the openness and transparency of the verification documents. In contrast to most available rule and query languages, it is possible to check both semantics and geometry, as long as the available engine can resolve the associated nodes and edges of the precalculation.

2. Structure of the scheme and components

OpenBimRL Konzeptgrafik

The OpenBimRL concept is made up of several building blocks, which forms the general structure the schema.

2.0 OpenBimRL Root-Element

The root element of OpenBIMRL is the OpenBIMRL component. The component nests a set of BIMRules, each of which describes a separate checking process.

Element.Attribut Beschreibung Beispiel
BIMRule.schemaVersion Specification of the version with which the current test was generated. 0.1

Translated as XML instance:

<OpenBIMRL schemaVersion="0.1" 

    <BIMRule ...> ... </BIMRule>
    <BIMRule ...> ... </BIMRule>


Namespace URI

2.1 OpenBimRL Schema

The main component of an OpenBimRL verification rule is called BIMRule, which specifies the format of the rule. It is the enclosing element in the verification document. The following information must be given as a minimum:

Element.Attribut Description Example Name of the rule set. "Checking primary Escape Route"

Translated as XML instance:

<BIMRule name="Checking primary Escape Route">



2.2 Precalculations

The precalculations contain a graph with functions (as nodes) and a connection between inputs and outputs (as edges). The graph represents a process and/or algorithm, whose partial results can be stored temporarily for use in rules for model checking.

Translated as XML instance:

<BIMRule ...>

    <!-- Precalculations contain a graph for pre-calculating subsets and results for the exam. -->

        <Node> ... </Node>
        <Node> ... </Node>
        <Node> ... </Node>

        <Edge ... />
        <Edge ... />
        <Edge ... />



2.2.1 Nodes (functions)

Each node element contains input and output elements. Their attributes describe how many inputs and outputs are present and how they are named. However, inputs and outputs are only optional. A non-existence of these means that there are no inputs or outputs for this node. A node is therefore defined as follows:

Element.Attribut Description Example Unique identifier of the node (UUID). f2f87b48-108e-4f38-1328-7e8924d89738
Node.function Name and path of the function this node executes. ifc.filterByProperty
Node.alias A user-defined text describing the node. Example Text Here
Node.xPos The x-axis coordinate to enter a position. 120
Node.yPos The y-axis coordinate to enter a position. 320 Display name of the input. PropertySetName Display name of the output. IfcElement List
Output.value User-defined value of the output. Pset_WallCommon

Translated as XML instance:

<!-- Node without entrance: -->
<Node id="25525f88-07e7-740b-7a79-d2294af8687a" function="input.textInput" 
    xPos="150" yPos="100">
        <Output name="text" value="NotwendigerFlur"/>

<!-- Node with input and output: -->
<Node id="f3d898d8-b958-3d79-084c-cce953f4b168" function="ifc.filterByProperty" 
    alias="Example Text Here" xPos="150" yPos="100">
        <Input name="IfcElement List"/>
        <Input name="PropertySet Name"/>
        <Input name="Property Name"/>
        <Input name="Value"/>
        <Output name="IfcElement List"/>
2.2.2 Edges ( connections/relations)

An edge always connects an output of a node (function) with the input of another node (function). No cycles may occur here! The graph is only valid for directed non-cyclic definitions. An edge is defined as follows:

Element.Attribut Description Example Unique identifier of the edge (UUID). f2f87b48-108e-4f38-1328-7e8924d89738
Edge.source Unique identifier of the outgoing referenced node (UUID). 25525f88-07e7-740b-7a79-d2294af8687a
Edge.sourceHandle Number of the addressed output, starting with 0. 2 Unique identifier of the incoming referenced node (UUID). f3d898d8-b958-3d79-084c-cce953f4b168
Edge.targetHandle Number of the addressed input, starting at 0. 1

Translated as XML instance:

2.2.3 Groups (Node nesting)

A Group nests elements from the graph of the precalculation (Precalculation component) and represents them in the common context. This grouping is thereby a descriptive object, in that it refers directly to the components of the graphs and additionally names them.

Element.Attribut Description Example
Group.label Naming, or description of the group. "Sub-Rountine of ..." Unique identifier of the group node (UUID). bc2a7431-9376-db5d-a12a-fdb5d83bddbh
Group.color The base color of the group in Hexerdeximal notation. #fcba03
Group.children The list of nodes that will be assigned to the group. ["db5d...", "db5d..."]

Translated as XML instance:

<Group id="ba4d8538-209d-48a8-5165-6c813e164ba1" label="Sub-Routine of ..." color="#fcba03">

2.3 ModelCheck (model test)

The ModelCheck component summarises all conditions and expected values of the checking rule. The ModelCheck component itself defines a unique and descriptive name of the checking rule via the name attribute. A ModelCheck is composed of three sub-components, namely the RuleIdentifier, ModelSubCheck and ResultSet.

Translated as XML instance:

    <tns:ModelCheck name="Formeller Pruefvorgang">
			<tns:RuleIdentifier label="propertyValue" source="85d5009c-f8dc-1ccf-66c8-ce610713793a" sourceHandle="0" xPos="200" yPos="300"/>
			<tns:RuleIdentifier label="ifcWallEntities" source="bc2a7431-9376-db5d-a12a-fe48e83bddbd" sourceHandle="0" xPos="150" yPos="100"/>
			<tns:ModelSubCheck name="Check PropertySet by Values">
                <tns:Applicability> ... </tns:Applicability>
				<tns:Rules label="77dd6850-f1d7-4c13-81e0-2de33fbf06cc" operator="or">
					<tns:Rule label="check01" quantifier="exists" operator="equals" operand1="propertyValue" operand2="true"/>
					<tns:Rule label="check02" quantifier="exists" operator="equals" operand1="propertyValue" operand2="false"/>
			<tns:ResultSet name="PropertySet by Values [true]" elements="ifcWallEntities" filter="check01"/>
			<tns:ResultSet name="PropertySet by Values [false]" elements="ifcWallEntities" filter="check02"/>
2.3.1 RuleIdentifier for linking the check to the precalculation

A RuleIdentifier establishes a connection between the graph of the precalculation (Precalculation component) and the rules applied to it. A RuleIdentifier temporarily stores a calculated result from the graph in order to examine it in more detail linked by conditions. Accordingly, the source must be specified for a RuleIdentifier, explicit to the selected output.

Element.Attribut Description Example
RuleIdentifier.label Unique term under which the RuleIdentifier is used in the rule check. ifcWallEntities
RuleIdentifier.source Unique identifier of the outgoing referenced node (UUID). bc2a7431-9376-db5d-a12a-fe48e83bddbd
RuleIdentifier.sourceHandle Number of the addressed output, starting with 0. 0
2.3.2 ModelSubCheck for nesting multiple rules and conditions

A ModelSubCheck summarises a group of individual requirements and allows them to be evaluated as a single test. The sub-check can be given a name separate from the main check via the label attribute. Such a ModelSubCheck consists of two main parts, Applicability and Rules.

The Applicability is an optional component which itself contains a cascade of Rules and Rule components. The Applicability can be used to apply a filter prior to rule checking. Only a set of valid elements are processed in the rule checking.

The rules and rule components are a cascading structure of grouped conditions. Individual rules (rule component) and groups of rules (rules component) can be nested to test more complex relationships. Usually, a list of information (as operand1) is always tested against static values (as operand2). This produces a test result as a filter mask, consisting of a list of True and False values, which can be intermediately held via a designation of the attribute label in the ResultSets. The quantifier and operator attributes are used to set the logical constraints so that it can be determined whether the check can be completed successfully.

Element.Attribut Description Example
Rule.label A unique name under which the filter mask is referenced in the result sets. filterMaskA
Rule.quantifier The quantifier to be used to control the test procedure. all, exists, notexists
Rule.operator The operator to use to control the testing process. equals, includes, notincludes
Rule.operator1 A list of values that are injected into the check via the RuleIdentifier. propertyValue
Rule.operator2 A static value to be checked against. feuerbeständig
Rule2.operator The operator to be used for Boolean operations, for linking the partial results. or, and, xor
2.3.3 ResultSet for the representation of expected partial results

A ResultSet allows elements from the pre-calculation to be filtered with partial results of the check, creating views (Model Views) on successfully and unsuccessfully checked elements. This is made possible by applying filter masks to a set of testable elements. A ResultSet requires three attributes for definition, which are a name, elements and filter.

Element.Attribut Description Example Clear designation under which the results of the test are to be understood. Erfolgreich geprüfte Elemente nach XYZ
ResultSet.elements The list of testable elements from the precalculation. ifcWallEntities
ResultSet.filter The reference to the applicable filter mask from the test procedure. filterMaskA

3. Terms and definitions

Query language is a language construct derived from logic and grammatics, which forms the basis for declarative programming. In a query language, relationships of information are mapped and their conclusions are derived according to available facts. A query operates on a data basis (database). Its execution generates subsets (views, selections) of objects and information from the data basis.

Rule language is the logical extension of query languages and make it possible to derive a statement to an unambiguous result of true or false. At the core of rule languages are therefore always questions that can be derived to an unambiguous state.

Graphs are constructs consisting of nodes and edges, which in combination represent a network of information and information flows. Here we speak of directed graphs, not cyclic ones, which expect unique values for the input and produce an output.

Formal check refers to the proper attribution of a model according to the existing standard. This includes the typification and existence of properties on the model, according to the specifications of guidelines and standards.

In the functional check, it is necessary to prove the information supply of the existing and properly modeled building models. The technical specifications of the standards and guidelines are implemented algorithmically and their results are compared with the information in the model. Often a complex concatenation of information is necessary for this (see definition of graphs).

In the context of OpenBimRL, building models are always BIM-based models in the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) format. IFC is a construct of classes that define a digital building.

The term semantics is understood to mean descriptive information about a building component, which is predominantly aimed at the textual definition of individual pieces of information. However, semantic information is not necessarily bound to an object, so structural specifications (building > storey > room) can also be interpreted as semantic information.

Geometry is the representation and position of an object in a global space. Geometric distortions, transformations, and operators can also be used to generate statements from the set (for example, the intersection between two or more objects = collision). Geometry is usually used to derive parameters from its representation.