This repository contains the maticjs
client library. maticjs
makes it easy for developers, who may not be deeply familiar with smart contract development, to interact with the various components of Matic Network.
This library will help developers to move assets from Ethereum chain to Matic chain, and withdraw from Matic to Ethereum using fraud proofs.
We will be improving this library to make all features available like Plasma Faster Exit, challenge exit, finalize exit and more.
Our Discord is the best way to reach us ✨.
$ npm install --save @maticnetwork/maticjs
There are two options available for CDN:
- jsdeliver
<script src=""></script>
- unpkg
<script src=""></script>
// Import default Matic sdk
import Matic from '@maticnetwork/maticjs'
// create network instance
const network = new Network(
_network, // set network name e.g `testnet` or `mainnet`
_version // set version e.g `mumbai` or `v1`
// Create sdk instance
const matic = new Matic({
network: <network-name>, // set network name
version: <network-version> // set network version
// Set Matic provider - string or provider instance
// Example: <network.Matic.RPC> OR new Web3.providers.HttpProvide(<network.Matic.RPC>)
// Some flows like startExitFor[Metadata]MintableBurntToken, require a webSocket provider such as new web3 providers.WebsocketProvider('ws://localhost:8546')
maticProvider: <web3-provider>,
// Set Mainchain provider - string or provider instance
// Example: '' OR new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:8545')
parentProvider: <web3-provider>,
// set default options e.g { from }
parentDefaultOptions: { <options> },
// set default options
maticDefaultOptions: { <options> },
// init matic
// Set wallet
// Warning: Not-safe
// matic.setWallet(<private-key>) // Use metamask provider or use WalletConnect provider instead.
// get ERC20 token balance
await matic.balanceOfERC20(
user, //User address
tokenAddress, // Token address
options // transaction fields
// get ERC721 token balance
await matic.balanceOfERC721(
user, // User address
tokenAddress, // Token address
options // transaction fields
// get ERC721 token ID
await matic.tokenOfOwnerByIndexERC721(
from, // User address
tokenAddress, // Token address
index, // index of tokenId
options // transaction fields
// Deposit Ether into Matic chain
await matic.depositEther(
amount, // amount in wei for deposit
options // transaction fields
// Approve ERC20 token for deposit
await matic.approveERC20TokensForDeposit(
token, // Token address,
amount, // Token amount for approval (in wei)
options // transaction fields
// Deposit token into Matic chain. Remember to call `approveERC20TokensForDeposit` before
await matic.depositERC20ForUser(
token, // Token address
user, // User address (in most cases, this will be sender's address),
amount, // Token amount for deposit (in wei),
options // transaction fields
// Deposit ERC721 token into Matic chain.
await matic.safeDepositERC721Tokens(
token, // Token address
tokenId, // TokenId for deposit
options // transaction fields
// Transfer token on Matic
await matic.transferERC20Tokens(
token, // Token address
user, // Recipient address
amount, // Token amount
options // transaction fields
// Transfer ERC721 token on Matic
await matic.transferERC721Tokens(
token, // Token address
user, // Recipient address
tokenId, // TokenId
options // transaction fields
// generate transfer signature off-chain (can be used to in place of `approve`)
await matic.getTransferSignature(
toSell, // sell order obj
toBuy, // buy order obj
options // transaction fields
// execute transfer/swap of assets on-chain, using off-chain signature
await matic.transferWithSignature(
sig, // signature: intent to sell tokens
toSell, // sell order obj
toBuy, // buy order obj
orderFiller, // address to transfer tokens to
options // transaction fields
// Initiate withdrawal of ERC20 from Matic and retrieve the Transaction id
await matic.startWithdraw(
token, // Token address
amount, // Token amount for withdraw (in wei)
options // transaction fields
// Initiate withdrawal of ERC721 from Matic and retrieve the Transaction id
await matic.startWithdrawForNFT(
token, // Token address
tokenId, // TokenId for withdraw
options // transaction fields
// Withdraw funds from the Matic chain using the Transaction id generated from the 'startWithdraw' method
// after header has been submitted to mainchain
await matic.withdraw(
txId, // Transaction id generated from the 'startWithdraw' method
options // transaction fields
await matic.withdrawNFT(
txId, // Transaction id generated from the 'startWithdraw' method
options // transaction fields
await matic.processExits(
tokenAddress, // root `token` addres
options // transaction fields
// Import Matic sdk for POS Portal
const MaticPOSClient = require('@maticnetwork/maticjs').MaticPOSClient
const maticPOSClient = new MaticPOSClient({
// optional parameter, defaults to 'testnet'
// use 'mainnet' for mainnet deployment
network: <network-type>,
// optional parameter, defaults to mumbai
// use 'v1' for mainnet deployment
version: <netwotk-version>,
// Set Matic chain provider instance
// Example:
// new HDWalletProvider(<USER_PRIVATE_KEY>, '')
maticProvider: <web3-provider>,
// Set Main chain provider instance
// Example: new HDWalletProvider(<USER_PRIVATE_KEY>, <GOERLI_RPC_URL>)
parentProvider: <web3-provider>,
// Set RootChainManager address of PoS Portal contracts.
posRootChainManager: <pos-root-chain-manager-address>,
// Set ERC20Predicate address if working with ERC20 tokens
posERC20Predicate: <pos-erc20-predicate>,
// Set ERC721Predicate address if working with ERC721 tokens
posERC721Predicate: <pos-erc721-predicate>,
// Set ERC1155Predicate address if working with ERC1155 tokens
posERC1155Predicate: <pos-erc1155-predicate>,
// default transaction options can be set while constructing the client
parentDefaultOptions: <transaction-options>,
// default transaction options can be set while constructing the client
maticDefaultOptions: <transaction-options>,
// Approve ERC20 tokens for deposit using POS Portal
await maticPOSClient.approveERC20ForDeposit(
rootToken, // RootToken address,
amount, // Amount for approval (in wei)
options // transaction fields, can be skipped if default options are set
// Deposit tokens into Matic chain using POS Portal.
// Remember to call `approveERC20ForDeposit` before this
await maticPOSClient.depositERC20ForUser(
rootToken, // RootToken address
user, // User address (in most cases, this will be sender's address),
amount, // Amount for deposit (in wei)
options // transaction fields, can be skipped if default options are set
// Deposit ether into Matic chain using POS Portal.
// It is an ERC20 token on Matic chain
await maticPOSClient.depositEtherForUser(
user, // User address (in most cases, this will be sender's address),
amount, // Amount for deposit (in wei)
options // transaction fields, can be skipped if default options are set
// Burn ERC20 tokens(deposited using POS Portal) on Matic chain and retrieve the Transaction hash
await maticPOSClient.burnERC20(
childToken, // ChildToken address
amount, // Amount to burn (in wei)
options // transaction fields, can be skipped if default options are set
// Exit funds from the POS Portal using the Transaction hash generated from the 'burnERC20' method
// Can be called after checkpoint has been submitted for the block containing burn tx.
await maticPOSClient.exitERC20(
txHash, // Transaction hash generated from the 'burnERC20' method
options // transaction fields, can be skipped if default options are set
// Approve ERC721 tokens for deposit using POS Portal
await maticPOSClient.approveERC721ForDeposit(
rootToken, // RootToken address,
tokenId, // tokenId for approval
options // transaction fields, can be skipped if default options are set
// Deposit tokens into Matic chain using POS Portal.
// Remember to call `approveERC721ForDeposit` before this
await maticPOSClient.depositERC721ForUser(
rootToken, // RootToken address
user, // User address (in most cases, this will be sender's address),
tokenId, // tokenId for deposit
options // transaction fields, can be skipped if default options are set
// Burn ERC721 tokens(deposited using POS Portal) on Matic chain and retrieve the Transaction hash
await maticPOSClient.burnERC721(
childToken, // ChildToken address
tokenId, // tokenId to burn
options // transaction fields, can be skipped if default options are set
// Exit funds from the POS Portal using the Transaction hash generated from the 'burnERC721' method
// Can be called after checkpoint has been submitted for the block containing burn tx.
await maticPOSClient.exitERC721(
txHash, // Transaction hash generated from the 'burnERC721' method
options // transaction fields, can be skipped if default options are set
// Approve all ERC1155 transfers for deposit using POS Portal
await maticPOSClient.approveERC1155ForDeposit(
rootToken, // RootToken address,
options // transaction fields, can be skipped if default options are set
// Deposit tokens into Matic chain using POS Portal.
// Remember to call `approveERC1155ForDeposit` before this
await maticPOSClient.depositSingleERC1155ForUser(
rootToken, // RootToken address
user, // User address (in most cases, this will be sender's address),
tokenId, // tokenId for deposit
amount, // amount of tokenId for deposit
data, // optional bytes data field
options // transaction fields, can be skipped if default options are set
// Deposit tokens into Matic chain using POS Portal.
// Remember to call `approveERC1155ForDeposit` before this
await maticPOSClient.depositBatchERC1155ForUser(
rootToken, // RootToken address
user, // User address (in most cases, this will be sender's address),
tokenIds, // array of tokenIds for deposit
amounts, // array of amounts corresponding to to each tokenId
data, optional bytes data field
options // transaction fields, can be skipped if default options are set
// Burn ERC1155 tokens(deposited using POS Portal) on Matic chain and retrieve the Transaction hash
await maticPOSClient.burnSingleERC1155(
childToken, // ChildToken address
tokenId, // tokenId to burn
amount, // amount of tokenId to burn
options // transaction fields, can be skipped if default options are set
// Burn ERC1155 tokens(deposited using POS Portal) on Matic chain and retrieve the Transaction hash
await maticPOSClient.burnBatchERC1155(
childToken, // ChildToken address
tokenIds, // array of tokenIds to burn
amounts, array of amounts corresponding to to each tokenId
options // transaction fields, can be skipped if default options are set
// Exit funds from the POS Portal using the Transaction hash generated from the 'burnSingleERC1155' method
// Can be called after checkpoint has been submitted for the block containing burn tx.
await maticPOSClient.exitSingleERC1155(
txHash, // Transaction hash generated from the 'burnSingleERC1155' method
options // transaction fields, can be skipped if default options are set
// Exit funds from the POS Portal using the Transaction hash generated from the 'burnBatchERC1155' method
// Can be called after checkpoint has been submitted for the block containing burn tx.
await maticPOSClient.exitBatchERC1155(
txHash, // Transaction hash generated from the 'burnBatchERC1155' method
options // transaction fields, can be skipped if default options are set
The flow for asset transfers on the Matic Network is as follows:
- User deposits crypto assets in Matic contract on mainchain
- Once deposited tokens get confirmed on the main chain, the corresponding tokens will get reflected on the Matic chain.
- The user can now transfer tokens to anyone they want instantly with negligible fees. Matic chain has faster blocks (approximately ~ 1 second). That way, the transfer will be done almost instantly.
- Once a user is ready, they can withdraw remaining tokens from the mainchain by establishing proof of remaining tokens on Root contract (contract deployed on Ethereum chain)
Network is network name you want to use e.g mainnet or testnet
version is network verstion e.g v1, v2, mumbai
You don't have to worry about contract addresses, giving correct network name and version will pickup respective addresses 😀
new Matic()
Creates Matic SDK instance with give options. It returns a MaticSDK object.
import Matic from 'maticjs'
const matic = new Matic(options)
is simple Javascriptobject
which can have following fields:network
can bestring
can bestring
can bestring
instance. This provider must connect to Matic chain. Value can be anyone of following:network.Matic.RPC
new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(network.Matic.RPC)
- WalletConnect Provider instance
can bestring
instance. This provider must connect to Ethereum chain (testnet or mainchain). Value can be anyone of following:network.Main.RPC
new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(network.Main.RPC)
- WalletConnect Provider instance
is simple Javascriptobject
with following optionsfrom
must be valid account address(required)
is simple Javascriptobject
with following optionsfrom
must be valid account address(required)
get balance of ERC20 token
for address
must be valid token addressuserAddress
must be valid user addressoptions
see more infomation hereparent
must be boolean value. For balance on Main chain, useparent: true
This returns balance
.balanceOfERC20('0xABc578455...', '0x5E9c4ccB05...', {
from: '0xABc578455...',
.then(balance => {
console.log('balance', balance)
get balance of ERC721 token
for address
must be valid token addressuserAddress
must be valid user addressoptions
see more infomation hereparent
must be boolean value. For balance on Main chain, useparent: true
This returns balance
.balanceOfERC721('0xABc578455...', '0x5E9c4ccB05...', {
from: '0xABc578455...',
.then(balance => {
console.log('balance', balance)
get ERC721 tokenId at index
for token
and for address
must be valid token addressuserAddress
must be valid user addressindex
index of tokenId
This returns matic tokenId
.tokenOfOwnerByIndexERC721('0xfeb14b...', '21', 0, {
from: '0xABc578455...',
.then(tokenID => {
console.log('Token ID', tokenID)
Deposit options.value
must be token amount in wei (string, not in Number)options
see more infomation here.from
must be valid account address(required)encodeAbi
must be boolean value. For Byte code of transaction, useencodeAbi: true
This returns Promise
object, which will be fulfilled when transaction gets confirmed (when receipt is generated).
matic.depositEthers(amount, {
from: '0xABc578455...',
Approves given amount
of token
to rootChainContract
must be valid ERC20 token addressamount
must be token amount in wei (string, not in Number)options
(optional) must be valid javascript object containingfrom
must be valid account address(required)gasPrice
same as EthereumsendTransaction
same as EthereumsendTransaction
same as EthereumsendTransaction
contains ETH value. Same as EthereumsendTransaction
. This returnsPromise
object, which will be fulfilled when transaction gets confirmed (when receipt is generated).
matic.approveERC20TokensForDeposit('0x718Ca123...', '1000000000000000000', {
from: '0xABc578455...',
Deposit given amount
of token
with user user
must be valid ERC20 token addressuser
must be value account addressamount
must be token amount in wei (string, not in Number)options
see more infomation hereencodeAbi
must be boolean value. For Byte code of transaction, useencodeAbi: true
This returns Promise
object, which will be fulfilled when transaction gets confirmed (when receipt is generated).
const user = <your-address> or <any-account-address>
matic.depositToken('0x718Ca123...', user, '1000000000000000000', {
from: '0xABc578455...'
Deposit given TokenID
of token
with user user
must be valid ERC20 token addresstokenId
must be valid token IDoptions
see more infomation here
This returns Promise
object, which will be fulfilled when transaction gets confirmed (when receipt is generated).
matic.safeDepositERC721Tokens('0x718Ca123...', '70000000000', {
from: '0xABc578455...',
Transfer given amount
of token
to user
must be valid ERC20 token addressuser
must be value account addressamount
must be token amount in wei (string, not in Number)options
see more infomation hereparent
must be boolean value. For token transfer on Main chain, useparent: true
must be boolean value. For Byte code of transaction, useencodeAbi: true
This returns Promise
object, which will be fulfilled when transaction gets confirmed (when receipt is generated).
const user = <your-address> or <any-account-address>
matic.transferERC20Tokens('0x718Ca123...', user, '1000000000000000000', {
from: '0xABc578455...',
// For token transfer on Main network
// parent: true
Transfer given tokenId
of token
to user
must be valid ERC721 token addressuser
must be value account addresstokenId
must be token amount in wei (string, not in Number)options
see more infomation hereparent
must be boolean value. For token transfer on Main chain, useparent: true
must be boolean value. For Byte code of transaction, useencodeAbi: true
This returns Promise
object, which will be fulfilled when transaction gets confirmed (when receipt is generated).
const user = <your-address> or <any-account-address>
matic.transferERC721Tokens('0x718Ca123...', user, '100006500000000000000', {
from: '0xABc578455...',
// For token transfer on Main network
// parent: true
Off-chain signature generation for transferWithSig function call
: address of token owned,amount
: amount/tokenId of the token to sell,expiry
: expiry (block number after which the signature should be invalid),orderId
: a random 32 byte hex string,spender
: the address approved to execute this transaction
: address of token to buyamount
: amount/tokenId of token to buy
see more infomation herefrom
: owner of the token (toSell)
// sell order let toSell = { token: token2, amount: value2, expiry: expire, orderId: orderId, spender: spender, } // buy order let toBuy = { token: token1, amount: value1, } const sig = await matic.getTransferSignature(toSell, toBuy, { from: tokenOwner, })
Executes transferWithSig on child token (erc20/721). Takes input as signature generated from matic.getTransferSignature
: signature generated with matic.getTransferSignaturetoSell
: objecttoken
: address of token owned,amount
: amount/tokenId of the token to sell,expiry
: expiry (block number after which the signature should be invalid),orderId
: a random 32 byte hex string,spender
: the address approved to execute this transaction
: objecttoken
: address of token to buyamount
: amount/tokenId of token to buy
: address of user to transfer the tokens tooptions
see more infomation herefrom
: the approved spender in thetoSell
object by the token owner
transfers toSell.token
from tokenOwner
to orderFiller
// sell order
let toSell = {
token: token2,
amount: value2,
expiry: expire,
orderId: orderId,
spender: spender,
// buy order
let toBuy = {
token: token1,
amount: value1,
let sig = await matic.getTransferSignature(toSell, toBuy, { from: tokenOwner })
const tx = await matic.transferWithSignature(
sig, // signature with the intent to buy tokens
toSell, // sell order
toBuy, // buy order
orderFiller, // order fulfiller
from: spender, // approved spender
Start withdraw process with given amount
for token
must be valid ERC20 token addressamount
must be token amount in wei (string, not in Number)options
see more infomation hereencodeAbi
must be boolean value. For Byte code of transaction, useencodeAbi: true
This returns Promise
object, which will be fulfilled when transaction gets confirmed (when receipt is generated).
matic.startWithdraw('0x718Ca123...', '1000000000000000000', {
from: '0xABc578455...',
Start withdraw process with given tokenId
for token
must be valid ERC721 token addresstokenId
must be token tokenId (string, not in Number)options
see more infomation hereencodeAbi
must be boolean value. For Byte code of transaction, useencodeAbi: true
This returns Promise
object, which will be fulfilled when transaction gets confirmed (when receipt is generated).
matic.startWithdrawForNFT('0x718Ca123...', '1000000000000000000', {
from: '0xABc578455...',
Withdraw tokens on mainchain using txId
from startWithdraw
method after header has been submitted to mainchain.
must be valid tx hashoptions
see more infomation here
This returns Promise
object, which will be fulfilled when transaction gets confirmed (when receipt is generated).
matic.withdraw('0xabcd...789', {
from: '0xABc578455...',
Withdraw tokens on mainchain using txId
from startWithdraw
method after header has been submitted to mainchain.
must be valid tx hashoptions
see more infomation hereencodeAbi
must be boolean value. For Byte code of transaction, useencodeAbi: true
This returns Promise
object, which will be fulfilled when transaction gets confirmed (when receipt is generated).
matic.withdrawNFT('0xabcd...789', {
from: '0xABc578455...',
Call processExits after completion of challenge period, after that withdrawn funds get transfered to your account on mainchain
RootToken addressoptions
see more infomation hereencodeAbi
must be boolean value. For Byte code of transaction, useencodeAbi: true
This returns Promise
object, which will be fulfilled when transaction gets confirmed (when receipt is generated).
matic.processExits('0xabcd...789', {
from: '0xABc578455...',
* Start an exit for a token that was minted and burnt on the side chain
* Wrapper over contract call: MintableERC721Predicate.startExitForMintableBurntToken
* @param burnTxHash Hash of the burn transaction on Matic
* @param predicate address of MintableERC721Predicate
See MintableERC721Predicate.startExitForMintableBurntToken
const burn = await this.maticClient.startWithdrawForNFT(childErc721.address, tokenId)
await this.maticClient.withdrawManager.startExitForMintableBurntToken(burn.transactionHash, predicate.address)
* Start an exit for a token with metadata (token uri) that was minted and burnt on the side chain
* Wrapper over contract call: MintableERC721Predicate.startExitForMetadataMintableBurntToken
* @param burnTxHash Hash of the burn transaction on Matic
* @param predicate address of MintableERC721Predicate
See MintableERC721Predicate.startExitForMetadataMintableBurntToken
const burn = await this.maticClient.startWithdrawForNFT(childErc721.address, tokenId)
await this.maticClient.withdrawManager.startExitForMetadataMintableBurntToken(burn.transactionHash, predicate.address)
Approves given amount
of rootToken
to POS Portal contract.
must be valid ERC20 token addressamount
must be token amount in wei (string, not in Number)options
see more infomation hereencodeAbi
must be boolean value. For Byte code of transaction, useencodeAbi: true
This returns Promise
object, which will be fulfilled when transaction gets confirmed (when receipt is generated).
maticPOSClient.approveERC20ForDeposit('0x718Ca123...', '1000000000000000000', {
from: '0xABc578455...',
Deposit given amount
of rootToken
for user
via POS Portal.
must be valid ERC20 token addressuser
must be valid account addressamount
must be token amount in wei (string, not in Number)options
see more infomation hereencodeAbi
must be boolean value. For Byte code of transaction, useencodeAbi: true
The given amount must be approved for deposit beforehand.
This returns Promise
object, which will be fulfilled when transaction gets confirmed (when receipt is generated).
const user = <your-address> or <any-account-address>
maticPOSClient.depositERC20ForUser('0x718Ca123...', user, '1000000000000000000', {
from: '0xABc578455...'
Deposit given amount
of ETH for user
via POS Portal.
ETH is an ERC20 token on Matic chain, follow ERC20 burn and exit to withdraw it.
must be valid account addressamount
must be ETH amount in wei (string, not in Number)options
see more infomation hereencodeAbi
must be boolean value. For Byte code of transaction, useencodeAbi: true
This returns Promise
object, which will be fulfilled when transaction gets confirmed (when receipt is generated).
const user = <your-address> or <any-account-address>
maticPOSClient.depositEtherForUser(user, '1000000000000000000', {
from: '0xABc578455...'
Burn given amount
of childToken
to be exited from POS Portal.
must be valid ERC20 token addressamount
must be token amount in wei (string, not in Number)options
see more infomation hereencodeAbi
must be boolean value. For Byte code of transaction, useencodeAbi: true
This returns Promise
object, which will be fulfilled when transaction gets confirmed (when receipt is generated).
maticPOSClient.burnERC20('0x718Ca123...', '1000000000000000000', {
from: '0xABc578455...',
Exit tokens from POS Portal. This can be called after checkpoint has been submitted for the block containing burn tx.
must be valid tx hash for token burn using burnERC20.options
see more infomation here
This returns Promise
object, which will be fulfilled when transaction gets confirmed (when receipt is generated).
maticPOSClient.exitERC20('0xabcd...789', {
from: '0xABc578455...',
npm install
# To check lint errors
npm run lint
# To fix most common lint errors
# Note that it might not fix all errors, some need manual intervention
npm run lint:fix
Transpile typescript files
npm run build
Generate distribution files
npm run build:webpack
NPM publish
Before running publish script, make sure you have updated version properly.
Note that prepublishOnly
script will be automatically called while publishing. It will check lint, clean dist/lib folders and build fresh distribution files before it executes npm publish
npm publish