Description here
#lang racket
(require plot latex-pict) ; latex-pict is modeule to use latex
(require simple-polynomial/private/poly-smooth) ; to make specific splines
(require simple-polynomial/fit) ; to make simple splines
(plot-new-window? #t) ; to show plot in separate window. #f is opposite
(current-directory (current-directory)) ; the current directory is the directory of rkt file
;(current-directory "/path/to/directory") ; for specific directory
(define F1 (call-with-input-file* "F1.txt"
(λ (in)
(for/list ([l (in-lines in)])
(map string->number (string-split l)))))) ; Fi.txt contains two column of number separated by space - x y.
; F1 contains the same numbers but pared like (x y)
; to see F1 use (displayln F1)
;(define spF1 (points->spline-evaluator F1)) ; make smoothed data function for plot F1, simple spline
(define spF1
((make-least-squares-point-smoother 7 4 0) F1))) ; make smoothed data function for plot F1, regulated form of spline
[(plot-y-ticks (linear-ticks #:number 2)); Number of ticks in y axis
(plot-line-width 4) ; width of axes
(plot-font-size 26) ; font size fpr plot
(plot-font-family 'modern) ; all possibilies are here
(plot-tick-size 14) ; size of ticks
(plot-background-alpha 0) ; full transparancy is for 0
(plot-x-far-axis? #t) ; #f - removes upper boundary of frame
(plot-y-far-axis? #t) ; #f - removes right boundary of frame
(list ; use list for more than single function to plot
(function spF1 0 100 #:color "Royal Blue" #:width 5) ; the first function to plot
; all colors names are here
(point-label #(1 .1) "a)" #:point-size 0)) ; second figure to plot is label a) at point (1 .1)
; below are options to plot at whole
#:title (tex-math "\\mathcal{E}^{\\mathrm{gg}}_2 /\\mathcal{E}_{\\mathrm{id}}" #:scale 5) ; title of figure
;; in the latex form. Use double backslash \\ instead of single one \
;; scale regulates size of fonts. \Large, \Huge does not work
#:width 800 #:height 800 ; size of plot
#:y-min 0 #:y-max 1.5 ; range for y axes
#:out-file "f1.pdf" ; save file in pdf format
;#:out-file "f1.png" ; save file in png format
#:y-label "" ; there is no label at y axes
#:x-label (tex-math "a\\ \\mathrm{(nm)}" #:scale 5)) ; x label by using latex