This document contains all the business logic errors that the API may send to the client as a response when an error occurs.
- archived-ticket
- category-being-used
- company-person-roles
- database-write-error
- fixing-ticket
- inactive-or-banned-person
- inactive-resource
- invalid-company
- invalid-role
- minimum-roles-skills
- person-ban
- person-dismissal
- ticket-employee-skill-mismatch
- ticket-rate
- unique-constraint
Thrown when a property value must be unique and the value inserted it is not.
- Type:
- SQL Type:
Status: 409 Conflict
"type": "/errors/unique-constraint",
"title": "The company 'ISEL' already exists. Please try another one.",
"instance": "/companies"
Thrown when occurred an error in a write operation in the PostgreSQL database.
- Type:
- SQL Type:
Status: 500 Internal Server Error
"type": "/errors/database-write-error",
"title": "An error occurred writing the resource, please try again later.",
"instance": "/companies"
Thrown when it is requested to change a resource that is on an inactive state.
- Type:
- SQL Type:
Status: 409 Conflict
"type": "/errors/database-write-error",
"title": "It's not possible to change an inactive resource.",
"detail": "To change it, you need to activate it first.",
"instance": "/companies/1"
Thrown when it is requested to change an information of a person on an inactive or banned state.
- Type:
- SQL Type:
Status: 409 Conflict
"type": "/errors/inactive-or-banned-person",
"title": "It's not possible to change an inactive or banned person.",
"instance": "/persons/c2b393be-d720-4494-874d-43765f5116cb"
Thrown when the person to fire or rehire it is not an employee or a manager.
- Type:
- SQL Type:
Status: 409 Conflict
"type": "/errors/person-dismissal",
"title": "Only other employees or managers can be fired or rehired.",
"instance": "/persons/c2b393be-d720-4494-874d-43765f5116cb"
Thrown when a managers tries to ban a person that is not a guest or a user.
- Type:
- SQL Type:
Status: 409 Conflict
"type": "/errors/person-ban",
"title": "A manager can only ban guests or users.",
"instance": "/persons/c2b393be-d720-4494-874d-43765f5116cb"
Thrown when is requested to remove a role or a skill from a person when they are already in the limit. The persons must have at least one.
- Type:
- SQL Types:
Status: 409 Conflict
"type": "/errors/minimum-roles-skills",
"title": "A person must have, at least, one role associated.",
"instance": "/persons/c2b393be-d720-4494-874d-43765f5116cb"
Thrown when a person tries to assign another person that is not an employee or a manager to a company.
- Type:
- SQL Type:
Status: 409 Conflict
"type": "/errors/company-person-roles",
"title": "Only an employee or a manager can be assigned to a company.",
"instance": "/persons/c2b393be-d720-4494-874d-43765f5116cb"
Thrown when a person does not have the required role to complete the request.
- Type:
- SQL Type:
Status: 409 Conflict
"type": "/errors/invalid-role",
"title": "You don't have the required role assigned.",
"instance": "/persons/c2b393be-d720-4494-874d-43765f5116cb"
Thrown when a person that does not belong to a company tries to access some resource of that company.
- Type:
- SQL Type:
Status: 409 Conflict
"type": "/errors/invalid-company",
"title": "The manager must belong to the ticket company to access or make changes.",
"instance": "/companies/1"
Thrown when is made a request to deactivate a category that is in use.
- Type:
- SQL Type:
Status: 409 Conflict
"type": "/errors/category-being-used",
"title": "To deactivate a category, it must not be linked to a device or an employee.",
"instance": "/categories/1"
Thrown when is made a request to change some ticket information when it is on the archived state.
- Type:
- SQL Type:
Status: 409 Conflict
"type": "/errors/archived-ticket",
"title": "It's not possible to change an archived ticket.",
"instance": "/tickets/1"
Thrown when is made a request to update the subject or the description of a ticket that is already being fixed, i.e. that in the fixing state.
- Type:
- SQL Type:
Status: 409 Conflict
"type": "/errors/fixing-ticket",
"title": "It's not possible to update a ticket that is already being fixed.",
"instance": "/tickets/1"
Thrown when a ticket is delivered to an employee that does not have the required skills to solve the ticket.
- Type:
- SQL Type:
Status: 409 Conflict
"type": "/errors/ticket-employee-skill-mismatch",
"title": "The employee doesn't have the skills to solve the ticket.",
"instance": "/tickets/1/employee"
Thrown when is made a request to set the rate of a ticket that is not on the archived state yet.
- Type:
- SQL Type:
Status: 409 Conflict
"type": "/errors/ticket-rate",
"title": "The ticket must be archived to be able to receive a rating.",
"instance": "/tickets/1/rate"