This document explains how a new release is created for this docker container
- Update docker-compose files
- Update .env image tag version
- Manually update docker-compose.stack.yml image to new version
- Create a new git tag and push it
git tag vx.x.x
git push origin --tags
- Draft new Github release with description
- Title should be the version e.g. vx.x.x
- Short description of what was added newly
- Update docker hub
- Build dev tag
docker-compose -f build
- Push image to dockerhub
docker push ragedunicorn/jira-core:x.x.x-dev
- Build stable tag
docker-compose build
- Push image to dockerhub
docker push ragedunicorn/jira-core:x.x.x-stable
- Tag and push stable version as latest version (default image for docker hub)
docker tag ragedunicorn/jira-core:x.x.x-stable ragedunicorn/jira-core:latest
docker push ragedunicorn/jira-core:latest
- Note: docker stack image is not pushed to docker hub currently
- Build dev tag
- Update docker hub description links