- Use the GitHub issue tracker
- Include a clear description of the issue
- Add steps to reproduce the bug
- Include system information and environment details
- Add screenshots if applicable
- Check existing issues to avoid duplicates
- Describe the feature clearly
- Explain why this feature would be useful
- Add examples of how it would work
When adding new URLs to the collection:
- Follow the existing structure in
- Ensure the URL is active and accessible
- Type should be "unofficial" to indicate its not from SRM or use "official"
- Include a brief description
site: "Better-Lab",
url: "https://better-lab.vercel.app",
type: "unofficial",
"A better alternative to SRM-Elab. Efficient, Fast, Zippy as hecc",
When creating or modifying themes:
- Theme Structure
title: "Theme Name",
mode: "light" | "dark", // specify theme mode
mono?: boolean, // optional: for monospace themes
properties: {
// all colors in RGB format
metacolor: "#hexcode", // only metacolor allows hex
"background-normal": "R G B",
"background-light": "R G B",
"background-dark": "R G B",
"background-darker": "R G B",
input: "R G B/opacity",
button: "R G B",
side: "R G B",
accent: "R G B",
color: "R G B",
"error-background": "R G B",
"error-color": "R G B",
"warn-background": "R G B",
"warn-color": "R G B",
"success-background": "R G B",
"success-color": "R G B",
"info-background": "R G B",
"info-color": "R G B",
Color Format Rules:
- Use space-separated RGB values (e.g., "255 128 0")
- For transparency, use the "/" notation (e.g., "255 255 255/0.03")
- Only metacolor property uses hex code format
Required Color Categories:
- Background variants (normal, light, dark, darker)
- Interactive elements (input, button)
- Status colors (error, warn, success, info)
- Content colors (accent, color)
- Please use the default colors as possible for theory, practical
- Create a new branch for your changes
- Follow the coding style of the project
- Follow the commit lint naming conventions
- Update documentation as needed
- Request review from maintainers