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Kensuke Sano edited this page Aug 24, 2021 · 9 revisions

Raikou and Entei roam over Johto after you free the three Beasts, which is mandatory for challenging Morty, as in vanilla.

The roaming mechanics is much like vanilla's: see the vanilla hunting guide for details. Note that Polished Crystal has added a Gate between Violet and R36 as in HG/SS, which affects the roamers' movements.

Uncaught, knocked-out roamers will now respawn at a higher level when you beat the Champion. Although Suicune is initially stationary at Tin Tower, it'll respawn as a roamer in the same way if it faints. In addition, releasing a caught roamer now makes it respawnable and practically serves as a re-roll.

List of Roamers

  • Raikou, Lv. 40: Roar, Quick Attack, Spark, Reflect
    • Respawn - Lv. 50: Spark, Reflect, Crunch, Wild Charge
  • Entei, Lv. 40: Roar, Fire Spin, Stomp, Flamethrower
    • Respawn - Lv. 50: Stomp, Flamethrower, Swagger, Flame Charge
  • Suicune, only on respawn - Lv. 50: Aurora Beam, Light Screen, Mirror Coat, Air Slash

Preparations and Catching Strats


  • Repels
  • Lv. 25+ Pokémon to work with Repels
    • Synchronize is now effective on roamers
  • Quick Balls

In addition, Polished Crystal offers two Master Balls (plus the Lucky Number prizes).

Finding Strats

Post-game Eusine will give you the roamers' Pokédex entries at Celadon.

Encounters without Pokédex Entries

  1. Lead with a Pokémon for Repels.
  2. Fly to Mahogany.
  3. Go west to R42, spend a Repel, and run/bike around the grass for 20 seconds.
  4. For refreshes, Fly to Violet and go south to R32 for another 20-second search.
  5. Fly back to Mahogany and try R42 again.
  6. Repeat refreshes and R42 tries.

Encounters with Pokédex Entries

  1. Lead with a Pokémon for Repels.
  2. Fly to Violet.
  3. Look at the Pokédex outside. If the target is located at:
    1. R29, R31, or R35, then go to R31 through the Gate;
    2. R30, R34, R36, R38, or R42, then to R36 through the Gate;
    3. R32, then to either R31 or R36;
    4. R33, then to R32;
    5. Otherwise, Fly to Violet again.
  4. At the Route, check the Pokédex to see if the target and you are in the same place. Repel and encounter the target.
  5. If not, Fly back to Violet and, for refreshes, enter and exit the Pokémon Center before looking at the Pokédex for another try.


  • The Violet-R36 Gate was introduced in HG/SS along with a new roaming mechanics where Gates aren't impactful.
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