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File metadata and controls

141 lines (76 loc) · 3.7 KB

Society-Financial-Management :

This application Handles two kind of users

	1.) Manager
	2.) Appartment Family Member

Application Specification :

-> Appartment Manager:

	- Can able to login
	- Can able to Manage the Appartment Family :
			1.) Add Family 
			2.) Remove Family
			3.) Edit Family Details 
	- Can able to set monthly Payment with the help of simple maker

	- Can able to contact rejected pay users

	- Can able to see all the payment reports based on gien date range

-> Family Member :

	- Can able to login after creating an account with the help of Appartment Manager

	- Can See how much Monthly payment he need to pay and he can pay the bill with the help of simple checker 

	- Can able to see the payment history of that user

Automatic functionalities :

	1.) Every month day 6 to day 10 the payment alert mail will send to each user until he/she pay the bill

	2.) After day 10 un-payed user should pay the fine amount of 100-RS this will automatically updated in database

	3.) The payment delayed user deatails also automatically recorded

Technology Stack Used:

		     FrameWork -> Spring MVC 
		     Front-End -> JSP,JSTL,HTML,CSS,JavaScript(JQuery,AJAX).
		     Back-End  -> Java (Programming Language)
		     DataBase  -> MySql
		     Automatic-Functionalites -> QuartsScheduler
		     Project-Management-Tool -> Maven

DataBase Schema :

mysql> use project;
mysql> show tables;
      | Tables_in_project |
      | admin             |
      | date              |
      | main              |
      | temp              |
      | user              |

This application has Five tables :

1.) admin - to handle admin login details
2.) user  - to handle user data
3.) temp  - it contains that on-going particular month data 
4.) main  - it contains whole payment data (after every first day of the month temp data records copy to here and temp gets empty)
5.) data  - to handle automatic functionalities we need this table

To make Database-Tables DataBase Comments :

  1.) create Database :
        create database project;
      2.) create Tables :

	2.1) create admin table :
		create table admin(name varchar(10),pass varchar(10));

	2.2) create user tabel :

		create table user(D_no varchar(5),Fam_head varchar(20),DOJ varchar(20),noofmem varchar(20),email varchar(30),phone varchar(15),username varchar(20),pass varchar(15));

	2.3) create temp table :

		create table temp(D_no varchar(20),month_charge varchar(20),extra_charge varchar(20),fine varchar(20),pay_stage varchar(20),paid_date varchar(20));

	2.4) create main table :

		create table main(D_no varchar(20),month_charge varchar(20),extra_charge varchar(20),fine varchar(20),pay_stage varchar(20),paid_date varchar(20));

	2.5) create date table :

		create table date(day int, state varchar(10));

In proerties file I used to store DataBase deatils

Application Modules:







Auromatic Functionality Libaries :

- For mail we have JavaMail API in this application you no need to import any jar file,
	because I create this app using Maven so it hande package for us

- For Automatic Fucntionality Quartz Scheduler is used, here crons as a input argument 

For more about crons

Note :

The sender mail shoud be Enable signin from less secure apps in Gmail: by click this link