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According to the KCore O(m * h-idx), KTruss is O((Tri-cnt + TC) * h-idx). In practice, much smaller. See Lijun's tutorial.

Whereas Peel is O(TC) + O(TC) + O(Tri-Cnt) + O(E).


serial, async-update, async-update for only required (need change)

./pnd /mnt/storage1/yche/datasets/snap_livejournal 23
./pnd /mnt/storage1/yche/datasets/snap_livejournal 230
./pnd /mnt/storage1/yche/datasets/snap_livejournal 2300

Binary Format

vtxsize (sizeof) | edgesize (sizeof) | nVtx | nEdge | deg_lst | adj


  • 'make' to compile, it produces Asynchronous Nucleus Decomposition(AND) algoritm.

  • To get the Synchronous version (SND), compile as 'SYNC=yes make'.

  • OMP_NUM_THREADS=X './pnd ' to run; is the input graph in matrix market (.mtx) [1] or edge list (SNAP) [2] format. It can be a binary file as well (See [3]) can be X, X0 or X00 for X is 12, 23 or 34. X runs sequential peeling algorithm, X0 runs parallel local algorithm without notification mechanism, and X00 is for the most efficient parallel algorithm that uses notification mechanism (See the paper for details)

  • can also be 912 or 923 for partialAND computations of core and truss decompositions. However, files for degree/triangle-count and core/truss numbers should exist (requires an earlier run that has DUMP_K=yes and DUMP_Hs=yes, see below).

  • Example: "OMP_NUM_THREADS=16 ./pnd adjnoun.mtx 2300" does most efficient parallel truss decomposition (with notification mechanism) with 16 threads.

  • To get the K values of vertices/edges, compile as 'DUMP_K=yes make'.

  • To get the all the intermediate kappa values of vertices/edges, compile as 'DUMP_Hs=yes make'.

  • Please cite this paper if you use the code:

    "Local Algorithms for Hierarchical Dense Subgraph Discovery" A. E. Sariyuce, C. Seshadhri, A. Pinar PVLDB, 12(1), 2019

  • Contact for any questions/comments

[1] Matrix market has ".txt" or ".mtx" suffix. Its format for a 4 clique: % First line is |V|, |E| 4 6 0 1 0 2 0 3 1 2 1 3 2 3

[2] SNAP format has "out." prefix. Its format for a 4 clique:

0 1 0 2 0 3 1 2 1 3 2 3

[3] Activate WRITE_BINARY macro in graph.cpp to write binary graph files with ".bin" suffix -- recommended for large graphs