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Experimental Results

  • Export the python module search path export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd), supposing the current path as the working directory path
  • Run experiments: see run_experiments, working dir should be the current dir
  • Result parsing scripts: see data_analysis

Dataset Directory Tree / Statistics

Dataset V E d max-d DODG-max-d
s19-16 524,288 7,741,115 (TC: 188,045,046)
s20-16 1,048,575 15,700,698 (TC: 423,655,469)
s21-16 2,097,151 31,767,000 (TC: 949,568,516)
s22-16 4,194,304 64,153,931 (TC: 2,111,612,199)
s23-16 8,388,606 129,335,179 (TC: 4,667,881,015)
s24-16 16,777,216 260,379,286 (TC: 10,283,746,484)
livejournal (LJ) 4,036,538 34,681,189 17.2 14,815 527
orkut (OR) 3,072,627 117,185,083 76.3 33,312 535
web-uk (WU) 18,520,343 150,568,277 16.3 169,382 943
web-eu (WE) 11,264,052 191,414,391 34.0 183,591 9,666
webbase (WB) 118,142,143 525,013,368 8.9 803,138 1,225
web-it (WI) 41,291,083 583,044,292 28.2 1,243,927 3,212
twitter (TW) 41,652,230 684,500,375 32.9 1,405,985 3,317
friendster (FR) 124,836,180 1,806,067,135 28.9 5,214 868
rmat_v0.5m_e0.5g 500,000 499,999,971 2000 4,936 192,655
rmat_v5m_e0.5g 4,999,986 500,000,000 200 769 94,431
rmat_v50m_e0.5g 49,999,953 500,000,000 20 136 29,271
rmat_v1m_e1g 1,000,000 999,999,986 2000 5,547 304,492
rmat_v10m_e1g 9,999,998 1,000,000,000 200 806 125,362
rmat_v100m_e1g 99,999,795 1,000,000,000 20 141 41,197
rmat_v2m_e2g 1,999,997 1,999,999,989 2000 6,089 458,951
rmat_v20m_e2g 19,999,972 2,000,000,000 200 1,391 172,735
rmat_v200m_e2g 199,999,407 2000,000,000 20 155 53,954
Dataset DODG-max-d TC MC CoreVal TrussVal
livejournal (LJ) 527 177,820,130 327 360 352
orkut (OR) 535 627,584,181 51 253 78
web-uk (WU) 943 2,219,257,972 944 943 944
web-eu (WE) 9,666 340,972,167,210 9,667 9,666 9,667
webbase (WB) 1,225 6,931,658,967 1,226 1,225 1,226
web-it (WI) 3,212 24,382,942,061 3,210 3,209 3,210
twitter (TW) 3,317 23,871,588,549 364 2,059 1,517
friendster (FR) 868 4,173,724,142 129 304 129
rmat_v0.5m_e0.5g 4,936 171,681,167,254 373 4,228 2,138
rmat_v5m_e0.5g 769 1,705,342,424 30 627 99
rmat_v50m_e0.5g 136 6,127,241 5 84 5
rmat_v1m_e1g 5,547 305,445,659,482 367 4,835 2,322
rmat_v10m_e1g 806 2,288,408,709 19 679 86
rmat_v100m_e1g 141 9,394,872 5 94 5
rmat_v2m_e2g 6,089 495,273,096,725 316 5,771 2,502
rmat_v20m_e2g 1,391 3,341,193,251 19 773 78
rmat_v200m_e2g 155 12,665,950 4 104 5
Dataset 4 5 6 7 8 9
LJ 5,216,918,441 246,378,629,120 10,990,740,312,954
OR 3,221,946,137 15,766,607,860 75,249,427,585 353,962,921,685 1,632,691,821,296 7,248,102,160,867
WU 107,386,384,124 11,575,113,391,749
WB 781,028,274,064
WI 7,510,704,698,598
TW 3,629,832,195,348
FR 8,963,503,263 21,710,817,218 59,926,510,355

Maximum Clique (Lijun's State-of-the-art-seq-method)

  • On the TW
./MC-BRB MC-BRB /ssd/zlai/yche-datasets/datasets/datasets/webgraph_twitter                                                                   ✔  8875  14:32:58
**** MaxClique (Debug) build at 14:18:13 Jan  2 2020 ***
**** Alg: MC-BRB, Graph: /ssd/zlai/yche-datasets/datasets/datasets/webgraph_twitter ***
**** W/ kernelization, W/ recolor,  ***
        start reading graph
        n = 41,652,230; m = 684,500,375 (undirected)
        *** Finished reading graph
*** Heuristic clique size: 13, time: 10,030,878 (microseconds)
*** Degeneracy clique size: 123, max_core: 2059, Time: 30,275,572 (microseconds)
        Reduced graph size: |V|=789,397, |E|=258,683,010 (undirected)
*** ego_degen clique size: 362, UB: 505, Time: 598,279,580 (microseconds)
        MC-EGO Time: 648,973,891
degree_one_two_three_with_folding finds clique of size: 363                                                                                                                                                        
greedy_extend finds clique of size: 364                                                                                                                                                                            
Number of matrix constructed: 3,038
Average density: 0.8737, min density: 0.7655, average kernel_effect: 0.1682
Number of egos searched: 3,038, branches: 17,132,171
Average ego_density: 0.8737, min ego_density: 0.7655
        Maximum Clique Size: 364, Max Depth: 3, Total Time: 140,204,901,374