Name | Type | Required | Description |
status | Status1 | ❌ | |
data | Coupon | ❌ | The coupon can be applied to the following objects - _ Subscription - All charges in the subscription are subject to the discount described in the coupon. To add a coupon to a subscription, first use Create Coupon. Then add the coupon ID to the coupon field of the subscription with Create Subscription or Update Subscription. _ Customer - The discount applies to all charges to the customer. To add a coupon to a customer, first use Create Coupon. Then add the coupon ID to the coupon field of the customer with Create Customer or Update Customer. * Order - The discount applies to a single order. To add a coupon to an order, first use Create Coupon. The duration field of the coupon must be set to repeating, and the duration_in_months and discount_duration_in_uses fields must be set to 1. Then add the coupon ID to the coupon field of the order with Create an Order or Update Order. A coupon can be applied to one or more customers or subscriptions. However, a subscription can have only one coupon, and the only way to assign two or more coupons to a customer is to assign them to separate subscriptions. If there is a coupon for the customer and another coupon for the customer's subscription, the subscription coupon takes precedence. |