- What's the story behind this PR?
- Every PR must have description of Impact / Risks / Unknowns
- Reject large PRs if it lacks detailed description / story behind it
- Large PRs may be done pairing with author
- "Approve" only if you approve of functional impact
- "Comment" only if you just did a code-style review
- Reject PRs with insufficient test cases
- Meaningful rejections make us better
- Optional: Check for cyclic maven dependencies
This PR:
- Changes this
- Implements that
- Also changes something else
- functional review
- codestyle review
What could potentially happen due to these changes
Improved navigation UX for mobile user Less time needed to find related categories Lower exit rate More returning user
- Not sure if ... is the correct solution. If you can come up with a better approach…
Follow-Up ticket … created to clean … up.