The Simulation Object
Since the solver interface is exposed the solution object generated only gives the raw moles and raw sensitivity values, which typically are not what a user wants. The Simulation object combines the solution information and the domain information to calculate much more useful properties of the solution.
The Simulation object can be defined:
bsol = Simulation(sol,domain,interfaces,p)
where sol
is the ODESolution object output by the DifferentialEquations package, domain
is the domain sol
corresponds to, interfaces is the array of interface objects and p is the parameter vector.
The SystemSimulation Object
When a system involves multiple domains a single Simulation object is insufficient. For these systems you need to construct a SystemSimulation object. This works in much the same way except that the domains should be listed as a tuple and the domain and interface ordering should be the same as that used when constructing the Reactor object. In theory the SystemSimulation object should be able to be used in place of a Simulation object in most places (If this is not the case and should be the case please make an issue!).
ssys = SystemSimulation(sol,(domainliq,domaincat,),interfaces,p);
Useful Properties
Thermodynamic Properties
Any thermodynamic property (T,P,V,C) at any given time t
can be calculated in the format
where T can be replaced by any of the other properties.
Mole Fractions
Mole fraction information can be retrieved using the molefraction
function. molefraction(bsol)
will give the mole fractions of all species at the times bsol.sol.t
. molefraction(bsol,t)
will the mole fractions of all species at time t
. molefraction(bsol,name,t)
will give the mole fraction of the species with name name
at time t
Rates of production/consumption (associated with each reaction and each species at a given time) can be retrived using the rops
function. rops(bsol,t)
will the matrix of rops for all species and all reactions at time t
. rops(bsol,name,t)
will give the array of rops for the species with name name
at time t
Concentration Sensitivities
Concentration sensitivities to rate coefficients and species gibbs free energies can be retrieved using the getconcentrationsensitivity(bsol,numerator,denominator,t)
function. Here bsol
denotes the Simulation object, and t
denotes the time. The output is the sensitivity of the numerator
to the denominator
. For species concentration and species thermo this is the name of the species for reactions this is the index of the reaction.
The function rates
can be used to calculate the rates of all reactions at specific time points. rates(bsol,t)
will give the array of reaction rates at time t
while rates(bsol;ts=ts)
will give a matrix of reaction rates at all times in ts
. Note that ts
defaults to bsol.sol.t
Adjoint Sensitivities
Sensitivity values to a target species or thermodynamic variable can be computed from a Simulation
or SystemSimulation
object using the getadjointsensitivities(bsol::Q,target::String,solver::W;sensalg::W2=InterpolatingAdjoint(autojacvec=ReverseDiffVJP(false)),abstol::Float64=1e-6,reltol::Float64=1e-3,normalize=true,kwargs...)
function. This computes the sensitivity with respect to the target at the final time point of bsol. It uses solver
, sensalg
, abstol
, and reltol
for the adjoint solve and by default will give the normalized sensitivity values (note these are molar sensitivities, concentration sensitivities can't be computed from a single adjoint pass). This is usually much faster than forward sensitivities.
Transitory Sensitivities
Transitory sensitivity values can be computed using several different algorithms. transitorysensitivitiesfullexact(sim::Simulation,t;tau=NaN, normalized=true,solver=Sundials.CVODE_BDF(linear_solver=:GMRES), abstol=1e-16,reltol=1e-6)
gives you the exact full matrix of transitory sensitivities using the forward sensitivity algorithm, while transitorysensitivitiesfulltrapezoidal(sim,t;tau=NaN,normalized=true)
gives the approximate full matrix of transitory sensitivities using the trapezoidal method. transitorysensitivitiesparamexact
and transitorysensitivitiesparamtrapezoidal
are available for computing a single column of the matrix (with respect to a single parameter)). Lastly transitorysensitivitiesadjointexact(sim::Simulation,t,name;tau=NaN, normalized=true,solver=Sundials.CVODE_BDF(),sensalg=InterpolatingAdjoint(), abstol=1e-16,reltol=1e-6)
is available for computing a single row of the matrix (sensitivity to a specified species with respect to all parameters). The adjoint algorithm is jacobian free if tau
is specified and the solver is jacobian free.
Other Useful Properties
Please let us know on our Github issues page if we're missing any important property calculators.
Crash Analysis
When thermodynamics and kinetics are poorly assigned mechanisms can become too stiff to simulate causing the solver to crash. In these cases it is very important to be able to efficiently identify potential offending thermochemistry and/or kinetics. Our crash analysis tool analyzes the reaction and species fluxes to identify NaN quantities and quantities that are unusually large. A crash report can be generated from the associated Simulation
or SystemSimulation
object with printcrashanalysis(analyzecrash(sim;tol=tol))
. In general, the correct tol
depends on how much faster the offending chemistry is than the real chemistry. Rather than use the default tolerance one should adjust tol
to achieve a reasonable amount of possible offending thermochemistry and kinetics, adjusting up to reduce the amount identified while decreasing tol
will cause the amount identified to increase.
Plotting Mole Fractions
Mole fractions can be plotting using the plotmolefractions
function plotmolefractions(bsol, tf; t0=1e-15,N=1000,tol=0.01)
plots all species with molefraction greater than tol
at N
logarithmically spaced time points between t0
and tf
. plotmolefractions(bsol; tol=0.01)
plots all species with molefraction greater than tol
at the points in bsol.sol.t
. plotmolefractions(bsol,spcnames)
plots all the species with names in spcnames
at the points in bsol.sol.t
Plotting Forward Sensitivities
Sensitivities (normalized molar sensitivities) can be plotted using the plotmaxthermoforwardsensitivity
and plotmaxrateforwardsensitivity
functions. Both of these follow the same format: plotmaxthermoforwardsensitivity(bsol, spcname; N=0, tol= 1e-2)
corresponds to the species sensitivities are being calculated for, N
is the maximum number of sensitive species/reactions plotted (0 corresponds to all of them), sensitive species/reactions with sensitivities less than tol
are not included in the plot. Note that the thermo sensitivities are given in mol/kcal while the rate sensitivities are fully non-dimensionalized (as displayed on the plots).
Plotting Adjoint Sensitivities
Adjoint sensitivities can be plotted using the plotthermoadjointsensitivities(bsol::Y,name::X,dps::Z;N=0,tol=0.01)
and plotrateadjointsensitivities(bsol::Y,name::X,dps::Z;N=0,tol=0.01)
functions where dps
is the normalized adjoint sensitivity values.
Plotting ROPs
ROPs can be plotted with the plotrops
function. plotrops(bsol,name,t;N=0,tol=0.01)
will plot the ROPs for species with name name
at time t
including at most N
reactions and not including reactions with absolute rates less than tol * the largest absolute rate. This is a bar plot comparing the reactions that contribute the most to the production and loss of the species
The rops can be plotted with respect to time on a line plot using plotrops(bsol,name;rxnrates=Array{Float64,1}(),ts=Array{Float64,1}(),tol=0.05)
in this case rxnrates
corresponds to the matrix of reaction rates at each time point (can be expensive to compute so if available can be reused), ts
correpsonds to a set of time points to plot at (otherwise defaults to bsol.sol.t
), any reaction with flux smaller than tol
* the largest absolute rate at every time point is excluded from the plot.
The analogous functions plotradicalrops(bsol,t;N=0,tol=0.01)
and plotradicalrops(bsol;rxnrates=Array{Float64,1}(),ts=Array{Float64,1}(),tol=0.05)
are available for plotting the rops for the sum of all radicals.
Plotting Transitory Sensitivities
Transitory sensitivities and be combusted and plotted using plotrxntransitorysensitivities(bsol,name,t;dSdt=nothing,tau=nothing,tol=1e-3,N=0,rxntol=1e-6)
and plotthermotransitorysensitivities(bsol,name,t;dSdt=nothing,tau=nothing,tol=1e-3,N=0)
where dSdt contains the transitory sensitivity values otherwise these values will be computed automatically using the trapezoidal method using the input tau
or automatically selecting tau
and the rxntol
value. At most N
reactions are included in the plot and the plot will not include reactions with absolute transitory sensitivities less than tol
times the largest absolute value.
Plotting Time Scales
The timescale distribution of a simulation at a point can be plotted using plottimescales(sim,t;taumax=1e6,taumin=1e-18,taures=10.0^0.5,usediag=true)
or plottimescales(Jy;taumax=1e6,taumin=1e-18,taures=10.0^0.5,usediag=true)
where taumax
, taumin
and taures
control the bins. If usediag=true
it will simply determine the timescales using the diagonal of the Jacobian otherwise it will compute and use the eigenvalues. In general we've observed no significant differences in distributions generated using the diagonal values vs the eigenvalues although there may be significant differences when the mechanism is small.
Other Plots
While we are trying to build up a library of plotting functions that make mechanism analysis easier we may not have the one you need. However, the tools in the Useful Properties section should be enough most of the time. We're happy to provide guidance on our Github issues page and add plotting functions you find useful.
Flux Diagrams
RMS generates flux diagrams with molecular images (or names when images aren't available) using the getfluxdiagram
maximumnodecount=50, maximumedgecount=50, concentrationtol=1e-6, speciesratetolerance=1e-6,
- maximumnodepenwidth=10.0,maximumedgepenwidth=10.0,radius=1,centralreactioncount=-1,outputdirectory="fluxdiagrams")
This generates a flux diagram at the time point t
. centralspecieslist
denotes a list of species that must be included in the diagram, maximumnodecount
denotes the maximum number of species in the diagram, maximumedgecount
denotes the maximum number of connections between species, concentrationtol
denotes the lowest fractional concentration to show in the diagram, speciesratetolerance
denotes the lowest fraction species rate to show in the diagram, maximumNodePenWidth
denotes the thickness of the border around a node a maximum concentration. maximumedgepenwidth
denotes the thickness of the edge at maximum species rate, radius
is the graph radius plotted around a central species.
Other Useful Functionality
will give you the index of the species with name name