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Genetic Marker Search

This is a project we completed as a part of our "Parallel Programming in C++" course at Ukrainian Catholic University.

We solve a problem of finding whether any of a given set of genetic markers are present in given genome sequences. In fact, this is an application of string matching problem, so it can be solved using a classic algorithm like Aho-Corasick.

Our main goal was to implement an efficient parallel implementation, since the project owner has really large amount of genome files and wishes to utilize their multi-core machine. With this in mind, we decided to use CPU-thread-based parallelism.

The main matching part is designed as a producer-consumer pipeline, with one thread loading the genomes from the drive and storing them into a bounded queue (in order not to run out of memory), and multiple threads performing string matching. For threading, we chose std::thread and for efficient communication between threads we use concurrent data structures from Intel's TBB.


After building the project, navigate to the folder with the executable and run:

./run_search CONFIG_FILE

CONFIG_FILE must be a valid config file, like this, which specifies the following values:

  • genomes_path: path to a folder with genome files (either .fasta files or archives containing a single .fasta file each).
  • markers_file: path to a .csv file with markers to find in genomes.
  • result_file: path to a .csv file to store the result at.
  • num_threads: number of parallel workers (must be at least 2).
  • max_queue_size: the maximum number of genomes to keep in memory at the same time. Set this based on your RAM restrictions. For example, each .fasta file we use is around 120MB, and contains 5 genomes. So if we don't want the genomes to take more than, say, 1.2GB of memory, we should set max_queue_size to 1200 / 120 * 5 = 50.
  • verbose: set to 1 to display progress and status messages and to 0 otherwise.

The result is a CSV file with genome IDs as rows, marker IDs as columns, and 1's or 0's on the intersetion representing whether a given marker is found in a given genome.


Pseudogenomes data that we used for testing can be found here. We've prepared a script to load the required number of files. To load NUM_FILES files and store them at DEST_DIR, execute


Every loaded file is a .gz archive containing one multi-FASTA file.

Unfortunately, markers we used are not available for public use, but we provide a sample_markers.csv file with random markers for basic testing.


The program mostly relies on basic C++ 17 functionality, but uses some third-party libraries. Particularly, boost is used for various file manipulations, and Intel's TBB for efficient concurrent data structures. Including TBB into the project might be tricky on certain systems, so we provide a FindTBB.cmake file (not our work) which solves this problem.

Our implementation of Aho-Corasick turned out to be not very efficient, so we replaced it with this one. We did small adjustments to make it work in parallel manner.


The first test is comparison of execution time of C++ and pure-Python (ahocorapy) Aho-Corasick implementations. We divide the main part of execution into two stages: building a trie (not parallelizable) and matching a text (parallelizable). This test allows us to estimate the upper-bound of parallelization speed-up.

Since we have genomes of different size, we take an average matching time of 5 genomes. Also, we run the test for different numbers of markers. Source code of the benchmarks is stored at benchmarks directory.

The results on Intel Core i5 7200U CPU @ 2.5GHz with num_threads=4 are the following (min across multiple runs):

# markers trie (ahocorapy) trie (C++) matching (ahocorapy) matching (C++)
10^3 0.06s 0.02s 29.2s 5.8s
10^4 0.45s 0.13s 33.9s 6.8s
10^5 4.44s 1.36s 39.9s 9.7s
10^6 80.0s 22.8s 50.0s 13.4s
2 * 10^6 48.8s 14.2s
3 * 10^6 77.0s 14.9s

The second test is measurement of the effect of parallelization by running the main executable on different numbers of hardware threads. On the same machine, we ran the run_search program on 20 fasta files (100 genomes) and 1M markers.

With num_threads=2 and max_queue_size=5 (effectively, one thread for reading genomes and one thread for matching), we get

Reading markers:  8.335 seconds
Building trie:    24.678 seconds
Matching genomes: 1569.967 seconds
Saving results:   12.939 seconds

With num_threads=4 and max_queue_size=10 (one thread for reading and three threads for matching), we get

Reading markers:  8.327 seconds
Building trie:    27.877 seconds
Matching genomes: 616.065 seconds
Saving results:   16.117 seconds

As expected, we see x2.5 speed-up in parallelizable section of the program, which almost reaches the ideal x3 increase in performance.

Also, we did this test for a smaller amount of genomes but for a wider range of num_threads values to determine the optimal number of threads:

The final test was made for comparison with other teams doing this project and represents a complete run on 1000 genomes (200 files) and 3M markers (uses our older implementation of Aho-Corasick). It was performed on the Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7820X CPU @ 3.60GHz with 8 cores and 16 hardware threads, with num_threads=16 and max_queue_size=48. The results are the following:

  • Bulding trie: 105.6 seconds
  • Matching markers 2520.3 seconds
  • Overall time: ~43 minutes

Possible optimizations:

  • Aho-Corasick speed-up (remove overhead related to more detailed output format than we actually need)
  • Using more memory-efficient data types
  • GPU parallelizations:
    • Genome/subgenome level parallelization
    • Parallel trie construction