Create a hands-on workshop on multiple technical labs that anyone can walk through to get started with A-MQ v7 and explore common use cases. Each lab should be independent (only assume a vanila product install as documented in first lab) so that participant can jump to the lab topic most important to them. All code and guides (Markdown) should be stored within this Github repo.
In top level README, create quick overview of how to use this lab
- Lab 1 - download and install A-MQ 7, and any instructions on setting up IDE
- Lab 2+ - independent lab (assumon only lab 1) on simple to more advanced A-MQ use case topics
Any code needed for labs should be stored in this repo in Maven project format.
Labs should include cut and paste-able code and configuration information to allow for completion.
Each lab should contain in Markdown format
- Overview summary of what topic will be covered in this lab
- Assumptions and Pre-requistes needed before starting this lab
- Step by Step instructions to complete the lab
- Review of what the lab showed the participant
- Where to find more information - links