- Removed bugged click outside
- Added new param positioning
- Added preventDefault to arrowDown, arrowUp
- Updated homepage
- Removed onBlur behaviour from input, added clickOutside option instead
- Added ResizeObserver to detect wrapper size changes
- Removed autohide on scroll because it had some problems with detecting scrollable parents
- Removed preventing form from submitting behaviour
- Added reducer action type - KEY_PRESS_ENTER
- Handling blur
- Prevent form from submitting when menu is open
- Fixed react peer dependency version
- Added Side option
- Removed 5px margin from top
- Changed positioning algorithm for autoScroll option
- Changed positioning algorithm
- Added direction parameter
- Exported enum with reducer action types
- Fixed double padding
- Fixed wrong positioning of menu on iOS
- Added links to repo, issues and example
- Added autoScroll option
- Added throttling to repositioning menu
- Fixed autohiding
- Added menu autoscroll
- Changed of the menu width to auto
- Fixed: onSelect was called with no item in some cases
- Auto adjusting dropdown orientation (top/bottom) depending on it's position;