To start, clone the AffinityVAE repository and switch to the affinity-vae
As described in the README, AffinityVAE can be installed using
python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install -e ."[all]"
The MNIST dataset can be downloaded from:
In this tutorial, we assume that the dataset is downloaded to this tutorials
directory. Make sure that the downloaded file is indeed mnist.pkl.gz
and that
it hasn't been decompressed by your browser (this could happen in Safari).
We need an MNIST dataset with augmentation and rotations, and saved with a structure that affinityVAE can read (a subdirectory for training data, and another for testing). This can be done by running the following command:
python --mnist_file mnist.pkl.gz --output_path .
here the first argument is the path to the downloaded MNIST dataset, and the
second argument is the path to the directory where the processed dataset will be
saved. In this example, we are saving the dataset in the current directory under
mnist_data. There you can also find a visualization of a few
random samples of the dataset in the mnist_examples.png
file for validation.
Affinity-VAE is a highly configurable model (to see the full list of
configurables run python absolute/path/to/affinity-vae/ --help
). In this
tutorial we will use a yaml file mnist_config.yml
to configure our run.
Now we are ready to run AffinityVAE on the MNIST dataset. For this we need the
data divided into training and test sets, we need a configuration file
), and we need the files classes_mnist.csv
(list of labels
to use in training) and affinity_mnist.csv
(affinity matrix for the classes
defined above), which are provided in his tutorial. All these files can be found
in the mnist_data directory.
First thing you need to do is to modify the mnist_config.yml
file to point to
the absolute paths of the data, classes, and affinity files. Currently, the
paths in the config file are relative to this directory but this can cause issues
when running the code from a different directory. To modify the paths, open the
file and change the following lines:
datapath: /absolute/path/to/mnist_data/images_train/
classes: /absolute/path/to/mnist_data/classes_mnist.csv
affinity: /absolute/path/to/mnist_data/affinity_mnist.csv
In general, we recommend to work with absolute paths to avoid issues.
To train AffinityVAE on our rotated MNIST dataset, run the following command:
python /absolute/path/to/affinity-vae/ --config_file /absolute/path/to/mnist_data/mnist_config.yml --new_out
This will train AffinityVAE on the MNIST dataset and save the results in a new
timestamped directory created by the --new_out
flag. In this case the run is
configured by the mnist_config.yml
You can also configure the run by passing arguments to the
script as
shown in the main README file and in the following example:
python path/to/affinity-vae/ --config_file /absolute/path/to/mnist_data/mnist_config.yml --beta 0.1 --gamma 0.01 --lr 0.001 --epochs 200 --new_out
Here the command line arguments override the values in the config file.
The config file provided here has optimal parameters for the MNIST dataset, so we recommend to use it as it is.
Once the training finishes you can evaluate the model on unseen data using the
test set by stepping into the new directory and running the following. The outputs from the test run will be saved in the existing plots directory created during the training run, and will have the suffix evl_
in the filename.
cd path/to/new_out
python path/to/affinity-vae/ --config_file /absolute/path/to/mnist_data/mnist_config.yml --datapath /absolute/path/to/mnist_data/images_test/ --eval
Note: During training we've left the class 9
out, so we can use it for
evaluation and see where it fits in the affinity organised latent space.
You can also restart training from a checkpoint by running
cd path/to/new_out
python path/to/affinity-vae/ --config_file /absolute/path/to/mnist_data/mnist_config.yml --restart --epochs 2000 --data_path /absolute/path/to/mnist_data/images_train/
here epochs are set to 2000 to continue training for 1000 extra epochs (assuming initial training ran for the 1000 epochs defined in the config file).
The training run will create a directory with the following structure:
├── configs # copy of the config file used for the run for reproducibility
├── logs # run logs
├── plots # plots and data of the training and evaluation metrics
├── latents # html files latent space of the training and test sets, these files can be very large, so we recomend them to only runnin the at evaluation time (using the --dynamic flag)
├── states #saving checkpoints of the models and the training latent space to be use for evaluation or restart training