diff --git a/languages/bg.yml b/languages/bg.yml deleted file mode 100644 index fb0ecd8e1..000000000 --- a/languages/bg.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,632 +0,0 @@ -language: - name: "English (UK)" - locale: "en-GB" - version: "2.4.0" - author: "Presti" -logging: - banned: ":airplane_departure: %s **banned.**" - unbanned: ":airplane_arriving: %s **unbanned.**" - joined: - default: "%s **joined the Server.**\n:timer: Age of the Account:\n**%s**\n**%s**" - bot: - found: "**The Bot** %s **has been invited by** %s" - notFound: "**We could not find out who Invite the Bot** %s" - leave: "%s **joined and left the Server.**" - invite: - vanity: "%s **has been invited via Vanity Invite.**" - default: "%s **has been invited by** %s (Code: %s, Uses: %s)" - notFound: "**Couldn't determine who invited** %s" - left: - default: "%s **left the Server.**\n:timer: Joined:\n**%s**" - slim: "%s **left the Server.**" - timeout: - started: "**The User** %s **received a timeout.**\n**Time:** %s" - updated: "**The User** %s **received a timeout.**\n**Reason:** %s\n**Moderator:** %s\n**Time:** %s" - ended: "**The User** %s **finished their timeout.**\n**Time:** %s" - nickname: - reset: "The Nickname of %s has been reset.\n**Old Nickname:**\n%s" - changed: "The Nickname of %s has been changed.\n**New Nickname:**\n%s\n**Old Nickname:**\n%s" - voicechannel: - join: "%s **joined the Voice Channel** %s" - move: "%s **moved from the Voice Channel** %s **to** %s**.**" - moveMany: "%s **moved through many Voice Channel and is now in** %s" - leave: "%s **left the Voice Channel** %s" - leaveInstant: "%s **joined and left the Voice Channel** %s" - rejoin: "%s **rejoined the Voice Channel** %s" - channel: - update: - voice: ":house: **VoiceChannel updated:** %s" - chat: ":house: **TextChannel updated:** %s" - delete: - voice: ":house: **VoiceChannel deleted:** ``%s``" - chat: ":house: **TextChannel deleted:** ``%s``" - create: - voice: ":house: **VoiceChannel created:** %s" - chat: ":house: **TextChannel created:** %s" - member: ":writing_hand: %s **has been updated.**" - role: - create: ":family_mmb: ``%s`` **has been created.**" - update: ":family_mmb: ``%s`` **has been updated.**" - delete: ":family_mmb: ``%s`` **has been deleted.**" - message: - deleted: ":wastebasket: **Message of %s in %s has been deleted.**\n%s" - tooLong: "Message is too long to display!" - attachmentFailed: "Could not add Message Attachment reason: %s" - attachmentNotice: "Below are the attachments, we recommend being careful with these files!" -label: - status: "Status" - typ: "Type" - genres: "Genres" - aired: "Aired" - episodes: "Episodes" - duration: "Duration" - averageRating: "Average Rating" - rank: "Rank" - randomCatImage: "Random Cat Image" - randomDogImage: "Random Dog Image" - published: "Published" - chapters: "Chapters" - volumes: "Volumes" - randomMemeImage: "Random Meme Image" - monkey: "Monkey" - randomShibaImage: "Random Shiba Image" - character: "Character" - from: "From" - invite: "Invite" - support: "Support" - serverId: "Server ID" - creationDate: "Creation Date" - owner: "Owner" - members: "Members" - channels: "Channels" - other: "Other" - verificationLevel: "Verification Level" - notExisting: "Not Existing" - serverStats: "Server Stats" - guilds: "Guilds" - users: "Users" - botStats: "Bot Stats" - version: "Version" - uptime: "Uptime" - networkStats: "Network Stats" - responseTime: "Response Time" - systemDate: "System Date" - discordStats: "Discord Stats" - gatewayTime: "Gateway Time" - shardAmount: "Shard Amount" - shards: "Shards" - commandStats: "Command Stats" - topCommands: "Top Commands" - overallTopCommands: "Overall Top Commands" - discordGuidelines: "Discord Guidelines" - chatLeaderboard: "Chat-Leaderboard" - voiceLeaderboard: "Voice-Leaderboard" - title: "Title" - description: "Description" - setupMenu: "Setup Menu" - auditLog: "Audit-Logging" - welcomeChannel: "Welcome-Channel" - autoRole: "Auto-Role" - temporalVoice: "Temporal-Voice" - statistics: "Statistics" - ticketSystem: "Ticket-System" - suggestionMenu: "Suggestion-Menu" - webinterface: "Webinterface" - musicPlayer: "Music Player" - actor: "Actor" - oldName: "Old Name" - newName: "New Name" - nsfw: "NSFW" - roles: "Roles" - oldMentionable: "Old Mentionable" - newMentionable: "New Mentionable" - oldHoist: "Old Hoist" - newHoist: "New Hoist" - newPermissions: "New Permissions" - oldColor: "Old Color" - newColor: "New Color" - overallMembers: "Overall Members" - realMembers: "Real Members" - botMembers: "Bot Members" - temporalVoiceName: "Temporal VC #%s" - chat: "Chat" - voice: "Voice" - startGame: "Start Game" - joinGame: "Join Game" - leaveGame: "Leave Game" - blackJack: "BlackJack" - hit: "Hit" - stand: "Stand" - userCards: "%ss **Cards**" - userCardsSelf: "**Your Cards**" - suggestion: "Suggestion" - openTicket: "Open Ticket" - closeTicket: "Close Ticket" - setup: "Setup" - delete: "Delete" - backToMenu: "Back to Menu" - setImage: "Set Image" - ticket: "Ticket" - overallMembersName: "Overall Members: %s" - realMembersName: "Real Members: %s" - botMembersName: "Bot Members: %s" - twitchCountName: "Twitch Follower: %s" - youtubeCountName: "Youtube Subscribers: %s" - redditCountName: "Subreddit Members: %s" - twitterCountName: "Twitter Followers: %s" - instagramCountName: "Instagram Followers: %s" - setupMemberStatistics: "Setup Member Statistics" - setupTwitchStatistics: "Setup Twitch Statistics" - setupYoutubeStatistics: "Setup Youtube Statistics" - setupRedditStatistics: "Setup Reddit Statistics" - setupTwitterStatistics: "Setup Twitter Statistics" - setupInstagramStatistics: "Setup Instagram Statistics" - channelName: "Channel Name" - subreddit: "Subreddit" - name: "Name" - selectChannel: "Select a Channel!" - unknownMenu: "Unknown Menu" - language: "Language" - unknown: "Unknown" - recording: - start: "Recording started!" - name: "[\uD83D\uDD34] Recording!" - finished: "Recording finished!" - download: "Download" - error: "Error" - game: "Game" - viewer: "Viewer" - more: "More" - skip: "Skip" - musicQuiz: "Music Quiz" - position: "Position %s" - feedback: "Feedback" - github: "Github" - queueAdd: "Add to Queue" - song: "Song" - shuffle: "Shuffle" - loop: "Loop" -message: - default: - usage: "Usage {guild_prefix}%s." - needPermission: "Looks like I do not have the Permission `%s`!" - insufficientPermission: "Looks like you do not have the Permission `%s`!" - noMention: - user: "Please mention a user!" - role: "Please mention a role!" - channel: "Please mention a channel!" - onlyNSFW: "This Command can only be used in NSFW Channels!" - invalidQuery: "Please provide a valid Query!" - checkBelow: "Check below!" - retrievalError: "There was an error while retrieving the data!" - notInVoiceChannel: "You are not in a Voice-Channel!" - notInSameVoiceChannel: "You are not in the same Voice-Channel!" - alreadyInVoiceChannel: "I am already in a Voice-Channel!" - image: - needed: "A Image is needed!" - tooBig: "The Image is too big!" - tooBigMax: "The Image is too big! Max Size: %sMB" - actionRequired: "Select an Action!" - unknownMenu: "There was an error while resolving the modal!" - invalidOption: "You somehow selected an invalid Option! Are you a Wizard?" - invalidOptionChannel: "The given Channel doesn't exists, how did you select it? Are you a Wizard?" - missingOption: "You need to provide a value for the option %s!" - nameChangeFailed: "Could not change the my own nickname!" - time: - date: "Please use a valid Date!\nNote that we use the the format dd.MM.yyyy (day.month.year)!" - time: "Please use a valid Time!\nNote that we use the format HH/mm (hour/minute (24-hour))!" - notEnough: "The entered time is not enough!" - birthday: - added: - self: "Your Birthday has been added!" - other: "The Birthday of %s has been added!" - noPerms: "You don't have the permission to add a Birthday!" - removed: - self: "Your Birthday has been removed!" - other: "The Birthday of %s has been removed!" - noPerms: "You don't have the permission to remove a Birthday!" - instagramNotifier: - added: "A Instagram Notifier has been created for the User %s!" - list: "Here are all Instagram Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Instagram Notifier has been removed from the User %s!" - redditNotifier: - added: "A Reddit Notifier has been created for the Subreddit %s!" - list: "Here are all Reddit Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Reddit Notifier has been removed from the Subreddit %s!" - twitchNotifier: - added: "A Twitch-Stream Notifier has been created for the Channel %s!" - list: "Here are all Twitch Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Twitch-Stream Notifier has been removed from the Channel %s!" - twitterNotifier: - added: "A Twitter Notifier has been created for the User %s!" - list: "Here are all Twitter Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Twitter Notifier has been removed from the User %s!" - youtubeNotifier: - added: "A Youtube-Video Notifier has been created for the Channel %s!" - list: "Here are all YouTube Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Youtube-Video Notifier has been removed from the Channel %s!" - anime: - searching: "Searching for Anime..." - found: "Anime found!" - error: "An error occurred while searching for Anime!" - game: - actionNeeded: "You need to specify an action!" - valueNeeded: "You need to specify a value!" - invalidAction: "Please provide a valid action!" - invalidInvite: "Please provide a valid Invite!" - gameAlreadyStarted: "The Game has been started!" - availableGames: "Available Games:" - hornyJail: "%s is now in the Horny-Jail!" - hug: "%s has been hugged by %s!" - kiss: "%s has been kissed by %s!" - manga: - searching: "Searching for Manga..." - found: "Manga found!" - error: "An error occurred while searching for Manga!" - ping: "Pong" - record: - recordingStarted: "I am now recording the voice channel!" - recordingStopped: "Recording stopped!" - recordingError: "An error occurred while recording!" - slap: "%s has been slapped by %s!" - addon: - list: "List of Addons:" - reloadAll: "Reloading Addons ...." - reloadedAll: "Reloaded all Addons!" - credits: - default: "Meet our Team!" - easterEgg: "Meet the Spy!" - optout: - optedOut: "You have been opted out of any data collection!" - optedIn: "You have been opted in for data collection!" - leaderboards: "Below this Message you can find the Leaderboards of the current Server!\nPlease note that you have to be logged in to see these stats, reason for this is Discords Guidelines!" - ban: - success: "Successfully banned %s!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't ban someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't ban someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - blacklist: - addedList: "The following words have been added to the Blacklist:" - added: "The Word `%s` has been added to the Blacklist!" - removed: "The Word `%s` has been removed from the Blacklist!" - setupNeeded: "You need to setup the Blacklist first!" - notFound: "The Word `%s` was not found in the Blacklist!" - clear: - noNumber: "%s isn't a number!" - notInRange: "%s isn't between 2 and 200!" - success: "Successfully deleted %s Messages!" - clearData: - success: "Successfully cleared all Invite Data!" - cooldown: "You can only use this command once every 10 minute!" - import: - botRequired: "Please provide a Bot you which to Import data from!" - unknownBot: "Unknown Bot!" - success: "Successfully imported data from %s Users!" - error: - unknown: "An unknown error occurred! ({})" - noData: "No Data found!" - visibility: "You can't import data from a Bot which is not visible to everyone!" - kick: - success: "Successfully kicked %s!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't kick someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't kick someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - mute: - invalidTime: "Please provide a valid Time!" - success: "Successfully muted %s for %ss!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't mute someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't mute someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - prefix: - success: "Successfully changed the Prefix to `%s`!" - setup: - successImage: "Successfully set the new Join-Image!" - setupMenu: "Which configuration do you want to check out?" - setupMenuPlaceholder: "Select a configuration Step!" - steps: - auditLog: "You can set up our own Audit-Logging which provides all the Information over and Webhook into the Channel of your desire!\nBut ours is not the same as the default Auditions, ours gives your the ability to set what you want to be logged and what not!\nWe also allow you to log Voice Events!" - welcome: "You can set up our own Welcome-Messages!\nYou can choice the Welcome-Channel by your own and even configure the Message!" - autoRole: "You can set up our own Autorole-System!\nYou can select Roles that Users should get upon joining the Server!" - temporalVoice: "You can set up your own Temporal Voice channel!\nBy setting up Temporal Voice channel on a specific channel which will be used to create a new Voice channel when ever someones joins into it!" - lang: "You can change the Language Setting of the Bot!" - suggestion: - suggestionMenu: "Click on the button below to suggest something!" - suggestionMenuPlaceholder: "Suggest something!" - success: "Successfully setup the Suggestion-System!" - sent: "Your Suggestion has been sent!" - footer: "Suggestion by %s" - notSetup: "Looks like the Suggestion-System is not set up the right way!" - unban: - success: "Successfully unbanned %s!" - notFound: "The User `%s` was not found!" - unmute: - success: "Successfully un-muted %s!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't un-mute someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't un-mute someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - music: - clearQueue: "The Queue has been cleaned!" - notPlaying: "Im not playing anything!" - notConnected: "I am not connected to a Voice Channel!" - loop: - enabled: "Loop has been enabled!" - disabled: "Loop has been disabled!" - lyrics: - notFound: "Couldn't find the Lyrics for %s." - foundUnlikely: "Lyrics for %s found, but they are unlikely to be correct: %s" - stop: "The player has been stopped!" - pause: "The Player has been paused!" - resume: "The Player has been resumed!" - shuffle: "The Queue has been shuffled!" - songInfo: "**Song:**```%s by %s```\n%s `[%s/%s]` %s" - songInfoSlim: "%s by %s" - songQueueEmpty: "The Queue is empty!" - songQueue: "The Queue contains the following Songs: %s" - volume: - success: "Successfully set the Volume to %s!" - default: "Current Volume is %s!" - notFound: "Couldn't find the Song ``%s``!" - notFoundMultiple: "Couldn't find ``%s`` Songs!" - searchFailed: "An error occurred while searching for the Song, please try again after a few minutes!" - searchUrlFailed: "A Song with the URL ``%s`` couldn't be found!" - songNext: "Next Song!\nSong:``%s``" - songQueueReachedEnd: "There is no new Song!" - seek: - success: "Seeked to ``%s``!" - failed: "You can't seek to a position that is longer than the song!" - failedPlaying: "Error while playing: ``%s``\nError : %s" - failedLoading: "Error while loading a song: %s" - queueAdded: - default: "The Song ``%s`` has been added to the Queue!" - firstOfList: "The Song ``%s`` has been added to the Queue! (The first Song of the Playlist: %s)" - skip: "Skipping to the next Song in the Queue!" - nsfw: - searching: "Searching for NSFW Content ..." - notAllowed: "The Content you are searching for is not allowed! Example: loli hentai" - blacklisted: "Your message contains blacklisted/blocked content!" - levelUp: "You just leveled up to %s(%s)! %s" - gameCore: - needMore: "A participants amount of %s is needed to play this game!" - alreadyStarted: "The game has already started!" - full: "The game is already full!" - alreadyIn: "You are already a participant of this game!" - minimalReached: "The minimal amount of participants have been reached!\nYou may start the game by clicking the button below!" - minimalReachedHost: "The minimal amount of participants have been reached!\nYou may start the game by clicking the button on the first Message!" - joined: "You are now a participant of this game!\nPlease wait for the host to start the game!" - blackJackGame: - welcome: "Welcome to Blackjack! You can start the game by clicking the button below!\nBefore you can start it thou, you will need someone else to play with you!\nThey will need to use /game join %s to join the game!\nOr press the button below!" - playerHand: "%s\n\nValue: %s" - end: - win: "The Game has ended!\n%s has won with a value of %s!" - draw: "The Game has ended!\nIt was a draw!" - turn: - player: "It's your turn!" - wait: "Please wait for the other player to finish their turn!" - 8ball: - answers: - 1: "It is certain." - 2: "It is decidedly so." - 3: "Without a doubt." - 4: "Yes - definitely." - 5: "You may rely on it." - 6: "As I see it, yes." - 7: "Most likely." - 8: "Outlook good." - 9: "Yes." - 10: "Signs point to yes." - 11: "Reply hazy, try again." - 12: "Ask again later." - 13: "Better not tell you now." - 14: "Cannot predict now." - 15: "Concentrate and ask again." - 16: "Don't count on it." - 17: "My reply is no." - 18: "My sources say no." - 19: "Outlook not so good." - 20: "Very doubtful." - brs: - autoRole: - hierarchy: "Ree6-BRS (Bug-Report-System))\nWe detected that Im not allowed to AutoRole people since my role is below the AutoRole-Role!\nPlease move my role above the AutoRole-Role!\nThe role that causes the Issue is ``%s``!" - deleted: "Ree6-BRS (Bug-Report-System))\nWe detected that I can not AutoRole people since the AutoRole-Role has been deleted!\nWe now removed the given Role!" - ticket: - created: "We opened a Ticket for you! Check it out %s" - alreadyOpen: "You already have an open Ticket!" - categoryNotFound: "The Ticket-Category was not found!" - alreadyArchived: "The Ticket is already archived!" - close: "Ticket closed!" - setup: "You can set up your own Ticket-System!\nBy setting up a specific channel as Ticket-Channel, Ree6 will create a new Ticket-Channel for each Ticket that you create!\nAfter Ticket closing those tickets will be moved to a archive category!" - menuDescription: "By clicking on the Button below you can open a Ticket!" - setupSuccess: "Successfully setup the Ticket System, nice work!" - setupDescription: "Please refer to the /tickets command!" - deleted: "Successfully deleted the Ticket-Channel, nice work!" - statistics: - twitchSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Twitch statistics!" - youtubeSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for YouTube statistics!" - youtubeNotFound: "We could not find the given channel! You sure the name/id is correct?" - redditSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Reddit statistics!" - twitterSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Twitter statistics!" - instagramSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Instagram statistics!" - setup: "You can set up your own Statistic-channels!\nBy setting up Statistic-channels Ree6 will create new channels for each Statistic-Type that you setup!\nIf you want to get rid of a Statistic-Channel, just delete it!" - memberSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Member statistics!" - temporalVoice: - setupSuccess: "Successfully setup the Temporal Voice-channel, nice work!" - setupDescription: "Which Channel do you want to use as Temporal Voice-channel?" - deleted: "Successfully deleted the Temporal-Voicechannel, nice work!" - auditLog: - setupSuccess: "Successfully setup the Log-channel, nice work!" - setupDescription: "Which Channel do you want to use as Log-channel?" - deleted: "Successfully deleted the Log-channel, nice work!" - welcome: - setupSuccess: "Successfully setup the Welcome-channel, nice work!" - setupDescription: "Which Channel do you want to use as Welcome-channel?" - imageRequired: "Use the following Command with a Image as attachment: `{guild_prefix}setup joinImage`!" - deleted: "Successfully deleted the Welcome-channel, nice work!" - lang: - setupSuccess: "Successfully changed the Language to %s!" - recording: - started: "I am now recording this Voice-channel as requested by an participant!" - startReason: "Recording started by %s" - stopReason: "Recording stopped." - stopped: "Your Audio has been converted and is now available for download!" - error: "Something went wrong while converting your audio!\nReason: %s" - reactions: - roleAssign: "You have assigned the Role %s to the Reaction!" - reactionNeeded: "You need to react to the message with the reaction you want to assign %s to!" - roleNotFound: "The Role you want to assign to the reaction was not found!" - removed: "Successfully removed the Reaction-Role for the Role %s!" - roleAdded: "You have received the Role %s!" - roleRemoved: "You have lost the Role %s!" - musicQuiz: - welcome: "Welcome to Music Quiz! You can start the game by clicking the button below!\nBefore you can start it thou, you will need someone else to play with you!\nThey will need to use /game join %s to join the game!\nOr press the button below!" - foundTitle: "You have guessed the Title it was %s! You receive 1pts" - foundArtists: "You have guessed the Artists it was %s! You receive 2pts" - foundFeature: "You have guessed a Feature it was %s! You receive 3pts" - foundAll: "Everything has been guessed!" - skipSong: "The Song has been skipped!" - finishedSong: "The current Song has ended, it was %s by %s! Lets start with the next one!" - newSong: "Guess the Title(1pts), the Artists(2pts) or a Feature (3pts)" - points: "%s reached %s pts" - announcement: - added: "Successfully added the Announcement!" - list: "Here is a list of all Announcements!\n```%s```" - removed: "Successfully removed the Announcement!" - news: - enabled: "Successfully enabled the receiving of News!" - disabled: "Successfully disabled the receiving of News!" - notice: "To disable the receiving of news use /news" - stream-action: - added: "We successfully added the Stream-action with the name **%s**" - addedLine: "We successfully added the Stream-action with the name **%s**" - deleted: "We successfully deleted the Stream-action with the name **%s**" - deletedLine: "We successfully deleted the action line %s!" - alreadyExisting: "We found a already existing Stream-action with the name **%s**" - list: "Here is a list of all stream-actions!\n```%s```" - actionList: "Here is a list of all actions!\n```%s```" - points: "Here is a list of all channel point rewards!\nCheck the points.txt!" - listener: "You have set the listener to **%s**" - listenerArgument: "You have set the listener to **%s** with the id **%s**" - noTwitch: "To use this feature we require you to authorize your Twitch! Check out <%s> for it!" - notFound: "We couldn't find the Stream-Action with the name **%s**" - levelRole: - added: "We successfully added a Level-Role with the Role **%s** and the Level **%s**" - removed: "We successfully removed the Level-Role with the Role **%s** and the Level **%s**" - list: "In the files above message you can find a list of all Level-Roles!" - warn: - punishment: - created: "You successfully created a punishment!" - list: "Here is a list of all punishments for this Guild:\n```%s```" - deleted: "The Punishment with the ID %s has been deleted." - notFound: "There is no punishment with the ID %s for this Guild." - success: "You successfully warned %s!\nThe User now has %s warnings!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't warn someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't warn someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - infractions: - success: "The User %s has %s infractions!" - empty: "The User %s has no infractions!" - schedule: - added: "The schedule has been successfully created!" - delete: - success: "The schedule has been successfully deleted!" - failed: "The given schedule does not exist!" - list: "Here is a list of all schedules: ```%s```" -game: - description: - blackjack: "Play Blackjack with your friends!" -command: - perform: - cooldown: "You are on cooldown!" - missingCommand: "Please provide a Command!" - error: "There was an error while executing the Command!" - errorWithException: "There was an error while executing the Command!\nException: %s" - internalError: "An error occurred while performing the Command!\nIf this continues to happen please contact our support!\n" - notFound: "That Command couldn't be found" - blocked: "This Command is blocked!" - slashNotSupported: "This Command doesn't support Slash Commands yet!" - onlySlashSupported: "This Command only supports Slash-Commands!" - description: - birthday: "Let the bot remember your Birthday." - instagramNotifier: "Manage your Instagram-Notifier!" - redditNotifier: "Manage your Reddit-Notifier!" - twitch: "Manage your Twitch-Notifier!" - twitterNotifier: "Manage your Twitter-Notifier!" - youtubeNotifier: "Manage your Youtube-Notifier!" - anime: "Search for animes on kitsu.io!" - randomcat: "Shows random Cat Images, from thecatapi.com." - cringe: "Let shrek tell them that their message was cringe!" - cringe_slash: "Let shrek tell them that their message was not funny!" - randomdog: "Shows random Dog Images, from dog.ceo." - funFact: "Just some random facts!" - game: "Access Ree6 internal Games." - hornyjail: "Put someone into the Horny-Jail." - hornyjail_slash: "Put someone into the Not-Well-Behaved-Jail." - hug: "Hug someone you like!" - kiss: "Kiss someone!" - manga: "Search for mangas on kitsu.io!" - meme: "Wanna see some Memes?" - monke: "Shows an Image of a Monke." - ping: "Pong!" - 8ball: "Let the Magic 8Ball decide the faith of your Question." - record: "Record the voice channel!" - shiba: "Shows a random shiba image, from shiba.online." - slap: "Slap someone in the face!" - twitter: "Create a \"realistic\" looking Tweet!" - waifu: "Wanna see some Waifus or Husbandos?" - addon: "Only meant for Developers, used to reload or load new Addons." - test: "Just a test command." - credits: "See the beautiful and lovely team working behind Ree6!" - help: "Shows a list of every Command!" - info: "Shows user specific information." - invite: "Retrieve an Invite link for Ree6!" - optout: "Opts you out of any data collection on this Guild." - server: "See server specific information." - stats: "See Stats of Ree6!" - support: "Get an Invite to the Support Server of Ree6!" - leaderboard: "Shows you the Rank Leaderboard of the current Server" - level: "Show your own Level or the Level of another User in the Guild." - ban: "Ban an specific User from the Guild." - blacklist: "Manage the Filters of the Guild." - clear: "Clear a specific amount of Messages from the current Chat." - clearData: "Clear every stored Invite and replace it with the current ones." - embedSender: "Send an Embed Message." - import: "Import data from another Bot." - kick: "Kick an specific User from the Guild." - mute: "Mute an specific User from the Guild." - prefix: "Change the Prefix of the Guild." - setup: "Setup specific features for the Guild." - suggestion: "Setup the Suggestion-System!" - unban: "Unban an specific User from the Guild." - unmute: "Unmute an specific User from the Guild." - webinterface: "Shows the url to the Webinterface of Ree6." - clearQueue: "Clear the Song-Queue for the Guild." - disconnect: "Disconnect the Bot from the Voice-Channel." - loop: "Loop the current Song." - lyrics: "Shows the Lyrics of the current playing Track." - pause: "Pause the current Track." - play: "Play or add a Track to the Queue." - resume: "Resume the current Track." - seek: "Seek to a specific Time in the current Track." - shuffle: "Shuffle the Song-Queue." - skip: "Skip the some Tracks in the Song-Queue." - songinfo: "Shows information about the current playing Track." - songlist: "Shows the Song-Queue." - stop: "Stop the current Track." - volume: "Change the Volume of the current Track." - nsfw: "Shows a random NSFW Image." - rule34: "Shows a random Rule34 Image." - rule34_slash: "Shows not safe for work Images from a specific Website." - reactions: "Assign roles to reactions on a message!" - announcement: "Create an Announcement!" - stream-action: "Manage Stream actions that can bring you stream into the Voice-channel!" - tickets: "Create a Ticket System to communicate with your community!" - news: "Configure the receiving of News from Ree6!" - levelrole: "Manage Auto-Roles for Voice or Text Levels!" - warn: "Warn an User and let them be punished automatically." - infractions: "Show all the warnings a user has." - musicquiz: "Play with your friends a game of Music Quiz!" - musicpanel: "Access a simple UI to manage the Music System!" - schedule: "Schedule messages for later or for a repeated time!" -category: - info: "Used to gather information or provide information." - moderation: "Moderation Tools that can help you manager Users or prevent rule breaking on the Server." - music: "Music utilities that allow you to have fun with your friends through the power of music!" - fun: "Fun utilities that give you the power to do dumb stuff because you can!" - level: "Leveling Tools that allow you to keep track of progress on the Server." - community: "Community Tools that allow you to interact with your community." - nsfw: "NSFW stuff that you can only use in NSFW Channels." - hidden: "Hidden Commands that are only visible to the Owner of the Bot." diff --git a/languages/es-ES.yml b/languages/es-ES.yml deleted file mode 100644 index fb0ecd8e1..000000000 --- a/languages/es-ES.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,632 +0,0 @@ -language: - name: "English (UK)" - locale: "en-GB" - version: "2.4.0" - author: "Presti" -logging: - banned: ":airplane_departure: %s **banned.**" - unbanned: ":airplane_arriving: %s **unbanned.**" - joined: - default: "%s **joined the Server.**\n:timer: Age of the Account:\n**%s**\n**%s**" - bot: - found: "**The Bot** %s **has been invited by** %s" - notFound: "**We could not find out who Invite the Bot** %s" - leave: "%s **joined and left the Server.**" - invite: - vanity: "%s **has been invited via Vanity Invite.**" - default: "%s **has been invited by** %s (Code: %s, Uses: %s)" - notFound: "**Couldn't determine who invited** %s" - left: - default: "%s **left the Server.**\n:timer: Joined:\n**%s**" - slim: "%s **left the Server.**" - timeout: - started: "**The User** %s **received a timeout.**\n**Time:** %s" - updated: "**The User** %s **received a timeout.**\n**Reason:** %s\n**Moderator:** %s\n**Time:** %s" - ended: "**The User** %s **finished their timeout.**\n**Time:** %s" - nickname: - reset: "The Nickname of %s has been reset.\n**Old Nickname:**\n%s" - changed: "The Nickname of %s has been changed.\n**New Nickname:**\n%s\n**Old Nickname:**\n%s" - voicechannel: - join: "%s **joined the Voice Channel** %s" - move: "%s **moved from the Voice Channel** %s **to** %s**.**" - moveMany: "%s **moved through many Voice Channel and is now in** %s" - leave: "%s **left the Voice Channel** %s" - leaveInstant: "%s **joined and left the Voice Channel** %s" - rejoin: "%s **rejoined the Voice Channel** %s" - channel: - update: - voice: ":house: **VoiceChannel updated:** %s" - chat: ":house: **TextChannel updated:** %s" - delete: - voice: ":house: **VoiceChannel deleted:** ``%s``" - chat: ":house: **TextChannel deleted:** ``%s``" - create: - voice: ":house: **VoiceChannel created:** %s" - chat: ":house: **TextChannel created:** %s" - member: ":writing_hand: %s **has been updated.**" - role: - create: ":family_mmb: ``%s`` **has been created.**" - update: ":family_mmb: ``%s`` **has been updated.**" - delete: ":family_mmb: ``%s`` **has been deleted.**" - message: - deleted: ":wastebasket: **Message of %s in %s has been deleted.**\n%s" - tooLong: "Message is too long to display!" - attachmentFailed: "Could not add Message Attachment reason: %s" - attachmentNotice: "Below are the attachments, we recommend being careful with these files!" -label: - status: "Status" - typ: "Type" - genres: "Genres" - aired: "Aired" - episodes: "Episodes" - duration: "Duration" - averageRating: "Average Rating" - rank: "Rank" - randomCatImage: "Random Cat Image" - randomDogImage: "Random Dog Image" - published: "Published" - chapters: "Chapters" - volumes: "Volumes" - randomMemeImage: "Random Meme Image" - monkey: "Monkey" - randomShibaImage: "Random Shiba Image" - character: "Character" - from: "From" - invite: "Invite" - support: "Support" - serverId: "Server ID" - creationDate: "Creation Date" - owner: "Owner" - members: "Members" - channels: "Channels" - other: "Other" - verificationLevel: "Verification Level" - notExisting: "Not Existing" - serverStats: "Server Stats" - guilds: "Guilds" - users: "Users" - botStats: "Bot Stats" - version: "Version" - uptime: "Uptime" - networkStats: "Network Stats" - responseTime: "Response Time" - systemDate: "System Date" - discordStats: "Discord Stats" - gatewayTime: "Gateway Time" - shardAmount: "Shard Amount" - shards: "Shards" - commandStats: "Command Stats" - topCommands: "Top Commands" - overallTopCommands: "Overall Top Commands" - discordGuidelines: "Discord Guidelines" - chatLeaderboard: "Chat-Leaderboard" - voiceLeaderboard: "Voice-Leaderboard" - title: "Title" - description: "Description" - setupMenu: "Setup Menu" - auditLog: "Audit-Logging" - welcomeChannel: "Welcome-Channel" - autoRole: "Auto-Role" - temporalVoice: "Temporal-Voice" - statistics: "Statistics" - ticketSystem: "Ticket-System" - suggestionMenu: "Suggestion-Menu" - webinterface: "Webinterface" - musicPlayer: "Music Player" - actor: "Actor" - oldName: "Old Name" - newName: "New Name" - nsfw: "NSFW" - roles: "Roles" - oldMentionable: "Old Mentionable" - newMentionable: "New Mentionable" - oldHoist: "Old Hoist" - newHoist: "New Hoist" - newPermissions: "New Permissions" - oldColor: "Old Color" - newColor: "New Color" - overallMembers: "Overall Members" - realMembers: "Real Members" - botMembers: "Bot Members" - temporalVoiceName: "Temporal VC #%s" - chat: "Chat" - voice: "Voice" - startGame: "Start Game" - joinGame: "Join Game" - leaveGame: "Leave Game" - blackJack: "BlackJack" - hit: "Hit" - stand: "Stand" - userCards: "%ss **Cards**" - userCardsSelf: "**Your Cards**" - suggestion: "Suggestion" - openTicket: "Open Ticket" - closeTicket: "Close Ticket" - setup: "Setup" - delete: "Delete" - backToMenu: "Back to Menu" - setImage: "Set Image" - ticket: "Ticket" - overallMembersName: "Overall Members: %s" - realMembersName: "Real Members: %s" - botMembersName: "Bot Members: %s" - twitchCountName: "Twitch Follower: %s" - youtubeCountName: "Youtube Subscribers: %s" - redditCountName: "Subreddit Members: %s" - twitterCountName: "Twitter Followers: %s" - instagramCountName: "Instagram Followers: %s" - setupMemberStatistics: "Setup Member Statistics" - setupTwitchStatistics: "Setup Twitch Statistics" - setupYoutubeStatistics: "Setup Youtube Statistics" - setupRedditStatistics: "Setup Reddit Statistics" - setupTwitterStatistics: "Setup Twitter Statistics" - setupInstagramStatistics: "Setup Instagram Statistics" - channelName: "Channel Name" - subreddit: "Subreddit" - name: "Name" - selectChannel: "Select a Channel!" - unknownMenu: "Unknown Menu" - language: "Language" - unknown: "Unknown" - recording: - start: "Recording started!" - name: "[\uD83D\uDD34] Recording!" - finished: "Recording finished!" - download: "Download" - error: "Error" - game: "Game" - viewer: "Viewer" - more: "More" - skip: "Skip" - musicQuiz: "Music Quiz" - position: "Position %s" - feedback: "Feedback" - github: "Github" - queueAdd: "Add to Queue" - song: "Song" - shuffle: "Shuffle" - loop: "Loop" -message: - default: - usage: "Usage {guild_prefix}%s." - needPermission: "Looks like I do not have the Permission `%s`!" - insufficientPermission: "Looks like you do not have the Permission `%s`!" - noMention: - user: "Please mention a user!" - role: "Please mention a role!" - channel: "Please mention a channel!" - onlyNSFW: "This Command can only be used in NSFW Channels!" - invalidQuery: "Please provide a valid Query!" - checkBelow: "Check below!" - retrievalError: "There was an error while retrieving the data!" - notInVoiceChannel: "You are not in a Voice-Channel!" - notInSameVoiceChannel: "You are not in the same Voice-Channel!" - alreadyInVoiceChannel: "I am already in a Voice-Channel!" - image: - needed: "A Image is needed!" - tooBig: "The Image is too big!" - tooBigMax: "The Image is too big! Max Size: %sMB" - actionRequired: "Select an Action!" - unknownMenu: "There was an error while resolving the modal!" - invalidOption: "You somehow selected an invalid Option! Are you a Wizard?" - invalidOptionChannel: "The given Channel doesn't exists, how did you select it? Are you a Wizard?" - missingOption: "You need to provide a value for the option %s!" - nameChangeFailed: "Could not change the my own nickname!" - time: - date: "Please use a valid Date!\nNote that we use the the format dd.MM.yyyy (day.month.year)!" - time: "Please use a valid Time!\nNote that we use the format HH/mm (hour/minute (24-hour))!" - notEnough: "The entered time is not enough!" - birthday: - added: - self: "Your Birthday has been added!" - other: "The Birthday of %s has been added!" - noPerms: "You don't have the permission to add a Birthday!" - removed: - self: "Your Birthday has been removed!" - other: "The Birthday of %s has been removed!" - noPerms: "You don't have the permission to remove a Birthday!" - instagramNotifier: - added: "A Instagram Notifier has been created for the User %s!" - list: "Here are all Instagram Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Instagram Notifier has been removed from the User %s!" - redditNotifier: - added: "A Reddit Notifier has been created for the Subreddit %s!" - list: "Here are all Reddit Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Reddit Notifier has been removed from the Subreddit %s!" - twitchNotifier: - added: "A Twitch-Stream Notifier has been created for the Channel %s!" - list: "Here are all Twitch Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Twitch-Stream Notifier has been removed from the Channel %s!" - twitterNotifier: - added: "A Twitter Notifier has been created for the User %s!" - list: "Here are all Twitter Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Twitter Notifier has been removed from the User %s!" - youtubeNotifier: - added: "A Youtube-Video Notifier has been created for the Channel %s!" - list: "Here are all YouTube Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Youtube-Video Notifier has been removed from the Channel %s!" - anime: - searching: "Searching for Anime..." - found: "Anime found!" - error: "An error occurred while searching for Anime!" - game: - actionNeeded: "You need to specify an action!" - valueNeeded: "You need to specify a value!" - invalidAction: "Please provide a valid action!" - invalidInvite: "Please provide a valid Invite!" - gameAlreadyStarted: "The Game has been started!" - availableGames: "Available Games:" - hornyJail: "%s is now in the Horny-Jail!" - hug: "%s has been hugged by %s!" - kiss: "%s has been kissed by %s!" - manga: - searching: "Searching for Manga..." - found: "Manga found!" - error: "An error occurred while searching for Manga!" - ping: "Pong" - record: - recordingStarted: "I am now recording the voice channel!" - recordingStopped: "Recording stopped!" - recordingError: "An error occurred while recording!" - slap: "%s has been slapped by %s!" - addon: - list: "List of Addons:" - reloadAll: "Reloading Addons ...." - reloadedAll: "Reloaded all Addons!" - credits: - default: "Meet our Team!" - easterEgg: "Meet the Spy!" - optout: - optedOut: "You have been opted out of any data collection!" - optedIn: "You have been opted in for data collection!" - leaderboards: "Below this Message you can find the Leaderboards of the current Server!\nPlease note that you have to be logged in to see these stats, reason for this is Discords Guidelines!" - ban: - success: "Successfully banned %s!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't ban someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't ban someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - blacklist: - addedList: "The following words have been added to the Blacklist:" - added: "The Word `%s` has been added to the Blacklist!" - removed: "The Word `%s` has been removed from the Blacklist!" - setupNeeded: "You need to setup the Blacklist first!" - notFound: "The Word `%s` was not found in the Blacklist!" - clear: - noNumber: "%s isn't a number!" - notInRange: "%s isn't between 2 and 200!" - success: "Successfully deleted %s Messages!" - clearData: - success: "Successfully cleared all Invite Data!" - cooldown: "You can only use this command once every 10 minute!" - import: - botRequired: "Please provide a Bot you which to Import data from!" - unknownBot: "Unknown Bot!" - success: "Successfully imported data from %s Users!" - error: - unknown: "An unknown error occurred! ({})" - noData: "No Data found!" - visibility: "You can't import data from a Bot which is not visible to everyone!" - kick: - success: "Successfully kicked %s!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't kick someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't kick someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - mute: - invalidTime: "Please provide a valid Time!" - success: "Successfully muted %s for %ss!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't mute someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't mute someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - prefix: - success: "Successfully changed the Prefix to `%s`!" - setup: - successImage: "Successfully set the new Join-Image!" - setupMenu: "Which configuration do you want to check out?" - setupMenuPlaceholder: "Select a configuration Step!" - steps: - auditLog: "You can set up our own Audit-Logging which provides all the Information over and Webhook into the Channel of your desire!\nBut ours is not the same as the default Auditions, ours gives your the ability to set what you want to be logged and what not!\nWe also allow you to log Voice Events!" - welcome: "You can set up our own Welcome-Messages!\nYou can choice the Welcome-Channel by your own and even configure the Message!" - autoRole: "You can set up our own Autorole-System!\nYou can select Roles that Users should get upon joining the Server!" - temporalVoice: "You can set up your own Temporal Voice channel!\nBy setting up Temporal Voice channel on a specific channel which will be used to create a new Voice channel when ever someones joins into it!" - lang: "You can change the Language Setting of the Bot!" - suggestion: - suggestionMenu: "Click on the button below to suggest something!" - suggestionMenuPlaceholder: "Suggest something!" - success: "Successfully setup the Suggestion-System!" - sent: "Your Suggestion has been sent!" - footer: "Suggestion by %s" - notSetup: "Looks like the Suggestion-System is not set up the right way!" - unban: - success: "Successfully unbanned %s!" - notFound: "The User `%s` was not found!" - unmute: - success: "Successfully un-muted %s!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't un-mute someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't un-mute someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - music: - clearQueue: "The Queue has been cleaned!" - notPlaying: "Im not playing anything!" - notConnected: "I am not connected to a Voice Channel!" - loop: - enabled: "Loop has been enabled!" - disabled: "Loop has been disabled!" - lyrics: - notFound: "Couldn't find the Lyrics for %s." - foundUnlikely: "Lyrics for %s found, but they are unlikely to be correct: %s" - stop: "The player has been stopped!" - pause: "The Player has been paused!" - resume: "The Player has been resumed!" - shuffle: "The Queue has been shuffled!" - songInfo: "**Song:**```%s by %s```\n%s `[%s/%s]` %s" - songInfoSlim: "%s by %s" - songQueueEmpty: "The Queue is empty!" - songQueue: "The Queue contains the following Songs: %s" - volume: - success: "Successfully set the Volume to %s!" - default: "Current Volume is %s!" - notFound: "Couldn't find the Song ``%s``!" - notFoundMultiple: "Couldn't find ``%s`` Songs!" - searchFailed: "An error occurred while searching for the Song, please try again after a few minutes!" - searchUrlFailed: "A Song with the URL ``%s`` couldn't be found!" - songNext: "Next Song!\nSong:``%s``" - songQueueReachedEnd: "There is no new Song!" - seek: - success: "Seeked to ``%s``!" - failed: "You can't seek to a position that is longer than the song!" - failedPlaying: "Error while playing: ``%s``\nError : %s" - failedLoading: "Error while loading a song: %s" - queueAdded: - default: "The Song ``%s`` has been added to the Queue!" - firstOfList: "The Song ``%s`` has been added to the Queue! (The first Song of the Playlist: %s)" - skip: "Skipping to the next Song in the Queue!" - nsfw: - searching: "Searching for NSFW Content ..." - notAllowed: "The Content you are searching for is not allowed! Example: loli hentai" - blacklisted: "Your message contains blacklisted/blocked content!" - levelUp: "You just leveled up to %s(%s)! %s" - gameCore: - needMore: "A participants amount of %s is needed to play this game!" - alreadyStarted: "The game has already started!" - full: "The game is already full!" - alreadyIn: "You are already a participant of this game!" - minimalReached: "The minimal amount of participants have been reached!\nYou may start the game by clicking the button below!" - minimalReachedHost: "The minimal amount of participants have been reached!\nYou may start the game by clicking the button on the first Message!" - joined: "You are now a participant of this game!\nPlease wait for the host to start the game!" - blackJackGame: - welcome: "Welcome to Blackjack! You can start the game by clicking the button below!\nBefore you can start it thou, you will need someone else to play with you!\nThey will need to use /game join %s to join the game!\nOr press the button below!" - playerHand: "%s\n\nValue: %s" - end: - win: "The Game has ended!\n%s has won with a value of %s!" - draw: "The Game has ended!\nIt was a draw!" - turn: - player: "It's your turn!" - wait: "Please wait for the other player to finish their turn!" - 8ball: - answers: - 1: "It is certain." - 2: "It is decidedly so." - 3: "Without a doubt." - 4: "Yes - definitely." - 5: "You may rely on it." - 6: "As I see it, yes." - 7: "Most likely." - 8: "Outlook good." - 9: "Yes." - 10: "Signs point to yes." - 11: "Reply hazy, try again." - 12: "Ask again later." - 13: "Better not tell you now." - 14: "Cannot predict now." - 15: "Concentrate and ask again." - 16: "Don't count on it." - 17: "My reply is no." - 18: "My sources say no." - 19: "Outlook not so good." - 20: "Very doubtful." - brs: - autoRole: - hierarchy: "Ree6-BRS (Bug-Report-System))\nWe detected that Im not allowed to AutoRole people since my role is below the AutoRole-Role!\nPlease move my role above the AutoRole-Role!\nThe role that causes the Issue is ``%s``!" - deleted: "Ree6-BRS (Bug-Report-System))\nWe detected that I can not AutoRole people since the AutoRole-Role has been deleted!\nWe now removed the given Role!" - ticket: - created: "We opened a Ticket for you! Check it out %s" - alreadyOpen: "You already have an open Ticket!" - categoryNotFound: "The Ticket-Category was not found!" - alreadyArchived: "The Ticket is already archived!" - close: "Ticket closed!" - setup: "You can set up your own Ticket-System!\nBy setting up a specific channel as Ticket-Channel, Ree6 will create a new Ticket-Channel for each Ticket that you create!\nAfter Ticket closing those tickets will be moved to a archive category!" - menuDescription: "By clicking on the Button below you can open a Ticket!" - setupSuccess: "Successfully setup the Ticket System, nice work!" - setupDescription: "Please refer to the /tickets command!" - deleted: "Successfully deleted the Ticket-Channel, nice work!" - statistics: - twitchSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Twitch statistics!" - youtubeSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for YouTube statistics!" - youtubeNotFound: "We could not find the given channel! You sure the name/id is correct?" - redditSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Reddit statistics!" - twitterSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Twitter statistics!" - instagramSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Instagram statistics!" - setup: "You can set up your own Statistic-channels!\nBy setting up Statistic-channels Ree6 will create new channels for each Statistic-Type that you setup!\nIf you want to get rid of a Statistic-Channel, just delete it!" - memberSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Member statistics!" - temporalVoice: - setupSuccess: "Successfully setup the Temporal Voice-channel, nice work!" - setupDescription: "Which Channel do you want to use as Temporal Voice-channel?" - deleted: "Successfully deleted the Temporal-Voicechannel, nice work!" - auditLog: - setupSuccess: "Successfully setup the Log-channel, nice work!" - setupDescription: "Which Channel do you want to use as Log-channel?" - deleted: "Successfully deleted the Log-channel, nice work!" - welcome: - setupSuccess: "Successfully setup the Welcome-channel, nice work!" - setupDescription: "Which Channel do you want to use as Welcome-channel?" - imageRequired: "Use the following Command with a Image as attachment: `{guild_prefix}setup joinImage`!" - deleted: "Successfully deleted the Welcome-channel, nice work!" - lang: - setupSuccess: "Successfully changed the Language to %s!" - recording: - started: "I am now recording this Voice-channel as requested by an participant!" - startReason: "Recording started by %s" - stopReason: "Recording stopped." - stopped: "Your Audio has been converted and is now available for download!" - error: "Something went wrong while converting your audio!\nReason: %s" - reactions: - roleAssign: "You have assigned the Role %s to the Reaction!" - reactionNeeded: "You need to react to the message with the reaction you want to assign %s to!" - roleNotFound: "The Role you want to assign to the reaction was not found!" - removed: "Successfully removed the Reaction-Role for the Role %s!" - roleAdded: "You have received the Role %s!" - roleRemoved: "You have lost the Role %s!" - musicQuiz: - welcome: "Welcome to Music Quiz! You can start the game by clicking the button below!\nBefore you can start it thou, you will need someone else to play with you!\nThey will need to use /game join %s to join the game!\nOr press the button below!" - foundTitle: "You have guessed the Title it was %s! You receive 1pts" - foundArtists: "You have guessed the Artists it was %s! You receive 2pts" - foundFeature: "You have guessed a Feature it was %s! You receive 3pts" - foundAll: "Everything has been guessed!" - skipSong: "The Song has been skipped!" - finishedSong: "The current Song has ended, it was %s by %s! Lets start with the next one!" - newSong: "Guess the Title(1pts), the Artists(2pts) or a Feature (3pts)" - points: "%s reached %s pts" - announcement: - added: "Successfully added the Announcement!" - list: "Here is a list of all Announcements!\n```%s```" - removed: "Successfully removed the Announcement!" - news: - enabled: "Successfully enabled the receiving of News!" - disabled: "Successfully disabled the receiving of News!" - notice: "To disable the receiving of news use /news" - stream-action: - added: "We successfully added the Stream-action with the name **%s**" - addedLine: "We successfully added the Stream-action with the name **%s**" - deleted: "We successfully deleted the Stream-action with the name **%s**" - deletedLine: "We successfully deleted the action line %s!" - alreadyExisting: "We found a already existing Stream-action with the name **%s**" - list: "Here is a list of all stream-actions!\n```%s```" - actionList: "Here is a list of all actions!\n```%s```" - points: "Here is a list of all channel point rewards!\nCheck the points.txt!" - listener: "You have set the listener to **%s**" - listenerArgument: "You have set the listener to **%s** with the id **%s**" - noTwitch: "To use this feature we require you to authorize your Twitch! Check out <%s> for it!" - notFound: "We couldn't find the Stream-Action with the name **%s**" - levelRole: - added: "We successfully added a Level-Role with the Role **%s** and the Level **%s**" - removed: "We successfully removed the Level-Role with the Role **%s** and the Level **%s**" - list: "In the files above message you can find a list of all Level-Roles!" - warn: - punishment: - created: "You successfully created a punishment!" - list: "Here is a list of all punishments for this Guild:\n```%s```" - deleted: "The Punishment with the ID %s has been deleted." - notFound: "There is no punishment with the ID %s for this Guild." - success: "You successfully warned %s!\nThe User now has %s warnings!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't warn someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't warn someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - infractions: - success: "The User %s has %s infractions!" - empty: "The User %s has no infractions!" - schedule: - added: "The schedule has been successfully created!" - delete: - success: "The schedule has been successfully deleted!" - failed: "The given schedule does not exist!" - list: "Here is a list of all schedules: ```%s```" -game: - description: - blackjack: "Play Blackjack with your friends!" -command: - perform: - cooldown: "You are on cooldown!" - missingCommand: "Please provide a Command!" - error: "There was an error while executing the Command!" - errorWithException: "There was an error while executing the Command!\nException: %s" - internalError: "An error occurred while performing the Command!\nIf this continues to happen please contact our support!\n" - notFound: "That Command couldn't be found" - blocked: "This Command is blocked!" - slashNotSupported: "This Command doesn't support Slash Commands yet!" - onlySlashSupported: "This Command only supports Slash-Commands!" - description: - birthday: "Let the bot remember your Birthday." - instagramNotifier: "Manage your Instagram-Notifier!" - redditNotifier: "Manage your Reddit-Notifier!" - twitch: "Manage your Twitch-Notifier!" - twitterNotifier: "Manage your Twitter-Notifier!" - youtubeNotifier: "Manage your Youtube-Notifier!" - anime: "Search for animes on kitsu.io!" - randomcat: "Shows random Cat Images, from thecatapi.com." - cringe: "Let shrek tell them that their message was cringe!" - cringe_slash: "Let shrek tell them that their message was not funny!" - randomdog: "Shows random Dog Images, from dog.ceo." - funFact: "Just some random facts!" - game: "Access Ree6 internal Games." - hornyjail: "Put someone into the Horny-Jail." - hornyjail_slash: "Put someone into the Not-Well-Behaved-Jail." - hug: "Hug someone you like!" - kiss: "Kiss someone!" - manga: "Search for mangas on kitsu.io!" - meme: "Wanna see some Memes?" - monke: "Shows an Image of a Monke." - ping: "Pong!" - 8ball: "Let the Magic 8Ball decide the faith of your Question." - record: "Record the voice channel!" - shiba: "Shows a random shiba image, from shiba.online." - slap: "Slap someone in the face!" - twitter: "Create a \"realistic\" looking Tweet!" - waifu: "Wanna see some Waifus or Husbandos?" - addon: "Only meant for Developers, used to reload or load new Addons." - test: "Just a test command." - credits: "See the beautiful and lovely team working behind Ree6!" - help: "Shows a list of every Command!" - info: "Shows user specific information." - invite: "Retrieve an Invite link for Ree6!" - optout: "Opts you out of any data collection on this Guild." - server: "See server specific information." - stats: "See Stats of Ree6!" - support: "Get an Invite to the Support Server of Ree6!" - leaderboard: "Shows you the Rank Leaderboard of the current Server" - level: "Show your own Level or the Level of another User in the Guild." - ban: "Ban an specific User from the Guild." - blacklist: "Manage the Filters of the Guild." - clear: "Clear a specific amount of Messages from the current Chat." - clearData: "Clear every stored Invite and replace it with the current ones." - embedSender: "Send an Embed Message." - import: "Import data from another Bot." - kick: "Kick an specific User from the Guild." - mute: "Mute an specific User from the Guild." - prefix: "Change the Prefix of the Guild." - setup: "Setup specific features for the Guild." - suggestion: "Setup the Suggestion-System!" - unban: "Unban an specific User from the Guild." - unmute: "Unmute an specific User from the Guild." - webinterface: "Shows the url to the Webinterface of Ree6." - clearQueue: "Clear the Song-Queue for the Guild." - disconnect: "Disconnect the Bot from the Voice-Channel." - loop: "Loop the current Song." - lyrics: "Shows the Lyrics of the current playing Track." - pause: "Pause the current Track." - play: "Play or add a Track to the Queue." - resume: "Resume the current Track." - seek: "Seek to a specific Time in the current Track." - shuffle: "Shuffle the Song-Queue." - skip: "Skip the some Tracks in the Song-Queue." - songinfo: "Shows information about the current playing Track." - songlist: "Shows the Song-Queue." - stop: "Stop the current Track." - volume: "Change the Volume of the current Track." - nsfw: "Shows a random NSFW Image." - rule34: "Shows a random Rule34 Image." - rule34_slash: "Shows not safe for work Images from a specific Website." - reactions: "Assign roles to reactions on a message!" - announcement: "Create an Announcement!" - stream-action: "Manage Stream actions that can bring you stream into the Voice-channel!" - tickets: "Create a Ticket System to communicate with your community!" - news: "Configure the receiving of News from Ree6!" - levelrole: "Manage Auto-Roles for Voice or Text Levels!" - warn: "Warn an User and let them be punished automatically." - infractions: "Show all the warnings a user has." - musicquiz: "Play with your friends a game of Music Quiz!" - musicpanel: "Access a simple UI to manage the Music System!" - schedule: "Schedule messages for later or for a repeated time!" -category: - info: "Used to gather information or provide information." - moderation: "Moderation Tools that can help you manager Users or prevent rule breaking on the Server." - music: "Music utilities that allow you to have fun with your friends through the power of music!" - fun: "Fun utilities that give you the power to do dumb stuff because you can!" - level: "Leveling Tools that allow you to keep track of progress on the Server." - community: "Community Tools that allow you to interact with your community." - nsfw: "NSFW stuff that you can only use in NSFW Channels." - hidden: "Hidden Commands that are only visible to the Owner of the Bot." diff --git a/languages/fr.yml b/languages/fr.yml deleted file mode 100644 index fb0ecd8e1..000000000 --- a/languages/fr.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,632 +0,0 @@ -language: - name: "English (UK)" - locale: "en-GB" - version: "2.4.0" - author: "Presti" -logging: - banned: ":airplane_departure: %s **banned.**" - unbanned: ":airplane_arriving: %s **unbanned.**" - joined: - default: "%s **joined the Server.**\n:timer: Age of the Account:\n**%s**\n**%s**" - bot: - found: "**The Bot** %s **has been invited by** %s" - notFound: "**We could not find out who Invite the Bot** %s" - leave: "%s **joined and left the Server.**" - invite: - vanity: "%s **has been invited via Vanity Invite.**" - default: "%s **has been invited by** %s (Code: %s, Uses: %s)" - notFound: "**Couldn't determine who invited** %s" - left: - default: "%s **left the Server.**\n:timer: Joined:\n**%s**" - slim: "%s **left the Server.**" - timeout: - started: "**The User** %s **received a timeout.**\n**Time:** %s" - updated: "**The User** %s **received a timeout.**\n**Reason:** %s\n**Moderator:** %s\n**Time:** %s" - ended: "**The User** %s **finished their timeout.**\n**Time:** %s" - nickname: - reset: "The Nickname of %s has been reset.\n**Old Nickname:**\n%s" - changed: "The Nickname of %s has been changed.\n**New Nickname:**\n%s\n**Old Nickname:**\n%s" - voicechannel: - join: "%s **joined the Voice Channel** %s" - move: "%s **moved from the Voice Channel** %s **to** %s**.**" - moveMany: "%s **moved through many Voice Channel and is now in** %s" - leave: "%s **left the Voice Channel** %s" - leaveInstant: "%s **joined and left the Voice Channel** %s" - rejoin: "%s **rejoined the Voice Channel** %s" - channel: - update: - voice: ":house: **VoiceChannel updated:** %s" - chat: ":house: **TextChannel updated:** %s" - delete: - voice: ":house: **VoiceChannel deleted:** ``%s``" - chat: ":house: **TextChannel deleted:** ``%s``" - create: - voice: ":house: **VoiceChannel created:** %s" - chat: ":house: **TextChannel created:** %s" - member: ":writing_hand: %s **has been updated.**" - role: - create: ":family_mmb: ``%s`` **has been created.**" - update: ":family_mmb: ``%s`` **has been updated.**" - delete: ":family_mmb: ``%s`` **has been deleted.**" - message: - deleted: ":wastebasket: **Message of %s in %s has been deleted.**\n%s" - tooLong: "Message is too long to display!" - attachmentFailed: "Could not add Message Attachment reason: %s" - attachmentNotice: "Below are the attachments, we recommend being careful with these files!" -label: - status: "Status" - typ: "Type" - genres: "Genres" - aired: "Aired" - episodes: "Episodes" - duration: "Duration" - averageRating: "Average Rating" - rank: "Rank" - randomCatImage: "Random Cat Image" - randomDogImage: "Random Dog Image" - published: "Published" - chapters: "Chapters" - volumes: "Volumes" - randomMemeImage: "Random Meme Image" - monkey: "Monkey" - randomShibaImage: "Random Shiba Image" - character: "Character" - from: "From" - invite: "Invite" - support: "Support" - serverId: "Server ID" - creationDate: "Creation Date" - owner: "Owner" - members: "Members" - channels: "Channels" - other: "Other" - verificationLevel: "Verification Level" - notExisting: "Not Existing" - serverStats: "Server Stats" - guilds: "Guilds" - users: "Users" - botStats: "Bot Stats" - version: "Version" - uptime: "Uptime" - networkStats: "Network Stats" - responseTime: "Response Time" - systemDate: "System Date" - discordStats: "Discord Stats" - gatewayTime: "Gateway Time" - shardAmount: "Shard Amount" - shards: "Shards" - commandStats: "Command Stats" - topCommands: "Top Commands" - overallTopCommands: "Overall Top Commands" - discordGuidelines: "Discord Guidelines" - chatLeaderboard: "Chat-Leaderboard" - voiceLeaderboard: "Voice-Leaderboard" - title: "Title" - description: "Description" - setupMenu: "Setup Menu" - auditLog: "Audit-Logging" - welcomeChannel: "Welcome-Channel" - autoRole: "Auto-Role" - temporalVoice: "Temporal-Voice" - statistics: "Statistics" - ticketSystem: "Ticket-System" - suggestionMenu: "Suggestion-Menu" - webinterface: "Webinterface" - musicPlayer: "Music Player" - actor: "Actor" - oldName: "Old Name" - newName: "New Name" - nsfw: "NSFW" - roles: "Roles" - oldMentionable: "Old Mentionable" - newMentionable: "New Mentionable" - oldHoist: "Old Hoist" - newHoist: "New Hoist" - newPermissions: "New Permissions" - oldColor: "Old Color" - newColor: "New Color" - overallMembers: "Overall Members" - realMembers: "Real Members" - botMembers: "Bot Members" - temporalVoiceName: "Temporal VC #%s" - chat: "Chat" - voice: "Voice" - startGame: "Start Game" - joinGame: "Join Game" - leaveGame: "Leave Game" - blackJack: "BlackJack" - hit: "Hit" - stand: "Stand" - userCards: "%ss **Cards**" - userCardsSelf: "**Your Cards**" - suggestion: "Suggestion" - openTicket: "Open Ticket" - closeTicket: "Close Ticket" - setup: "Setup" - delete: "Delete" - backToMenu: "Back to Menu" - setImage: "Set Image" - ticket: "Ticket" - overallMembersName: "Overall Members: %s" - realMembersName: "Real Members: %s" - botMembersName: "Bot Members: %s" - twitchCountName: "Twitch Follower: %s" - youtubeCountName: "Youtube Subscribers: %s" - redditCountName: "Subreddit Members: %s" - twitterCountName: "Twitter Followers: %s" - instagramCountName: "Instagram Followers: %s" - setupMemberStatistics: "Setup Member Statistics" - setupTwitchStatistics: "Setup Twitch Statistics" - setupYoutubeStatistics: "Setup Youtube Statistics" - setupRedditStatistics: "Setup Reddit Statistics" - setupTwitterStatistics: "Setup Twitter Statistics" - setupInstagramStatistics: "Setup Instagram Statistics" - channelName: "Channel Name" - subreddit: "Subreddit" - name: "Name" - selectChannel: "Select a Channel!" - unknownMenu: "Unknown Menu" - language: "Language" - unknown: "Unknown" - recording: - start: "Recording started!" - name: "[\uD83D\uDD34] Recording!" - finished: "Recording finished!" - download: "Download" - error: "Error" - game: "Game" - viewer: "Viewer" - more: "More" - skip: "Skip" - musicQuiz: "Music Quiz" - position: "Position %s" - feedback: "Feedback" - github: "Github" - queueAdd: "Add to Queue" - song: "Song" - shuffle: "Shuffle" - loop: "Loop" -message: - default: - usage: "Usage {guild_prefix}%s." - needPermission: "Looks like I do not have the Permission `%s`!" - insufficientPermission: "Looks like you do not have the Permission `%s`!" - noMention: - user: "Please mention a user!" - role: "Please mention a role!" - channel: "Please mention a channel!" - onlyNSFW: "This Command can only be used in NSFW Channels!" - invalidQuery: "Please provide a valid Query!" - checkBelow: "Check below!" - retrievalError: "There was an error while retrieving the data!" - notInVoiceChannel: "You are not in a Voice-Channel!" - notInSameVoiceChannel: "You are not in the same Voice-Channel!" - alreadyInVoiceChannel: "I am already in a Voice-Channel!" - image: - needed: "A Image is needed!" - tooBig: "The Image is too big!" - tooBigMax: "The Image is too big! Max Size: %sMB" - actionRequired: "Select an Action!" - unknownMenu: "There was an error while resolving the modal!" - invalidOption: "You somehow selected an invalid Option! Are you a Wizard?" - invalidOptionChannel: "The given Channel doesn't exists, how did you select it? Are you a Wizard?" - missingOption: "You need to provide a value for the option %s!" - nameChangeFailed: "Could not change the my own nickname!" - time: - date: "Please use a valid Date!\nNote that we use the the format dd.MM.yyyy (day.month.year)!" - time: "Please use a valid Time!\nNote that we use the format HH/mm (hour/minute (24-hour))!" - notEnough: "The entered time is not enough!" - birthday: - added: - self: "Your Birthday has been added!" - other: "The Birthday of %s has been added!" - noPerms: "You don't have the permission to add a Birthday!" - removed: - self: "Your Birthday has been removed!" - other: "The Birthday of %s has been removed!" - noPerms: "You don't have the permission to remove a Birthday!" - instagramNotifier: - added: "A Instagram Notifier has been created for the User %s!" - list: "Here are all Instagram Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Instagram Notifier has been removed from the User %s!" - redditNotifier: - added: "A Reddit Notifier has been created for the Subreddit %s!" - list: "Here are all Reddit Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Reddit Notifier has been removed from the Subreddit %s!" - twitchNotifier: - added: "A Twitch-Stream Notifier has been created for the Channel %s!" - list: "Here are all Twitch Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Twitch-Stream Notifier has been removed from the Channel %s!" - twitterNotifier: - added: "A Twitter Notifier has been created for the User %s!" - list: "Here are all Twitter Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Twitter Notifier has been removed from the User %s!" - youtubeNotifier: - added: "A Youtube-Video Notifier has been created for the Channel %s!" - list: "Here are all YouTube Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Youtube-Video Notifier has been removed from the Channel %s!" - anime: - searching: "Searching for Anime..." - found: "Anime found!" - error: "An error occurred while searching for Anime!" - game: - actionNeeded: "You need to specify an action!" - valueNeeded: "You need to specify a value!" - invalidAction: "Please provide a valid action!" - invalidInvite: "Please provide a valid Invite!" - gameAlreadyStarted: "The Game has been started!" - availableGames: "Available Games:" - hornyJail: "%s is now in the Horny-Jail!" - hug: "%s has been hugged by %s!" - kiss: "%s has been kissed by %s!" - manga: - searching: "Searching for Manga..." - found: "Manga found!" - error: "An error occurred while searching for Manga!" - ping: "Pong" - record: - recordingStarted: "I am now recording the voice channel!" - recordingStopped: "Recording stopped!" - recordingError: "An error occurred while recording!" - slap: "%s has been slapped by %s!" - addon: - list: "List of Addons:" - reloadAll: "Reloading Addons ...." - reloadedAll: "Reloaded all Addons!" - credits: - default: "Meet our Team!" - easterEgg: "Meet the Spy!" - optout: - optedOut: "You have been opted out of any data collection!" - optedIn: "You have been opted in for data collection!" - leaderboards: "Below this Message you can find the Leaderboards of the current Server!\nPlease note that you have to be logged in to see these stats, reason for this is Discords Guidelines!" - ban: - success: "Successfully banned %s!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't ban someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't ban someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - blacklist: - addedList: "The following words have been added to the Blacklist:" - added: "The Word `%s` has been added to the Blacklist!" - removed: "The Word `%s` has been removed from the Blacklist!" - setupNeeded: "You need to setup the Blacklist first!" - notFound: "The Word `%s` was not found in the Blacklist!" - clear: - noNumber: "%s isn't a number!" - notInRange: "%s isn't between 2 and 200!" - success: "Successfully deleted %s Messages!" - clearData: - success: "Successfully cleared all Invite Data!" - cooldown: "You can only use this command once every 10 minute!" - import: - botRequired: "Please provide a Bot you which to Import data from!" - unknownBot: "Unknown Bot!" - success: "Successfully imported data from %s Users!" - error: - unknown: "An unknown error occurred! ({})" - noData: "No Data found!" - visibility: "You can't import data from a Bot which is not visible to everyone!" - kick: - success: "Successfully kicked %s!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't kick someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't kick someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - mute: - invalidTime: "Please provide a valid Time!" - success: "Successfully muted %s for %ss!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't mute someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't mute someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - prefix: - success: "Successfully changed the Prefix to `%s`!" - setup: - successImage: "Successfully set the new Join-Image!" - setupMenu: "Which configuration do you want to check out?" - setupMenuPlaceholder: "Select a configuration Step!" - steps: - auditLog: "You can set up our own Audit-Logging which provides all the Information over and Webhook into the Channel of your desire!\nBut ours is not the same as the default Auditions, ours gives your the ability to set what you want to be logged and what not!\nWe also allow you to log Voice Events!" - welcome: "You can set up our own Welcome-Messages!\nYou can choice the Welcome-Channel by your own and even configure the Message!" - autoRole: "You can set up our own Autorole-System!\nYou can select Roles that Users should get upon joining the Server!" - temporalVoice: "You can set up your own Temporal Voice channel!\nBy setting up Temporal Voice channel on a specific channel which will be used to create a new Voice channel when ever someones joins into it!" - lang: "You can change the Language Setting of the Bot!" - suggestion: - suggestionMenu: "Click on the button below to suggest something!" - suggestionMenuPlaceholder: "Suggest something!" - success: "Successfully setup the Suggestion-System!" - sent: "Your Suggestion has been sent!" - footer: "Suggestion by %s" - notSetup: "Looks like the Suggestion-System is not set up the right way!" - unban: - success: "Successfully unbanned %s!" - notFound: "The User `%s` was not found!" - unmute: - success: "Successfully un-muted %s!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't un-mute someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't un-mute someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - music: - clearQueue: "The Queue has been cleaned!" - notPlaying: "Im not playing anything!" - notConnected: "I am not connected to a Voice Channel!" - loop: - enabled: "Loop has been enabled!" - disabled: "Loop has been disabled!" - lyrics: - notFound: "Couldn't find the Lyrics for %s." - foundUnlikely: "Lyrics for %s found, but they are unlikely to be correct: %s" - stop: "The player has been stopped!" - pause: "The Player has been paused!" - resume: "The Player has been resumed!" - shuffle: "The Queue has been shuffled!" - songInfo: "**Song:**```%s by %s```\n%s `[%s/%s]` %s" - songInfoSlim: "%s by %s" - songQueueEmpty: "The Queue is empty!" - songQueue: "The Queue contains the following Songs: %s" - volume: - success: "Successfully set the Volume to %s!" - default: "Current Volume is %s!" - notFound: "Couldn't find the Song ``%s``!" - notFoundMultiple: "Couldn't find ``%s`` Songs!" - searchFailed: "An error occurred while searching for the Song, please try again after a few minutes!" - searchUrlFailed: "A Song with the URL ``%s`` couldn't be found!" - songNext: "Next Song!\nSong:``%s``" - songQueueReachedEnd: "There is no new Song!" - seek: - success: "Seeked to ``%s``!" - failed: "You can't seek to a position that is longer than the song!" - failedPlaying: "Error while playing: ``%s``\nError : %s" - failedLoading: "Error while loading a song: %s" - queueAdded: - default: "The Song ``%s`` has been added to the Queue!" - firstOfList: "The Song ``%s`` has been added to the Queue! (The first Song of the Playlist: %s)" - skip: "Skipping to the next Song in the Queue!" - nsfw: - searching: "Searching for NSFW Content ..." - notAllowed: "The Content you are searching for is not allowed! Example: loli hentai" - blacklisted: "Your message contains blacklisted/blocked content!" - levelUp: "You just leveled up to %s(%s)! %s" - gameCore: - needMore: "A participants amount of %s is needed to play this game!" - alreadyStarted: "The game has already started!" - full: "The game is already full!" - alreadyIn: "You are already a participant of this game!" - minimalReached: "The minimal amount of participants have been reached!\nYou may start the game by clicking the button below!" - minimalReachedHost: "The minimal amount of participants have been reached!\nYou may start the game by clicking the button on the first Message!" - joined: "You are now a participant of this game!\nPlease wait for the host to start the game!" - blackJackGame: - welcome: "Welcome to Blackjack! You can start the game by clicking the button below!\nBefore you can start it thou, you will need someone else to play with you!\nThey will need to use /game join %s to join the game!\nOr press the button below!" - playerHand: "%s\n\nValue: %s" - end: - win: "The Game has ended!\n%s has won with a value of %s!" - draw: "The Game has ended!\nIt was a draw!" - turn: - player: "It's your turn!" - wait: "Please wait for the other player to finish their turn!" - 8ball: - answers: - 1: "It is certain." - 2: "It is decidedly so." - 3: "Without a doubt." - 4: "Yes - definitely." - 5: "You may rely on it." - 6: "As I see it, yes." - 7: "Most likely." - 8: "Outlook good." - 9: "Yes." - 10: "Signs point to yes." - 11: "Reply hazy, try again." - 12: "Ask again later." - 13: "Better not tell you now." - 14: "Cannot predict now." - 15: "Concentrate and ask again." - 16: "Don't count on it." - 17: "My reply is no." - 18: "My sources say no." - 19: "Outlook not so good." - 20: "Very doubtful." - brs: - autoRole: - hierarchy: "Ree6-BRS (Bug-Report-System))\nWe detected that Im not allowed to AutoRole people since my role is below the AutoRole-Role!\nPlease move my role above the AutoRole-Role!\nThe role that causes the Issue is ``%s``!" - deleted: "Ree6-BRS (Bug-Report-System))\nWe detected that I can not AutoRole people since the AutoRole-Role has been deleted!\nWe now removed the given Role!" - ticket: - created: "We opened a Ticket for you! Check it out %s" - alreadyOpen: "You already have an open Ticket!" - categoryNotFound: "The Ticket-Category was not found!" - alreadyArchived: "The Ticket is already archived!" - close: "Ticket closed!" - setup: "You can set up your own Ticket-System!\nBy setting up a specific channel as Ticket-Channel, Ree6 will create a new Ticket-Channel for each Ticket that you create!\nAfter Ticket closing those tickets will be moved to a archive category!" - menuDescription: "By clicking on the Button below you can open a Ticket!" - setupSuccess: "Successfully setup the Ticket System, nice work!" - setupDescription: "Please refer to the /tickets command!" - deleted: "Successfully deleted the Ticket-Channel, nice work!" - statistics: - twitchSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Twitch statistics!" - youtubeSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for YouTube statistics!" - youtubeNotFound: "We could not find the given channel! You sure the name/id is correct?" - redditSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Reddit statistics!" - twitterSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Twitter statistics!" - instagramSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Instagram statistics!" - setup: "You can set up your own Statistic-channels!\nBy setting up Statistic-channels Ree6 will create new channels for each Statistic-Type that you setup!\nIf you want to get rid of a Statistic-Channel, just delete it!" - memberSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Member statistics!" - temporalVoice: - setupSuccess: "Successfully setup the Temporal Voice-channel, nice work!" - setupDescription: "Which Channel do you want to use as Temporal Voice-channel?" - deleted: "Successfully deleted the Temporal-Voicechannel, nice work!" - auditLog: - setupSuccess: "Successfully setup the Log-channel, nice work!" - setupDescription: "Which Channel do you want to use as Log-channel?" - deleted: "Successfully deleted the Log-channel, nice work!" - welcome: - setupSuccess: "Successfully setup the Welcome-channel, nice work!" - setupDescription: "Which Channel do you want to use as Welcome-channel?" - imageRequired: "Use the following Command with a Image as attachment: `{guild_prefix}setup joinImage`!" - deleted: "Successfully deleted the Welcome-channel, nice work!" - lang: - setupSuccess: "Successfully changed the Language to %s!" - recording: - started: "I am now recording this Voice-channel as requested by an participant!" - startReason: "Recording started by %s" - stopReason: "Recording stopped." - stopped: "Your Audio has been converted and is now available for download!" - error: "Something went wrong while converting your audio!\nReason: %s" - reactions: - roleAssign: "You have assigned the Role %s to the Reaction!" - reactionNeeded: "You need to react to the message with the reaction you want to assign %s to!" - roleNotFound: "The Role you want to assign to the reaction was not found!" - removed: "Successfully removed the Reaction-Role for the Role %s!" - roleAdded: "You have received the Role %s!" - roleRemoved: "You have lost the Role %s!" - musicQuiz: - welcome: "Welcome to Music Quiz! You can start the game by clicking the button below!\nBefore you can start it thou, you will need someone else to play with you!\nThey will need to use /game join %s to join the game!\nOr press the button below!" - foundTitle: "You have guessed the Title it was %s! You receive 1pts" - foundArtists: "You have guessed the Artists it was %s! You receive 2pts" - foundFeature: "You have guessed a Feature it was %s! You receive 3pts" - foundAll: "Everything has been guessed!" - skipSong: "The Song has been skipped!" - finishedSong: "The current Song has ended, it was %s by %s! Lets start with the next one!" - newSong: "Guess the Title(1pts), the Artists(2pts) or a Feature (3pts)" - points: "%s reached %s pts" - announcement: - added: "Successfully added the Announcement!" - list: "Here is a list of all Announcements!\n```%s```" - removed: "Successfully removed the Announcement!" - news: - enabled: "Successfully enabled the receiving of News!" - disabled: "Successfully disabled the receiving of News!" - notice: "To disable the receiving of news use /news" - stream-action: - added: "We successfully added the Stream-action with the name **%s**" - addedLine: "We successfully added the Stream-action with the name **%s**" - deleted: "We successfully deleted the Stream-action with the name **%s**" - deletedLine: "We successfully deleted the action line %s!" - alreadyExisting: "We found a already existing Stream-action with the name **%s**" - list: "Here is a list of all stream-actions!\n```%s```" - actionList: "Here is a list of all actions!\n```%s```" - points: "Here is a list of all channel point rewards!\nCheck the points.txt!" - listener: "You have set the listener to **%s**" - listenerArgument: "You have set the listener to **%s** with the id **%s**" - noTwitch: "To use this feature we require you to authorize your Twitch! Check out <%s> for it!" - notFound: "We couldn't find the Stream-Action with the name **%s**" - levelRole: - added: "We successfully added a Level-Role with the Role **%s** and the Level **%s**" - removed: "We successfully removed the Level-Role with the Role **%s** and the Level **%s**" - list: "In the files above message you can find a list of all Level-Roles!" - warn: - punishment: - created: "You successfully created a punishment!" - list: "Here is a list of all punishments for this Guild:\n```%s```" - deleted: "The Punishment with the ID %s has been deleted." - notFound: "There is no punishment with the ID %s for this Guild." - success: "You successfully warned %s!\nThe User now has %s warnings!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't warn someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't warn someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - infractions: - success: "The User %s has %s infractions!" - empty: "The User %s has no infractions!" - schedule: - added: "The schedule has been successfully created!" - delete: - success: "The schedule has been successfully deleted!" - failed: "The given schedule does not exist!" - list: "Here is a list of all schedules: ```%s```" -game: - description: - blackjack: "Play Blackjack with your friends!" -command: - perform: - cooldown: "You are on cooldown!" - missingCommand: "Please provide a Command!" - error: "There was an error while executing the Command!" - errorWithException: "There was an error while executing the Command!\nException: %s" - internalError: "An error occurred while performing the Command!\nIf this continues to happen please contact our support!\n" - notFound: "That Command couldn't be found" - blocked: "This Command is blocked!" - slashNotSupported: "This Command doesn't support Slash Commands yet!" - onlySlashSupported: "This Command only supports Slash-Commands!" - description: - birthday: "Let the bot remember your Birthday." - instagramNotifier: "Manage your Instagram-Notifier!" - redditNotifier: "Manage your Reddit-Notifier!" - twitch: "Manage your Twitch-Notifier!" - twitterNotifier: "Manage your Twitter-Notifier!" - youtubeNotifier: "Manage your Youtube-Notifier!" - anime: "Search for animes on kitsu.io!" - randomcat: "Shows random Cat Images, from thecatapi.com." - cringe: "Let shrek tell them that their message was cringe!" - cringe_slash: "Let shrek tell them that their message was not funny!" - randomdog: "Shows random Dog Images, from dog.ceo." - funFact: "Just some random facts!" - game: "Access Ree6 internal Games." - hornyjail: "Put someone into the Horny-Jail." - hornyjail_slash: "Put someone into the Not-Well-Behaved-Jail." - hug: "Hug someone you like!" - kiss: "Kiss someone!" - manga: "Search for mangas on kitsu.io!" - meme: "Wanna see some Memes?" - monke: "Shows an Image of a Monke." - ping: "Pong!" - 8ball: "Let the Magic 8Ball decide the faith of your Question." - record: "Record the voice channel!" - shiba: "Shows a random shiba image, from shiba.online." - slap: "Slap someone in the face!" - twitter: "Create a \"realistic\" looking Tweet!" - waifu: "Wanna see some Waifus or Husbandos?" - addon: "Only meant for Developers, used to reload or load new Addons." - test: "Just a test command." - credits: "See the beautiful and lovely team working behind Ree6!" - help: "Shows a list of every Command!" - info: "Shows user specific information." - invite: "Retrieve an Invite link for Ree6!" - optout: "Opts you out of any data collection on this Guild." - server: "See server specific information." - stats: "See Stats of Ree6!" - support: "Get an Invite to the Support Server of Ree6!" - leaderboard: "Shows you the Rank Leaderboard of the current Server" - level: "Show your own Level or the Level of another User in the Guild." - ban: "Ban an specific User from the Guild." - blacklist: "Manage the Filters of the Guild." - clear: "Clear a specific amount of Messages from the current Chat." - clearData: "Clear every stored Invite and replace it with the current ones." - embedSender: "Send an Embed Message." - import: "Import data from another Bot." - kick: "Kick an specific User from the Guild." - mute: "Mute an specific User from the Guild." - prefix: "Change the Prefix of the Guild." - setup: "Setup specific features for the Guild." - suggestion: "Setup the Suggestion-System!" - unban: "Unban an specific User from the Guild." - unmute: "Unmute an specific User from the Guild." - webinterface: "Shows the url to the Webinterface of Ree6." - clearQueue: "Clear the Song-Queue for the Guild." - disconnect: "Disconnect the Bot from the Voice-Channel." - loop: "Loop the current Song." - lyrics: "Shows the Lyrics of the current playing Track." - pause: "Pause the current Track." - play: "Play or add a Track to the Queue." - resume: "Resume the current Track." - seek: "Seek to a specific Time in the current Track." - shuffle: "Shuffle the Song-Queue." - skip: "Skip the some Tracks in the Song-Queue." - songinfo: "Shows information about the current playing Track." - songlist: "Shows the Song-Queue." - stop: "Stop the current Track." - volume: "Change the Volume of the current Track." - nsfw: "Shows a random NSFW Image." - rule34: "Shows a random Rule34 Image." - rule34_slash: "Shows not safe for work Images from a specific Website." - reactions: "Assign roles to reactions on a message!" - announcement: "Create an Announcement!" - stream-action: "Manage Stream actions that can bring you stream into the Voice-channel!" - tickets: "Create a Ticket System to communicate with your community!" - news: "Configure the receiving of News from Ree6!" - levelrole: "Manage Auto-Roles for Voice or Text Levels!" - warn: "Warn an User and let them be punished automatically." - infractions: "Show all the warnings a user has." - musicquiz: "Play with your friends a game of Music Quiz!" - musicpanel: "Access a simple UI to manage the Music System!" - schedule: "Schedule messages for later or for a repeated time!" -category: - info: "Used to gather information or provide information." - moderation: "Moderation Tools that can help you manager Users or prevent rule breaking on the Server." - music: "Music utilities that allow you to have fun with your friends through the power of music!" - fun: "Fun utilities that give you the power to do dumb stuff because you can!" - level: "Leveling Tools that allow you to keep track of progress on the Server." - community: "Community Tools that allow you to interact with your community." - nsfw: "NSFW stuff that you can only use in NSFW Channels." - hidden: "Hidden Commands that are only visible to the Owner of the Bot." diff --git a/languages/hr.yml b/languages/hr.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 93b37389b..000000000 --- a/languages/hr.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,632 +0,0 @@ -language: - name: "Croatian" - locale: "hr" - version: "2.4.0" - author: "Huza" -logging: - banned: ":airplane_departure: %s **banned.**" - unbanned: ":airplane_arriving: %s **unbanned.**" - joined: - default: "%s **joined the Server.**\n:timer: Age of the Account:\n**%s**\n**%s**" - bot: - found: "**The Bot** %s **has been invited by** %s" - notFound: "**We could not find out who Invite the Bot** %s" - leave: "%s **joined and left the Server.**" - invite: - vanity: "%s **has been invited via Vanity Invite.**" - default: "%s **has been invited by** %s (Code: %s, Uses: %s)" - notFound: "**Couldn't determine who invited** %s" - left: - default: "%s **left the Server.**\n:timer: Joined:\n**%s**" - slim: "%s **left the Server.**" - timeout: - started: "**The User** %s **received a timeout.**\n**Time:** %s" - updated: "**The User** %s **received a timeout.**\n**Reason:** %s\n**Moderator:** %s\n**Time:** %s" - ended: "**The User** %s **finished their timeout.**\n**Time:** %s" - nickname: - reset: "The Nickname of %s has been reset.\n**Old Nickname:**\n%s" - changed: "The Nickname of %s has been changed.\n**New Nickname:**\n%s\n**Old Nickname:**\n%s" - voicechannel: - join: "%s **joined the Voice Channel** %s" - move: "%s **moved from the Voice Channel** %s **to** %s**.**" - moveMany: "%s **moved through many Voice Channel and is now in** %s" - leave: "%s **left the Voice Channel** %s" - leaveInstant: "%s **joined and left the Voice Channel** %s" - rejoin: "%s **rejoined the Voice Channel** %s" - channel: - update: - voice: ":house: **VoiceChannel updated:** %s" - chat: ":house: **TextChannel updated:** %s" - delete: - voice: ":house: **VoiceChannel deleted:** ``%s``" - chat: ":house: **TextChannel deleted:** ``%s``" - create: - voice: ":house: **VoiceChannel created:** %s" - chat: ":house: **TextChannel created:** %s" - member: ":writing_hand: %s **has been updated.**" - role: - create: ":family_mmb: ``%s`` **has been created.**" - update: ":family_mmb: ``%s`` **has been updated.**" - delete: ":family_mmb: ``%s`` **has been deleted.**" - message: - deleted: ":wastebasket: **Message of %s in %s has been deleted.**\n%s" - tooLong: "Message is too long to display!" - attachmentFailed: "Could not add Message Attachment reason: %s" - attachmentNotice: "Below are the attachments, we recommend being careful with these files!" -label: - status: "Status" - typ: "Type" - genres: "Genres" - aired: "Aired" - episodes: "Episodes" - duration: "Duration" - averageRating: "Average Rating" - rank: "Rank" - randomCatImage: "Random Cat Image" - randomDogImage: "Random Dog Image" - published: "Published" - chapters: "Chapters" - volumes: "Volumes" - randomMemeImage: "Random Meme Image" - monkey: "Monkey" - randomShibaImage: "Random Shiba Image" - character: "Character" - from: "From" - invite: "Invite" - support: "Support" - serverId: "Server ID" - creationDate: "Creation Date" - owner: "Owner" - members: "Members" - channels: "Channels" - other: "Other" - verificationLevel: "Verification Level" - notExisting: "Not Existing" - serverStats: "Server Stats" - guilds: "Guilds" - users: "Users" - botStats: "Bot Stats" - version: "Version" - uptime: "Uptime" - networkStats: "Network Stats" - responseTime: "Response Time" - systemDate: "System Date" - discordStats: "Discord Stats" - gatewayTime: "Gateway Time" - shardAmount: "Shard Amount" - shards: "Shards" - commandStats: "Command Stats" - topCommands: "Top Commands" - overallTopCommands: "Overall Top Commands" - discordGuidelines: "Discord Guidelines" - chatLeaderboard: "Chat-Leaderboard" - voiceLeaderboard: "Voice-Leaderboard" - title: "Title" - description: "Description" - setupMenu: "Setup Menu" - auditLog: "Audit-Logging" - welcomeChannel: "Welcome-Channel" - autoRole: "Auto-Role" - temporalVoice: "Temporal-Voice" - statistics: "Statistics" - ticketSystem: "Ticket-System" - suggestionMenu: "Suggestion-Menu" - webinterface: "Webinterface" - musicPlayer: "Music Player" - actor: "Actor" - oldName: "Old Name" - newName: "New Name" - nsfw: "NSFW" - roles: "Roles" - oldMentionable: "Old Mentionable" - newMentionable: "New Mentionable" - oldHoist: "Old Hoist" - newHoist: "New Hoist" - newPermissions: "New Permissions" - oldColor: "Old Color" - newColor: "New Color" - overallMembers: "Overall Members" - realMembers: "Real Members" - botMembers: "Bot Members" - temporalVoiceName: "Temporal VC #%s" - chat: "Chat" - voice: "Voice" - startGame: "Start Game" - joinGame: "Join Game" - leaveGame: "Leave Game" - blackJack: "BlackJack" - hit: "Hit" - stand: "Stand" - userCards: "%ss **Cards**" - userCardsSelf: "**Your Cards**" - suggestion: "Suggestion" - openTicket: "Open Ticket" - closeTicket: "Close Ticket" - setup: "Setup" - delete: "Delete" - backToMenu: "Back to Menu" - setImage: "Set Image" - ticket: "Ticket" - overallMembersName: "Overall Members: %s" - realMembersName: "Real Members: %s" - botMembersName: "Bot Members: %s" - twitchCountName: "Twitch Follower: %s" - youtubeCountName: "Youtube Subscribers: %s" - redditCountName: "Subreddit Members: %s" - twitterCountName: "Twitter Followers: %s" - instagramCountName: "Instagram Followers: %s" - setupMemberStatistics: "Setup Member Statistics" - setupTwitchStatistics: "Setup Twitch Statistics" - setupYoutubeStatistics: "Setup Youtube Statistics" - setupRedditStatistics: "Setup Reddit Statistics" - setupTwitterStatistics: "Setup Twitter Statistics" - setupInstagramStatistics: "Setup Instagram Statistics" - channelName: "Channel Name" - subreddit: "Subreddit" - name: "Name" - selectChannel: "Select a Channel!" - unknownMenu: "Unknown Menu" - language: "Language" - unknown: "Unknown" - recording: - start: "Recording started!" - name: "[\uD83D\uDD34] Recording!" - finished: "Recording finished!" - download: "Download" - error: "Error" - game: "Game" - viewer: "Viewer" - more: "More" - skip: "Skip" - musicQuiz: "Music Quiz" - position: "Position %s" - feedback: "Feedback" - github: "Github" - queueAdd: "Add to Queue" - song: "Song" - shuffle: "Shuffle" - loop: "Loop" -message: - default: - usage: "Usage {guild_prefix}%s." - needPermission: "Looks like I do not have the Permission `%s`!" - insufficientPermission: "Looks like you do not have the Permission `%s`!" - noMention: - user: "Please mention a user!" - role: "Please mention a role!" - channel: "Please mention a channel!" - onlyNSFW: "This Command can only be used in NSFW Channels!" - invalidQuery: "Please provide a valid Query!" - checkBelow: "Check below!" - retrievalError: "There was an error while retrieving the data!" - notInVoiceChannel: "You are not in a Voice-Channel!" - notInSameVoiceChannel: "You are not in the same Voice-Channel!" - alreadyInVoiceChannel: "I am already in a Voice-Channel!" - image: - needed: "A Image is needed!" - tooBig: "The Image is too big!" - tooBigMax: "The Image is too big! Max Size: %sMB" - actionRequired: "Select an Action!" - unknownMenu: "There was an error while resolving the modal!" - invalidOption: "You somehow selected an invalid Option! Are you a Wizard?" - invalidOptionChannel: "The given Channel doesn't exists, how did you select it? Are you a Wizard?" - missingOption: "You need to provide a value for the option %s!" - nameChangeFailed: "Could not change the my own nickname!" - time: - date: "Please use a valid Date!\nNote that we use the the format dd.MM.yyyy (day.month.year)!" - time: "Please use a valid Time!\nNote that we use the format HH/mm (hour/minute (24-hour))!" - notEnough: "The entered time is not enough!" - birthday: - added: - self: "Your Birthday has been added!" - other: "The Birthday of %s has been added!" - noPerms: "You don't have the permission to add a Birthday!" - removed: - self: "Your Birthday has been removed!" - other: "The Birthday of %s has been removed!" - noPerms: "You don't have the permission to remove a Birthday!" - instagramNotifier: - added: "A Instagram Notifier has been created for the User %s!" - list: "Here are all Instagram Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Instagram Notifier has been removed from the User %s!" - redditNotifier: - added: "A Reddit Notifier has been created for the Subreddit %s!" - list: "Here are all Reddit Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Reddit Notifier has been removed from the Subreddit %s!" - twitchNotifier: - added: "A Twitch-Stream Notifier has been created for the Channel %s!" - list: "Here are all Twitch Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Twitch-Stream Notifier has been removed from the Channel %s!" - twitterNotifier: - added: "A Twitter Notifier has been created for the User %s!" - list: "Here are all Twitter Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Twitter Notifier has been removed from the User %s!" - youtubeNotifier: - added: "A Youtube-Video Notifier has been created for the Channel %s!" - list: "Here are all YouTube Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Youtube-Video Notifier has been removed from the Channel %s!" - anime: - searching: "Searching for Anime..." - found: "Anime found!" - error: "An error occurred while searching for Anime!" - game: - actionNeeded: "You need to specify an action!" - valueNeeded: "You need to specify a value!" - invalidAction: "Please provide a valid action!" - invalidInvite: "Please provide a valid Invite!" - gameAlreadyStarted: "The Game has been started!" - availableGames: "Available Games:" - hornyJail: "%s is now in the Horny-Jail!" - hug: "%s has been hugged by %s!" - kiss: "%s has been kissed by %s!" - manga: - searching: "Searching for Manga..." - found: "Manga found!" - error: "An error occurred while searching for Manga!" - ping: "Pong" - record: - recordingStarted: "I am now recording the voice channel!" - recordingStopped: "Recording stopped!" - recordingError: "An error occurred while recording!" - slap: "%s has been slapped by %s!" - addon: - list: "List of Addons:" - reloadAll: "Reloading Addons ...." - reloadedAll: "Reloaded all Addons!" - credits: - default: "Meet our Team!" - easterEgg: "Meet the Spy!" - optout: - optedOut: "You have been opted out of any data collection!" - optedIn: "You have been opted in for data collection!" - leaderboards: "Below this Message you can find the Leaderboards of the current Server!\nPlease note that you have to be logged in to see these stats, reason for this is Discords Guidelines!" - ban: - success: "Successfully banned %s!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't ban someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't ban someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - blacklist: - addedList: "The following words have been added to the Blacklist:" - added: "The Word `%s` has been added to the Blacklist!" - removed: "The Word `%s` has been removed from the Blacklist!" - setupNeeded: "You need to setup the Blacklist first!" - notFound: "The Word `%s` was not found in the Blacklist!" - clear: - noNumber: "%s isn't a number!" - notInRange: "%s isn't between 2 and 200!" - success: "Successfully deleted %s Messages!" - clearData: - success: "Successfully cleared all Invite Data!" - cooldown: "You can only use this command once every 10 minute!" - import: - botRequired: "Please provide a Bot you which to Import data from!" - unknownBot: "Unknown Bot!" - success: "Successfully imported data from %s Users!" - error: - unknown: "An unknown error occurred! ({})" - noData: "No Data found!" - visibility: "You can't import data from a Bot which is not visible to everyone!" - kick: - success: "Successfully kicked %s!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't kick someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't kick someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - mute: - invalidTime: "Please provide a valid Time!" - success: "Successfully muted %s for %ss!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't mute someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't mute someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - prefix: - success: "Successfully changed the Prefix to `%s`!" - setup: - successImage: "Successfully set the new Join-Image!" - setupMenu: "Which configuration do you want to check out?" - setupMenuPlaceholder: "Select a configuration Step!" - steps: - auditLog: "You can set up our own Audit-Logging which provides all the Information over and Webhook into the Channel of your desire!\nBut ours is not the same as the default Auditions, ours gives your the ability to set what you want to be logged and what not!\nWe also allow you to log Voice Events!" - welcome: "You can set up our own Welcome-Messages!\nYou can choice the Welcome-Channel by your own and even configure the Message!" - autoRole: "You can set up our own Autorole-System!\nYou can select Roles that Users should get upon joining the Server!" - temporalVoice: "You can set up your own Temporal Voice channel!\nBy setting up Temporal Voice channel on a specific channel which will be used to create a new Voice channel when ever someones joins into it!" - lang: "You can change the Language Setting of the Bot!" - suggestion: - suggestionMenu: "Click on the button below to suggest something!" - suggestionMenuPlaceholder: "Suggest something!" - success: "Successfully setup the Suggestion-System!" - sent: "Your Suggestion has been sent!" - footer: "Suggestion by %s" - notSetup: "Looks like the Suggestion-System is not set up the right way!" - unban: - success: "Successfully unbanned %s!" - notFound: "The User `%s` was not found!" - unmute: - success: "Successfully un-muted %s!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't un-mute someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't un-mute someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - music: - clearQueue: "The Queue has been cleaned!" - notPlaying: "Im not playing anything!" - notConnected: "I am not connected to a Voice Channel!" - loop: - enabled: "Loop has been enabled!" - disabled: "Loop has been disabled!" - lyrics: - notFound: "Couldn't find the Lyrics for %s." - foundUnlikely: "Lyrics for %s found, but they are unlikely to be correct: %s" - stop: "The player has been stopped!" - pause: "The Player has been paused!" - resume: "The Player has been resumed!" - shuffle: "The Queue has been shuffled!" - songInfo: "**Song:**```%s by %s```\n%s `[%s/%s]` %s" - songInfoSlim: "%s by %s" - songQueueEmpty: "The Queue is empty!" - songQueue: "The Queue contains the following Songs: %s" - volume: - success: "Successfully set the Volume to %s!" - default: "Current Volume is %s!" - notFound: "Couldn't find the Song ``%s``!" - notFoundMultiple: "Couldn't find ``%s`` Songs!" - searchFailed: "An error occurred while searching for the Song, please try again after a few minutes!" - searchUrlFailed: "A Song with the URL ``%s`` couldn't be found!" - songNext: "Next Song!\nSong:``%s``" - songQueueReachedEnd: "There is no new Song!" - seek: - success: "Seeked to ``%s``!" - failed: "You can't seek to a position that is longer than the song!" - failedPlaying: "Error while playing: ``%s``\nError : %s" - failedLoading: "Error while loading a song: %s" - queueAdded: - default: "The Song ``%s`` has been added to the Queue!" - firstOfList: "The Song ``%s`` has been added to the Queue! (The first Song of the Playlist: %s)" - skip: "Skipping to the next Song in the Queue!" - nsfw: - searching: "Searching for NSFW Content ..." - notAllowed: "The Content you are searching for is not allowed! Example: loli hentai" - blacklisted: "Your message contains blacklisted/blocked content!" - levelUp: "You just leveled up to %s(%s)! %s" - gameCore: - needMore: "A participants amount of %s is needed to play this game!" - alreadyStarted: "The game has already started!" - full: "The game is already full!" - alreadyIn: "You are already a participant of this game!" - minimalReached: "The minimal amount of participants have been reached!\nYou may start the game by clicking the button below!" - minimalReachedHost: "The minimal amount of participants have been reached!\nYou may start the game by clicking the button on the first Message!" - joined: "You are now a participant of this game!\nPlease wait for the host to start the game!" - blackJackGame: - welcome: "Welcome to Blackjack! You can start the game by clicking the button below!\nBefore you can start it thou, you will need someone else to play with you!\nThey will need to use /game join %s to join the game!\nOr press the button below!" - playerHand: "%s\n\nValue: %s" - end: - win: "The Game has ended!\n%s has won with a value of %s!" - draw: "The Game has ended!\nIt was a draw!" - turn: - player: "It's your turn!" - wait: "Please wait for the other player to finish their turn!" - 8ball: - answers: - 1: "It is certain." - 2: "It is decidedly so." - 3: "Without a doubt." - 4: "Yes - definitely." - 5: "You may rely on it." - 6: "As I see it, yes." - 7: "Most likely." - 8: "Outlook good." - 9: "Yes." - 10: "Signs point to yes." - 11: "Reply hazy, try again." - 12: "Ask again later." - 13: "Better not tell you now." - 14: "Cannot predict now." - 15: "Concentrate and ask again." - 16: "Don't count on it." - 17: "My reply is no." - 18: "My sources say no." - 19: "Outlook not so good." - 20: "Very doubtful." - brs: - autoRole: - hierarchy: "Ree6-BRS (Bug-Report-System))\nWe detected that Im not allowed to AutoRole people since my role is below the AutoRole-Role!\nPlease move my role above the AutoRole-Role!\nThe role that causes the Issue is ``%s``!" - deleted: "Ree6-BRS (Bug-Report-System))\nWe detected that I can not AutoRole people since the AutoRole-Role has been deleted!\nWe now removed the given Role!" - ticket: - created: "We opened a Ticket for you! Check it out %s" - alreadyOpen: "You already have an open Ticket!" - categoryNotFound: "The Ticket-Category was not found!" - alreadyArchived: "The Ticket is already archived!" - close: "Ticket closed!" - setup: "You can set up your own Ticket-System!\nBy setting up a specific channel as Ticket-Channel, Ree6 will create a new Ticket-Channel for each Ticket that you create!\nAfter Ticket closing those tickets will be moved to a archive category!" - menuDescription: "By clicking on the Button below you can open a Ticket!" - setupSuccess: "Successfully setup the Ticket System, nice work!" - setupDescription: "Please refer to the /tickets command!" - deleted: "Successfully deleted the Ticket-Channel, nice work!" - statistics: - twitchSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Twitch statistics!" - youtubeSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for YouTube statistics!" - youtubeNotFound: "We could not find the given channel! You sure the name/id is correct?" - redditSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Reddit statistics!" - twitterSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Twitter statistics!" - instagramSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Instagram statistics!" - setup: "You can set up your own Statistic-channels!\nBy setting up Statistic-channels Ree6 will create new channels for each Statistic-Type that you setup!\nIf you want to get rid of a Statistic-Channel, just delete it!" - memberSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Member statistics!" - temporalVoice: - setupSuccess: "Successfully setup the Temporal Voice-channel, nice work!" - setupDescription: "Which Channel do you want to use as Temporal Voice-channel?" - deleted: "Successfully deleted the Temporal-Voicechannel, nice work!" - auditLog: - setupSuccess: "Successfully setup the Log-channel, nice work!" - setupDescription: "Which Channel do you want to use as Log-channel?" - deleted: "Successfully deleted the Log-channel, nice work!" - welcome: - setupSuccess: "Successfully setup the Welcome-channel, nice work!" - setupDescription: "Which Channel do you want to use as Welcome-channel?" - imageRequired: "Use the following Command with a Image as attachment: `{guild_prefix}setup joinImage`!" - deleted: "Successfully deleted the Welcome-channel, nice work!" - lang: - setupSuccess: "Successfully changed the Language to %s!" - recording: - started: "I am now recording this Voice-channel as requested by an participant!" - startReason: "Recording started by %s" - stopReason: "Recording stopped." - stopped: "Your Audio has been converted and is now available for download!" - error: "Something went wrong while converting your audio!\nReason: %s" - reactions: - roleAssign: "You have assigned the Role %s to the Reaction!" - reactionNeeded: "You need to react to the message with the reaction you want to assign %s to!" - roleNotFound: "The Role you want to assign to the reaction was not found!" - removed: "Successfully removed the Reaction-Role for the Role %s!" - roleAdded: "You have received the Role %s!" - roleRemoved: "You have lost the Role %s!" - musicQuiz: - welcome: "Welcome to Music Quiz! You can start the game by clicking the button below!\nBefore you can start it thou, you will need someone else to play with you!\nThey will need to use /game join %s to join the game!\nOr press the button below!" - foundTitle: "You have guessed the Title it was %s! You receive 1pts" - foundArtists: "You have guessed the Artists it was %s! You receive 2pts" - foundFeature: "You have guessed a Feature it was %s! You receive 3pts" - foundAll: "Everything has been guessed!" - skipSong: "The Song has been skipped!" - finishedSong: "The current Song has ended, it was %s by %s! Lets start with the next one!" - newSong: "Guess the Title(1pts), the Artists(2pts) or a Feature (3pts)" - points: "%s reached %s pts" - announcement: - added: "Successfully added the Announcement!" - list: "Here is a list of all Announcements!\n```%s```" - removed: "Successfully removed the Announcement!" - news: - enabled: "Successfully enabled the receiving of News!" - disabled: "Successfully disabled the receiving of News!" - notice: "To disable the receiving of news use /news" - stream-action: - added: "We successfully added the Stream-action with the name **%s**" - addedLine: "We successfully added the Stream-action with the name **%s**" - deleted: "We successfully deleted the Stream-action with the name **%s**" - deletedLine: "We successfully deleted the action line %s!" - alreadyExisting: "We found a already existing Stream-action with the name **%s**" - list: "Here is a list of all stream-actions!\n```%s```" - actionList: "Here is a list of all actions!\n```%s```" - points: "Here is a list of all channel point rewards!\nCheck the points.txt!" - listener: "You have set the listener to **%s**" - listenerArgument: "You have set the listener to **%s** with the id **%s**" - noTwitch: "To use this feature we require you to authorize your Twitch! Check out <%s> for it!" - notFound: "We couldn't find the Stream-Action with the name **%s**" - levelRole: - added: "We successfully added a Level-Role with the Role **%s** and the Level **%s**" - removed: "We successfully removed the Level-Role with the Role **%s** and the Level **%s**" - list: "In the files above message you can find a list of all Level-Roles!" - warn: - punishment: - created: "You successfully created a punishment!" - list: "Here is a list of all punishments for this Guild:\n```%s```" - deleted: "The Punishment with the ID %s has been deleted." - notFound: "There is no punishment with the ID %s for this Guild." - success: "You successfully warned %s!\nThe User now has %s warnings!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't warn someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't warn someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - infractions: - success: "The User %s has %s infractions!" - empty: "The User %s has no infractions!" - schedule: - added: "The schedule has been successfully created!" - delete: - success: "The schedule has been successfully deleted!" - failed: "The given schedule does not exist!" - list: "Here is a list of all schedules: ```%s```" -game: - description: - blackjack: "Play Blackjack with your friends!" -command: - perform: - cooldown: "You are on cooldown!" - missingCommand: "Please provide a Command!" - error: "There was an error while executing the Command!" - errorWithException: "There was an error while executing the Command!\nException: %s" - internalError: "An error occurred while performing the Command!\nIf this continues to happen please contact our support!\n" - notFound: "That Command couldn't be found" - blocked: "This Command is blocked!" - slashNotSupported: "This Command doesn't support Slash Commands yet!" - onlySlashSupported: "This Command only supports Slash-Commands!" - description: - birthday: "Let the bot remember your Birthday." - instagramNotifier: "Manage your Instagram-Notifier!" - redditNotifier: "Manage your Reddit-Notifier!" - twitch: "Manage your Twitch-Notifier!" - twitterNotifier: "Manage your Twitter-Notifier!" - youtubeNotifier: "Manage your Youtube-Notifier!" - anime: "Search for animes on kitsu.io!" - randomcat: "Shows random Cat Images, from thecatapi.com." - cringe: "Let shrek tell them that their message was cringe!" - cringe_slash: "Let shrek tell them that their message was not funny!" - randomdog: "Shows random Dog Images, from dog.ceo." - funFact: "Just some random facts!" - game: "Access Ree6 internal Games." - hornyjail: "Put someone into the Horny-Jail." - hornyjail_slash: "Put someone into the Not-Well-Behaved-Jail." - hug: "Hug someone you like!" - kiss: "Kiss someone!" - manga: "Search for mangas on kitsu.io!" - meme: "Wanna see some Memes?" - monke: "Shows an Image of a Monke." - ping: "Pong!" - 8ball: "Let the Magic 8Ball decide the faith of your Question." - record: "Record the voice channel!" - shiba: "Shows a random shiba image, from shiba.online." - slap: "Slap someone in the face!" - twitter: "Create a \"realistic\" looking Tweet!" - waifu: "Wanna see some Waifus or Husbandos?" - addon: "Only meant for Developers, used to reload or load new Addons." - test: "Just a test command." - credits: "See the beautiful and lovely team working behind Ree6!" - help: "Shows a list of every Command!" - info: "Shows user specific information." - invite: "Retrieve an Invite link for Ree6!" - optout: "Opts you out of any data collection on this Guild." - server: "See server specific information." - stats: "See Stats of Ree6!" - support: "Get an Invite to the Support Server of Ree6!" - leaderboard: "Shows you the Rank Leaderboard of the current Server" - level: "Show your own Level or the Level of another User in the Guild." - ban: "Ban an specific User from the Guild." - blacklist: "Manage the Filters of the Guild." - clear: "Clear a specific amount of Messages from the current Chat." - clearData: "Clear every stored Invite and replace it with the current ones." - embedSender: "Send an Embed Message." - import: "Import data from another Bot." - kick: "Kick an specific User from the Guild." - mute: "Mute an specific User from the Guild." - prefix: "Change the Prefix of the Guild." - setup: "Setup specific features for the Guild." - suggestion: "Setup the Suggestion-System!" - unban: "Unban an specific User from the Guild." - unmute: "Unmute an specific User from the Guild." - webinterface: "Shows the url to the Webinterface of Ree6." - clearQueue: "Clear the Song-Queue for the Guild." - disconnect: "Disconnect the Bot from the Voice-Channel." - loop: "Loop the current Song." - lyrics: "Shows the Lyrics of the current playing Track." - pause: "Pause the current Track." - play: "Play or add a Track to the Queue." - resume: "Resume the current Track." - seek: "Seek to a specific Time in the current Track." - shuffle: "Shuffle the Song-Queue." - skip: "Skip the some Tracks in the Song-Queue." - songinfo: "Shows information about the current playing Track." - songlist: "Shows the Song-Queue." - stop: "Stop the current Track." - volume: "Change the Volume of the current Track." - nsfw: "Shows a random NSFW Image." - rule34: "Shows a random Rule34 Image." - rule34_slash: "Shows not safe for work Images from a specific Website." - reactions: "Assign roles to reactions on a message!" - announcement: "Create an Announcement!" - stream-action: "Manage Stream actions that can bring you stream into the Voice-channel!" - tickets: "Create a Ticket System to communicate with your community!" - news: "Configure the receiving of News from Ree6!" - levelrole: "Manage Auto-Roles for Voice or Text Levels!" - warn: "Warn an User and let them be punished automatically." - infractions: "Show all the warnings a user has." - musicquiz: "Play with your friends a game of Music Quiz!" - musicpanel: "Access a simple UI to manage the Music System!" - schedule: "Schedule messages for later or for a repeated time!" -category: - info: "Used to gather information or provide information." - moderation: "Moderation Tools that can help you manager Users or prevent rule breaking on the Server." - music: "Music utilities that allow you to have fun with your friends through the power of music!" - fun: "Fun utilities that give you the power to do dumb stuff because you can!" - level: "Leveling Tools that allow you to keep track of progress on the Server." - community: "Community Tools that allow you to interact with your community." - nsfw: "NSFW stuff that you can only use in NSFW Channels." - hidden: "Hidden Commands that are only visible to the Owner of the Bot." diff --git a/languages/ru.yml b/languages/ru.yml deleted file mode 100644 index fb0ecd8e1..000000000 --- a/languages/ru.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,632 +0,0 @@ -language: - name: "English (UK)" - locale: "en-GB" - version: "2.4.0" - author: "Presti" -logging: - banned: ":airplane_departure: %s **banned.**" - unbanned: ":airplane_arriving: %s **unbanned.**" - joined: - default: "%s **joined the Server.**\n:timer: Age of the Account:\n**%s**\n**%s**" - bot: - found: "**The Bot** %s **has been invited by** %s" - notFound: "**We could not find out who Invite the Bot** %s" - leave: "%s **joined and left the Server.**" - invite: - vanity: "%s **has been invited via Vanity Invite.**" - default: "%s **has been invited by** %s (Code: %s, Uses: %s)" - notFound: "**Couldn't determine who invited** %s" - left: - default: "%s **left the Server.**\n:timer: Joined:\n**%s**" - slim: "%s **left the Server.**" - timeout: - started: "**The User** %s **received a timeout.**\n**Time:** %s" - updated: "**The User** %s **received a timeout.**\n**Reason:** %s\n**Moderator:** %s\n**Time:** %s" - ended: "**The User** %s **finished their timeout.**\n**Time:** %s" - nickname: - reset: "The Nickname of %s has been reset.\n**Old Nickname:**\n%s" - changed: "The Nickname of %s has been changed.\n**New Nickname:**\n%s\n**Old Nickname:**\n%s" - voicechannel: - join: "%s **joined the Voice Channel** %s" - move: "%s **moved from the Voice Channel** %s **to** %s**.**" - moveMany: "%s **moved through many Voice Channel and is now in** %s" - leave: "%s **left the Voice Channel** %s" - leaveInstant: "%s **joined and left the Voice Channel** %s" - rejoin: "%s **rejoined the Voice Channel** %s" - channel: - update: - voice: ":house: **VoiceChannel updated:** %s" - chat: ":house: **TextChannel updated:** %s" - delete: - voice: ":house: **VoiceChannel deleted:** ``%s``" - chat: ":house: **TextChannel deleted:** ``%s``" - create: - voice: ":house: **VoiceChannel created:** %s" - chat: ":house: **TextChannel created:** %s" - member: ":writing_hand: %s **has been updated.**" - role: - create: ":family_mmb: ``%s`` **has been created.**" - update: ":family_mmb: ``%s`` **has been updated.**" - delete: ":family_mmb: ``%s`` **has been deleted.**" - message: - deleted: ":wastebasket: **Message of %s in %s has been deleted.**\n%s" - tooLong: "Message is too long to display!" - attachmentFailed: "Could not add Message Attachment reason: %s" - attachmentNotice: "Below are the attachments, we recommend being careful with these files!" -label: - status: "Status" - typ: "Type" - genres: "Genres" - aired: "Aired" - episodes: "Episodes" - duration: "Duration" - averageRating: "Average Rating" - rank: "Rank" - randomCatImage: "Random Cat Image" - randomDogImage: "Random Dog Image" - published: "Published" - chapters: "Chapters" - volumes: "Volumes" - randomMemeImage: "Random Meme Image" - monkey: "Monkey" - randomShibaImage: "Random Shiba Image" - character: "Character" - from: "From" - invite: "Invite" - support: "Support" - serverId: "Server ID" - creationDate: "Creation Date" - owner: "Owner" - members: "Members" - channels: "Channels" - other: "Other" - verificationLevel: "Verification Level" - notExisting: "Not Existing" - serverStats: "Server Stats" - guilds: "Guilds" - users: "Users" - botStats: "Bot Stats" - version: "Version" - uptime: "Uptime" - networkStats: "Network Stats" - responseTime: "Response Time" - systemDate: "System Date" - discordStats: "Discord Stats" - gatewayTime: "Gateway Time" - shardAmount: "Shard Amount" - shards: "Shards" - commandStats: "Command Stats" - topCommands: "Top Commands" - overallTopCommands: "Overall Top Commands" - discordGuidelines: "Discord Guidelines" - chatLeaderboard: "Chat-Leaderboard" - voiceLeaderboard: "Voice-Leaderboard" - title: "Title" - description: "Description" - setupMenu: "Setup Menu" - auditLog: "Audit-Logging" - welcomeChannel: "Welcome-Channel" - autoRole: "Auto-Role" - temporalVoice: "Temporal-Voice" - statistics: "Statistics" - ticketSystem: "Ticket-System" - suggestionMenu: "Suggestion-Menu" - webinterface: "Webinterface" - musicPlayer: "Music Player" - actor: "Actor" - oldName: "Old Name" - newName: "New Name" - nsfw: "NSFW" - roles: "Roles" - oldMentionable: "Old Mentionable" - newMentionable: "New Mentionable" - oldHoist: "Old Hoist" - newHoist: "New Hoist" - newPermissions: "New Permissions" - oldColor: "Old Color" - newColor: "New Color" - overallMembers: "Overall Members" - realMembers: "Real Members" - botMembers: "Bot Members" - temporalVoiceName: "Temporal VC #%s" - chat: "Chat" - voice: "Voice" - startGame: "Start Game" - joinGame: "Join Game" - leaveGame: "Leave Game" - blackJack: "BlackJack" - hit: "Hit" - stand: "Stand" - userCards: "%ss **Cards**" - userCardsSelf: "**Your Cards**" - suggestion: "Suggestion" - openTicket: "Open Ticket" - closeTicket: "Close Ticket" - setup: "Setup" - delete: "Delete" - backToMenu: "Back to Menu" - setImage: "Set Image" - ticket: "Ticket" - overallMembersName: "Overall Members: %s" - realMembersName: "Real Members: %s" - botMembersName: "Bot Members: %s" - twitchCountName: "Twitch Follower: %s" - youtubeCountName: "Youtube Subscribers: %s" - redditCountName: "Subreddit Members: %s" - twitterCountName: "Twitter Followers: %s" - instagramCountName: "Instagram Followers: %s" - setupMemberStatistics: "Setup Member Statistics" - setupTwitchStatistics: "Setup Twitch Statistics" - setupYoutubeStatistics: "Setup Youtube Statistics" - setupRedditStatistics: "Setup Reddit Statistics" - setupTwitterStatistics: "Setup Twitter Statistics" - setupInstagramStatistics: "Setup Instagram Statistics" - channelName: "Channel Name" - subreddit: "Subreddit" - name: "Name" - selectChannel: "Select a Channel!" - unknownMenu: "Unknown Menu" - language: "Language" - unknown: "Unknown" - recording: - start: "Recording started!" - name: "[\uD83D\uDD34] Recording!" - finished: "Recording finished!" - download: "Download" - error: "Error" - game: "Game" - viewer: "Viewer" - more: "More" - skip: "Skip" - musicQuiz: "Music Quiz" - position: "Position %s" - feedback: "Feedback" - github: "Github" - queueAdd: "Add to Queue" - song: "Song" - shuffle: "Shuffle" - loop: "Loop" -message: - default: - usage: "Usage {guild_prefix}%s." - needPermission: "Looks like I do not have the Permission `%s`!" - insufficientPermission: "Looks like you do not have the Permission `%s`!" - noMention: - user: "Please mention a user!" - role: "Please mention a role!" - channel: "Please mention a channel!" - onlyNSFW: "This Command can only be used in NSFW Channels!" - invalidQuery: "Please provide a valid Query!" - checkBelow: "Check below!" - retrievalError: "There was an error while retrieving the data!" - notInVoiceChannel: "You are not in a Voice-Channel!" - notInSameVoiceChannel: "You are not in the same Voice-Channel!" - alreadyInVoiceChannel: "I am already in a Voice-Channel!" - image: - needed: "A Image is needed!" - tooBig: "The Image is too big!" - tooBigMax: "The Image is too big! Max Size: %sMB" - actionRequired: "Select an Action!" - unknownMenu: "There was an error while resolving the modal!" - invalidOption: "You somehow selected an invalid Option! Are you a Wizard?" - invalidOptionChannel: "The given Channel doesn't exists, how did you select it? Are you a Wizard?" - missingOption: "You need to provide a value for the option %s!" - nameChangeFailed: "Could not change the my own nickname!" - time: - date: "Please use a valid Date!\nNote that we use the the format dd.MM.yyyy (day.month.year)!" - time: "Please use a valid Time!\nNote that we use the format HH/mm (hour/minute (24-hour))!" - notEnough: "The entered time is not enough!" - birthday: - added: - self: "Your Birthday has been added!" - other: "The Birthday of %s has been added!" - noPerms: "You don't have the permission to add a Birthday!" - removed: - self: "Your Birthday has been removed!" - other: "The Birthday of %s has been removed!" - noPerms: "You don't have the permission to remove a Birthday!" - instagramNotifier: - added: "A Instagram Notifier has been created for the User %s!" - list: "Here are all Instagram Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Instagram Notifier has been removed from the User %s!" - redditNotifier: - added: "A Reddit Notifier has been created for the Subreddit %s!" - list: "Here are all Reddit Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Reddit Notifier has been removed from the Subreddit %s!" - twitchNotifier: - added: "A Twitch-Stream Notifier has been created for the Channel %s!" - list: "Here are all Twitch Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Twitch-Stream Notifier has been removed from the Channel %s!" - twitterNotifier: - added: "A Twitter Notifier has been created for the User %s!" - list: "Here are all Twitter Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Twitter Notifier has been removed from the User %s!" - youtubeNotifier: - added: "A Youtube-Video Notifier has been created for the Channel %s!" - list: "Here are all YouTube Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Youtube-Video Notifier has been removed from the Channel %s!" - anime: - searching: "Searching for Anime..." - found: "Anime found!" - error: "An error occurred while searching for Anime!" - game: - actionNeeded: "You need to specify an action!" - valueNeeded: "You need to specify a value!" - invalidAction: "Please provide a valid action!" - invalidInvite: "Please provide a valid Invite!" - gameAlreadyStarted: "The Game has been started!" - availableGames: "Available Games:" - hornyJail: "%s is now in the Horny-Jail!" - hug: "%s has been hugged by %s!" - kiss: "%s has been kissed by %s!" - manga: - searching: "Searching for Manga..." - found: "Manga found!" - error: "An error occurred while searching for Manga!" - ping: "Pong" - record: - recordingStarted: "I am now recording the voice channel!" - recordingStopped: "Recording stopped!" - recordingError: "An error occurred while recording!" - slap: "%s has been slapped by %s!" - addon: - list: "List of Addons:" - reloadAll: "Reloading Addons ...." - reloadedAll: "Reloaded all Addons!" - credits: - default: "Meet our Team!" - easterEgg: "Meet the Spy!" - optout: - optedOut: "You have been opted out of any data collection!" - optedIn: "You have been opted in for data collection!" - leaderboards: "Below this Message you can find the Leaderboards of the current Server!\nPlease note that you have to be logged in to see these stats, reason for this is Discords Guidelines!" - ban: - success: "Successfully banned %s!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't ban someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't ban someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - blacklist: - addedList: "The following words have been added to the Blacklist:" - added: "The Word `%s` has been added to the Blacklist!" - removed: "The Word `%s` has been removed from the Blacklist!" - setupNeeded: "You need to setup the Blacklist first!" - notFound: "The Word `%s` was not found in the Blacklist!" - clear: - noNumber: "%s isn't a number!" - notInRange: "%s isn't between 2 and 200!" - success: "Successfully deleted %s Messages!" - clearData: - success: "Successfully cleared all Invite Data!" - cooldown: "You can only use this command once every 10 minute!" - import: - botRequired: "Please provide a Bot you which to Import data from!" - unknownBot: "Unknown Bot!" - success: "Successfully imported data from %s Users!" - error: - unknown: "An unknown error occurred! ({})" - noData: "No Data found!" - visibility: "You can't import data from a Bot which is not visible to everyone!" - kick: - success: "Successfully kicked %s!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't kick someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't kick someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - mute: - invalidTime: "Please provide a valid Time!" - success: "Successfully muted %s for %ss!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't mute someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't mute someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - prefix: - success: "Successfully changed the Prefix to `%s`!" - setup: - successImage: "Successfully set the new Join-Image!" - setupMenu: "Which configuration do you want to check out?" - setupMenuPlaceholder: "Select a configuration Step!" - steps: - auditLog: "You can set up our own Audit-Logging which provides all the Information over and Webhook into the Channel of your desire!\nBut ours is not the same as the default Auditions, ours gives your the ability to set what you want to be logged and what not!\nWe also allow you to log Voice Events!" - welcome: "You can set up our own Welcome-Messages!\nYou can choice the Welcome-Channel by your own and even configure the Message!" - autoRole: "You can set up our own Autorole-System!\nYou can select Roles that Users should get upon joining the Server!" - temporalVoice: "You can set up your own Temporal Voice channel!\nBy setting up Temporal Voice channel on a specific channel which will be used to create a new Voice channel when ever someones joins into it!" - lang: "You can change the Language Setting of the Bot!" - suggestion: - suggestionMenu: "Click on the button below to suggest something!" - suggestionMenuPlaceholder: "Suggest something!" - success: "Successfully setup the Suggestion-System!" - sent: "Your Suggestion has been sent!" - footer: "Suggestion by %s" - notSetup: "Looks like the Suggestion-System is not set up the right way!" - unban: - success: "Successfully unbanned %s!" - notFound: "The User `%s` was not found!" - unmute: - success: "Successfully un-muted %s!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't un-mute someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't un-mute someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - music: - clearQueue: "The Queue has been cleaned!" - notPlaying: "Im not playing anything!" - notConnected: "I am not connected to a Voice Channel!" - loop: - enabled: "Loop has been enabled!" - disabled: "Loop has been disabled!" - lyrics: - notFound: "Couldn't find the Lyrics for %s." - foundUnlikely: "Lyrics for %s found, but they are unlikely to be correct: %s" - stop: "The player has been stopped!" - pause: "The Player has been paused!" - resume: "The Player has been resumed!" - shuffle: "The Queue has been shuffled!" - songInfo: "**Song:**```%s by %s```\n%s `[%s/%s]` %s" - songInfoSlim: "%s by %s" - songQueueEmpty: "The Queue is empty!" - songQueue: "The Queue contains the following Songs: %s" - volume: - success: "Successfully set the Volume to %s!" - default: "Current Volume is %s!" - notFound: "Couldn't find the Song ``%s``!" - notFoundMultiple: "Couldn't find ``%s`` Songs!" - searchFailed: "An error occurred while searching for the Song, please try again after a few minutes!" - searchUrlFailed: "A Song with the URL ``%s`` couldn't be found!" - songNext: "Next Song!\nSong:``%s``" - songQueueReachedEnd: "There is no new Song!" - seek: - success: "Seeked to ``%s``!" - failed: "You can't seek to a position that is longer than the song!" - failedPlaying: "Error while playing: ``%s``\nError : %s" - failedLoading: "Error while loading a song: %s" - queueAdded: - default: "The Song ``%s`` has been added to the Queue!" - firstOfList: "The Song ``%s`` has been added to the Queue! (The first Song of the Playlist: %s)" - skip: "Skipping to the next Song in the Queue!" - nsfw: - searching: "Searching for NSFW Content ..." - notAllowed: "The Content you are searching for is not allowed! Example: loli hentai" - blacklisted: "Your message contains blacklisted/blocked content!" - levelUp: "You just leveled up to %s(%s)! %s" - gameCore: - needMore: "A participants amount of %s is needed to play this game!" - alreadyStarted: "The game has already started!" - full: "The game is already full!" - alreadyIn: "You are already a participant of this game!" - minimalReached: "The minimal amount of participants have been reached!\nYou may start the game by clicking the button below!" - minimalReachedHost: "The minimal amount of participants have been reached!\nYou may start the game by clicking the button on the first Message!" - joined: "You are now a participant of this game!\nPlease wait for the host to start the game!" - blackJackGame: - welcome: "Welcome to Blackjack! You can start the game by clicking the button below!\nBefore you can start it thou, you will need someone else to play with you!\nThey will need to use /game join %s to join the game!\nOr press the button below!" - playerHand: "%s\n\nValue: %s" - end: - win: "The Game has ended!\n%s has won with a value of %s!" - draw: "The Game has ended!\nIt was a draw!" - turn: - player: "It's your turn!" - wait: "Please wait for the other player to finish their turn!" - 8ball: - answers: - 1: "It is certain." - 2: "It is decidedly so." - 3: "Without a doubt." - 4: "Yes - definitely." - 5: "You may rely on it." - 6: "As I see it, yes." - 7: "Most likely." - 8: "Outlook good." - 9: "Yes." - 10: "Signs point to yes." - 11: "Reply hazy, try again." - 12: "Ask again later." - 13: "Better not tell you now." - 14: "Cannot predict now." - 15: "Concentrate and ask again." - 16: "Don't count on it." - 17: "My reply is no." - 18: "My sources say no." - 19: "Outlook not so good." - 20: "Very doubtful." - brs: - autoRole: - hierarchy: "Ree6-BRS (Bug-Report-System))\nWe detected that Im not allowed to AutoRole people since my role is below the AutoRole-Role!\nPlease move my role above the AutoRole-Role!\nThe role that causes the Issue is ``%s``!" - deleted: "Ree6-BRS (Bug-Report-System))\nWe detected that I can not AutoRole people since the AutoRole-Role has been deleted!\nWe now removed the given Role!" - ticket: - created: "We opened a Ticket for you! Check it out %s" - alreadyOpen: "You already have an open Ticket!" - categoryNotFound: "The Ticket-Category was not found!" - alreadyArchived: "The Ticket is already archived!" - close: "Ticket closed!" - setup: "You can set up your own Ticket-System!\nBy setting up a specific channel as Ticket-Channel, Ree6 will create a new Ticket-Channel for each Ticket that you create!\nAfter Ticket closing those tickets will be moved to a archive category!" - menuDescription: "By clicking on the Button below you can open a Ticket!" - setupSuccess: "Successfully setup the Ticket System, nice work!" - setupDescription: "Please refer to the /tickets command!" - deleted: "Successfully deleted the Ticket-Channel, nice work!" - statistics: - twitchSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Twitch statistics!" - youtubeSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for YouTube statistics!" - youtubeNotFound: "We could not find the given channel! You sure the name/id is correct?" - redditSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Reddit statistics!" - twitterSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Twitter statistics!" - instagramSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Instagram statistics!" - setup: "You can set up your own Statistic-channels!\nBy setting up Statistic-channels Ree6 will create new channels for each Statistic-Type that you setup!\nIf you want to get rid of a Statistic-Channel, just delete it!" - memberSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Member statistics!" - temporalVoice: - setupSuccess: "Successfully setup the Temporal Voice-channel, nice work!" - setupDescription: "Which Channel do you want to use as Temporal Voice-channel?" - deleted: "Successfully deleted the Temporal-Voicechannel, nice work!" - auditLog: - setupSuccess: "Successfully setup the Log-channel, nice work!" - setupDescription: "Which Channel do you want to use as Log-channel?" - deleted: "Successfully deleted the Log-channel, nice work!" - welcome: - setupSuccess: "Successfully setup the Welcome-channel, nice work!" - setupDescription: "Which Channel do you want to use as Welcome-channel?" - imageRequired: "Use the following Command with a Image as attachment: `{guild_prefix}setup joinImage`!" - deleted: "Successfully deleted the Welcome-channel, nice work!" - lang: - setupSuccess: "Successfully changed the Language to %s!" - recording: - started: "I am now recording this Voice-channel as requested by an participant!" - startReason: "Recording started by %s" - stopReason: "Recording stopped." - stopped: "Your Audio has been converted and is now available for download!" - error: "Something went wrong while converting your audio!\nReason: %s" - reactions: - roleAssign: "You have assigned the Role %s to the Reaction!" - reactionNeeded: "You need to react to the message with the reaction you want to assign %s to!" - roleNotFound: "The Role you want to assign to the reaction was not found!" - removed: "Successfully removed the Reaction-Role for the Role %s!" - roleAdded: "You have received the Role %s!" - roleRemoved: "You have lost the Role %s!" - musicQuiz: - welcome: "Welcome to Music Quiz! You can start the game by clicking the button below!\nBefore you can start it thou, you will need someone else to play with you!\nThey will need to use /game join %s to join the game!\nOr press the button below!" - foundTitle: "You have guessed the Title it was %s! You receive 1pts" - foundArtists: "You have guessed the Artists it was %s! You receive 2pts" - foundFeature: "You have guessed a Feature it was %s! You receive 3pts" - foundAll: "Everything has been guessed!" - skipSong: "The Song has been skipped!" - finishedSong: "The current Song has ended, it was %s by %s! Lets start with the next one!" - newSong: "Guess the Title(1pts), the Artists(2pts) or a Feature (3pts)" - points: "%s reached %s pts" - announcement: - added: "Successfully added the Announcement!" - list: "Here is a list of all Announcements!\n```%s```" - removed: "Successfully removed the Announcement!" - news: - enabled: "Successfully enabled the receiving of News!" - disabled: "Successfully disabled the receiving of News!" - notice: "To disable the receiving of news use /news" - stream-action: - added: "We successfully added the Stream-action with the name **%s**" - addedLine: "We successfully added the Stream-action with the name **%s**" - deleted: "We successfully deleted the Stream-action with the name **%s**" - deletedLine: "We successfully deleted the action line %s!" - alreadyExisting: "We found a already existing Stream-action with the name **%s**" - list: "Here is a list of all stream-actions!\n```%s```" - actionList: "Here is a list of all actions!\n```%s```" - points: "Here is a list of all channel point rewards!\nCheck the points.txt!" - listener: "You have set the listener to **%s**" - listenerArgument: "You have set the listener to **%s** with the id **%s**" - noTwitch: "To use this feature we require you to authorize your Twitch! Check out <%s> for it!" - notFound: "We couldn't find the Stream-Action with the name **%s**" - levelRole: - added: "We successfully added a Level-Role with the Role **%s** and the Level **%s**" - removed: "We successfully removed the Level-Role with the Role **%s** and the Level **%s**" - list: "In the files above message you can find a list of all Level-Roles!" - warn: - punishment: - created: "You successfully created a punishment!" - list: "Here is a list of all punishments for this Guild:\n```%s```" - deleted: "The Punishment with the ID %s has been deleted." - notFound: "There is no punishment with the ID %s for this Guild." - success: "You successfully warned %s!\nThe User now has %s warnings!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't warn someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't warn someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - infractions: - success: "The User %s has %s infractions!" - empty: "The User %s has no infractions!" - schedule: - added: "The schedule has been successfully created!" - delete: - success: "The schedule has been successfully deleted!" - failed: "The given schedule does not exist!" - list: "Here is a list of all schedules: ```%s```" -game: - description: - blackjack: "Play Blackjack with your friends!" -command: - perform: - cooldown: "You are on cooldown!" - missingCommand: "Please provide a Command!" - error: "There was an error while executing the Command!" - errorWithException: "There was an error while executing the Command!\nException: %s" - internalError: "An error occurred while performing the Command!\nIf this continues to happen please contact our support!\n" - notFound: "That Command couldn't be found" - blocked: "This Command is blocked!" - slashNotSupported: "This Command doesn't support Slash Commands yet!" - onlySlashSupported: "This Command only supports Slash-Commands!" - description: - birthday: "Let the bot remember your Birthday." - instagramNotifier: "Manage your Instagram-Notifier!" - redditNotifier: "Manage your Reddit-Notifier!" - twitch: "Manage your Twitch-Notifier!" - twitterNotifier: "Manage your Twitter-Notifier!" - youtubeNotifier: "Manage your Youtube-Notifier!" - anime: "Search for animes on kitsu.io!" - randomcat: "Shows random Cat Images, from thecatapi.com." - cringe: "Let shrek tell them that their message was cringe!" - cringe_slash: "Let shrek tell them that their message was not funny!" - randomdog: "Shows random Dog Images, from dog.ceo." - funFact: "Just some random facts!" - game: "Access Ree6 internal Games." - hornyjail: "Put someone into the Horny-Jail." - hornyjail_slash: "Put someone into the Not-Well-Behaved-Jail." - hug: "Hug someone you like!" - kiss: "Kiss someone!" - manga: "Search for mangas on kitsu.io!" - meme: "Wanna see some Memes?" - monke: "Shows an Image of a Monke." - ping: "Pong!" - 8ball: "Let the Magic 8Ball decide the faith of your Question." - record: "Record the voice channel!" - shiba: "Shows a random shiba image, from shiba.online." - slap: "Slap someone in the face!" - twitter: "Create a \"realistic\" looking Tweet!" - waifu: "Wanna see some Waifus or Husbandos?" - addon: "Only meant for Developers, used to reload or load new Addons." - test: "Just a test command." - credits: "See the beautiful and lovely team working behind Ree6!" - help: "Shows a list of every Command!" - info: "Shows user specific information." - invite: "Retrieve an Invite link for Ree6!" - optout: "Opts you out of any data collection on this Guild." - server: "See server specific information." - stats: "See Stats of Ree6!" - support: "Get an Invite to the Support Server of Ree6!" - leaderboard: "Shows you the Rank Leaderboard of the current Server" - level: "Show your own Level or the Level of another User in the Guild." - ban: "Ban an specific User from the Guild." - blacklist: "Manage the Filters of the Guild." - clear: "Clear a specific amount of Messages from the current Chat." - clearData: "Clear every stored Invite and replace it with the current ones." - embedSender: "Send an Embed Message." - import: "Import data from another Bot." - kick: "Kick an specific User from the Guild." - mute: "Mute an specific User from the Guild." - prefix: "Change the Prefix of the Guild." - setup: "Setup specific features for the Guild." - suggestion: "Setup the Suggestion-System!" - unban: "Unban an specific User from the Guild." - unmute: "Unmute an specific User from the Guild." - webinterface: "Shows the url to the Webinterface of Ree6." - clearQueue: "Clear the Song-Queue for the Guild." - disconnect: "Disconnect the Bot from the Voice-Channel." - loop: "Loop the current Song." - lyrics: "Shows the Lyrics of the current playing Track." - pause: "Pause the current Track." - play: "Play or add a Track to the Queue." - resume: "Resume the current Track." - seek: "Seek to a specific Time in the current Track." - shuffle: "Shuffle the Song-Queue." - skip: "Skip the some Tracks in the Song-Queue." - songinfo: "Shows information about the current playing Track." - songlist: "Shows the Song-Queue." - stop: "Stop the current Track." - volume: "Change the Volume of the current Track." - nsfw: "Shows a random NSFW Image." - rule34: "Shows a random Rule34 Image." - rule34_slash: "Shows not safe for work Images from a specific Website." - reactions: "Assign roles to reactions on a message!" - announcement: "Create an Announcement!" - stream-action: "Manage Stream actions that can bring you stream into the Voice-channel!" - tickets: "Create a Ticket System to communicate with your community!" - news: "Configure the receiving of News from Ree6!" - levelrole: "Manage Auto-Roles for Voice or Text Levels!" - warn: "Warn an User and let them be punished automatically." - infractions: "Show all the warnings a user has." - musicquiz: "Play with your friends a game of Music Quiz!" - musicpanel: "Access a simple UI to manage the Music System!" - schedule: "Schedule messages for later or for a repeated time!" -category: - info: "Used to gather information or provide information." - moderation: "Moderation Tools that can help you manager Users or prevent rule breaking on the Server." - music: "Music utilities that allow you to have fun with your friends through the power of music!" - fun: "Fun utilities that give you the power to do dumb stuff because you can!" - level: "Leveling Tools that allow you to keep track of progress on the Server." - community: "Community Tools that allow you to interact with your community." - nsfw: "NSFW stuff that you can only use in NSFW Channels." - hidden: "Hidden Commands that are only visible to the Owner of the Bot." diff --git a/languages/tr.yml b/languages/tr.yml deleted file mode 100644 index fb0ecd8e1..000000000 --- a/languages/tr.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,632 +0,0 @@ -language: - name: "English (UK)" - locale: "en-GB" - version: "2.4.0" - author: "Presti" -logging: - banned: ":airplane_departure: %s **banned.**" - unbanned: ":airplane_arriving: %s **unbanned.**" - joined: - default: "%s **joined the Server.**\n:timer: Age of the Account:\n**%s**\n**%s**" - bot: - found: "**The Bot** %s **has been invited by** %s" - notFound: "**We could not find out who Invite the Bot** %s" - leave: "%s **joined and left the Server.**" - invite: - vanity: "%s **has been invited via Vanity Invite.**" - default: "%s **has been invited by** %s (Code: %s, Uses: %s)" - notFound: "**Couldn't determine who invited** %s" - left: - default: "%s **left the Server.**\n:timer: Joined:\n**%s**" - slim: "%s **left the Server.**" - timeout: - started: "**The User** %s **received a timeout.**\n**Time:** %s" - updated: "**The User** %s **received a timeout.**\n**Reason:** %s\n**Moderator:** %s\n**Time:** %s" - ended: "**The User** %s **finished their timeout.**\n**Time:** %s" - nickname: - reset: "The Nickname of %s has been reset.\n**Old Nickname:**\n%s" - changed: "The Nickname of %s has been changed.\n**New Nickname:**\n%s\n**Old Nickname:**\n%s" - voicechannel: - join: "%s **joined the Voice Channel** %s" - move: "%s **moved from the Voice Channel** %s **to** %s**.**" - moveMany: "%s **moved through many Voice Channel and is now in** %s" - leave: "%s **left the Voice Channel** %s" - leaveInstant: "%s **joined and left the Voice Channel** %s" - rejoin: "%s **rejoined the Voice Channel** %s" - channel: - update: - voice: ":house: **VoiceChannel updated:** %s" - chat: ":house: **TextChannel updated:** %s" - delete: - voice: ":house: **VoiceChannel deleted:** ``%s``" - chat: ":house: **TextChannel deleted:** ``%s``" - create: - voice: ":house: **VoiceChannel created:** %s" - chat: ":house: **TextChannel created:** %s" - member: ":writing_hand: %s **has been updated.**" - role: - create: ":family_mmb: ``%s`` **has been created.**" - update: ":family_mmb: ``%s`` **has been updated.**" - delete: ":family_mmb: ``%s`` **has been deleted.**" - message: - deleted: ":wastebasket: **Message of %s in %s has been deleted.**\n%s" - tooLong: "Message is too long to display!" - attachmentFailed: "Could not add Message Attachment reason: %s" - attachmentNotice: "Below are the attachments, we recommend being careful with these files!" -label: - status: "Status" - typ: "Type" - genres: "Genres" - aired: "Aired" - episodes: "Episodes" - duration: "Duration" - averageRating: "Average Rating" - rank: "Rank" - randomCatImage: "Random Cat Image" - randomDogImage: "Random Dog Image" - published: "Published" - chapters: "Chapters" - volumes: "Volumes" - randomMemeImage: "Random Meme Image" - monkey: "Monkey" - randomShibaImage: "Random Shiba Image" - character: "Character" - from: "From" - invite: "Invite" - support: "Support" - serverId: "Server ID" - creationDate: "Creation Date" - owner: "Owner" - members: "Members" - channels: "Channels" - other: "Other" - verificationLevel: "Verification Level" - notExisting: "Not Existing" - serverStats: "Server Stats" - guilds: "Guilds" - users: "Users" - botStats: "Bot Stats" - version: "Version" - uptime: "Uptime" - networkStats: "Network Stats" - responseTime: "Response Time" - systemDate: "System Date" - discordStats: "Discord Stats" - gatewayTime: "Gateway Time" - shardAmount: "Shard Amount" - shards: "Shards" - commandStats: "Command Stats" - topCommands: "Top Commands" - overallTopCommands: "Overall Top Commands" - discordGuidelines: "Discord Guidelines" - chatLeaderboard: "Chat-Leaderboard" - voiceLeaderboard: "Voice-Leaderboard" - title: "Title" - description: "Description" - setupMenu: "Setup Menu" - auditLog: "Audit-Logging" - welcomeChannel: "Welcome-Channel" - autoRole: "Auto-Role" - temporalVoice: "Temporal-Voice" - statistics: "Statistics" - ticketSystem: "Ticket-System" - suggestionMenu: "Suggestion-Menu" - webinterface: "Webinterface" - musicPlayer: "Music Player" - actor: "Actor" - oldName: "Old Name" - newName: "New Name" - nsfw: "NSFW" - roles: "Roles" - oldMentionable: "Old Mentionable" - newMentionable: "New Mentionable" - oldHoist: "Old Hoist" - newHoist: "New Hoist" - newPermissions: "New Permissions" - oldColor: "Old Color" - newColor: "New Color" - overallMembers: "Overall Members" - realMembers: "Real Members" - botMembers: "Bot Members" - temporalVoiceName: "Temporal VC #%s" - chat: "Chat" - voice: "Voice" - startGame: "Start Game" - joinGame: "Join Game" - leaveGame: "Leave Game" - blackJack: "BlackJack" - hit: "Hit" - stand: "Stand" - userCards: "%ss **Cards**" - userCardsSelf: "**Your Cards**" - suggestion: "Suggestion" - openTicket: "Open Ticket" - closeTicket: "Close Ticket" - setup: "Setup" - delete: "Delete" - backToMenu: "Back to Menu" - setImage: "Set Image" - ticket: "Ticket" - overallMembersName: "Overall Members: %s" - realMembersName: "Real Members: %s" - botMembersName: "Bot Members: %s" - twitchCountName: "Twitch Follower: %s" - youtubeCountName: "Youtube Subscribers: %s" - redditCountName: "Subreddit Members: %s" - twitterCountName: "Twitter Followers: %s" - instagramCountName: "Instagram Followers: %s" - setupMemberStatistics: "Setup Member Statistics" - setupTwitchStatistics: "Setup Twitch Statistics" - setupYoutubeStatistics: "Setup Youtube Statistics" - setupRedditStatistics: "Setup Reddit Statistics" - setupTwitterStatistics: "Setup Twitter Statistics" - setupInstagramStatistics: "Setup Instagram Statistics" - channelName: "Channel Name" - subreddit: "Subreddit" - name: "Name" - selectChannel: "Select a Channel!" - unknownMenu: "Unknown Menu" - language: "Language" - unknown: "Unknown" - recording: - start: "Recording started!" - name: "[\uD83D\uDD34] Recording!" - finished: "Recording finished!" - download: "Download" - error: "Error" - game: "Game" - viewer: "Viewer" - more: "More" - skip: "Skip" - musicQuiz: "Music Quiz" - position: "Position %s" - feedback: "Feedback" - github: "Github" - queueAdd: "Add to Queue" - song: "Song" - shuffle: "Shuffle" - loop: "Loop" -message: - default: - usage: "Usage {guild_prefix}%s." - needPermission: "Looks like I do not have the Permission `%s`!" - insufficientPermission: "Looks like you do not have the Permission `%s`!" - noMention: - user: "Please mention a user!" - role: "Please mention a role!" - channel: "Please mention a channel!" - onlyNSFW: "This Command can only be used in NSFW Channels!" - invalidQuery: "Please provide a valid Query!" - checkBelow: "Check below!" - retrievalError: "There was an error while retrieving the data!" - notInVoiceChannel: "You are not in a Voice-Channel!" - notInSameVoiceChannel: "You are not in the same Voice-Channel!" - alreadyInVoiceChannel: "I am already in a Voice-Channel!" - image: - needed: "A Image is needed!" - tooBig: "The Image is too big!" - tooBigMax: "The Image is too big! Max Size: %sMB" - actionRequired: "Select an Action!" - unknownMenu: "There was an error while resolving the modal!" - invalidOption: "You somehow selected an invalid Option! Are you a Wizard?" - invalidOptionChannel: "The given Channel doesn't exists, how did you select it? Are you a Wizard?" - missingOption: "You need to provide a value for the option %s!" - nameChangeFailed: "Could not change the my own nickname!" - time: - date: "Please use a valid Date!\nNote that we use the the format dd.MM.yyyy (day.month.year)!" - time: "Please use a valid Time!\nNote that we use the format HH/mm (hour/minute (24-hour))!" - notEnough: "The entered time is not enough!" - birthday: - added: - self: "Your Birthday has been added!" - other: "The Birthday of %s has been added!" - noPerms: "You don't have the permission to add a Birthday!" - removed: - self: "Your Birthday has been removed!" - other: "The Birthday of %s has been removed!" - noPerms: "You don't have the permission to remove a Birthday!" - instagramNotifier: - added: "A Instagram Notifier has been created for the User %s!" - list: "Here are all Instagram Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Instagram Notifier has been removed from the User %s!" - redditNotifier: - added: "A Reddit Notifier has been created for the Subreddit %s!" - list: "Here are all Reddit Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Reddit Notifier has been removed from the Subreddit %s!" - twitchNotifier: - added: "A Twitch-Stream Notifier has been created for the Channel %s!" - list: "Here are all Twitch Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Twitch-Stream Notifier has been removed from the Channel %s!" - twitterNotifier: - added: "A Twitter Notifier has been created for the User %s!" - list: "Here are all Twitter Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Twitter Notifier has been removed from the User %s!" - youtubeNotifier: - added: "A Youtube-Video Notifier has been created for the Channel %s!" - list: "Here are all YouTube Notifier that have been setup:\n```%s```" - removed: "A Youtube-Video Notifier has been removed from the Channel %s!" - anime: - searching: "Searching for Anime..." - found: "Anime found!" - error: "An error occurred while searching for Anime!" - game: - actionNeeded: "You need to specify an action!" - valueNeeded: "You need to specify a value!" - invalidAction: "Please provide a valid action!" - invalidInvite: "Please provide a valid Invite!" - gameAlreadyStarted: "The Game has been started!" - availableGames: "Available Games:" - hornyJail: "%s is now in the Horny-Jail!" - hug: "%s has been hugged by %s!" - kiss: "%s has been kissed by %s!" - manga: - searching: "Searching for Manga..." - found: "Manga found!" - error: "An error occurred while searching for Manga!" - ping: "Pong" - record: - recordingStarted: "I am now recording the voice channel!" - recordingStopped: "Recording stopped!" - recordingError: "An error occurred while recording!" - slap: "%s has been slapped by %s!" - addon: - list: "List of Addons:" - reloadAll: "Reloading Addons ...." - reloadedAll: "Reloaded all Addons!" - credits: - default: "Meet our Team!" - easterEgg: "Meet the Spy!" - optout: - optedOut: "You have been opted out of any data collection!" - optedIn: "You have been opted in for data collection!" - leaderboards: "Below this Message you can find the Leaderboards of the current Server!\nPlease note that you have to be logged in to see these stats, reason for this is Discords Guidelines!" - ban: - success: "Successfully banned %s!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't ban someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't ban someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - blacklist: - addedList: "The following words have been added to the Blacklist:" - added: "The Word `%s` has been added to the Blacklist!" - removed: "The Word `%s` has been removed from the Blacklist!" - setupNeeded: "You need to setup the Blacklist first!" - notFound: "The Word `%s` was not found in the Blacklist!" - clear: - noNumber: "%s isn't a number!" - notInRange: "%s isn't between 2 and 200!" - success: "Successfully deleted %s Messages!" - clearData: - success: "Successfully cleared all Invite Data!" - cooldown: "You can only use this command once every 10 minute!" - import: - botRequired: "Please provide a Bot you which to Import data from!" - unknownBot: "Unknown Bot!" - success: "Successfully imported data from %s Users!" - error: - unknown: "An unknown error occurred! ({})" - noData: "No Data found!" - visibility: "You can't import data from a Bot which is not visible to everyone!" - kick: - success: "Successfully kicked %s!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't kick someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't kick someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - mute: - invalidTime: "Please provide a valid Time!" - success: "Successfully muted %s for %ss!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't mute someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't mute someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - prefix: - success: "Successfully changed the Prefix to `%s`!" - setup: - successImage: "Successfully set the new Join-Image!" - setupMenu: "Which configuration do you want to check out?" - setupMenuPlaceholder: "Select a configuration Step!" - steps: - auditLog: "You can set up our own Audit-Logging which provides all the Information over and Webhook into the Channel of your desire!\nBut ours is not the same as the default Auditions, ours gives your the ability to set what you want to be logged and what not!\nWe also allow you to log Voice Events!" - welcome: "You can set up our own Welcome-Messages!\nYou can choice the Welcome-Channel by your own and even configure the Message!" - autoRole: "You can set up our own Autorole-System!\nYou can select Roles that Users should get upon joining the Server!" - temporalVoice: "You can set up your own Temporal Voice channel!\nBy setting up Temporal Voice channel on a specific channel which will be used to create a new Voice channel when ever someones joins into it!" - lang: "You can change the Language Setting of the Bot!" - suggestion: - suggestionMenu: "Click on the button below to suggest something!" - suggestionMenuPlaceholder: "Suggest something!" - success: "Successfully setup the Suggestion-System!" - sent: "Your Suggestion has been sent!" - footer: "Suggestion by %s" - notSetup: "Looks like the Suggestion-System is not set up the right way!" - unban: - success: "Successfully unbanned %s!" - notFound: "The User `%s` was not found!" - unmute: - success: "Successfully un-muted %s!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't un-mute someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't un-mute someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - music: - clearQueue: "The Queue has been cleaned!" - notPlaying: "Im not playing anything!" - notConnected: "I am not connected to a Voice Channel!" - loop: - enabled: "Loop has been enabled!" - disabled: "Loop has been disabled!" - lyrics: - notFound: "Couldn't find the Lyrics for %s." - foundUnlikely: "Lyrics for %s found, but they are unlikely to be correct: %s" - stop: "The player has been stopped!" - pause: "The Player has been paused!" - resume: "The Player has been resumed!" - shuffle: "The Queue has been shuffled!" - songInfo: "**Song:**```%s by %s```\n%s `[%s/%s]` %s" - songInfoSlim: "%s by %s" - songQueueEmpty: "The Queue is empty!" - songQueue: "The Queue contains the following Songs: %s" - volume: - success: "Successfully set the Volume to %s!" - default: "Current Volume is %s!" - notFound: "Couldn't find the Song ``%s``!" - notFoundMultiple: "Couldn't find ``%s`` Songs!" - searchFailed: "An error occurred while searching for the Song, please try again after a few minutes!" - searchUrlFailed: "A Song with the URL ``%s`` couldn't be found!" - songNext: "Next Song!\nSong:``%s``" - songQueueReachedEnd: "There is no new Song!" - seek: - success: "Seeked to ``%s``!" - failed: "You can't seek to a position that is longer than the song!" - failedPlaying: "Error while playing: ``%s``\nError : %s" - failedLoading: "Error while loading a song: %s" - queueAdded: - default: "The Song ``%s`` has been added to the Queue!" - firstOfList: "The Song ``%s`` has been added to the Queue! (The first Song of the Playlist: %s)" - skip: "Skipping to the next Song in the Queue!" - nsfw: - searching: "Searching for NSFW Content ..." - notAllowed: "The Content you are searching for is not allowed! Example: loli hentai" - blacklisted: "Your message contains blacklisted/blocked content!" - levelUp: "You just leveled up to %s(%s)! %s" - gameCore: - needMore: "A participants amount of %s is needed to play this game!" - alreadyStarted: "The game has already started!" - full: "The game is already full!" - alreadyIn: "You are already a participant of this game!" - minimalReached: "The minimal amount of participants have been reached!\nYou may start the game by clicking the button below!" - minimalReachedHost: "The minimal amount of participants have been reached!\nYou may start the game by clicking the button on the first Message!" - joined: "You are now a participant of this game!\nPlease wait for the host to start the game!" - blackJackGame: - welcome: "Welcome to Blackjack! You can start the game by clicking the button below!\nBefore you can start it thou, you will need someone else to play with you!\nThey will need to use /game join %s to join the game!\nOr press the button below!" - playerHand: "%s\n\nValue: %s" - end: - win: "The Game has ended!\n%s has won with a value of %s!" - draw: "The Game has ended!\nIt was a draw!" - turn: - player: "It's your turn!" - wait: "Please wait for the other player to finish their turn!" - 8ball: - answers: - 1: "It is certain." - 2: "It is decidedly so." - 3: "Without a doubt." - 4: "Yes - definitely." - 5: "You may rely on it." - 6: "As I see it, yes." - 7: "Most likely." - 8: "Outlook good." - 9: "Yes." - 10: "Signs point to yes." - 11: "Reply hazy, try again." - 12: "Ask again later." - 13: "Better not tell you now." - 14: "Cannot predict now." - 15: "Concentrate and ask again." - 16: "Don't count on it." - 17: "My reply is no." - 18: "My sources say no." - 19: "Outlook not so good." - 20: "Very doubtful." - brs: - autoRole: - hierarchy: "Ree6-BRS (Bug-Report-System))\nWe detected that Im not allowed to AutoRole people since my role is below the AutoRole-Role!\nPlease move my role above the AutoRole-Role!\nThe role that causes the Issue is ``%s``!" - deleted: "Ree6-BRS (Bug-Report-System))\nWe detected that I can not AutoRole people since the AutoRole-Role has been deleted!\nWe now removed the given Role!" - ticket: - created: "We opened a Ticket for you! Check it out %s" - alreadyOpen: "You already have an open Ticket!" - categoryNotFound: "The Ticket-Category was not found!" - alreadyArchived: "The Ticket is already archived!" - close: "Ticket closed!" - setup: "You can set up your own Ticket-System!\nBy setting up a specific channel as Ticket-Channel, Ree6 will create a new Ticket-Channel for each Ticket that you create!\nAfter Ticket closing those tickets will be moved to a archive category!" - menuDescription: "By clicking on the Button below you can open a Ticket!" - setupSuccess: "Successfully setup the Ticket System, nice work!" - setupDescription: "Please refer to the /tickets command!" - deleted: "Successfully deleted the Ticket-Channel, nice work!" - statistics: - twitchSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Twitch statistics!" - youtubeSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for YouTube statistics!" - youtubeNotFound: "We could not find the given channel! You sure the name/id is correct?" - redditSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Reddit statistics!" - twitterSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Twitter statistics!" - instagramSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Instagram statistics!" - setup: "You can set up your own Statistic-channels!\nBy setting up Statistic-channels Ree6 will create new channels for each Statistic-Type that you setup!\nIf you want to get rid of a Statistic-Channel, just delete it!" - memberSuccess: "Successfully setup the statics channels for Member statistics!" - temporalVoice: - setupSuccess: "Successfully setup the Temporal Voice-channel, nice work!" - setupDescription: "Which Channel do you want to use as Temporal Voice-channel?" - deleted: "Successfully deleted the Temporal-Voicechannel, nice work!" - auditLog: - setupSuccess: "Successfully setup the Log-channel, nice work!" - setupDescription: "Which Channel do you want to use as Log-channel?" - deleted: "Successfully deleted the Log-channel, nice work!" - welcome: - setupSuccess: "Successfully setup the Welcome-channel, nice work!" - setupDescription: "Which Channel do you want to use as Welcome-channel?" - imageRequired: "Use the following Command with a Image as attachment: `{guild_prefix}setup joinImage`!" - deleted: "Successfully deleted the Welcome-channel, nice work!" - lang: - setupSuccess: "Successfully changed the Language to %s!" - recording: - started: "I am now recording this Voice-channel as requested by an participant!" - startReason: "Recording started by %s" - stopReason: "Recording stopped." - stopped: "Your Audio has been converted and is now available for download!" - error: "Something went wrong while converting your audio!\nReason: %s" - reactions: - roleAssign: "You have assigned the Role %s to the Reaction!" - reactionNeeded: "You need to react to the message with the reaction you want to assign %s to!" - roleNotFound: "The Role you want to assign to the reaction was not found!" - removed: "Successfully removed the Reaction-Role for the Role %s!" - roleAdded: "You have received the Role %s!" - roleRemoved: "You have lost the Role %s!" - musicQuiz: - welcome: "Welcome to Music Quiz! You can start the game by clicking the button below!\nBefore you can start it thou, you will need someone else to play with you!\nThey will need to use /game join %s to join the game!\nOr press the button below!" - foundTitle: "You have guessed the Title it was %s! You receive 1pts" - foundArtists: "You have guessed the Artists it was %s! You receive 2pts" - foundFeature: "You have guessed a Feature it was %s! You receive 3pts" - foundAll: "Everything has been guessed!" - skipSong: "The Song has been skipped!" - finishedSong: "The current Song has ended, it was %s by %s! Lets start with the next one!" - newSong: "Guess the Title(1pts), the Artists(2pts) or a Feature (3pts)" - points: "%s reached %s pts" - announcement: - added: "Successfully added the Announcement!" - list: "Here is a list of all Announcements!\n```%s```" - removed: "Successfully removed the Announcement!" - news: - enabled: "Successfully enabled the receiving of News!" - disabled: "Successfully disabled the receiving of News!" - notice: "To disable the receiving of news use /news" - stream-action: - added: "We successfully added the Stream-action with the name **%s**" - addedLine: "We successfully added the Stream-action with the name **%s**" - deleted: "We successfully deleted the Stream-action with the name **%s**" - deletedLine: "We successfully deleted the action line %s!" - alreadyExisting: "We found a already existing Stream-action with the name **%s**" - list: "Here is a list of all stream-actions!\n```%s```" - actionList: "Here is a list of all actions!\n```%s```" - points: "Here is a list of all channel point rewards!\nCheck the points.txt!" - listener: "You have set the listener to **%s**" - listenerArgument: "You have set the listener to **%s** with the id **%s**" - noTwitch: "To use this feature we require you to authorize your Twitch! Check out <%s> for it!" - notFound: "We couldn't find the Stream-Action with the name **%s**" - levelRole: - added: "We successfully added a Level-Role with the Role **%s** and the Level **%s**" - removed: "We successfully removed the Level-Role with the Role **%s** and the Level **%s**" - list: "In the files above message you can find a list of all Level-Roles!" - warn: - punishment: - created: "You successfully created a punishment!" - list: "Here is a list of all punishments for this Guild:\n```%s```" - deleted: "The Punishment with the ID %s has been deleted." - notFound: "There is no punishment with the ID %s for this Guild." - success: "You successfully warned %s!\nThe User now has %s warnings!" - hierarchySelfError: "You can't warn someone with a higher or equal role than you!" - hierarchyBotError: "I can't warn someone with a higher or equal role than me!" - infractions: - success: "The User %s has %s infractions!" - empty: "The User %s has no infractions!" - schedule: - added: "The schedule has been successfully created!" - delete: - success: "The schedule has been successfully deleted!" - failed: "The given schedule does not exist!" - list: "Here is a list of all schedules: ```%s```" -game: - description: - blackjack: "Play Blackjack with your friends!" -command: - perform: - cooldown: "You are on cooldown!" - missingCommand: "Please provide a Command!" - error: "There was an error while executing the Command!" - errorWithException: "There was an error while executing the Command!\nException: %s" - internalError: "An error occurred while performing the Command!\nIf this continues to happen please contact our support!\n" - notFound: "That Command couldn't be found" - blocked: "This Command is blocked!" - slashNotSupported: "This Command doesn't support Slash Commands yet!" - onlySlashSupported: "This Command only supports Slash-Commands!" - description: - birthday: "Let the bot remember your Birthday." - instagramNotifier: "Manage your Instagram-Notifier!" - redditNotifier: "Manage your Reddit-Notifier!" - twitch: "Manage your Twitch-Notifier!" - twitterNotifier: "Manage your Twitter-Notifier!" - youtubeNotifier: "Manage your Youtube-Notifier!" - anime: "Search for animes on kitsu.io!" - randomcat: "Shows random Cat Images, from thecatapi.com." - cringe: "Let shrek tell them that their message was cringe!" - cringe_slash: "Let shrek tell them that their message was not funny!" - randomdog: "Shows random Dog Images, from dog.ceo." - funFact: "Just some random facts!" - game: "Access Ree6 internal Games." - hornyjail: "Put someone into the Horny-Jail." - hornyjail_slash: "Put someone into the Not-Well-Behaved-Jail." - hug: "Hug someone you like!" - kiss: "Kiss someone!" - manga: "Search for mangas on kitsu.io!" - meme: "Wanna see some Memes?" - monke: "Shows an Image of a Monke." - ping: "Pong!" - 8ball: "Let the Magic 8Ball decide the faith of your Question." - record: "Record the voice channel!" - shiba: "Shows a random shiba image, from shiba.online." - slap: "Slap someone in the face!" - twitter: "Create a \"realistic\" looking Tweet!" - waifu: "Wanna see some Waifus or Husbandos?" - addon: "Only meant for Developers, used to reload or load new Addons." - test: "Just a test command." - credits: "See the beautiful and lovely team working behind Ree6!" - help: "Shows a list of every Command!" - info: "Shows user specific information." - invite: "Retrieve an Invite link for Ree6!" - optout: "Opts you out of any data collection on this Guild." - server: "See server specific information." - stats: "See Stats of Ree6!" - support: "Get an Invite to the Support Server of Ree6!" - leaderboard: "Shows you the Rank Leaderboard of the current Server" - level: "Show your own Level or the Level of another User in the Guild." - ban: "Ban an specific User from the Guild." - blacklist: "Manage the Filters of the Guild." - clear: "Clear a specific amount of Messages from the current Chat." - clearData: "Clear every stored Invite and replace it with the current ones." - embedSender: "Send an Embed Message." - import: "Import data from another Bot." - kick: "Kick an specific User from the Guild." - mute: "Mute an specific User from the Guild." - prefix: "Change the Prefix of the Guild." - setup: "Setup specific features for the Guild." - suggestion: "Setup the Suggestion-System!" - unban: "Unban an specific User from the Guild." - unmute: "Unmute an specific User from the Guild." - webinterface: "Shows the url to the Webinterface of Ree6." - clearQueue: "Clear the Song-Queue for the Guild." - disconnect: "Disconnect the Bot from the Voice-Channel." - loop: "Loop the current Song." - lyrics: "Shows the Lyrics of the current playing Track." - pause: "Pause the current Track." - play: "Play or add a Track to the Queue." - resume: "Resume the current Track." - seek: "Seek to a specific Time in the current Track." - shuffle: "Shuffle the Song-Queue." - skip: "Skip the some Tracks in the Song-Queue." - songinfo: "Shows information about the current playing Track." - songlist: "Shows the Song-Queue." - stop: "Stop the current Track." - volume: "Change the Volume of the current Track." - nsfw: "Shows a random NSFW Image." - rule34: "Shows a random Rule34 Image." - rule34_slash: "Shows not safe for work Images from a specific Website." - reactions: "Assign roles to reactions on a message!" - announcement: "Create an Announcement!" - stream-action: "Manage Stream actions that can bring you stream into the Voice-channel!" - tickets: "Create a Ticket System to communicate with your community!" - news: "Configure the receiving of News from Ree6!" - levelrole: "Manage Auto-Roles for Voice or Text Levels!" - warn: "Warn an User and let them be punished automatically." - infractions: "Show all the warnings a user has." - musicquiz: "Play with your friends a game of Music Quiz!" - musicpanel: "Access a simple UI to manage the Music System!" - schedule: "Schedule messages for later or for a repeated time!" -category: - info: "Used to gather information or provide information." - moderation: "Moderation Tools that can help you manager Users or prevent rule breaking on the Server." - music: "Music utilities that allow you to have fun with your friends through the power of music!" - fun: "Fun utilities that give you the power to do dumb stuff because you can!" - level: "Leveling Tools that allow you to keep track of progress on the Server." - community: "Community Tools that allow you to interact with your community." - nsfw: "NSFW stuff that you can only use in NSFW Channels." - hidden: "Hidden Commands that are only visible to the Owner of the Bot."