In this section, you will prepare a workspace in SAP Business Application Studio and clone the workshop repository there. Then you will prepare the code to be deployed.
In this exercise, you will perform the following tasks:
- Create development space
- Clone repository
- Prepare the codebase
In SAP BTP Cockpit, navigate to your subaccount.
From your left-side subaccount menu, navigate to Services → Instances and Subscriptions.
Select Go To Application button for SAP Business Application Studio.
- Select Create Dev Space button.
- Enter dev as the space name and select Full Stack Cloud Application. Then choose Create Dev Space button.
It may take several minutes. Please be patient.
- After the space status has been changed to RUNNING select the space name to navigate into.
- On the initial screen choose the "burger" button and then select View → Terminal option in the popup menu.
- Switch to the projects folder with the following command:
cd projects
- Clone the repository with the following command:
git clone -b topic2app
- After the cloning has been finished you will see a new project author-readings in the Get Started window. Just select it to open.
As all the workshop participants work in one subaccount and one SAP S/4 HANA Cloud system the name of the created artifacts must be unique. To distinguish the objects for all participants in the workshop use the following naming convention: Replace {YOUR_ID} in every exercise with your initials plus a 3 digit number. For example instead of MY_OBJECT_{YOUR_ID}, use MY_OBJECT_AB123.
- On the left side in the file explorer select btp-end-to-end-scenario-use-cases folder and call the popup menu. Select Find in Folder... option.
- Enter {YOUR_ID} as the text to find and your ID (e.g. ab123) as the text to replace. Select Replace all button afterwards.
- Select the "burger" button to call the main menu and select View → Terminal option.
- In the terminal install the packages with the command:
npm i --save-dev
You have now the codebase with your application ready to be deployed.