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146 lines (102 loc) · 4.37 KB

File metadata and controls

146 lines (102 loc) · 4.37 KB

Contributing to Lexio

We're excited about your interest in contributing to Lexio!


  • Node.js (v20 or higher)
  • Python 3.9+
  • npm
  • Git

Setting up the Development Environment

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Clone your fork:
    git clone
    cd lexio
  3. Install dependencies:
    # install the React UI dependencies
    cd lexio
    npm install

Python Package

The python package is located in the lexio directory. The Python package is auto-generated from the frontend library. It contains API types for the lexio frontend library as pydantic models.

Python Package Structure

The core types are defined in python/lexio/lexio/types/ and are generated from the frontend library's TypeScript definitions. These models include:

  • Source: Represents a source of information that can be displayed and referenced
  • Message: Represents a chat message in the conversation
  • StreamChunk: Represents a chunk of streamed content
  • Other utility types like Rect, PDFHighlight, etc.

Working with the Python Package

  1. Update the frontend library with the latest changes.
  2. If you want to add new types to the Python package, update the types-to-include.json file.
  3. Run npm run build-python-package to:
    1. Generate the Python package with Pydantic models from the TypeScript types
    2. Run tests to ensure the package is working as expected
    3. Build the package in the python/lexio folder
  4. Commit the changes to the Python package.

Note: We use the version from the frontend library's package.json file as the version for the Python package.

Using the Python Models in Your Backend

The Pydantic models can be imported directly in your backend code:

from lexio.types import Source, Message, StreamChunk

These models provide type safety and validation for data exchanged between your backend and the Lexio frontend.

Publishing the Package to PyPI

# cd to the python/lexio directory from the root of the project
cd python/lexio

# activate the virtual environment
source .venv/bin/activate

# build the package
hatch build

# check the package
twine check dist/*

# upload the package
twine upload dist/*

Testing the Python Package

Since we are creating the lexio Python package automatically, we run several tests with 'pytest' to ensure the package is working as expected. The tests are located in the python/lexio/tests folder.

If you add new types which are exported to the Python package, you should also add tests for them to ensure they work correctly.

Code Style


  • Follow the existing ESLint configuration
  • Use TypeScript strict mode
  • Use TSDoc notation for documenting code
  • Use functional components and hooks
  • Follow React best practices


  • Include docstrings/TSDoc comments for new functions and components
  • Update type definitions where necessary
  • Add examples to the documentation where necessary
  • Add stories to the Storybook for new components under components

Questions & Support

  • Open an issue for bugs or feature requests
  • Check the existing documentation and issues before opening new ones


By contributing, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the project's license.

Coding Standards


  • Use TypeScript for all new code
  • Provide comprehensive type definitions
  • Document public APIs with JSDoc comments

Component Guidelines

  • Components should be well-documented with JSDoc comments
  • Follow the existing pattern of separating component logic from presentation
  • Use the ThemeContext for styling to maintain consistency
  • Ensure components are accessible


  • Write tests for new functionality
  • Update tests when modifying existing functionality
  • Aim for good test coverage

Storybook Documentation

When adding new components, please include Storybook stories that demonstrate:

  • Basic usage
  • Different configurations/props
  • Edge cases

Commit Guidelines

  • Use clear, descriptive commit messages
  • Reference issue numbers in commit messages when applicable

Code Review

All submissions require review. We use GitHub pull requests for this purpose.

Thank you for contributing to Lexio!