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Spike edited this page Aug 16, 2015 · 23 revisions

AI Debugging Window


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  • off(default)

Default Informationtext

Enable AI Debugging Window (possible cheating)


If you enable this addon, you can debug some AI functions, like current jobs the AI creates. This also allows you to check mountain resources.

Adjust military strength

Change defender bahavior

Change gold deposits

##Change metalworks behavior on zero ##Change the visibility of your ingame statistics ##Custom build sequence ##Disable Demolition of military buildings ##Disable coins by default ##Enable battlefield promotions ##Enable charburner ##Exhaustible Wells ##Half cost recruits ##Improved Alliance ##Inexhaustible Fish ##Inexhaustible Granite Mines ##Inexhaustible Mines ##Limit count of catapults ##Manual road enlargement ##Military Aid ##Military Control ##More trees spawn animals ##Race specific catapult graphics ##Refund materials when building is destroyed ##Refund materials when emergeny program is active ##Sea attack settings ##Set duration fires burn ##Set max rank ##Set maximum waterway length ##Set ship speed ##Tool ordering ##Trade