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Specification for evote system, for large community.

Constraints :

  • Distributed ( no central authority/system)
  • Unanimous ( all of its users participate on the validation )
  • Immutable ( vote result cannot be altered )
  • Confidential (nobody can extract a listing of "who vote what")
  • transparency (all of its users can verify the result, and his own particpation in the vote)
  • no physical influence during the vote (control that nobody influence the vote, like in a voting booth)

Pre-requisit :

  • external authentication mechanism (eg. FranceConnect)

Main architecture :

Two layers of distributed ledger :

  • many micro-distibuted-ledgers "e-electoral-office" : similar to a temporary virtual small electoral office. Created "on the fly", to build a transaction of votes. An app manages this e-electoral-office. The communication between users of a e-electoral-office is only peer-to-peer and encrypted between users.
  • one vote-block-chain which stores the events of status-changing of :
    • e-electoral-office : pending, voting, cancelled, voted with the counting. The e-electoral-office-id is used as identifier.
    • user : voting, not-yet-vote, voted. The user-unique-id is used as identifier.

One central authentication-system :

  • has the list of vote-block-chain
  • authenticate the users
  • delivers a user-unique-id and user's face-photo to the e-electoral-office

e-electoral-office use-case :

Starting the e-electoral-office app, the user makes an authentication on the external authentication-system and the vote-block-chain he needs. If the users has the right status in the vote-block-chain, the authentication-system sends back a user-unique-id and his face-photo. This user-unique-id is unique for the couple (user, vote-block-chain) and not reversible to the user. This user-unique-id is delivered to the user. This user-unique-id can be used by the user to check his status in the block-chain. The app writes in the vote-block-chain the status voting for this user-unique-id, with an authentication-system signature to validate the authentcity. The authentication-system writes in the vote-block-chain the status registered for this user-unique-id. Example of application to guaranty the non-reversibility of the user-unique-id : the enrolment takes place once in an official administrative place. A group of users prove their identity with the official way (identity card, .. ). Each user enters in a booth, isolated. The user selects his unique-id among a list of unique-ids (e.g. among a page with hundred of randomly generated QR-codes, the user selects one QR-code on a a screen, taping it, and flashing it with its app). This unique-id is kept by the application and in a central database. The app asks for face-signature to link the face-signature and the user-unique-id. All unused unique-ids are declared as invalid in a central database . The screen where the unique-id was welected is printed (for user's backup usage). The administrative place registers the users in a central databse to avoid multiple demands of unique-id.

To start a vote, If there is no e-electoral-office with status pending in the vote-block-chain, the authentication-system creates an e-electoral-office in the vote-block-chain, with status pending. The the authentication-system sends to the app an id of a e-electoral-office with status pending , This id is signed by the authentication-system.

If the users leaves the app before the end of protocol, the app writes in the vote-block-chain the status not-yet-vote for this user-unique-id.

When a minimum of users are registered on the pending e-electoral-office, the voting protocole can start. This minimum should be more than 3 times the number of choices, and less than a "certain" value to avoid delay between the registration in the e-electoral-office and the start of the voting. The status of the e-electoral-office id added in vote-block-chain as voting. The id of e-electoral-office is delivered to the user. This id of e-electoral-office can be used by the user to check the transaction of his e-electoral-office in the block-chain.

To vote, the user records a self-video, telling his choice, and making 360° panoramic view to show that is is alone. He confirms his vote clicking on the right check-box. The app checks the face on the video against the face provided by the authentication-system. If the face control is correct, the face on the video is hidden. Else, the user must restart his vote.

The user's vote (video without face, and choice) is sent to two users part of his e-electoral-office. If the two users validates the vote (panoramic view, oral-choice=digital-choice), the vote is set as correct in the e-electoral-office. Else the vote is sent to another user, up to have two validations. If it is impossible to have a validation, the user can choose to restart his vote. The user can also leave from this e-electoral-office (the app writes in the vote-block-chain the status not-yet-vote for the user-unique-id).

When all votes are correct in the e-electoral-office, the list of user's-id/vote is sent to all the users of the e-electoral-office. If all participants validate the list, the e-electoral-office is declared as voted in the vote-block-chain, with the list of user-unique-id, and the counting of votes, and the id of e-electoral-office signed by the authentication-system. Who vote what is not available in the result of the e-electoral-office. The app writes in the vote-block-chain the status voted for the user-unique-id.

If the participants does not validate the list, the e-electoral-office is declared as non-valid in the vote-block-chain, and the app writes in the vote-block-chain the status not-yet-vote for the user-unique-id.

vote-block-chain :

The vote-block-chain stores these events :

  • change status of e-electoral-office , identified with a e-electoral-office-id ( pending , voting, voted with the the result of the votes)
  • change status of user, identified with a e-electoral-office-id delivered by authentication-system ( voting , noy_yet_vote, voted )

A user can verify his status (using his user-unique-id )and his transaction ( using his e-electoral-office-id).

A user can count the global result of the vote, reading and summing the counts of e-electoral-office with status voted in the vote-block-chain, with the id of e-electoral-office signed by the authentication-system , and where the user-unique-id is set as registered in the vote-block-chain by the authentication-system.


flooding of votes

issue : A hacker inserts false status in the vote-block-chain , simulating many users with user-unique-id, voting in many e-electoral-office.

resilience : The counting of votes ignores these votes, because the user-unique-id are not set as registered in the vote-block-chain by the authentication-system, and/or the id of e-electoral-office is not signed by the authentication-system

obstacle to validate a vote

issues : only zero or one user in an e-electoral-office validates the vote of the user, because other users consider that his choice is "incorrect" for personl reasons.

resilience : increase the minimum of users in the e-electoral-office to avoid possible majority. Else, the user can change to another e-electoral-office

reuse identity

issue : A hacker inserts false status in the vote-block-chain , reusing many users with existing user-unique-id, voting in many e-electoral-office.

resilience : The counting of votes ignores these votes, because the user-unique-id is not signed by the authentication-system . The signature of the id of an e-electoral-office is given by the authentication-system when a user is authenticatd and asiigned to an e-electoral-office.

reveal vote under constraint

issue : A hacker asks the user his user-unique-id, and reads the e-electoral-office.

resilience : The e-electoral-office contains the number of votes, and the user-unique-id. But it does not contain the list (user-unique-id,his vote). The vote can be revealed only in case of unanimity in the e-electoral-office : increase the minimum of users in the e-electoral-office to avoid possible unanimity.