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Releases: RickStrahl/MarkdownMonster


16 May 18:44
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  • Add Git Commit Dialog
    Added a new Git Commit dialog that allows committing and pushing the active file as well as all pending files to a Git repository. This replaces the previous hotkey only command with a more visual approach that provides many more options. Ctrl-Enter in the dialog can be used to quick commit similar to the old behavior.

  • Git File Status in File Browser
    The Folder browser now shows Git status information via icons. There are also a new option to undo changes on the file context menu.

  • Open Git Client From Document or Folder Browser Folder
    You can now configure an external Git Client and open it from the Folder Browser or the Open Document's Tab Context menus.

  • Add Clone Git Repository
    Added option to clone a Git repository to a local folder to make it easier to retrieve Git content for local editing. Also added a new File -> Git menu that houses this option and Commit to Git (same behavior as the Tab context menu). Requires: that Git and Git Credential Manager (for private or authenticated repos) are installed.

  • Add Git Pull Support
    Add the ability to pull data from the remote origin into the current Git repository. There aren't any options for specific branches and pull does a merge commit. Feature is available on the Git Commit Dialog.

  • Add Commit Dialog Option to Leave Window Open after Commit
    There's now a persisted option that optionally allows you to leave the Git Commit window open if there are still pending files to be committed. This makes it easier to selectively commit files into multiple commits.

  • Add VS Code Dark Editor Theme
    Added a new VS Code Dark editor theme that is similar to VS Code's default editor theme. Due to differences in the rendering engines between ACE and Monaco the styling isn't identical but fairly close.

  • Open Markdown From Url
    Added the ability to open a Markdown document from the Web via a URL. This feature understands and fixes up Github and BitBucket Markdown documents, Gists and Microsoft Docs Documentation URLs and allows for de-referencing of relative image links as an option. Also optionally fixes up image links to absolute Web URLs so images can display in the browser. Various common top level document URLs on various common sites are now automatically fixed up and opened from the raw content.

  • Add support for DocFx/Microsoft Docs Include Files in Preview
    The Preview can now optionally render DocFx style includes in the form of [!include[title](fileName)] linked files to render. Relative files will automatically be included and are rendered inline. There an option that turns this behavior on and off: markdownOptions.ParseDocFxIncludeFiles. More DocFx features will be added in near future updates.

  • Add Drag and Drop File Moving in Folder Browser
    You can now drag and drop files in the file browser to new folder.

  • Allow Selection and Downloading of Spell Check Dictionaries
    The SpellCheck selector option in the control box not allows switching of spell checking dictionaries. It also allows for downloading of alternate dictionaries that are not pre-installed.

  • Main UI Theme Switching Improvements
    Switching between light and dark themes now automatically assigns a default editor theme to match the light or dark theme. Theme switches prompt for a restart and if you opt in automatically shuts down and restarts Markdown Monster

  • Option to turn and off Markdown Bullet AutoCompletion
    There have been quite a few complaints around the auto-completion bullet editing in Markdown text and now there's an option to disable it. In fact, bullet auto-complete is now off by default and has to be enabled explicitly with Editor.EnableBulletAutoCompletion.

  • Add MaxDocumentOutlineLevel Configuration Value
    You can now specify the Max Outline level displayed in the Document Outline panel. This value also affects the embeddable Table of Contents that can be generated from the document outline. The value can be interactively set in the Document Outline's Context Menu.

  • Add Undo/Redo to Editor Context Menu
    Added Undo and Redo options to the editor's context menu.

  • Open Markdown files linked in Preview in Editor
    If you have a link in your markdown to another Markdown file the previewer now detects that the file is a local Markdown file and opens it in the editor.

  • Addin: Intercept Preview Link Clicks
    Addins now have a new Addin.OnPreviewLinkNavigation() to intercept navigation and handle custom link processing in the preview. Return true to override or false to let the default link processing work.

  • Editor Enhancements
    Updated to the latest version of ACE Editor which is noticeably faster and more stable. A number of cursor and scrolling related issues are addressed. Updated Twilight and the new VS Code Dark Theme.

  • Add Editor LineHeight Configuration Switch
    Added configuration switch to allow setting the editor text line height to separate or tighten up the spacing between text. Default line height has been bumped up to 1.3 from 1.2 which gives a little bit more space between lines.

  • Editor Configuration Consolidation
    Internally consolidated all the editor styling options into a single Editor configuration section that forces the editor to restyle based on editor configuration settings. Previously all of these settings were individually set. This makes it easier for addin authors to modify editor settings and simply call Model.Configuration.RestyleEditor() after making changes to the configuration settings.

  • Fix Git Clone with Path with Spaces
    Fixed bug for paths with spaces in Git Clone operation.

  • Fix: Clear document stats when last tab is closed
    Fixed issue where when the last tab was closed the document stats were not cleared.

  • Fix Folder Browser New File/Folder Editing
    Fixed regression introduced by file search in the list that would interfere with adding new files and folder. New files and folders now properly get inserted into the hierarchy order, and show the appropriate icon and git status.

  • Fix: Code Snippet Wrapping for Printing and PDF Generation
    Fixed Code Snippet wrapping so that code snippets wrap rather than scroll when printing or generating a PDF file.

  • Fix: Miscellaneous Addin-Manager Issues
    Fix update button display. Fix installed version number display.
    Fix list rendering issues in the Addin list. Fix version comparison logic to determine whether an update is available.

  • Fix: Binding issues with various Menu options when no Documents are open
    Fixed various issues with the menu when no document is open so that a number of options are not available. All commands are now explicitly rechecked when documents are opened or closed (via Tabs).

  • Fix: UrlEncoding in Paste URL Dialog for Local Files
    Fix the Paste URL dialog when embedding relative file links to be URL Encoded.

  • Fix: UI Inconsistencies
    Fixed a number of left over UI inconsistencies that made it into earlier 10.x published releases. A few places where background colors and control heights were off. Refactored a number of common control settings to global scope for better overall consistency.

  • Fix: Document Outline Visibility
    Document outline would still be visible after unchecking the Document Outline option in the menu if enabled on startup. Outline is now properly hidden.

  • Fix: Folder Browser New File Adding
    Fixed new file editing behavior that would get corrupted by the file search behavior in the tree.

Document Outline, Folder Browser Enhancements, many Optimizations and Fixes

27 Mar 10:36
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  • Document Outline
    There's a new Document Outline feature (preview) that provides a two-way sync between the active document and the outline. The outline shows headers (h1-h4). You can click on bookmark links, and the outline stays in sync when you scroll the document.

  • Table of Content Generator
    As part of the Document Outline display, there's an option to generate a TOC and embed it into a Markdown document at the cursor position. The TOC is created a Markdown list with links and can be re-generated on demand.

  • Document Outline Context Menu to get Link ID onto Clipboard
    There's now a context menu on each document outline item to copy the hash ID to the location in the document. Useful if you need to link to another part of the document.

  • Fix up spaces in Editor Markup Operations
    Editor markup operations like the bold, italic, underscore, small etc. now automatically handle fixing up leading spaces so if you select selected words (note the leading and/or trailing spaces that are selected) the tag is updated as **selected words** (space before and after the **) effectively transposing the unintended spaces in the markup.

  • Add Syntax Selection Dropdown on Status Bar
    The status bar now displays the active syntax scheme and allows you to select a different syntax for a given file.

  • Keyboard Auto Search for starting Letters in Folder Browser
    You can now type in a few letters to jump to the first matching file similar to the way Explorer finds files.

  • Folder Browser File System (File Watcher)
    The folder browser now displays file system updates in the folder browser. If you externally add, delete or rename a file the external changes are reflected in the Folder Browser.

  • Folder Browser IgnoreFolders and IgnoreFileExtensions
    Options to filter the folder browser display for certain folder and file extensions. Folders default .git, node_modules and extensions to .saved.bak. Values can be customized in Settings.

  • Double Click Editor/Preview Separator to Zoom Preview
    You can now double click the separator between the Editor and Preview to zoom the preview for a quick way to browse read/only content. The Sidebar remains on the left of the display to double click and restore the original width.

  • Edit Preview Template from Preview Browser
    You can now directly jump to the Preview template that's active and edit the HTML/CSS that makes up that template in the Preview Browser using the Preview Browser's context menu. The link also opens the Preview Theme Editing documentation.

  • Main Content Area UI Refactoring
    The main content UI area has been refactored to encapsulate the editor and preview pane in a single layout panel. Tabs now stretch across the entire content and preview area to avoid excessive tab crowding especially on small displays. Internally the render logic has been refactored to make the UI easier to manage in code via bindings and simpler property access and allow for more modular layouts that can be driven from Addins including support for adding UI panels.

  • Addin Support for adding Left Sidebar Tab Items
    Addins can now implement a AddSidebarPanelTabItem() method to add a new sidebar panel which becomes a tabbed item alongside the File and Folder Browser. This allows for custom list panels for additional functionality like Git interaction, custom documentation solutions and document navigation and so on.

  • Left and Right Side Bar Hamburger Menu for Slideout Menu
    The left sidebar (Folder Browser) and right sidebar - if it has content - now have dedicated hamburger icons on their respective sides to slide out the sidebars when active. This makes the sidebars opening operation more discoverable. Additionally you can now drag to open and close the sidebars. Also remove the open icons from the main toolbar and window control menu since the icons are more logical.

  • Addin Support for a Right Tab Sidebar
    There's now also a new Right Side bar which can contain tabs to allow another avenue of providing additional UI for documents. Like the left sidebar, you can add tab pages to the layout to add UI.

  • MarkdownDocumentEditor Identifier and Properties Collections
    The MarkdownDocumentEditor instance now has a collection of Properties that can be attached to the editor to allow you to associate custom state to an editor instance. This allows Addins to capture state when a specific tab is activated via Model.ActiveEditor.Tag.Properties["state"]. Identifier is a new string field that allows adding a custom designation for easy checking.

  • More Markdown Rendering Configuration Options
    Added additional configuration switches to the Markdown configuration to allow for more complete Markdown extension support as provided by MarkDig. Added support for Custom Containers fenced <div> blocks and Generic Markdown Attributes and added explicit properties for most of MarkDig's extension features.

  • Refactored the Preview Browser to allow pluggable Preview Controls via Addins

  • Consolidated the preview rendering via an IPreviewBrowser interface and a control that hosts the preview. This greatly reduced code duplication for preview handling in the internal and external viewers, but now also allows pluggable previewers in Markdown Monster. There's a new Addin function: GetPreviewBrowserUserControl() that allows replacement of the stock preview browser control with a custom control that implements IPreviewBrowser.
    Example: Chromium Preview Addin (preview)

  • Post Date for Weblog Post Meta Data
    The Weblog post meta data now stores the original post date, which also allows for modifying the post date to a new date when reposting if the Weblog service supports that feature.

  • Addins: Support for Read Only Editor
    You can now open a new editor tab in Read Only mode which can't be edited but can still be viewed and scrolled. Also added a double click handler in read only mode that triggers an OnNotifyAddin event for ReadOnlyDoubleClick that can be used to take action on the double click (like open a new window).

  • DisableSplashScreen Configuration Setting
    You can now optionally disable the splash screen from firing up when starting Markdown Monster.

  • New Markdown Monster Logo
    Yup we have a new image logo for the startup banner and about page.

  • Fix: Quicker Save Behavior
    Save operations previously were slightly delayed and didn't show the document as saved immediately. Made file save explicit rather than triggering on dirty flag update for much more responsive save and UI feedback.

  • Fix: Sort Order in Folder Browser
    Fix sort order to work with lower case sorting so folders or files that start with _ sort to the top and lower and upper case file names are not mixed up in sorting.

  • Fix: Weblog Post Download with FrontMatter Header
    Fix issue where Weblog posts that contain FrontMatter headers would double up the FrontMatter and title headers. Fix checks for FrontMatter in downloaded post and if found just display the raw post retrieved with the original FrontMatter and Markdown formatting.

  • Fix: Preview Theme Code Block Rendering Wrap
    Fixed preview themes so that code blocks do not wrap in the previewer and exported HTML output. Affected Darkhan, Github and Westwind themes.

  • Fix: Table Importer with HTML Tables
    Fix table importer context menu to find tables inside of the Editor. Fix import behavior if table uses upper case tag names.

  • Fix: File Modified Dialog Behavior
    Fixed prompt behavior when a file was changed when not focused on the editor and returning. Previous behavior always popped up a dialog for the file change. New behavior automatically updates the document if there are not changes pending in the editor. This avoids numerous dialog popups that are effectively unnecessary.

  • Fix: Scroll Stutter at the top of the Document
    Fixed issue where initial scroll operation from the top of the document would get 'stuck' and require explicit cursor or slow scroll movement. Fixed by changing the top window scroll detection logic.

  • Fix: Find/Replace Box Formatting
    Fix styling of the Find/Replace box which was broken after a recent update of Ace Editor. The box now also reverts closer to Ace Editor's default behavior which includes responsive auto-sizing which was previously disabled.

  • Fix: #Hash Links when generating PDF Output
    Previously hash links to HTML Anchors or Ids (such as a table of content) were not working in PDF output. Output now properly supports internal document links.

  • Fix: Fix ignored files in Folder Browser
    The folder browser now properly ignores on the ignoreFileExtensions setting, for new, externally created files that are updated in the browser view.

  • Fix: Recent Files Menu Clears
    Fixed issue where the Recent Files menu would clear if more than a certain number of files are present.

  • Fix: Weblog Keywords and Categories Trimming
    Fixed issue where keywords and categories on posted blog posts where not properly trimmed if spaces were present in the comma-delimited list.

  • Fix: Internal Links for PDF Output
    PDF output now can properly display local links inside of the document. Changed behavior of the exported HTML document by exporting to the .md file's folder and removing the Base tag which was interfering with local links.

  • Fix: Code Wrapping in the Previewer
    Fixed ...

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1.9 Version Rollup Release

24 Jan 08:56
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  • Add Table Editor support for Paste Table
    You can now paste a table from HTML, or Pipe or Grid Tables into the table editor. Note if the table is heavily formatted it'll likely end up as mostly HTML, but simple formatted tables with links, images and simple markup are converted.

  • Edit Table in Editor now also supports HTML Tables
    The editor context menu now allows editing of HTML Tables inside of the table editor. Inside of a table in the editor, right click (or use the Windows dropdow key with the cursor selected inside of table) to open the table in the editor. Support for complex HTML inside of cells is limited to plain text, links, images, bold and italic.

  • Performance improvements in Table Editor
    Reworked the custom layout used to edit table rows that makes rebinding of table rows and columns much more efficiently than previously.

  • Start Screen Improvements
    Fix recent file list on the Start Screen to refresh and accurately show recent files. Also tweaked the layout of the Recent Files list to be more easily readable and added tooltips to links to get full file names.

  • Add Open Documents Dropdown for Tab Overflow
    Changed the tab layout so when there are more tabs than can be displayed, a dropdown shows a menu with all open files that can be selected.

  • Add Window Menu to show all open Documents
    Add standard Window menu to show all open documents and allow manipulation of the open documents (Close open tab, Close all, Close all but).

  • Editor Zoom Level Improvements
    Changed the Editor zoom level settings to use both a default size and zoom-level percentage. There's now a percentage zoom level indicator on the status bar that allows quickly adjusting to common values or typing in a percentage value. Double clicking resets to 100%.

  • PDF Generation Enhancements
    Added option to not generator a Table of Contents. Print PDF asynchronously so UI doesn't freeze up. Cleaner error messages. Fix headers/title by removing the right header and rendering only a single header. Add option to copy last used command line. Cleaned up the Save As PDF form UI.

  • Fix: Folder Browser Bug Fixes
    Fix a number of small folder browser inconsistencies related to adding new files and renaming. Fix edit color theme on light application theme.

  • Fix: Command Line Startup with Folder
    Fix bug where command line startup with a folder name would not open the folder in the folder browser properly.

  • Add Recent Folder List in Folder Browser
    The folder browser now has an icon to show and re-select recently opened folders. Recent folders are also shown on the Recent Files drop down.

  • Add Find Files in Folder Browser
    You can now press Ctrl-F in the Folder Browser to open a search box that will search files in the current folder, or optionally down the folder hierarchy (which can be potentially slow if the tree is deep).

  • Folder Browser Support for %EnvVar% in Paths
    When entering paths directly into the folder browser path dialog you can now use environment variables in the format of %envVar%. So, `%appData%, %programfiles%, %tmp% all expand to full paths.

  • Auto-Complete for Folder Browser Path Textbox
    The Folder Browser's path selection entry combobox now auto-completes paths as you type them for easier path selection.

  • Add Folder Navigation to Folder Browser
    Added a few features to make the folder browser more navigation friendly. You can now double-click on folders to re-open the folder browser as the top level folder in the folder browser. A new Open Folder Browser here context option is also available. A new parent folder .. node is now added to allow navigating back up the tree by double clicking on this node.

  • Improved Folder Browser Performance
    The folder browser now lazy loads sub-folders, rather than loading entire folder hierarchies up front. As a result the Folder browser should load most folders much more quickly. Still slow with very large numbers of files in a single folder (500+ files).

  • Open in Folder Browser from Document Tabs
    There's a new context menu option to open the document's current folder in the folder browser.

  • File Tab Icons
    Added icons to the tabs for each of the open files in the editor.

  • Fix Shift-Delete Behavior
    Fix additional issue with Shift-Del operation when text is selected which now properly cuts selected text to the clipboard. Previous behavior just removed the selection.

  • Fix: Table Reformatting if Column Count exceeds Columns defined
    Fixed issue where if a table row had more columns than the header defines the table would blow up on rendering. Common scenario when 'editing' a table and then repasting it. Fixed trailing whitespace (which caused extra columns) and fixed so that extra columns if provided are ignored.

  • Fix: Drag Images into 'Untitled' Documents
    Fix bug where dragged images from the folder browser into 'Untitled' documents would not do anything. Fix now works and prompts for images in the last saved image folder.

  • Fix: Folder Browser Icons when Adding/Renaming
    Fix folder browser when adding or renaming files so that file icons are appropriately updated. Also fixed tab icon and re-opening the renamed file if it was already open in the editor with proper filename and icon.

  • Partial Fix: Drag images from Explorer
    Images dragged from Windows Explorer now drop at the current cursor position in the editor (not the dragged mouse position). Due to security limitations Drag and Drop into the browser control from external doesn't translate the mouse position into the control so the only relevant place we can drop is at the last known cursor position. Previously images dropped at the end of the document.

  • Fix: Incorrect Drag Behavior and Scrollbar Interaction in Folder Browser
    Fix funky drag behavior when an item is selected and trying to scroll the scrollbar on the file list. Fixed by explicitly checking for the item being selected being dragged rather than the entire tree.

  • New two-way Table Editor
    Added table editor dialog that allows for creation of Markdown (and Html) tables interactively. A new dialog provides column based data entry with tabbable fields along with the ability to easily add and delete rows and columns. Output can be generated as either Markdown or HTML and you can use the Editor context menu's 'Edit Table' option to edit or reformat a table.

  • New .mdown, .mkd and .mkdn Extension Mapping
    Added additional Markdown extensions to be recognized by Markdown Monster as markdown text.

  • Add Ctrl-Tab and Ctrl-Shift-Tab for moving between open Document Tabs
    You can now use Ctrl-Tab and Ctrl-Shift-Tab to flip more easily across the open editor windows on the editor pane.

  • Paste Code Dialog Picks up Code from ClipBoard
    The Paste Code Dialog (alt-c) now tries to pick up code from the clipboard and displays it for editing and then pasting - if no code selection is active in the editor. This can provide an optimized workflow: Copy code to clipboard from code editor, switch to MM, press alt-c, type syntax code (ie. css, html, csharp), press enter and code is pasted properly into markdown.

  • Remove Markdown Formatting
    Added menu option and Ctrl-Shift-Z shortcut to remove Markdown formatting from a selection of text in a Markdown document.

  • Shift-Del to delete current Line
    Added support for Shift-Delete to support removing the current line like Visual Studio/Code.

  • Add Folder Icons to Folder Browser
    The folder browser now displays folder icons in addition to the expand/collapse arrows to avoid confusion over indentation level.

  • Fix: Multi-page Selection Issue fixed
    Fixed regression bug caused by recent addition of scroll syncing from editor to preview. Code fix now checks if a selection is active, and if it is doesn't scroll preview.

  • Fix: Add to Dictionary for SpellCheck when no matches
    Fixed issue where if there are no items to display for spell check suggestions the Add to Dictionary menu option wasn't showing. Fixed now the Add to Dictionary menu shows to allow adding unmatched words.

  • Fix: Links to #Hash Ids
    Links to hash tags as IDs wasn't working. Change preview script to navigate both name and id refs in the document.

  • Fix: Shift-Del - Delete Line only when no selection
    Fixed behavior, so that if a selection is active, Shift-Del only deletes the actual selection. Only if there's no selection does Shift-Del delete the entire line (behavior matches VS and VS Code now).

  • Fix: Crashes related to File Save Operations failing
    Fixed issue where async save operations would interfere with various file checks (for encryption and auto-save operations). Fixed with single code path and lock to prevent thread cross talk.

1.8 Version Rollup Release

05 Dec 22:31
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  • Version Rollup Release
    This release is a version rollup release that combines all the recent additions into a point release.

  • Show Invisible Characters in Editor
    Option on the Tools menu and the configuration to turn on displaying of invisible characters (spaces, tabs, line breaks etc.). Thanks to a PR from Thomas Freudenberg.

  • Auto-install Snippets Template Expansion Addin
    In new installations Markdown Monster now installs the Snippets addin by default. This addin is useful for creating text expansions (macro strings) that can include embedded code snippets. Supports simple {{C# Code}} expansions or Razor syntax scripting.

  • Fix: Window Title on first Load
    The Window title on first load wasn't showing the active file name until switching tabs.

  • Fix: Create new File/Folder in Folder Browser when in Empty Folder
    Fixed issue where the New File/Folder options would not work in an empty folder.

  • Fix: Preview Window Flash
    Fixed errand preview window refresh when switching tabs and during shutdown.

  • Add External Preview Window
    You can now toggle between the internal Preview window pane or an external window that can be moved independently of the main Markdown Monster window. This often requested feature allows you to move the preview window to a separate monitor or moving it to a small docked Window.

  • Change Default Terminal Client to Powershell
    Updated the default Terminal Client to use Powershell instead of Command. Also updated documentation to fix disk drive navigation in Command mode (not Powershell) by using parameters: "/k cd /D \"{0}\"" for Command shell args.

  • Refactor Preview Rendering
    Internal change that modifies the internal rendering logic for the preview into an isolated class. This will make it easier to add alternate browser rendering targets in alternate windows.

  • Minor Improvements for Startup Speed
    Refactored various bits of startup code and changed initial preview behavior to be slightly delayed for faster 'to first cursor' operation.

  • Async WebLog Uploads
    We've updated the Weblog uploader to run asynchronously without locking the UI thread. While Weblog publishing can be blazing fast if the server responds quickly, for some sites uploads were blocking the UI hard (the main WordPress site in particular). This update works around the synchronous Xmp-Rpc library explicitly creating a task based wrapper.

  • Fix: Duplicate Tab Names not displaying Path correctly
    When multiple files with the same name are open, MM displays the last path segment to differentiate the documents. This code was not universally working with various locations not properly updating the tab headers.

  • Fix: Double Click File/Folder Editing in Folder Browser
    Fix double click editing in the folder browser when actually selecting a file which often would open a file and then also make the filename editable. Selection now properly resets the edit double click timeout so file does not become editable.

  • Addin OnModifyPreviewHtml() added
    Added MarkdownMonsterAddin.OnModifyPreviewHtml() which is allows addins to modify the preview output html used for displaying the preview. Thanks to Jim McClain for providing the PR for this addition.

  • Change Preview Sync Default
    Preview sync default changed to Editor -> Preview to avoid potential sync jitter issues with the Both mode.

  • Weblog Publishing Updated
    Minor tweaks to the Weblog download feature and HTML to Markdown conversion. Small UI updates in the download UI and better UI responsiveness when uploading posts to a blog.

  • Updated Gist Integration Addin
    The Gist Integration Addin has been overhauled with better integration into Markdown Monster. You can now open and save documents from Gists right on the File menu and also from the main Paste Code As Gist Form. You can now also delete Gists directly from the Open and Save lists.

  • Switch back to 32 bit
    When we moved to Markdown Monster to the %LocalAppData% folder recently, Markdown Monster temporarily went back to running in 64 bit mode. While this worked fine, performance was noticeably more sluggish in 64 bit mode, so we're going back to forcing Markdown Monster to run in 32 bit mode which has overall responsiveness of the UI considerably.

  • Addin Icon Interface Enhancements
    Add better icon and image icon options to make it easier to create icons and modify the icon after loading if necessary. Added FontawesomeIconColor property to allow specifying a color, and simplify the loader logic for loading image icons. There's a new Addin.AddinMenuItem.MenuItemButton property that gives you access to the actual menu button that was created for customization.

  • Fix: Recent Menu Files with _ in Name
    Fixed issue files that have underscores in filenames in the Recent menu, where underscores were treated as shortcut keys by WPF.

  • Add Scroll Sync to Preview
    Editor syncing now works when scrolling without having to explicitly click into the document to capture the current mouse position. Scrolling now moves the preview selection to near the top of the editor content (4 lines down).

  • Duplicate Filename Tab Header Display
    Fix tab header display for duplicated file names (ie. display multiple files named Tab now shows filename plus last folder part (ie. - MarkdownMonster or - MyProject) to differentiate multiple files with the same name.

  • Fix: Image File Names with Spaces
    When saving images with spaces in filenames on the Image Dialog, via clipboard pasting or drag and drop operations, the image file name is now embedded with spaces encoded as %20. Although Browsers support HTML with spaces, CommonMark (and MarkDig) does not support it, so url encoding the file - while ugly - fixes this problem.

  • Fix: Recent File Menu Flash
    Fix UI issue where selecting a file off the recent menu drop down causes the menu to fade in a funky way that fades in and out. Menu is not hidden immediately before opening the new tab to avoid the ugly behavior.

  • Fix: #Hash navigation in Preview
    Due to browser limitations related to local file URLs and base tags, native #Hash navigation doesn't work in the preview browser or when viewing in an external browser with a local file system URL. Added logic in the page to intercept hash navigation and explicitly navigate the document to the specified element on the page.

  • Fix: Installer Unicode Paths
    Fix Unicode support in the installer that was causing problems when using file paths that contain extended Unicode characters. Fixed by compiling with the proper Unicode version of Inno Installer.

  • Fix: Image Upload with Spaces
    Fix previously broken image upload when image names contain spaces or other encoded characters.

1.7 Version Rollup Release

07 Nov 05:28
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  • Add JpegImageCompressionLevel for Pasted or Captured Images
    There's a new JpegImageCompressionLevel configuration option that lets you specify what compression level Jpeg images are saved with. Values are 0 to 100 where 100 is the highest fidelity and 0 the lowest. The default is 80 which is typically just above the level where artifacts become noticeable in most pictures.

  • Fix: Custom extension mapping to Markdown and HTML Files
    Fixed logic for extensions mapped to Markdown and HTML so that the Preview window properly shows when files with custom extensions are edited.

  • Fix: Overwrite Cursor not Visible
    The overwrite (insert) cursor formatting only showed a dot previously. Fixed to display an underline cursor.

  • Don't spellcheck active Word in Editor
    Changed spell check behavior to not spellcheck the word directly under the cursor as it may not be completely typed out yet resulting in annoying spell check errors. Spellcheck now ignores the current until you move off.

  • Fix: Delete in Folder Browser
    Delete from the folder browser would not work under some circumstances due to a byte alignment issue. Fixed.

  • Fix: External Preview freezes MM in background
    When previewing the Markdown Preview in an external browser Markdown Monster would hang for 60 seconds. Regression bug due to an API change. Fixed.

  • Fix: External Browser Preview not using CSS in FireFox
    When previewing rendered content using FireFox, the rendered HTML fails to apply the CSS Stylesheet. Firefox requires file:/// moniker in order to find embedded resources and doesn't work of raw OS filenames. Fixed.

  • Minor Preview Theme Updates
    Added a Westwind preview theme that matches West Wind site. Handful of small adjustments to the Github theme to more closely match Github's styling especially for headers and lists.

  • New Startup Page
    Add startup page that links to common operations when no tabs are open in the editor.

  • Application Theme Selector on Statusbar
    You can now switch the application theme between Light and Dark themes using a dropdown on the status bar. Selection optionally prompts to restart for changes to be applied.

  • Spellcheck for Weblog Posting Dialog
    You now get spellchecking when posting new Weblog posts for abstract and title text.

  • MarkdownMonsterAddin.OnModelLoaded() Handler
    Added another lifecycle event that notifies you when the App model is ready to be accessed. This event is fired before the form has fully rendered the model so it allows you to intercept the model before the initial form is rendered. This event fires after OnApplicationStarted() (which has no model access) and before OnWindowLoaded() which fires once the form is active and all Addins have loaded.

  • File Icons for Folder Browser
    Files in the folder browser are now displayed with their associated application icons to make it easier to navigate the tree and recognize files. Additional icons can be added by adding a png file for the file extension in the Editor\fileicons folder.

  • Drag and Drop Files from Folder Browser
    You can now drag non-image files into the editor to open them. This is in addition to context menu options, double clicking, enter/space selection of files. Images are treated special and are either opened in image editor, viewed with the default viewer, or when dragged into the document are embedded as images inside of markdown documents.

  • Slow Double Click Editing of Filenames in Folder Browser
    You can now do a slow double click (Explorer style) in the Folder browser to edit and rename filenames in the folder browser. This is in addition to the F2 hotkey and context menu options.

  • Fix: Spellchecker Performance Tweaks
    Fixed a number of event leaks in the spell checker logic that would reattach spell check events multiple times. This fix speeds up editing documents when loaded for long periods. Checker now also is more efficient about refreshing spell check info to have less impact while typing.

  • Fix: Open In External Browser Disabled
    Fixed issue where Open in External Browser would not work open documents when the preview browser was not active. Also fixed so that rendered HTML output does not use pragma line mapping.

  • Keyboard support for Context Menu
    You can now pop up the context menu via keyboard using the Windows context menu key (or equivalent). The menu is now cursor navigable. This brings spell checking and various edit operations to keyboard only use.

  • Fix: UseSingleWindow=false no longer opens Remembered Documents
    When not running in UseSingleWindow mode, the RememberLastDocumentsLength setting has no effect and no previous windows are re-opened. This is so multiple open windows won't open the same documents all the time. In UseSingleWindow mode last documents are remembered and opened when starting MM for the first time.

  • Fix: YAML parsing for Blog Post
    Fixed bug where the YAML header on the meta data was not properly inserting a line break after the parsed YAML block.

Version Rollup Release

06 Sep 08:38
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  • Version Rollup Release
    This release is a version rollup release that combines all the recent additions into a point release.

  • Edit and Remove Hyperlink Context Menu Options
    Added menu options to edit hyper links in the link editor or to remove the hyperlink and just retain the text of the link.

  • Fix: Command Refactoring
    The various Command objects used to define menu options have been refactored in the code with seperate configuration wrapper methods to make it easier to find and edit the menu options.

New Context Menu and Options and Bug Fixes

01 Sep 18:46
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  • Updated Editor Context Menu
    The Editor's context menu has been updated to forward all menu handling to WPF rather than HTML based menu display. Currently the new menu handles Copy/Cut/Paste and spellchecking duties only, but additional menu options/features can now be added more easily.

  • Edit in Image Editor Context Menu
    You can now right click over an image embedded into a Markdown document and use the Context menu to select Edit in Image Editor to open the document for editing in your configured image editor.

  • Edit Image Link Context Menu
    You can now hover over an image embedded in Markdown and use Edit Image Link to reopen the image in the Image Embedding Dialog.

  • Copy Selection as HTML now formats Clipboard as HTML Data Type
    You can now use Copy as HTML from the Edit or Context menus to export your Markdown selections to HTML (as before). In addition the new behavior adds the text using HTML Clipboard formatting so you can more easily paste the HTML into rich text editors (like Outlook or Gmail's editor for example) with formatting intact. Text editors still see the raw HTML output.

  • Support for Pandoc YAML headers ending in ...*
    Thanks to a fix in the Markdig Pandoc parser, Pandoc alternate style YAML headers that end in ... rather than --- are now stripped from rendered Markdown output. Additional adjustments for spellcheck exclusions and Weblog Publishing are forthcoming in future updates.

  • Fix: Addin Markdown Parsers now are selectable immediately
    When installing an addin that exposes a new Markdown Parser is now visible and selectable immediately from the Markdown parser selection drop down on the toolbar.

  • Fix: Pandoc Addin FrontMatter Support Change
    The Pandoc Addin now handles YAML FrontMatter using Pandoc's native rendering, which works differently than the default Markdig parser. Pandoc picks out the title property from the YAML and automatically injects a <h1> tag with the title into the document which is not the case with the default Markdig parser. The reason for the change is to ensure you get to see the raw Pandoc output that you will see if the document is explicitly run through Pandoc.

Addin Improvements and Gist Integration Addin

24 Aug 23:58
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  • Save Encrypted .mdcrypt Extension Default
    When you save files as encrypted files, Markdown Monster now defaults to the new .mdcrypt extension to signify an encrypted file. MM still can open plain .md files that are encrypted, but the explicit extension makes it easy to see that the file requires a password to open.

  • New Context Menu in Preview Browser
    The preview browser now provides a few options to show content in an external browser, and show source code in an editor window (with live HTML preview of the HTML text).

  • Addin AddMenuItem() method
    You can now create new menu items from an addin more easily by using the new Addin.AddMenuItem() method. Allows insertion of a menu item before or after an existing item by name or caption.

  • Addin OnInstall() and OnUninstall() methods
    Addins now get a couple of additional methods to handle post installation and pre-uninstallation tasks. These methods allow installation and removal of additional resources.

  • Update Github Gist Integration Addin
    Added the Gist Integration Addin to allow loading and saving of documents from Gists. New File menu options for Load from Gist and Save as Gist let you manage both markdown and other code documents through online Gists.

Bug Fixes and Small UI Enhancements

16 Aug 17:10
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  • New Context Menu in Preview Browser
    The preview browser now provides a few options to show content in an external browser, and show source code in an editor window (with live HTML preview of the HTML text).

  • Alt-z shortcut for WordWrap in Editor
    You can now use Alt-z for toggling wordwrap in the Markdown/Code editor.

  • Updates to the Preview Active Line Indicator Highlight
    When previewing Markdown Monster highlights the active line in the previewer using custom styling. Those styles have been updated to be more context sensitive and a little bit bolder to make preview cursor position more obvious.

  • WebBrowerPreviewExecutable Configuration Option
    You can now explicitly specify an executable to use for externally previewing HTML in a Web Browser. Since Windows seems to have a problem with amnesia when it comes to remembering file associations to the Web Browser and reverts to Edge frequently, you can explicitly specify a browser executable. Defaults to Chrome in Program Files (x86). If executable is not found or empty, MM uses the system default (previous behavior).

  • Fix: File association not working
    Fixed issue where clicking on a file in Explorer or using the command line wasn't opening the file in Markdown Monster.

  • Fix: Image Preview from Files or Editor
    If selecting images in the file selector, the preview now shows local file images and images selected from within the editor via selection of an image Markdown tag.

Version Rollup Release

25 Aug 07:32
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  • Uninstall Command Line Option
    You can now run MarkdownMonster.exe -uninstall to remove all registry settings that Markdown Monster makes during a portable (ie. non-installer) installation. To do a full, clean, manual uninstall of Markdown Monster run MarkdownMonster.exe uninstall, then delete the install folder and %appdata%\Markdown Monster.

  • Tab Headers properly hidden in DistractionFree Mode
    DistractionFree mode now properly hides the tab headers when including tabs in the DistractionFreeModeHideOptions configuration option. Previously the tabs were not visible but the tab panel still showed.

  • HTTP Links now rendered in external Browser
    Embedded HTTP links in the document that point to external sites with explicit URLs (not relative URLs) are now opened in the default system browser rather than inside the previewer or - for links with explicit targets - Internet Explorer. MM intercepts navigation to http links and displays the content in the default browser.

  • Save as Encrypted File
    You can now use a password to encrypt files when they are saved to disk. Using the new Save as Encrypted File option files are encrypted using TripleDES encryption using a password you provide. Encryption works for any text file you can open in MM, not just markdown files.

  • Installer no longer requires Admin Privileges
    The full installer no longer requires admin privileges and installs into %AppLocalData%\Markdown Monster. MM now sets all registry keys - including file associations - in the Current User store so no admin access is required for installation or running MM.

  • Portable Install now supports Markdown File Associations
    We've added support code to add .md and .markdown file extension association to Markdown Monster using Current User registry keys, so admin rights are not longer required. This makes all MM features available to the portable install.

  • Fix: File Browser Drag Image into Document
    Fixed issue with File Browser image dropping. Works again as well as text selection drag and drop in editor.

  • Word Wrap and Line Number Toggles on Menu
    You can now toggle Word Wrap and Line Numbers from the View menu. Previously you could only set this setting globally in Tools->Settings.

  • Add Ctrl-Q hotkey for Quoting
    You can now use the Ctrl-Q hotkey to quote a text selection. Select the text you want to quote and press Ctrl-Q to turn the text into quoted text. Same behavior as toolbar with a hotkey.

  • Fix: Commandline File Loading and MD File Load
    Fixed regression bug that caused files to not load when running in single window mode. This affected loading from .md files in Explorer or from the command line via mm

  • Fix: Dragging Explorer Files Copying from external Locations
    Fixed issue where files dropped from Explorer were not getting copied properly into the selected project local folder.

  • Fix: Better support for Text Drag and Drop
    Reworked drop handling in Editor so that Text dragging and dropping within the document works. Operations now work for both Move and Copy operations, but there's still an issue with the drag image being an image of the entire editor.