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pip installable bin to interact with the Ringier SA internal interface for slack. Provides both CLI and Native python lib functionality.


  • Single implementation of a wrapper around our internal slack interface.


$ pip install ritdu-slacker



To send a message to a slack channel from within a thread:

$ ritdu-slacker message --workspace "${SLACK_WORKSPACE}" --channel "${SLACK_CHANNEL//#}" --text "Update in progress" --thread-uuid "${thread_uuid}" --thread-broadcast

To replace a message send a new one with the same message-uuid:

$ ritdu-slacker message --workspace "${SLACK_WORKSPACE}" --channel "${SLACK_CHANNEL//#}" --text "Update complete!" --message-uuid "${message_uuid}"

To send a message and file to a thread in a slack channel:

$ ritdu-slacker file --workspace "${SLACK_WORKSPACE}" --channel "${SLACK_CHANNEL//#}" --text "Oops!" --file "/tmp/errorlog.txt" --thread-uuid "${thread_uuid}"

To send a jsonblob to slack:

$ ritdu-slacker message --text  '{ "blocks": [ { "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": "Hello, Assistant to the Regional Manager Dwight! *Michael Scott* wants to know where youd like to take the Paper Company investors to dinner tonight.\n\n *Please select a restaurant:*" } }, { "type": "divider" }, { "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": "*Farmhouse aThai Cuisine*\n:star::star::star::star: 1528 reviews\n They do have some vegan options, like the roti and curry, plus they have a ton of salad stuff and noodles can be ordered without meat!! They have something for everyone here" }, "accessory": { "type": "image", "image_url": "", "alt_text": "alt text for image" } }, { "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": "*Kin Khao*\n:star::star::star::star: 1638 reviews\n The sticky rice also goes wonderfully with the caramelized pork belly, which is absolutely melt-in-your-mouth and so soft." }, "accessory": { "type": "image", "image_url": "", "alt_text": "alt text for image" } }, { "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": "*Ler Ros*\n:star::star::star::star: 2082 reviews\n I would really recommend the  Yum Koh Moo Yang - Spicy lime dressing and roasted quick marinated pork shoulder, basil leaves, chili & rice powder." }, "accessory": { "type": "image", "image_url": "", "alt_text": "alt text for image" } }, { "type": "divider" } ] }' --command 'SlackJson' --workspace "ringier-southafrica" --channel "pe-test"


from ritdu_slacker.api import SlackClient
client = SlackClient()
client.post_message("via python api","ringier-southafrica","#pe-alerts")
{'message_uuid': '9890b802-fac3-4e61-bbe8-b53cc17fc581', 'message_ts': '1677473299.255969', 'thread_uuid': '9890b802-fac3-4e61-bbe8-b53cc17fc581', 'thread_ts': '1677473299.255969', 'channel': 'CV3JFH08J'}


To setup your development environment:

$ make setup-dev

Running make on its own generates help documentation:

$ make
build                Build the package
check                Check the package
clean                Clean the package
format               Format the code
install-dev          Setup development environment
install-prod         Install production dependencies
install              Install all dependencies
lint                 Lint the code
lock                 Update dependency lockfile
publish-test         Publish to the package to the PyPI test platform
publish              Publish the package
setup-binaries       Setup binaries for development. Poetry, Twine.
test                 Test the package
vscode               Update VSCode settings

Please read the Makefile to see what each task does.


To deploy a new version of the package to PyPI, you need to bump the version in the pyproject.toml file and then push the tag (prefixed by v) to the repository.