As a bank, we need to be able to determine loan eligibility for a given person (loan applicant)
Loan eligibility feature enables the user to provide:
- the loan applicant's personal code (SSN)
- a requested loan amount
- a requested loan period (in months)
and responds to the user with
- a decision (negative or positive eg loan approval or denial),
- the maximum loan amount (available for loan, for given person)
- the allowed loan period (either the one requested, or if not eligible
for a specific loan request, the range of periods)
As part of loan eligibility, we need to determine - what would be
the maximum allowed loan amount, regardless of the loan applicant
(a person) for whom the loan was requested.-
I.e., if a person applies for 4000 €, but we determine that their credit score
allows for a larger amount,then the result should be the larger sum,
which we would approve -
Or - in reverse, if a person applies for 4000 € and we would not approve it -
then we want to return the largest amount which we would approve (i.e. 2500 €)
If the requested loan amount is not permitted for the requested period,
then we should try to determine a new suitable period, given the requested
loan amount and the loan applicant's SSN.- In real life we should connect to external registries and compose
a comprehensive user profile - but for the sake of simplicity, this part
can be a hardcoded result for certain personal codes.
- In real life we should connect to external registries and compose
Currently we only need to support 4 different scenarios
a person has debt
or a person falls under one of 3 different segmentations.
49002010965 - debt 49002010976 - segment 1 (credit_modifier = 100) 49002010987 - segment 2 (credit_modifier = 300) 49002010998 - segment 3 (credit_modifier = 1000)
If a person has debt, then we do not approve any amount.
If a person has no debt then we take the segment identifier (credit_modifier)
and use it for calculating person's credit score - taking into account
the requested input -
Minimum input and output sum can be 2000 €
Maximum input and output sum can be 10000 €
Minimum loan period can be 12 months
Maximum loan period can be 60 months -
Scoring -
For calculating credit score, we currently need just a really primitive algorithm:-
divide the credit modifier with the loan amount
multiply that result with the loan period in months, eg:
creditScore = (creditModifier / loanAmount) * loanPeriod
If the result is less than 1 - then we would deny the requested amount.
If the result is larger than or equal to 1 - then we would approve
the requested amount.
We need a Web UI with a form for the described input data, along with
a calculation (submit) button -
When a loan request is submitted and processed, the form should display
the loan eligibility decision (approved / denied), along with the details, based on
the constraints described above-
Technically - the WEB UI should call a single REST API service, eg: