- Introduction
- Container based setup
- Quick bootstrapping under openSUSE
- Custom installation - repositories and procedure
- System requirements
- Basic configuration
- Run the web UI
- Run openQA workers
- Where to now?
- Advanced configuration
- Cleanup
- Setting up git support
- Referer settings to auto-mark important jobs
- Worker settings
- Further systemd units for the worker
- Configuring remote workers
- Configuring AMQP message emission
- Configuring worker to use more than one openQA server
- Asset and test/needle caching
- Enable linking files referred by job settings
- Enable custom hook scripts on "job done" based on result
- Automatic cloning of incomplete jobs
- Auditing - tracking openQA changes
- Automatic system upgrades and reboots of openQA hosts
- Migrating from older databases
- Migrating PostgreSQL database on openSUSE
- Working on database-related performance problems
- Filesystem layout
- Automatic installation of the operating systems for openQA machines
- Troubleshooting
openQA is an automated test tool that makes it possible to test the whole installation process of an operating system. It is free software released under the GPLv2 license. The source code and documentation are hosted in the os-autoinst organization on GitHub.
This document provides the information needed to install and setup the tool, as well as information useful for everyday administration of the system. It is assumed that the reader is already familiar with the concepts of openQA and has already read the Getting Started Guide, also available at the official repository.
Continue with the next section Container based setup to setup a simple, ready-to-use container based openQA instance which is useful for a single user setup. For a quick bootstrapping under openSUSE go to Quick bootstrapping. Else, continue with the more advanced section about Custom installation. For a setup suitable to develop openQA itself, have a look at the Development setup section.
openQA is provided in containers. Multiple variants exist.
The easiest and quickest way to spawn a single instance of openQA with a
single command line using the podman
container engine is the following:
podman run --name openqa --device /dev/kvm -p 1080:80 -p 1443:443 --rm -it \
Once the startup has finished, the web UI is accessible via http://localhost:1080 or https://localhost:1443.
As an alternative also separate containers are provided for both the web UI and worker.
For example the web UI container can be pulled and started using the podman
container engine:
podman run -p 1080:80 -p 1443:443 --rm -it registry.opensuse.org/devel/openqa/containers15.6/openqa_webui:latest
The worker container can be pulled and started with:
podman run --rm -it registry.opensuse.org/devel/openqa/containers15.6/openqa_worker:latest
To supply a custom openQA config file, use the -v
parameter. This also works
for the database config file. Note that if a custom database config file is
specified, no database is launched within the container.
By default, the web UI container uses the self-signed certificate that comes
with Mojolicious. To supply a different certificate, use the -v
Example for running openQA with a custom config and certificate:
podman run -p 1080:80 -p 1443:443 \
-v ./container/webui/test-cert.pem:/etc/apache2/ssl.crt/server.crt:z \
-v ./container/webui/test-key.pem:/etc/apache2/ssl.key/server.key:z \
-v ./container/webui/test-cert.pem:/etc/apache2/ssl.crt/ca.crt:z \
-v ./container/webui/conf/openqa.ini:/data/conf/openqa.ini:z \
--rm -it registry.opensuse.org/devel/openqa/containers15.6/openqa_webui:latest
The same works for the workers container where you most likely want to to
supply workers.ini
and client.conf
podman run \
-v ./container/worker/conf/workers.ini:/data/conf/workers.ini:z \
-v ./container/worker/conf/client.conf:/data/conf/client.conf:z \
--rm -it registry.opensuse.org/devel/openqa/containers15.6/openqa_worker:latest
This examples assume the working directory is an openQA checkout. To avoid doing a checkout, you can also grab the config files from the webui/conf and worker/conf directory listings on GitHub.
To learn more about how to run workers checkout the Run openQA workers section.
For creating a first test job, checkout the Triggering tests section. Note that the commands mentioned there can also be invoked within a container, e.g.:
podman run \
--rm -it registry.opensuse.org/devel/openqa/containers15.6/openqa_webui:latest \
openqa-cli --help
Checkout the containerized setup section for more details.
Take a look at openSUSE’s registry for all available container images.
To quickly get a working openQA installation, you can use the openqa-bootstrap script. It essentially automates the steps mentioned in the Custom installation section.
On openSUSE Leap and openSUSE Tumbleweed to setup openQA on your machine simply download and execute the openqa-bootstrap script as root - it will do the rest for you:
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/os-autoinst/openQA/master/script/openqa-bootstrap | bash -x
The script is also available from an openSUSE package to install from:
zypper in openQA-bootstrap
openQA-bootstrap supports to immediately clone an existing job simply by
supplying openqa-clone-job
parameters directly for a quickstart:
/usr/share/openqa/script/openqa-bootstrap --from openqa.opensuse.org 12345 SCHEDULE=tests/boot/boot_to_desktop,tests/x11/kontact
The above command will bootstrap an openQA installation and immediately
afterwards start a local test job clone from a test job from a remote instance
with optional, overridden parameters. More information about
can be found in
Cloning existing jobs - openqa-clone-job.
You can also setup a systemd-nspawn container with openQA with the following commands. and you need to have no application listening on port 80 yet because the container will share the host system’s network stack.
zypper in openQA-bootstrap
systemd-run -tM openqa1 /bin/bash # start a shell in the container
Keep in mind that there can be disruptive changes between openQA versions. You need to be sure that the webui and the worker that you are using have the same version number or, at least, are compatible.
For example, the packages distributed with older versions of openSUSE Leap are not compatible with the version on Tumbleweed. And the package distributed with Tumbleweed may not be compatible with the version in the development package.
The easiest way to install openQA is from distribution packages.
For SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE), openSUSE Leap and Tumbleweed packages are available.
For Fedora, packages are available in the official repositories for Fedora 23 and later.
You can find the development version of openQA in OBS in the openQA:devel repository.
To add the development repository to your system, you can use these commands.
# openSUSE Tumbleweed
zypper ar -p 95 -f 'http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:openQA/openSUSE_Tumbleweed' devel_openQA
# openSUSE Leap/SLE
zypper ar -p 95 -f 'http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:openQA/$releasever' devel_openQA
zypper ar -p 90 -f 'http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:openQA:Leap:$releasever/$releasever' devel_openQA_Leap
If you installed openQA from the official repository first, you may need to change the vendor of the dependencies. |
# openSUSE Tumbleweed and Leap
zypper dup --from devel_openQA --allow-vendor-change
# openSUSE Leap
zypper dup --from devel_openQA_Leap --allow-vendor-change
You can install the main openQA server package using these commands.
# openSUSE
zypper in openQA
. /etc/os-release
SUSEConnect -p sle-module-desktop-applications/$VERSION_ID/$CPU
SUSEConnect -p sle-module-development-tools/$VERSION_ID/$CPU
SUSEConnect -p sle-we/$VERSION_ID/$CPU -r $sled_key
SUSEConnect -p PackageHub/$VERSION_ID/$CPU
zypper in openQA
# Fedora
dnf install openqa openqa-httpd
To install the openQA worker package use the following.
# SLE/openSUSE
zypper in openQA-worker
Different convenience packages exist for convenience in openSUSE, for example:
to install the server including the setup of a local
PostgreSQL database or openQA-single-instance
which sets up a web UI server,
a web proxy as well as a local worker. Install openQA-client
if you only
want to interact with existing, external openQA instances.
Installing is not required for development purposes and most components of openQA can be called directly from the repository checkout.
To install openQA from sources make sure to install all dependencies as explained in Dependencies. Then one can call
make install
The directory prefix can be controlled with the optional environment variable
From then on continue with the Basic configuration.
To run tests based on the default qemu backend the following hardware specifications are recommended per openQA worker instance:
1x CPU core with 2x hyperthreads (or 2x CPU cores)
40GB HDD (preferably SSD or NVMe)
For a local instance setup you can simply execute the script:
This will automatically setup a local Apache http proxy. Read on for more detailed setup instructions with all the details.
If you wish to run openQA behind an http proxy (Apache, NGINX, …) then see the
openqa.conf.template config file in /etc/apache2/vhosts.d (openSUSE) or
(Fedora) when using apache2 or the config files in
for NGINX.
To make everything work correctly on openSUSE when using Apache, you need to enable the 'headers', 'proxy', 'proxy_http', 'proxy_wstunnel' and 'rewrite' modules using the command 'a2enmod'. This is not necessary on Fedora.
# openSUSE Only
# You can check what modules are enabled by using 'a2enmod -l'
a2enmod headers
a2enmod proxy
a2enmod proxy_http
a2enmod proxy_wstunnel
a2enmod rewrite
For a basic setup, you can copy openqa.conf.template to openqa.conf
and modify the ServerName
setting if required.
This will direct all HTTP traffic to openQA.
cp /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/openqa.conf.template /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/openqa.conf
For a basic setup, you can copy openqa.conf.template to openqa.conf
and modify the server_name
setting if required.
This will direct all HTTP traffic to openQA.
cp /etc/nginx/vhosts.d/openqa.conf.template /etc/nginx/vhosts.d/openqa.conf
Note that the default config in openqa.conf.template is using the keyword
in the listen
statement. This will only change the behaviour
when accessing the server via its IP address. This means that the default vhost
for localhost
in nginx.conf will take precedence when accessing the server
via localhost
. You might want to disable it.
For openQA you need to set httpsonly = 0
as described in the TLS/SSL section
below, if you do not setup NGINX for SSL.
By default openQA expects to be run with HTTPS. The openqa-ssl.conf.template
Apache config file is available as a base for creating the Apache config; you
can copy it to openqa-ssl.conf
and uncomment any lines you like, then
ensure a key and certificate are installed to the appropriate location
(depending on distribution and whether you uncommented the lines for key and
cert location in the config file). On openSUSE, you should also add SSL to the
APACHE_SERVER_FLAGS so it looks like this in /etc/sysconfig/apache2
If you don’t have a TLS/SSL certificate for your host you must turn HTTPS off.
You can do that in /etc/openqa/openqa.ini
httpsonly = 0
openQA uses PostgreSQL as database. By default, a database with name openqa
and geekotest
user as owner is used. An automatic setup of a freshly
installed PostgreSQL instance can be done using this script.
The database connection can be configured in /etc/openqa/database.ini
(normally the [production]
section is relevant). More info about the dsn
value format can be found in the DBD::Pg documentation.
openQA supports three different authentication methods: OpenID (default), OAuth2 and Fake (for development).
Use the auth
section in /etc/openqa/openqa.ini
to configure the method:
# method name is case sensitive!
method = OpenID
Independently of method used, the first user that logs in (if there is no admin yet) will automatically get administrator rights!
Note that only one authentication method and only one OpenID/OAuth2 provider can be configured at a time. When changing the method/provider no users/permissions are lost. However, a new and distinct user (with default permissions) will be created when logging in via a different method/provider because there is no automatic mapping of identities across different methods/providers.
For authentication to work correctly the clocks on workers and the web UI need to be in sync. The best way to achieve that is to install a service that implements the time-sync target. Otherwise a "timestamp mismatch" may be reported when clocks are too far apart.
By default openQA uses OpenID with opensuse.org as OpenID provider.
OpenID method has its own openid
section in /etc/openqa/openqa.ini
# method name is case sensitive!
method = OpenID
## base url for openid provider
provider = https://www.opensuse.org/openid/user/
## enforce redirect back to https
httpsonly = 1
This method supports OpenID version up to 2.0.
An additional Mojolicious plugin is required to use this feature:
# openSUSE
zypper in 'perl(Mojolicious::Plugin::OAuth2)'
Example for configuring OAuth2 with GitHub:
# method name is case sensitive!
method = OAuth2
provider = github
key = mykey
secret = mysecret
In order to use GitHub for authorization, an "OAuth App" needs to be
registered on GitHub. Use …/login
as callback URL. Afterwards the key and secret will be visible to the application
As shown in the comments of the default configuration file, it is also possible to use different providers.
For development purposes only! Fake authentication bypass any authentication and
automatically allow any login requests as 'Demo user' with administrator privileges
and without password. To ease worker testing, API key and secret is created (or updated)
with validity of one day during login.
You can then use following as /etc/openqa/client.conf
# method name is case sensitive!
method = Fake
key = 1234567890ABCDEF
secret = 1234567890ABCDEF
If you switch authentication method from Fake to any other, review your API keys! You may be vulnerable for up to a day until Fake API key expires.
To start openQA and enable it to run on each boot call
systemctl enable --now postgresql
systemctl enable --now openqa-webui
systemctl enable --now openqa-scheduler
# to use Apache as reverse proxy under openSUSE
systemctl enable apache2
systemctl restart apache2
# to use Apache as reverse proxy under Fedora
# for now this is necessary to allow Apache to connect to openQA
setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1
systemctl enable httpd
systemctl restart httpd
The openQA web UI should be available on http://localhost/ now. To simply
start openQA without enabling it permanently one can simply use systemctl
Workers are services running backends to perform the actual testing. The testing is commonly performed by running virtual machines but depending on the specific backend configuration different options exist.
It is possible to run openQA workers on the same machine as the web UI as well as on different machines, even in different networks, for example instances in public cloud. The only requirement is access to the web UI host over HTTP/HTTPS. For running tests based on virtual machines KVM support is recommended.
The openQA worker is distributed as a separate package which be installed on multiple machines while still using only one web UI.
# openSUSE
zypper in openQA-worker
# Fedora
dnf install openqa-worker
To allow workers to access your instance, you need to log into openQA as
operator and create a pair of API key and secret. Once you are logged in, in the
top right corner, is the user menu, follow the link 'Manage API keys'. Click
the 'Create' button to generate key
and secret
. There is also a script
available for creating an admin user and an API key+secret pair
non-interactively, /usr/share/openqa/script/create_admin
, which can be useful
for scripted deployments of openQA. Copy and paste the key and secret into
on the machine(s) where the worker is installed. Make
sure to put in a section reflecting your webserver URL. In the simplest case,
your client.conf
may look like this:
key = 1234567890ABCDEF
secret = 1234567890ABCDEF
To start the workers you can use the provided systemd files via:
systemctl start openqa-worker@1
This will start worker number one. You can start as
many workers as you need, you just need to supply a different 'instance number'
(the number after @
You can also run workers manually from command line.
install -d -m 0755 -o _openqa-worker /var/lib/openqa/pool/X
sudo -u _openqa-worker /usr/share/openqa/script/worker --instance X
This will run a worker manually showing you debug output. If you haven’t
installed 'os-autoinst' from packages make sure to pass --isotovideo
to point to the checkout dir where isotovideo is, not to /usr/lib
! Otherwise
it will have trouble finding its perl modules.
If you start openQA workers on a different machine than the web UI host make sure to have synchronized clocks, for example using NTP, to prevent inconsistent test results.
From this point on, you can refer to the Getting Started guide to fetch the tests cases and possibly take a look at Test Developer Guide
The automated cleanup is enabled and configured by default. Cleanup tasks are
scheduled via systemd timer units and run via openqa-gru.service
. The configuration
is done in /etc/openqa/openqa.ini
and various places within the web UI. If you want to
tweak the cleanup to your needs, have a look at the
Cleanup of assets, results and other data section.
Editing needles from web can optionally commit new or changed needles automatically to git. To do so, you need to enable git support by setting
scm = git
in /etc/openqa/openqa.ini
. Once you do so and restart the web interface, openQA will
automatically commit new needles to the git repository.
You may want to add some description to automatic commits coming from the web
You can do so by setting your configuration in the repository
) to some reasonable defaults such as:
email = whatever@example.com
name = openQA web UI
To enable automatic pushing of the repo as well, you need to add the following to your openqa.ini:
[scm git]
do_push = yes
Depending on your setup, you might need to generate and propagate ssh keys for user 'geekotest' to be able to push.
It might also be useful to rebase first. To enable that, add the remote to get the latest updates from and the branch to rebase against to your openqa.ini:
[scm git]
update_remote = origin
update_branch = origin/master
If rebasing, it may be useful to perform a hard reset of the local repository to ensure that the rebase will not fail. To enable that, add the following to your openqa.ini (along with the previous snippet):
[scm git]
do_cleanup = yes
Automatic cleanup of old results (see GRU jobs) can sometimes render important tests useless. For example bug report with link to openQA job which no longer exists. Job can be manually marked as important to prevent quick cleanup or referer can be set so when job is accessed from particular web page (for example bugzilla), this job is automatically labeled as linked and treated as important.
List of recognized referrers is space separated list configured in
recognized_referers = bugzilla.suse.com bugzilla.opensuse.org
Default behavior for all workers is to use the 'Qemu' backend and connect to
'http://localhost'. If you want to change some of those options, you can do so
in /etc/openqa/workers.ini
. For example to point the workers to the FQDN of
your host (needed if test cases need to access files of the host) use the
following setting:
HOST = http://openqa.example.com
Once you got workers running they should show up in the admin section of openQA in the workers section as 'idle'. When you get so far, you have your own instance of openQA up and running and all that is left is to set up some tests.
The following information is partially openSUSE specific. The openQA-worker
package provides further systemd units:
: standard worker service, this is the default andopenqa-worker@.service
is just a symlink to this service -
: see enabling snapshots -
: worker that restarts automatically after processing assigned jobs -
: services for the asset cache -
(but no other worker units) when started.-
The number of started worker slots depends on the pool directories present under
. This information is determined via a systemd generator and can be refreshed viasystemctl daemon-reload
and other units conflicting withopenqa-worker@.service
when started. -
Stops/restarts all worker units when stopped/restarted.
Is restarted automatically when the
package is updated (unlessDISABLE_RESTART_ON_UPDATE="yes"
is set in/etc/sysconfig/services
: allows to restart the worker service automatically on configuration changes without interrupting jobs (see next section for details)
It is possible to stop a worker as soon as it becomes idle and immediately if it
is already idling by sending SIGHUP
to the worker process.
When the worker is setup to be always restarted (e.g. using a systemd unit
with Restart=always
like openqa-worker-auto-restart@*.service
) this leads
to the worker being restarted without interrupting currently running jobs. This
can be useful to apply configuration changes and updates without interfering
ongoing testing. Example:
systemctl reload 'openqa-worker-auto-restart@*.service' # sends SIGHUP to worker
There is also the systemd unit openqa-reload-worker-auto-restart@.path
invokes the command above (for the specified slot) whenever the worker configuration
under /etc/openqa/workers.ini
changes. This unit is not enabled by default and
only affects openqa-worker-auto-restart@.service
but not other worker services.
This kind of setup makes it easy to take out worker slots temporarily without interrupting currently running jobs:
# prevent worker services from restarting and being automatically reloaded
systemctl stop openqa-reload-worker-auto-restart@{1..28}.{service,path}
systemctl mask openqa-worker-auto-restart@{1..28}.service
# ensure idling worker services stop now (`--kill-who=main` ensures only the
# worker receives the signal and *not* isotovideo)
systemctl kill --kill-who=main --signal HUP openqa-worker-auto-restart@{1..28}
There are some additional requirements to get remote worker running. First is to
ensure shared storage between openQA web UI and workers.
Directory /var/lib/openqa/share
contains all required data and should be
shared with read-write access across all nodes present in openQA cluster.
This step is intentionally left on system administrator to choose proper shared
storage for her specific needs.
Example of NFS configuration:
NFS server is where openQA web UI is running. Content of /etc/exports
/var/lib/openqa/share *(fsid=0,rw,no_root_squash,sync,no_subtree_check)
NFS clients are where openQA workers are running. Run following command:
mount -t nfs openQA-webUI-host:/var/lib/openqa/share /var/lib/openqa/share
You can configure openQA to send events (new comments, tests finished, …) to an AMQP message bus. The messages consist of a topic and a body. The body contains json encoded info about the event. See amqp_infra.md for more info about the server and the message topic format. There you will find instructions how to configure the AMQP server as well.
To let openQA send messages to an AMQP message bus,
first make sure that the perl-Mojo-RabbitMQ-Client
RPM is installed.
Then you will need to configure amqp in /etc/openqa/openqa.ini
# Enable the AMQP plugin
plugins = AMQP
# Configuration for AMQP plugin
heartbeat_timeout = 60
reconnect_timeout = 5
# guest/guest is the default anonymous user/pass for RabbitMQ
url = amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/
exchange = pubsub
topic_prefix = suse
For a TLS connection use amqps://
and port 5671
When there are multiple openQA web interfaces (openQA instances) available a worker can be configured to register and accept jobs from all of them.
must contain API keys and secrets to all instances -
Shared storage from all instances must be properly mounted
In the /etc/openqa/workers.ini
enter space-separated instance hosts and optionally
configure where the shared storage is mounted. Example:
HOST = openqa.opensuse.org openqa.fedora.fedoraproject.org
SHARE_DIRECTORY = /var/lib/openqa/opensuse
SHARE_DIRECTORY = /var/lib/openqa/fedora
is not a hard requirement. Workers will try following
directories prior registering with openQA instance:
fail if none of above is available
Once a worker registers to an openQA instance, scheduled jobs (of matching worker class) can be assigned to it. Dependencies between jobs will be considered for ordering the job assignment. It is possible to mix local openQA instance with remote instances or use only remote instances.
If your network is slow or you experience long time to load needles you might
want to consider enabling caching on your remote workers. To enable caching,
must be set in workers.ini
. There are also further settings
one can optionally configure. Example:
HOST = http://webui
CACHEDIRECTORY = /var/lib/openqa/cache # desired cache location
CACHELIMIT = 50 # max. cache size in GiB, defaults to 50
CACHE_MIN_FREE_PERCENTAGE = 10 # min. free disk space to preserve in percent
CACHEWORKERS = 5 # number of parallel cache minion workers, defaults to 5
TESTPOOLSERVER = rsync://yourlocation/tests # also cache tests (via rsync)
must exist and must be writable by the cache
service (which usually runs as _openqa-worker
user). If you install
openQA through the repositories, said directory will be created for you.
The shown configuration causes workers to download the assets from the web UI
and use them locally. The TESTPOOLSERVER
setting causes also tests and
needles to be downloaded via rsync
from the specified location. You can find
further examples in the comments in /etc/openqa/workers.ini
It is suggested to have the cache and pool directories on the same filesystem to ensure assets used by tests are available as long as needed. This is achieved by using hard links, resorting to symlinks in other cases with the risk of assets being deleted from the cache before tests relying on these assets end.
The caching is provided by two additional services which need to be started on the worker host:
systemctl enable --now \
openqa-worker-cacheservice openqa-worker-cacheservice-minion
The rsync server daemon needs to be configured and started on the web UI host.
Example /etc/rsyncd.conf
gid = users
read only = true
use chroot = true
transfer logging = true
log format = %h %o %f %l %b
log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
pid file = /var/run/rsyncd.pid
slp refresh = 300
use slp = false
path = /var/lib/openqa/share/tests
comment = openQA test distributions
systemctl enable --now rsyncd
Specific job settings might refer to files within the test distribution.
You can configure openQA to display links to these files within the job settings tab.
To enable particular settings to be presented as a link within the settings tab
one can setup the relevant keys in /etc/openqa/openqa.ini
The files referenced by the configured keys should be located either under the root
or the data folder within CASEDIR
If a job is done, especially if no label could be found for carry-over, often more steps are needed for the review of the test result or providing the information to either external systems or users. As there can be very custom requirements openQA offers a point for optional configuration to let the instance administrators define specific actions.
By setting custom hooks it is possible to call external scripts defined in either environment variables or config settings.
If an environment variable corresponding to the job result is found following
, any executable specified in
the variable as absolute path or executable name in $PATH
is called with the
job ID as first and only parameter. For example for a job with result
"failed", the corresponding environment variable would be
. As alternative to an environment variable a
corresponding config variable in the section [hooks]
in lower-case without
prefix can be used in the format job_done_hook_$result
. The
corresponding environment value has precedence. The exit code of the
externally called script is not evaluated and will have no effect.
It is also possible to specify one general hook script via job_done_hook
enable that one for specific results via e.g. job_done_hook_enable_failed = 1
The job setting _TRIGGER_JOB_DONE_HOOK=0
allows to disable the hook script
execution for a particular job. It is also possible to specify
to execute the general hook script configured via
regardless of the result.
The execution time of the script is by default limited to five minutes. If the
script does not terminate after receiving SIGTERM
for 30 seconds it is
terminated forcefully via SIGKILL
. One can change that by setting the
environment variables OPENQA_JOB_DONE_HOOK_TIMEOUT
to the desired timeouts. The format from the
command is used (see timeout --help
For example there is already an approach called "auto-review" https://github.com/os-autoinst/scripts/#auto-review---automatically-detect-known-issues-in-openqa-jobs-label-openqa-jobs-with-ticket-references-and-optionally-retrigger which offers helpful, external scripts. Config settings for openqa.opensuse.org enabling the auto-review scripts could look like:
job_done_hook_incomplete = /opt/openqa-scripts/openqa-label-known-issues-hook
job_done_hook_failed = /opt/openqa-scripts/openqa-label-known-issues-hook
or for a host openqa.example.com:
job_done_hook_incomplete = env host=openqa.example.com /opt/openqa-scripts/openqa-label-known-issues-hook
job_done_hook_failed = env host=openqa.example.com /opt/openqa-scripts/openqa-label-known-issues-hook
The environment variable should be set in a systemd service override for the
GRU service. A corresponding systemd override file
could look like this:
When using apparmor
the called hook scripts must be covered by according
rules, for example for the above in
/opt/os-autoinst-scripts/** rix,
/usr/bin/cat rix,
/usr/bin/curl rix,
/usr/bin/jq rix,
/usr/bin/mktemp rix,
/usr/share/openqa/script/client rix,
Additions should be added to /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.share.openqa.script.openqa
after which the apparmor service needs to be restarted for changes to take effect.
Note that in case of symlinks the target must be specified, and the link itself is irrelevant. So
for example Can’t exec "/bin/sh"
can occur if /bin/sh
is a link to a path that’s not allowed.
Apparmor denials and stderr output of the hook scripts are visible in the system logs
of the openQA GRU service, except for messages in "complain" mode which end up in audit.log
General status and stdout output is visible in the GRU minion job dashboard on the route
of the openQA instance.
By default, when a worker reports an incomplete job due to a cache service related
problem, the job is automatically cloned. It is possible to extend the regex to cover
other types of incompletes as well by adjusting auto_clone_regex
in the global
section of the config file. It is also possible to assign 0
to prevent the automatic
Note that jobs marked as incomplete by the stale job detection are not affected by this configuration and cloned in any case.
Auditing plugin enables openQA administrators to maintain overview about what is happening with the system. Plugin records what event was triggered by whom, when and what the request looked like. Actions done by openQA workers are tracked under user whose API keys are workers using.
Audit log is directly accessible from Admin menu
Auditing, by default enabled, can be disabled by global configuration option in /etc/openqa/openqa.ini
audit_enabled = 0
The audit
section of /etc/openqa/openqa.ini
allows to exclude some events from logging using
a space separated blocklist:
blocklist = job_grab job_done
The audit/storage_duration
section of /etc/openqa/openqa.ini
allows to set the retention policy for
different audit event types:
startup = 10
jobgroup = 365
jobtemplate = 365
table = 365
iso = 60
user = 60
asset = 30
needle = 30
other = 15
In this example events of the type startup
would be cleaned up after 10 days, events related to
job groups after 365 days and so on. Events which do not fall into one of these categories would be
cleaned after 15 days. By default, cleanup is disabled.
Use systemctl enable --now openqa-enqueue-audit-event-cleanup.timer
to schedule the cleanup
automatically every day. It is also possible to trigger the cleanup manually by invoking
/usr/share/openqa/script/openqa minion job -e limit_audit_events
asset_register asset_delete
worker_register command_enqueue
iso_create iso_delete iso_cancel
jobtemplate_create jobtemplate_delete
job_create job_grab job_delete job_update_result job_done jobs_restart job_restart job_cancel job_duplicate
jobgroup_create jobgroup_connect
table_create table_update table_delete
user_update user_login user_deleted
comment_create comment_update comment_delete
needle_delete needle_modify
Some of these events are very common and may clutter audit database. For this reason job_grab
and job_done
events are on the blocklist by default.
Upgrading openQA does not automatically update /etc/openqa/openqa.ini . Review your configuration after upgrade.
The distribution package openQA-auto-update
offers automatic system
upgrades and reboots of openQA hosts. To use that feature install the package
and enable the corresponding systemd timer:
systemctl enable openqa-auto-update.timer
This triggers a nightly system upgrade which first looks into configured openQA
repositories for stable packages, then conducts the upgrade and schedules
reboots during the configured reboot maintenance windows using rebootmgr
As an alternative to the systemd timer the script
can be called when desired.
The distribution package openQA-continuous-update
can be used to continuously
upgrade the system. It will frequently check whether devel:openQA
updates and if it does it will upgrade the whole system. This approach is
independent of openQA-auto-update
but can be used complementary. The
configuration is analogous to openQA-auto-update
For older versions of openQA, you can migrate from SQLite to PostgreSQL according to DB migration from SQLite to PostgreSQL.
For migrating from older PostgreSQL versions read on.
The PostgreSQL data
-directory needs to be migrated in order to switch to a
newer major version of PostgreSQL. The following instructions are specific to
openSUSE’s PostgreSQL and openQA packaging but with a little adaption they can
likely be used for other setups as well. These instructions can migrate big
databases in seconds without requiring additional disk space. However, services
need to be stopped during the (short) migration.
Locate the
-directory. Its path is configured in/etc/sysconfig/postgresql
and should be/var/lib/pgsql/data
by default. The paths in the next steps assume the default. -
To ease migrations, it is recommended making the
-directory a symlink to a versioned directory. So the file system layout would look for example like this:$ sudo -u postgres ls -l /var/lib/pgsql | grep data lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 8. Sep 2019 data -> data.10 drwx------ 20 postgres postgres 4096 30. Aug 00:00 data.10 drwx------ 20 postgres postgres 4096 8. Sep 2019 data.96
The next steps assume such a layout.
Install same set of postgresql* packages as are installed for the old version:
oldver=10 newver=12 sudo zypper in postgresql$newver-server postgresql$newver-contrib
Change to a directory where the user postgres will be able to write logs to, e.g.:
cd /tmp
Prepare the migration:
sudo -u postgres /usr/lib/postgresql$newver/bin/initdb [locale-settings] -D /var/lib/pgsql/data.$newver
ImportantBe sure to use initdb from the target version (like it is done here) and also no newer version which is possibly installed on the system as well. ImportantLookup the locale settings in /var/lib/pgsql/data.$oldver/postgresql.conf
or viasudo -u geekotest psql openqa -c 'show all;' | grep lc_
to pass locale settings listed byinitdb --help
as appropriate. On some machines additional settings need to be supplied, e.g. from an older database version on openqa.opensuse.org it was necessary to pass the following settings:--encoding=UTF8 --locale=en_US.UTF-8 --lc-collate=C --lc-ctype=en_US.UTF-8 --lc-messages=C --lc-monetary=C --lc-numeric=C --lc-time=C
Take over any relevant changes from the old config to the new one, e.g.:
sudo -u postgres vimdiff \ /var/lib/pgsql/data.$oldver/postgresql.conf \ /var/lib/pgsql/data.$newver/postgresql.conf
ImportantThere shouldn’t be a diff in the locale settings, otherwise pg_upgrade
will complain. -
Shutdown postgres server and related services as appropriate for your setup, e.g.:
sudo systemctl stop openqa-{webui,websockets,scheduler,livehandler,gru} sudo systemctl stop postgresql
Perform the migration:
sudo -u postgres /usr/lib/postgresql$newver/bin/pg_upgrade --link \ --old-bindir=/usr/lib/postgresql$oldver/bin \ --new-bindir=/usr/lib/postgresql$newver/bin \ --old-datadir=/var/lib/pgsql/data.$oldver \ --new-datadir=/var/lib/pgsql/data.$newver
ImportantBe sure to use pg_upgrade from the target version (like it is done here) and also no newer version which is possibly installed on the system as well. Checkout the PostgreSQL documentation for details. NoteThis step only takes a few seconds for multiple production DBs because the --link
option is used. -
Change symlink (shown in step 2) to use the new data directory:
sudo ln --force --no-dereference --relative --symbolic /var/lib/pgsql/data.$newver /var/lib/pgsql/data
Start services again as appropriate for your setup, e.g.:
sudo systemctl start postgresql sudo systemctl start openqa-{webui,websockets,scheduler,livehandler,gru}
NoteThere is no need to take care of starting the new version of the PostgreSQL service. The start script checks the version of the data directory and starts the correct version. -
Check whether usual role and database are present and running on the new version:
sudo -u geekotest psql -c 'select version();' openqa
Remove old postgres packages if not needed anymore:
sudo zypper rm postgresql$oldver-server postgresql$oldver-contrib postgresql$oldver
Delete the old data directory if not needed anymore:
sudo -u postgres rm -r /var/lib/pgsql/data.$oldver
Without extra setup, PostgreSQL already gathers many statistics, checkout the official documentation.
These statistics help to identify the most time-consuming queries.
Configure the PostgreSQL extension
, see example on the official documentation. -
Ensure the extension library is installed which might be provided by a separate package (e.g.
for PostgreSQL 14 on openSUSE). -
Restart PostgreSQL.
Enable the extension via
CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements
Simply query the table pg_stat_statements
. Use \x
in psql
for extended
mode or substring()
on the query
parameter for readable output. The columns
are explained in the previously mentioned documentation. Here an example to show
similar queries which are most time-consuming:
substring(query from 0 for 250) as query_start, sum(calls) as calls, max(max_exec_time) as max_exec_time,
sum(total_exec_time) as total_exec_time, sum(rows) as rows
FROM pg_stat_statements group by query_start ORDER BY total_exec_time DESC LIMIT 10;
After significant schema changes consider resetting query statistics (SELECT
) and checking the query plans (EXPLAIN (ANALYZE,
) for the slowest queries showing up afterwards to make sure they
are using indexes (and not just sequential scans).
Try to tweak database configuration parameters. For example increasing
might help with some heavy queries. -
for any table that shows to be impacting the performance. This can take some seconds or minutes but can help to improve performance in particular after bigger schema migrations for example type changes.
Checkout the official documentation for more details about
. There is also service for formatting those explanations to be more readable. -
Checkout the official documentation for more details about
. -
Checkout the following documentation pages.
Tests, needles, assets, results and working directories (a.k.a. "pool directories") are located in certain
subdirectories within /var/lib/openqa
. This directory is configurable (see
Customize base directory). Here we assume the default is in place.
Note that the sub directories within /var/lib/openqa
must be accessible by the user that runs the openQA web UI
(by default 'geekotest') or by the user that runs the worker/isotovideo (by default '_openqa-worker').
These are the most important sub directories within /var/lib/openqa
contains the web UI’s database lockfile -
is where the web UI stores test screenshots and thumbnails -
is where the web UI stores test logs and test-generated assets -
is where the web UI stores miscellaneous files -
contains working directories of the workers/isotovideo -
contains directories shared between the web UI and (remote) workers, can be owned by root -
contains test assets and temp directory, can be owned by root but sysadmin must create subdirs -
contain ISOs for tests -
contain hard disk images for tests -
contain repositories for tests -
contain miscellaneous test assets (e.g. kernels and initrds) -
is used as a temporary directory (openQA will create it if it ownsshare/factory
) -
contains the tests themselves
Each of the asset directories (factory/iso
, factory/hdd
, factory/repo
) may contain a fixed/
subdirectory, and assets of the same
type may be placed in that directory. Placing an asset in the fixed/
subdirectory indicates that it should not be deleted to save space: the GRU
task which removes old assets when the size of all assets for a given job
group is above a specified size will ignore assets in the fixed/
It also contains several symlinks which are necessary due to various things moving around over the course of openQA’s development. All the symlinks can of course be owned by root:
(symlink to/usr/share/openqa/script/
) -
(symlink toshare/tests
) -
(symlink toshare/factory
It is always best to use the canonical locations, not the compatibility
symlinks - so run scripts from /usr/share/openqa/script
, not
You only need the asset directories for the asset types you will actually use,
e.g. if none of your tests refer to openQA-stored repositories, you will need
no factory/repo
directory. The distribution packages may not create all
asset directories, so make sure the ones you need are created if necessary.
Packages will likewise usually not contain any tests; you must create your
own tests, or use existing tests for some distribution or other piece of
The worker needs to own /var/lib/openqa/pool/$INSTANCE
, e.g.
… - add more if you have more worker instances
You can also give the whole pool directory to the _openqa-worker
user and let
the workers create their own instance directories.
the "base directory"
by default
configurable via environment variable
referred as
within openQA
the "project directory"
defined as
, by default/var/lib/openqa
referred as
within openQA
the "share directory": contains directories shared between web UI and (remote) workers
defined as
, by default/var/lib/openqa/share
referred as
within openQA
the "test case directory": contains a test distribution
by default
configurable via the test variable
(see backend variables documentation) -
this default is provided by openQA; when starting isotovideo manually the
variable must be initialized by hand -
might contain the sub directory
for placing Perl modules used by the tests
the "product directory": contains the test schedule (
) for a certain product within a test distribution-
by default identical to the "test case directory"
usually a directory
within the "test case directory" -
configurable via the test variable
(see backend variables documentation)
the "needles directory": contains reference images for a certain product within a test distribution
by default
configurable via the test variable
(see backend variables documentation)
Setting the test variables has only an influence on os-autoinst. The web UI on the other hand always relies on the directory structure described above. For the exact details how these paths are computed by the web UI have a look at
. -
When enabling the worker cache parts of the usual "share directory" are located in the specified cache directory on the worker host.
As a maintainer of an openQA infrastructure running multiple openQA worker machines one likely wants to use installation recipes for automatic installations to provide a consistent and easy setup of new machines.
For this AutoYaST can be used. An example template that provides the bare basics of installing a machine with SSH and salt, e.g. to be used with https://github.com/os-autoinst/salt-states-openqa/, can be found in https://github.com/os-autoinst/openQA/blob/master/contrib/ay-openqa-worker.xml
make sure you have a machine with kvm support
make sure
modules are loaded -
make sure you do have virtualization enabled in BIOS
make sure the '_openqa-worker' user can access
make sure you are not already running other hypervisors such as VirtualBox
when running inside a vm make sure nested virtualization is enabled (pass nested=1 to your kvm module)
www.opensuse.org’s OpenID provider may have trouble with IPv6. openQA shows a message like this:
no_identity_server: Could not determine ID provider from URL.
To avoid that switch off IPv6 or add a special route that prevents the system from trying to use IPv6 with www.opensuse.org:
ip -6 r a to unreachable 2620:113:8044:66:130:57:66:6/128
If openQA is very slow and e.g. the test setup times out because the asset
caching downloads take too long it makes sense to cross-check the networking
performance. This can be done via iperf3
Launch the server via iperf3 -s
on one host (e.g. the openQA web UI host).
Then run a test on another host (e.g. an openQA worker host) like this:
iperf3 -c serverhost -i 1 -t 30 # 30 second tests, giving results every second
Use -4
to check IPv4 vs. IPv6 performance. Use -R
to check in the other
direction. Both can make a huge difference.