- RRBotAuto_Crater: Autonomous code that staring on the crater side lowers down, drops the team marker, and parks in the lander.
- RRBotAuto_Crater_Old: Autonomous code that starting on the crater side lowers down, and parks in the crater.
- RRBotAuto_Depot: Autonomous code that starting on the depot side lowers down, drops the team marker, and parks in the lander.
- RRBotAuto_Depot_Old: Autonomous code that starting on the depot side lowers down, and parks in the crater.
- RRBotHardware: Hardware class that defines all hardware objects on the robot.
- RRBotTeleop:TeleOp code that allows the driver to control the robot via the left stick and the operator to control the lifting mechanism and plow with different lettered buttons.
- SensorBNO055IMUCalibration: Calibration software that calibrates the BNO055IMU sensor built into the rev robotics expansion hub.