Here you'll find the guide on installing the WhatsApp Cloud App for Rocket.Chat.
{% hint style="info" %} Prerequisites:
- It is required to have your workspace on a secured publicly available domain.
- You need a Meta developer's account where you will get the WhatsApp API credentials.
- Make available a Facebook Business account to link with.
- Your workspace must be registered on Rocket.Chat Cloud. {% endhint %}
To install the WhatsApp Cloud Rocket.Chat App,
- Go to Administration > Marketplace
- Search for the WhatsApp Cloud app and click on the item
- Click Install and Agree to the needed permissions to install
WhatsApp Cloud app permissions
- After installing the app, you get a message from the
in the#omnichannel-whatsapp-cloud-setup
channel with instructions to follow - You are greeted with a welcome message like below
WhatsApp Cloud App welcome message
To continue, head over to the next section and create a Facebook Developer's Account linked with WhatsApp.