This repository was archived by the owner on Jan 17, 2022. It is now read-only.
Releases: RocketSurgeonsGuild/Autofac.Extensions
Releases · RocketSurgeonsGuild/Autofac.Extensions
- 6ad83b3 Updated to latest conventions
- 4aab815 Updated to preview8
- 6edd735 Updated to preview8
- 80f75f3 Added Microsoft.NETFramework.ReferenceAssemblies
- 8632b9f +semver:major
- b1b7c47 Merge pull request #3 from RocketSurgeonsGuild/feature/hosting
- 83e4fee Updated autofac
- 0ee910b Merge pull request #2 from RocketSurgeonsGuild/feature/hosting
- 35c833d Added hosting package to autofac
- 45926ad Updated build
This list of changes was auto generated.
- 655804d Updated packages
- 76212a0 Updated deps
- 1fda2d6 Updated azure pipelines
- 0742cbb Updated azure pipelines
- 198274f Updated versions to dotnet core 3.
- 459d4c7 Updated readme and deps
- d5f1087 Updated build tooling and readme
- b47aa12 Updated to latest azure pipelines
- e733049 Updated to latest azure pipelines
- edf4bbd Updated .editorconfig
See more
- 3b09d25 Updated nuke build
- 014376e Updated conventions
- 9104b6e Updated autofac extensions documentation
- 76661a7 Updated to use the latest bits +semver:major
- 01feb8b Updated documentation
- 8c84110 Updated appveyor
- 643a904 Updated build and pipelines def
- fbbdaba Added coverlet coverage collector (not working on preview 6 yet)
- 6fc8fb7 Updated solution
- f8213df fix file casing goof
- 0f95b50 file casing goof
- 9e97523 Updated to use Microsoft.Build.CentralPackageVersions
- fbae4dc Enabled analyzers
- 715ab71 Updates deps
- f473563 Updated deps
- c8d2860 Merge pull request #1 from RocketSurgeonsGuild/feature/revamp
- 0878f4e updated bits
- 75efdc0 bump
- 048e5c3 updated bits
- 6552bb3 Updated hosting environment
- da2debf +semver:major
- 058be50 Updated to use the latest bits and pieces
- a1d3716 Updated to latest packages with a breaking interface change +semver:major
- 1f083f3 fixed failing test
- 210289c Additional updates and test fixes
- b24b7c9 dropped concept of system and application contains, the concept was too confuse long term +semver:major
- 8f5f56e cleandup deps
- e6a5669 Updated dependencies to the latest bits +semver:major
- 663ed36 bump .net sdk version
- 3469081 Updated pipeline and build script
- d0ccf05 global tools work now...
- e256188 Updated cake script
- 184cd57 Updated conventions +semver:minor
- 132957e bump extensions
- 728b326 Updated to latest deps, fixed sourcelink
- dae9ea1 Updated conventions dependency
- 5a26c7b Updated dependency injection to use latest conventions +semver:major
- c8f470c Updated bogus
- 87368f8 +semver:minor
- 3bd3cb8 Merge branch 'master' of
- 09def98 Updated to latedst bits
- 3966f54 Updated build
- 83a51c6 Updated cake build
- a36f769 Updtaed builds
- 67f929c Updated readme
- 0c3f37e Updated build
- 6b82daf Updated build
- 19a943b Updated build
- 5e4785f Updated build, removed extra azure pipeline files and used new template
- 8f9e277 Merge branch 'master' of
- 4576ac1 Updated dependencies and added azure pipelines support +semver:minor
- 81aa62d Added Rocket Surgeons Guild logo to package
- dc1af7c Updated coverage
- 1c29a16 Updated cake stuffs
- a35cfb7 Updated deps
- b75567c Updates deps to latest autofac +semver:minor
- 5be935e Updated coverlet output
- 5df812e Updated CoverletOutput
- f2f9c0c Updated dependencies for test
- 4b651b1 organize package references
- ff3b427 Updated targets
- 2938715 removed versions
- d77a267 updated cake
- 0b7728d vscode settings
- 9600ba2 Updated testing dependencies
- 0b40d16 Updated dependencies
- 5a1217a +semver: breaking; Replaced logger with Diagnostic Source for logging bits and pieces.
- 4cdd689 +semver: breaking; Removed context interface from builder interface to make it possible to reference properties when using the builder
- 0759925 Added universal Build() method +semver: breaking
- 4f81eb4 Added properties to constructor for conventions +semver: breaking
- 6cd414a remove RuntimeFrameworkVersion
- d9dc163 minor chnages
- 231e1f3 Updated to latest aspnet core dependencies with new hosting, etc +semver: minor
- 6d28a27 Updated dependencies to move autofac to common
- b7698bf Updated dependencies
- 5c6854c Updated build metadata version; Updated cake and dotnet sdk versions for travis
- 06a2289 Updated cake
- d63a867 Updated cake
- 37b188e Updated conventions
- 85e06aa Updated conventions
- b60baed Updated deps
- da57521 Updated to latest scrutor
- c5cd398 Updated cake dependencies
- 16140a2 Updated cake dependencies
- e42c3b6 bump conventions parten command
- eabc9a5 Added logging when obervable methods fail to execute
- 251d0c9 Updated testing version
- 348898c Updated to latest dependencies
- 121b4cf Updated to latest dependencies
- 63e639c Updated hosting version
- 3b5c747 Updated appveyor config
- 8d16c00 Updated to use latest conventions
- 9164cf5 Updated conventions
- 76260a1 Updated conventions
- 67b033f updated deps
- 0393e7d Fixed internal types
- cfacce0 Updated to use latest conventions
- 45cb1f6 Updated with latest conventions... logger!
- b7aa9dc Updated to support latest bits +semver: minor
- 990b61f bump hosting version
- 1456fed Updated conventions
- 64ba83b Added Scrutor
- 1c49d56 Added testing framework
- 9047b17 Ensure autofac builder also inheirts from IServicesBuilder
- 443fecb +semver: minor; Added support for onbuild events that fire once the container has been created. Allows for post run actions.
- b0982fc minor dependency bump
- 63de366 updated dependencies
- 523b7cb Updated cakefile
- eb8a58a updated build
- 23d7575 Updated constructor arguments in dependency injection
- e6e40c6 Updated value tuple dependency
- cf8c8bb Attempt to deal with externalizing .net standard assemblies
- 57a268e mono beta
- b315100 Different handling for valuetuple
- 02efc2b Added travis and additional changes
- 6dd7dfe cake!
- 261509d updated dependency injection to use new hosting environment
- 1ae4089 Updated conventions, added test to verify they are working with both service providers
- 1304656 Removed methods that don't make sense
- abf94fc...