0.9.2 to 1.0.0
You need to remove comment.js previously used by this bundle. async.html.twig now includes its own javascript file automatically.
There is now a dependency on FOSRestBundle. Check the installation documentation for details.
Routing has changed, you must replace your existing fos_comment route import to
fos_comment_api: type: rest resource: "@FOSCommentBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml" prefix: /comment/api
The way to include comments in a page has changed, importing an asynchronous javascript template into your page which will trigger an asynchronous load of a comment thread using the REST api.
{% include 'FOSCommentBundle:Thread:async.html.twig' with {'id': 'foo'} %}
- Blamers, Creators and Spam Detection classes have been moved to an Event Dispatcher based set up. Documentation on how to use this feature is expected to be available with the release of v1.0.0
- CommentManager, ThreadManager and VoteManager's interfaces have changed slightly, renaming add*() methods to save*().
- ORM: Column names like
have been changed to underscore delimited formatcreated_at
. Schema update and cache clearance is required for migration.
- Thread property
has been renamed toid
- ORM: Comment property ancestors has been marked as not null and should default to an empty string
- The supplied Thread classes are now mapped-superclasses, you must extend and implement an appropriate class from Entity/ or Document/ for your application and adjust your configuration accordingly.