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File metadata and controls

183 lines (147 loc) · 8.01 KB

forthebadge made-with-python

Computer Pointer Controller

The aim of this Intel OpenVINO based application is to controls the mouse pointer based on movement of eyes with the help of:

  1. Face Detection Model
  2. Facial Landmarks Detection Model
  3. Head Pose Estimation Model
  4. Gaze Estimation Model

Th input can be provided as an camera feed or as a video.

Project Set Up and Installation

  1. To get started download the Intel OpenVINO API. For all kind of help on Intel OpenVINO visit

  2. Once all the above things are done, download the starter files.

  3. Extract the files, and "cd" into the folder.

  4. Downloading Models In order to proceed with the model we need to download all the 4 models. Note: Since we need to check the project on diffrenent precisions, hence i have not specified "--precision"

    a. for Face Detection Model

    python3 <openvino directory>/deployment_tools/tools/model_downloader/ --name "face-detection-adas-binary-0001"

    b. for landmarks-regression-retail-0009

    python3 /opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/tools/model_downloader/ --name "landmarks-regression-retail-0009"

    c. for head-pose-estimation-adas-0001

    python3 /opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/tools/model_downloader/ --name "head-pose-estimation-adas-0001"

    d. for gaze-estimation-adas-0002

    python3 /opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/tools/model_downloader/ --name "gaze-estimation-adas-0002"
  5. Execute the following command, inorder to install the required dependencies

    python3 -m pip install -r requirenment.txt
  6. Inorder to check for performance measure, install Intel DL Workbench and Intel VTune Profiler.

  7. You can download Intel DL Workbench from here

  8. You can download VTune Amplifier from here


In order to start programming run the following:

1. Linux/Mac

To set up the virtual enviornment

source /opt/intel/openvino/bin/ 

to run the OpenVINO application

python3 -f ../intel/face-detection-adas-binary-0001.xml -fl ../intel/landmarks-regression-retail-0009.xml -hp ../intel/head-pose-estimation-adas-0001.xml -g ../intel/gaze-estimation-adas-0002.xml -i ../bin/demo.mp4 -pt 0.6 -d "CPU" -fg 3

2. Windows

To set up the virtual enviornment

call "c:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\openvino\bin\setupvars.bat"

to run the OpenVINO application

echo "python -f ../intel/face-detection-adas-binary-0001.xml -fl ../intel/landmarks-regression-retail-0009.xml -hp ../intel/head-pose-estimation-adas-0001.xml -g ../intel/gaze-estimation-adas-0002.xml -i ../bin/demo.mp4 -pt 0.6 "
python -f ../intel/face-detection-adas-binary-0001.xml -fl ../intel/landmarks-regression-retail-0009.xml -hp ../intel/head-pose-estimation-adas-0001.xml -g ../intel/gaze-estimation-adas-0002.xml -i ../bin/demo.mp4 -pt 0.6 -d "CPU" -fg 3


  1. -f, --face_detection_model

    path of the face detection model xml file required = True

  2. -fl, --facial_landmark_model

    path of the landmarks detection model xml file required = True

  3. -hp, --head_pose_model

    path of head position model xml file required = True

  4. -g, --gaze_estimation_model

    path of gaze estimatiob model xml file required = True

  5. -i, --input

    path of the input file, or you can provide 'CAM', if you wish to provide the camera feed required = True

  6. -l, --cpu_extension

    path of the cpu extension file required = False

  7. -pt, --prob_threshold

    the value of threshold value, the result above this value should be returned by the model required = False

  8. -fg, --perf_flag

    Return the performance of individual layers "1 for face detection" "2 for Facial landmark detection" "3 for Head Pose Estimation" "4 for Gaze Estimation" required = False

  9. -d, --device

    name of the device (CPU/GPU/VPU/FPGA) on which we wish to run the inference required = True


  • Gaze Estimation Model
    Precision level FPS Latency(ms) Total Execution Time (sec)
    INT 8 429.98 1.89 20.00306
    FP16 230.25 3.03 20.00457
    FP32 247.96 2.95 20.0031
  • Face Detection Model
    Precision level FPS Latency(ms) Total Execution Time (sec)
    INT 8 17.41 50.12 20.05071
    FP16 15.53 57.04 20.08651
    FP32 15.13 57.49 20.09231
  • Head Pose Estimation Model
    Precision level FPS Latency(ms) Total Execution Time (sec)
    INT 8 475.4 50.12 20.05071
    FP16 337.17 57.04 20.08651
    FP32 314.91 57.49 20.09231
  • Landmarks Detection Model
    Precision level FPS Latency(ms) Total Execution Time (sec)
    INT 8 1779.73 0.43 20.0008
    FP16 1717.70 0.45 20.00058
    FP32 1788.89 0.45 20.00073





Total Evaluation Time



Elapsed Time


  1. As it can been see in the Total time that the whole application tooks is 50.477sec, i.e. less than one minute. Oout of which a total of 17.230 sec of CPU Time.
  2. Out of this 17.230 CPU time, it was ideal for 21% of time.
  3. A Total of 31 threads were used during the whole processing.

Effective CPU Utilization Histogram


Top Hotspots


Top Tasks


Stand Out Suggestions

  1. A seprate command line option '-fg" is provided to write the time taken by each layer of a specific layer to a JSON file. The following option will write to the seprate designed file, all the reports will be saved into the "reports" folder "1 for face detection" "2 for Facial landmark detection" "3 for Head Pose Estimation" "4 for Gaze Estimation"
  2. As seen the Top hotspots has been found out using Intel Vtune Amplipher, and the biggest hotspot came out to be "avcodes_decode_video2:.
  3. The application can process both video as well as live camera feed.

Edge Cases

  1. If there is more than one face detected, it extracts only one face and do inference on it and ignoring other faces.