This project is boilerplate for starting a new app via CRA (create react app) with SSR (server side rendering), great documentation and some other modern useful stuff. The only reason for creating this boilerplate is that CRA doesn't support SSR out of the box.
Ultimately server-side rendering is very hard to add in a meaningful way without also taking opinionated decisions. We don’t intend to make such decisions at this time. — Dan Abramov
I hope, someday it will change.
- React for building interfaces.
- Typescript for happy coding.
- MobX for state management.
- Express as a web server for SSR (server side rendering).
- React Router for client side routing.
- React Helmet for SEO (search engine optimization).
- React Loadable for component-based code splitting.
- React i18next for localization.
- Styled Components for styling.
- React Hydrate for performance optimization after initial page render.
- React Styleguidist for components documentation.
- EditorConfig maintain consistent coding styles for multiple developers working on the same project across various editors and IDEs.
To install dependencies simply run yarn install
When developing client app you can run yarn start:client
and use the standard development server that CRA provides.
Before running the server, you must build client and server app first.
# build client
yarn build:client
# build server
yarn build:server
# run server
yarn start:server
Run yarn start:docs
to start a style documentation dev server.
Run yarn build:docs
to build a production HTML version.
This project is on development, if you have any ideas of improving this boilerplate, don't hesitate to share your ideas as issues.