- Host: Google Hangouts
- Dates: Friday September 15th, 2017
- Times: 9:00-10:00am Pacific Time
- Location: Brad will email Google Hangouts link to WG members prior to the meeting
- Contact:
- Name: Brad Nelson
- Email: bradnelson@google.com
None required if you've attended before. Email Brad Nelson to sign up if it's your first time. The meeting is open to WG members only (we'll likely broaden this in future meetings).
The meeting will be a Google Hangouts call.
- Opening, welcome and roll call
- Opening of the meeting
- Introduction of attendees
- Find volunteers for note taking (chair to volunteer).
- Adoption of the agenda
- Proposals and discussions
- Openness (Brad Nelson)
- Discussion on how open the WG process should be.
- We're obviously bound by general W3C:
- W3C Openness
- Membership
- POLL: We will open up WG meetings to all CG members (for observation).
- Discussion on how open the WG process should be.
- Mailing list
- POLL: We should share the Community Group mailing lists:
- public-webassembly@w3.org ( not auto-signup )
- public-webassembly-announce@w3.org
- POLL: We should share the Community Group mailing lists:
- Scope of v.1 specification
- Discussion on which things should be included in the initial
specific, possibilities include:
- WebAssembly core spec
- Core format
- Reference interpreter
- Test suite
- JavaScript embedding
- Web embedding
- WebAssembly core spec
- POLL: We should limit v.1 to core specification only. This excludes: the JavaScript embedding, Web embedding, reference interpreter, and test suite.
- Discussion on which things should be included in the initial
specific, possibilities include:
- Spec repo logistics
- Should we branch or fork the repo to capture Working Group state?
- Adoption of CG specification
- Discussion of state of the core specification.
- POLL: We should officially tag and adopt a revision of the spec as the WG input.
- Discussion on the process of adopting a "First Public Working Draft" for WebAssembly v.1.
- Discussion of coordination with the Community Group.
- Discussion of draft phases proposal.
- POLL: We should revise the phases proposal to include recommendations on when browsers ship features.
- POLL: We should adopt the phases proposal in coordination with the Community Group.
- Future meetings
- Discussion of timing for future meetings.
- Openness (Brad Nelson)
- Closure
Dates | Location | Host |
2017-11-01 to 2017-11-02 | Santa Clara, CA | Intel |
2017-11-06 to 2017-11-07 | Burlingame, CA | TPAC |
- Ahn, Heejin
- Bastien, JF
- Christiansen, Kenneth
- Ehrenberg, Daniel
- Ferris, Michael
- Gandluri, Deepti
- Gravelle, Jacob
- Holk, Eric
- Holman, Michael
- Jensen, Peter
- Miller, Mark
- Nattestad, Thomas
- Nelson, Bradley
- Prud'hommeaux, Eric
- Purushan, Arun
- Rossberg, Andreas
- Schuff, Derek
- Smith, Michael[tm]
- Tillmann, Nikolai
- van Oortmerssen, Wouter
- Wagner, Luke
JF volunteers to take notes.
JF seconds motion to adopt.
Discussion on how open the WG process should be.
- We're obviously bound by general W3C:
Brad: Trying to be as open as possible. Bound by W3C rules. Folks should feel free to speak freely. Proposal is to allow non-WG members to observe without material participation.
MikeH: How often will we be meeting?
Brad: We'll discuss in a later item, but I was imagining every month, more frequent until we have logistics sorted out.
Brad: The WG is how we produce a formal recommendation, there are legal implications. Mostly a rubber-stamp for the CG work.
MikeH: If we don’t have the meetings that often may be useful to keep closed in case something comes up.
JF: How do other W3C groups handle this?
EricP / MikeS: Not much precedence for this, WebAssembly is fairly exceptional. Started fully-formed. Have tests, implementations, specification. We don’t normally start out this way. This is good. Breaking new ground, we might not have infra / process down for this. One motivation to have a delineation of who’s in the WG is that companies make a patent commitment. Implication of having an open group is that non-WG members could bring IP to the discussion without contributing it. Seems like a small risk, many players have signed on. This is something you should talk to your lawyers about. The CG has a CLA, it’s quite different from the WG. <details omitted from notes, see documents and talk to layer for details>
POLL: We will open up WG meetings to all CG members (for observation).
| SF | F | N | A | SA | | 4 | 13 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
MikeH: If we open for observation, it’s just another CG meeting. We might want WG meetings to be something else.
Brad: There’s no reason we can’t call a closed meeting if need be. If we find ourselves calling closed meetings often then it’s new information which warrants revisiting this poll.
POLL: We should share the Community Group mailing lists:
- public-webassembly@w3.org ( not auto-signup )
- public-webassembly-announce@w3.org
JF: If goal is to have CG create work, and WG adopt it, then seeing the work progress seems nice.
Brad: Any objections to sharing lists?
Unanimous consent.
1. Discussion on which things should be included in the initial
specific, possibilities include:
1. [WebAssembly core spec](https://github.com/WebAssembly/spec)
1. Core format
1. Reference interpreter
1. Test suite
1. [JavaScript embedding](https://github.com/WebAssembly/design/blob/master/JS.md)
* [Draft spec](https://littledan.github.io/spec/document/JS.html)
1. [Web embedding](https://github.com/WebAssembly/design/blob/master/Web.md)
Brad: Have core spec, tests, interpreter, etc. Recently DanE started working on JS / Web embedding. Do we want to split what we publish?
DanE: The JS integration spec isn’t done yet. In a month or two it’ll be in a more complete state.
Brad: Do you think the union of these things forms our spec, or is it more useful to have a V1 of each?
DanE: There are different parts of the web embedding doc. Maybe some would make sense as a separate section.
Andreas: Working assumption in CG was separate specs. Definitely separate documents. They’re written in different styles and tools. About versioning, I don’t know if that matters to keep them common.
Luke: There will be dependencies. JS binding will depend on certain core spec things.
Andreas: True, but we’ll have dependencies on other specs.
DanE: There’s not a solid API surface between them. I wouldn’t want to maintain against multiple WebAssembly versions. I’d like them sort of connected.
JF: Important to understand that JS and Web parts aren’t required for WebAssembly. They’re optional to embeddings e.g. node.js embedding wouldn’t have Web part, and full native embedding wouldn’t have JS either.
Brad: Publishing first draft starts some clocks ticking too.
Andreas: There’s interest in using non-JS embeddings.
Luke: Any restrictions to publishing multiple specs?
EricP: No, only want to make sure what you publish is in the charter.
Luke: Some embeddings might want to make AOT step on install.
JF: I think core question is whether we move forward with a pre-publication for the core spec, which is ready to start now, or whether we wait for JS / Web to be ready. If we move forward we can figure out how to bundle (one doc or multiple) later.
DanE: the JS spec may require some additions to the core spec to expose things, and on the other hand, the JS binding may make changes to what’s shipped by browsers on that end, such as enumerability of methods.
Brad: a useful motivation to move forward is the patent exclusion, and 150 day period. If we start the clock ticking now, then cosmetic changes to the spec don’t reset the clock. If Dan doesn’t uncover anything major then we can talk about first publish. Andreas: I don’t think technical additions will be needed. I think we’ll want to expose hooks and such.
Dan: I agree.
Brad: In the interest of time, let’s table this poll.
Andreas: Question on separating the tests.
Brad: No serious discussion of them being part of the spec.
No objection to moving forward
POLL: We should proceed on a v.1 of the core specification only (not waiting for the JS + Web embedding, which will be separate docs).
This excludes: the JavaScript embedding,
Web embedding, reference interpreter, and test suite.
Not polled
1. Should we branch or fork the repo to capture Working Group state?
1. Adoption of CG specification
1. Discussion of state of the core specification.
1. POLL: We should officially tag and adopt a revision of the spec as
the WG input.
1. Discussion on the process of adopting a "First Public Working Draft" for WebAssembly v.1.
Not discussed
Discussion of timing for future meetings.
Brad: I was thinking of meeting every 2 weeks for now, and then reducing cadence. Any objections?
Brad: Timing isn’t great for Andreas / people in Europe. Anyone from APAC? I was thinking about meeting the opposite week from CG meetings.
Mike: I call in from Tokyo. Time is fine, but we get short end of the stick for all meetings.
Brad: Proposed time would be 2 weeks from now, Tuesday. The 26th of September. We’ve been doing this at 9AM pacific time. Let’s schedule this tentatively.
DanE: This conflicts with TC39.
Brad: Monday September 25th at 9AM pacific time instead?
No objections
1. Discussion of [draft phases proposal](https://github.com/WebAssembly/meetings/blob/master/process/phases.md).
1. POLL: We should revise the phases proposal to include recommendations on when browsers ship features.
1. POLL: We should adopt the phases proposal in coordination with the Community Group.
Brad: Please consider these. No time to discuss today.