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Agenda for the July 10 video call of WebAssembly's Community Group

  • Where:
  • When: July 10, 4pm-5pm UTC (July 10, 9am-10am Pacific Time)
  • Location: link on calendar invite
  • Contact:


None required if you've attended before. Email JF Bastien or Ben Smith to sign up if it's your first time. The meeting is open to CG members only.


The meeting will be on a video conference. Installation is required, see the calendar invite.

Agenda items

  1. Opening, welcome and roll call
    1. Opening of the meeting
    2. Introduction of attendees
  2. Find volunteers for note taking (acting chair to volunteer)
  3. Adoption of the agenda
  4. Proposals and discussions
    1. Review of action items from prior meeting.
    2. Upcoming TPAC
      1. Register early!
        1. Early Bird rate (until 31 Jul): EUR 92 (EUR 110 with VAT)
        2. Standard rate (until 30 Sep): EUR 135 (EUR 160 with VAT)
        3. Late/on-site rate (starting 1 Oct): EUR 170 (EUR 205 with VAT)
      2. There is an Invited Expert Fund to help support Invited Experts who participate actively in W3C groups and who request financial support to attend TPAC.
      3. Who intends to go?
      4. Topics of discussion?
      5. Will anyone require childcare? The W3C is looking for soft commitment to see what they should plan for.
    3. Discuss charter for debugging subgroup and poll for creation if there is support.
      1. Proposed charter text is available in a PR
  5. Closure

Agenda items for future meetings


Schedule constraints


Meeting Notes

Opening, welcome and roll call

Opening of the meeting

Introduction of attendees

  • Alon Zakai
  • Ashley Williams
  • Ben Smith
  • Ben Titzer
  • Conrad Watt
  • Daniel Ehrenberg
  • David Piepgrass
  • Deepti Gandluri
  • Derek Schuff
  • Gaplin
  • Heejin Ahn
  • Jacob Gravelle
  • Jay Phelps
  • JF Bastien
  • Keith Miller
  • Limin Zhu
  • Lin Clark
  • Michael Ferris
  • Nidin (01 Alchemist)
  • Peter Jensen
  • Rrwinter
  • Sergey Rubanov
  • Thomas Yeun
  • Ulrik Sorber
  • Wouter Van Oortmersson
  • Yulia Startsev
  • Yury Delendik

Find volunteers for note taking (acting chair to volunteer)

JF volunteers

Adoption of the agenda

Wouter seconds

Proposals and discussions

Review of action items from prior meeting.

Discuss charter for debugging subgroup and poll for creation if there is support.

Proposed charter text is available in a PR

Derek: a while back we talked about creating sub-groups for the CG. This would be the first. Breaking new ground. This charter tries to figure out what it does, and keeps it subordinate to the CG charter. Goal is to provide pre-standardization to debugging, static analysis, etc (see list). Could also do specs in other standards bodies, including for the entire web (not just WebAssembly). Will create non-normative reports and software.

JF: would be good to let it steep for a bit after the notes are posted to get attention to it. Otherwise looks good for us.

Ben: what about a broader standard?

Derek: work could fork off from this if / when relevant.

Ystartsev: if we make wasm answer for everything on the Web we might deviate from what wasm needs. I’ll be looking at starting a CG for this in the next month or so.

Dan: sounds great.

POLL: adopt this charter in a week assuming no objections raised by then.

Unanimous consent

Upcoming TPAC

  1. Register early!
    1. Early Bird rate (until 31 Jul): EUR 92 (EUR 110 with VAT)
    2. Standard rate (until 30 Sep): EUR 135 (EUR 160 with VAT)
    3. Late/on-site rate (starting 1 Oct): EUR 170 (EUR 205 with VAT)
  2. There is an Invited Expert Fund to help support Invited Experts who participate actively in W3C groups and who request financial support to attend TPAC.
  3. Who intends to go?
  4. Topics of discussion?
  5. Will anyone require childcare? The W3C is looking for soft commitment to see what they should plan for.

JF: TPAC is the w3c yearly meeting. The wg’s get to ask for a room to discuss things. They meet in various rooms to discuss things. Brad ran it as a conference where we had different talks. This time we want to run it as a CG meeting with other groups. Last year the gpu group wanted to talk to wasm folks. There may be other groups interested as well. It’s a good opportunity to meet other folks who work on the web and advance CG work. The CG for wasm does more standardization work for wasm. I don’t think we’ll get much advanced, that depends on Ben. This will be best for CG work, in person discussions. This year is in Lyon, France. It might be difficult for some people in US. It is useful for people in Europe. The early-bird rates expire end of July. If it is difficult for you to attend, there is an invited expert fund should help. If you are in expert in WebAssembly, and your company cannot pay for you, we can help figure out how to get you to go. For the C++ standards committee, we have something similar and we have found it to be very useful.

Is anyone already committed to going. One thing that would be useful, if there are enough people to go for debugging.

Ben: [discuss what we are doing with rooms at TPAC]

AI(Ben, JF): create a meeting page on GH, taking PR for ideas.

JF: Another question for w3 that we need answer to: whether anyone needs child care. If there are a few people who need this, they would like to know. What kind of need and age range are needed.

It looks like the rates are daily rates, so it is a bit expensive.
