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Kobold Parsing Kit

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The Kobold Parsing Kit is a set of tools designed to create parsers using grammars expressed in a simple domain specific language. No regular expressions, just an easy to learn DSL.

The tools rely on packrat parsing for matching expressions, and resolve multiple left recursive grammars, both direct and indirect, by implementing the solution proposed by Umeda and Maeda in their excellent contribution.

Kobold Lexer

The kit offers a lexer to transform strings into a list of Tokens (also called "lexemes") by using rules.

The following rules detect numbers composed by numeric characters, variable names composed of alphabetic characters, and the plus operator, while ignoring spaces.

class Variable(name: String): Token(name)
class Number(value: String): Token(value)
class PlusOperator: Token("+")

val lexer = lexer {
    ('0' to '9').oneOrMore() with { Number(it) }
    (('a' to 'z') or ('A' to 'Z')).oneOrMore() with { Variable(it) }
    "+" with { PlusOperator() }
    ignore(" ")

The lexer can then be used by calling tokenize()

val tokens = lexer.tokenize("some + other + 100")

Which yields the token list:

[Variable(text="some", line=1, column=1), PlusOperator(text="+", line=1, column=6), Variable(text="other", line=1, column=8), PlusOperator(text="+", line=1, column=14), Number(text="100", line=1, column=16)]

Kobold Parser

The kit also offers a parser to transform a list of tokens into a syntax tree using a grammar declared by rules.

Defining a grammar

The following parses simple algebraic sum expressions.

class Sum(override val children: List<Symbol>) : Symbol

val parser = parser {
    val operator = terminal<PlusOperator>()
    val number = terminal<Number>()
    val variable = terminal<Variable>()

    val expression = nonTerminal()
    val sum = nonTerminal { Sum(it) }
    val value = nonTerminal()

    expression from anyOf(sum, value)
    sum from sequence(value, operator, expression)
    value from (number or variable)


Parsing input

The parser can then be used by calling parse(), the result is Accepted when the parsing succeeds. The resulting symbol tree can be shown using show() on it.

val tokens = lexer.tokenize("a + 10 + a + b")
val result = parser.parse(tokens)

when (result) {
    is Accepted -> println(result.tree?.show())
    else -> println("Syntax error.")

which outputs:

  Variable(text="some", line=1, column=1)
  PlusOperator(text="+", line=1, column=6)
    Variable(text="other", line=1, column=8)
    PlusOperator(text="+", line=1, column=14)
    Number(text="20", line=1, column=17)

The symbol tree can be walked through using its .children property.

Treating errors

When the parsing fails, the result is Rejected, line and column numbers, and a Reason object are provided.

val tokens = lexer.tokenize("a + 10 + a +")
val result = parser.parse(tokens)

when (val result = parser.parse(tokens)) {
    is Accepted -> println(result.tree?.show())
    is Rejected -> println(":${result.line}:${result.column}: error: " +

which outputs:

:1:12: error: Input cannot be completely parsed, trailing input remains: +.

The Reason object provides useful error information:

val reason = result.reason

val errorMessage = when (reason) {
    is UnexpectedToken -> "Unexpected token ${reason.detected}. Expected: ${reason.expected.joinToString(", ") { it.text }}."
    is NoRemainingTokens -> "Reached an unexpected end of input."
    is TrailingTokens -> "Some input remains after parsed expression."
    is UnsupportedLeftRecursion -> "The grammar has an unsupported left recursive case. This is a bug."