FreeCAD uses a 3rd party translation service called Crowdin to manage translations.
There are 3 scripts in
- (github source)
- (github source)
- (github source)
- These scripts are run from the root of the FreeCAD/ directory.
- In order for these scripts to work one needs to have the valid FreeCAD Crowdin API key placed in their ~/.crowdin-freecad file. (For security reasons, only available to people with admin rights on the crowdin FreeCAD project)
- Currently these tools are Python2 compatible.
The script will create the .ts files in your local FreeCAD/ directory. It generates .ts files (Qt Translation Source File).
It is invoked with: python2
The script pushes changes to Crowdin (3rd party translation crowdsource translation service) from your local FreeCAD/ directory. The script currently supports 4 arguments:
- status prints a status of the translations
- update updates crowdin the current version of .ts files found in the source code
- build builds a new downloadable package on crowdin with all translated strings
- download downloads the latest build
The script pulls changes from crowdin to your local FreeCAD/ directory.
- Only tested on linux
- You need a .credentials file in your /home/YourUser directory. That file is a simple text file containing only one line, which is the API key that you get on (only for admins)
- Make sure your repository is clean (git pull, git stash if needed)
- cd /path/to/freecad-source-code/src/Tools
- python (will fill all the .ts files found in the source with the lastest strings)
- python update (will send the ts files to crowdin. Crowdin will only update strings that are new)
- cd ../.. (go back to the source code root folder)
- git checkout . (undo all the changes to the .ts files, no reason to commit them right now as they are still untranslated)
- Only tested on linux
- You need a .credentials file in your /home/YourUser directory. That file is a simple text file containing only one line, which is the API key that you get on (only for admins)
- Make sure your repository is clean (git pull, git stash if needed)
- cd /path/to/freecad-source-code/src/Tools
- python build (will create a zip on crowdin side with all the files, can take a while.. This step can also be done on the crowdin website)
- python download (will download a file in this directory)
- mv ~ move the zip file to your home dir, to avoid accidentally committing it later)
- (optional) edit script and check that the default_languages contain all the ones you want (basically all that are at more than 50%)
- python -z /home/YourUser/
- cd ../.. (go back to the source code root folder)
- if something went wrong or you are unsure, clean everything with git checkout .
- if everything looks ok (git status), commit with git add . && git commit
- Create a PR on FreeCAD
- Clone the homepage repository
- cd /path/to/FreeCAD-homepage
- xgettext --from-code=UTF-8 -o lang/homepage.pot *.php
- Update the "homepage.po" on crowdin website manually, using the lang/homepage.pot file
- Get the file either by downloading it from the crowdin website or following instructions above (python download)
- cd /path/to/FreeCAD-homepage
- Make sure your repository is clean (git pull, git stash if needed)
- python -z /path/to/
- if something went wrong or you are unsure, clean everything with git checkout .
- if everything looks ok (git status), commit with git add . && git commit
- Create a PR on FreeCAD-Homepage
- After the PR is merged, one of the admins will ftp push to the webhost
Developer Documentation
documentation index > [Developer Documentation](Category_Developer > Crowdin Scripts