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- GuiCommand:
Name:Design456 Trim
MenuLocation:Design456_2Ddrawing → Trim Line
The Design456 Trim Line lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur at felis ut urna auctor pharetra id at nulla. This tool is part of the external workbench called Design456.
- Switch to the
Design456 workbench (install from
Addon Manager is necessary, if not previously installed)
- Select any edge, line or wire to trim. This tool can be used to cut a wire in the middle or a 2D shape. If it is used on an Arc it will be deleted. If no edges or lines remains in the original shape, the last line will be deleted and the object will no longer exist in the object lists.
After using this tool in the middle of a wire, two different wires will be created.
- Invoke the Design456 Trim in several ways:
Unknown yet.
{{Design456 Tools navi
documentation index > [External Command Reference](Category_External Command > Design456 2DTrim