The FEM FrontISTR Workbench is a FreeCAD addon that enables FrontISTR, an open-source large-scale parallel FEM program for nonlinear structural analysis.
- Set up an analysis model by FEM module (in the same way as calculiX).
- Switch to the workbench FrontISTR and create a FrontISTR solver object by clicking on the toolbar button
- Double-click on the solver object in the document tree and set working directory.
- Click on the button Write input file
- Click on the button Run FrontISTR
- Check FISTR_Results for post processing.
- static analysis, element check
- geometrical linear|nonlinear analysis
- elements: 1st/2nd order tetrahedron
- loads: mechanical concentrated and distributed loads, gravity
- boundary: points fixed or displacement
- step control: auto time increment and cutback
- linear equation solver
- iterative
- preconditioner: AMG, SSOR, Diagonal, ILU(k)(k=0,1,2)
- direct: MUMPS
- iterative
- output file format: AVS, VTK(paraview required)
- analysis: thermal transfer, dynamic, eigen, frequency
- materials(mechanical): elastoplastic, hyper elastic, creep, visco elastic
- contact
- elements: prism, hexa, beam, shell, truss etc.
- FISTR_Results only contains results for surfaces. If you need the interior results, change Output File Format to VTK and visualize the results with paraview.
- The FEM FrontISTR workbench does not yet support thermal analyses. FISTR itself can perform thermal analyses and support for this is planned in the near future.
- Mechanical analyses for different material in a model is not yet possible.
FEM_FrontISTR can easily be installed via the FreeCAD Addon Manager from the Tools → Addon manager menu. FEM_FrontISTR is under active development and will get new features frequently. Therefore you should update it regularly using also the menu Tools → Addon manager. The FEM_FrontISTR code is hosted and developed on GitHub.
See How to install additional workbenches
- FreeCAD 0.19 or newer
- Paraview (optional)
FrontISTR binaries will be automatically downloaded and installed on the first run. If the download does not proceed, please follow the steps below to install the solver.
- Download
- Create directory FEM_FrontISTR/bin
- Extract and put all files in FEM_FrontISTR/bin directory.
Under preparation.
Under preparation.
- Author: kinagaki rigarashi
- Source code:
- FreeCAD Forum: 58019
- Tutorials:
- FrontISTR solver documentation:
- Report bugs: Please report bugs at
User Documentation
External Workbenches
documentation index > Sandbox > FEM FrontISTR Workbench