|Name=Macro 3d Printer Slicer Individual Parts
|Description=Export to slicing software for 3D printers based on a similar macro by cae2100. Exports a single stl file for each visible part in the same directory as original design file, then opens it in slicing software.
This code, when run, will export the currently open design to several STL files, named after the labels of the parts, and open it in the slicing software that you use. The macro is searching for '''[http://wiki.ultimaker.com/Cura Cura]''' in the path but you can add any other slicing by changing the string in the macro.
|Download=[https://wiki.freecadweb.org/images/3/3d/Macro_3d_Printer_Slicer_Individual_Parts.svg ToolBar Icon]
|SeeAlso=Macro 3d Printer Slicer
This code, when run, will export the visible bodies at the top level (bodies deeper in the tree will be ignored) of the currently open design to individual STL files, and open them it in the slicing software that you use. This macro will look for Cura as the default but you can change it to any other slider by changing the SLICERAPP variable in the source code.
It is best used by creating a link to the macro on the toolbar, and when your ready to slice the object, just click it and your objects, as they appear on the screen in FreeCAD will appear on your slicing software's interface, ready to slice. It will also create several STL files with the same filename as the design file and the part label in the same directory as the design file.
The SLICERAPP variable can be changed to any slicing software of your choosing. If a specific object is not exported you might have to add the respective type to the doexport array.
{{MacroCode|code= import FreeCAD import Mesh import sys import math import os import subprocess
SLICERAPP= "cura" # Put your Slicer program here
def getPlacement(quat,vect,obj): if quat[3] > -1 and quat[3] < 1: delta = math.acos(quat[3])*2.0 scale = math.sin(delta/2) rx = quat[0]/scale ry = quat[1]/scale rz = quat[2]/scale else: delta = 0 rx = 0 ry = 0 rz = 1 info0 = "translation "+str(vect.x)+" "+str(vect.y)+" "+str(vect.z) info1 = "rotation "+str(rx)+" "+str(ry)+" "+str(rz)+" "+str(delta) return info0+" "+info1
placement = App.Placement(App.Vector(0,0,0),App.Rotation(0,0,0,1))
OutDir = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.FileName.replace(".FCStd", "--") visible_objs = []
doc = App.ActiveDocument objs = doc.Objects stlFile = "" stlFiles = [ SLICERAPP ]
for obj in objs: print(obj.Label + "//" + obj.TypeId) print(len(obj.InList)) if obj.ViewObject.isVisible() and hasattr(obj, 'Shape') and (len(obj.InList) <= 1): visible_objs.append(obj) for obj in visible_objs: stlFile = OutDir+str(obj.Label)+".stl" Mesh.export([obj],stlFile) stlFiles.append(stlFile) print ("Exporting " + stlFile + "\n") print ("Calling subprocess: " + str(stlFiles)+"\n") subprocess.Popen(stlFiles) }}
Thanks to cae2100 for developing the original macro code - also available here. Thanks to Wmayer for his help in writing this script. Original forum topic: http://forum.freecadweb.org/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=4686
documentation index > Macro 3d Printer Slicer Individual Parts