|Name=Macro Copy3DViewToClipboard
|Description=Macro will copy the contents of the 3D view to the clipboard in image bitmap (BMP).
The copy in Gimp is not possible Gimp use his model in memory.
|FCVersion= <=0.17
|Download=[https://www.freecadweb.org/wiki/images/8/84/Macro_Copy3DViewToClipboard.png ToolBar Icon]
|Shortcut=G, Q
|SeeAlso=Macro Snip
Macro Screen Wiki
Macro will copy the contents of the 3D view to the clipboard in image bitmap (BMP). The copy in Gimp is not possible Gimp use his model in memory.
- Run once to activate macro (the macro is loaded resident into the memory of the PC).
- Press G to grab the contents of the 3d view and copy them to the clipboard.
- Press Q to quit.
PS: if you wild other format modify the values of the line number 33 ex:
line 33 : glw.resize(640, 480) # reduce the SubWindow
Line 33 : glw.resize(800, 600) # reduce the SubWindow
See forum-thread here.
import PySide from PySide.QtGui import * from PySide import QtGui ,QtCore from PySide import QtOpenGL #from gimpfu import *
title = "Macro_Copy3DViewToClipboard" author = "Mario52" url = "http://www.freecadweb.org/index-fr.html" version = "00.01" date = "14/09/2016"
class ViewObserver: print "run FCGrab .."
def logPosition(self, info):
import tempfile
import os
from PySide import QtGui
pos = info["Key"]
if pos.upper() == "G":
pos = ""
glw=gl[0] # just use the first element
originalsize = glw.size() # originalsize SubWindow
print "originalsize : ",originalsize.width(),", ", originalsize.height()
glw.resize(640, 480) # reduce the SubWindow
print "resize in : ",glw.frameGeometry().width()," ",glw.frameGeometry().height()
glw.resize(originalsize.width(), originalsize.height()) # restore originalsize SubWindow
print "Grab"
if (pos.upper() == "Q"):
print "End FCGrab"
v=Gui.activeDocument().activeView() o = ViewObserver() c = v.addEventCallback("SoKeyboardEvent",o.logPosition)
documentation index > Macro Copy3DViewToClipboard